© [Regd. No. TN/CCN/467/2012-14. GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU [R. Dis. No. 197/2009. 2012 [Price: Rs. 28.80 Paise. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 41] CHENNAI, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2012 Aippasi 1, Thiruvalluvar Aandu–2043 Part VI—Section 4 Advertisements by private individuals and private institutions CONTENTS PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS Change of Names .. 2591-2661 Notices .. 2661-2662 .. 2240-2242 .. 1764 1541-1617NOTICE Notice .. 1617 NO LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY IS ACCEPTED FOR THE PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENTS REGARDING CHANGE OF NAME IN THE TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. PERSONS NOTIFYING THE CHANGES WILL REMAIN SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND ALSO FOR ANY OTHER MISREPRESENTATION, ETC. (By Order) Director of Stationery and Printing. CHANGE OF NAMES 38565. I, C. Vasanthi, daughter of Thiru Aruliah, born on 38568. I, K.P.S. Alshiba, daughter of Thiru K.P. Saleem 12th May 1951 (native district: Theni), residing at Raja, born on 13th November 1992 (native district: No. W-4/103, Church Street, Anaimalayanpatti, Ramanathapuram), residing at No. 4/190, Raja Street, Uthamapalayam Taluk, Theni-625 526, shall henceforth be Thasildhar Nagar, Madurai-625 020, shall henceforth be known as A. VASANTHASELVI. known as K.P.S ALSIFA BANU. C. VASANTHI. K.P.S. ALSHIBA. Theni, 8th October 2012. Madurai, 8th October 2012. 38566. I, M. Hemanth Kumar, son of Thiru S. Mithalal Jain, 38569. My son, K.P.S. Shahul Hameed, born on 13th August born on 9th July 1989 (native district: Jalore-Rajasthan), 1997 (native district: Ramanathapuram), residing at No. 4/190, residing at No. 16, Jadamuni Koil Street, East Lane, Raja Street, Thasildhar Nagar, Madurai-625 020, shall Madurai-625 001, shall henceforth be known henceforth be known as K.P.S. RAJA SAHUL HAMEEDH. as M CRISH KUMAR JAIN. K.P. SALEEM RAJA. M. HEMANTH KUMAR. Madurai, 8th October 2012. (Father.) Madurai, 8th October 2012. 38570. My daughter, G. Beela, born on 10th November 38567. My son, K. Ajay, born on 15th January 1999 1997 (native district: Madurai), residing at North Street, (native district: Madurai), residing at Jakka Thoppu, Madurai- Thangalachery Post, Tirumangalam Taluk, Madurai-625 706, 625 020, shall henceforth be known as B. YUVARAJ. shall henceforth be known as G. ESTHER RANI. K. BOSE. ²Š¹. Madurai, 8th October 2012. (Father.) Thangalachery, 8th October 2012. (Mother.) D.T.P.—VI-4 (41)—1 [ 2591] 2592 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [Part VI—Sec.4 38571. I, B Ephraim Rajesh Joseph, son of Thiru 38580. My son, K. Abdul Ragumoon, born on 10th October K. Balasubramaniyan, born on 4th February 1994 1998 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 23, D.R.O. (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 17/41, ‘A’ Nehru Colony, Main Road, K. Pudur, Madurai-625 007, shall Nagar, 3rd Street, T.V.S. Nagar, Madurai-625 003, henceforth be known as RAGUMAN, K. shall henceforth be known as B RAJESH. A. KATHER. B EPHRAIM RAJESH JOSEPH. Madurai, 8th October 2012. (Father.) Madurai, 8th October 2012. 38581. I, M. Mubarak, son of Thiru Abdulmuthalif, born on 38572. My daughter, B. Magdaline Sreeja Josephin, born 11th March 1974 (native district: Madurai), residing at on 23rd February 1995 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 3/54, Pallivasal Street, Kalimangalam, Madurai-625 020, No. residing at No. 17/41, ‘A’ Nehru Nagar, 3rd Street, shall henceforth be known as A.M. MANNANMUBARAK. T.V.S. Nagar, Madurai-625 003, shall henceforth be known M. MUBARAK. as B. SREEJA. Madurai, 8th October 2012. K. BALASUBRAMANIYAN. 38582. My daughter, M. Chinnammal, born on Madurai, 8th October 2012. (Father.) 1st September 2002 (native district: Madurai), residing at 38573. I, P Jothi wife of Thiru P Packirisamy, born on No. 1/46, Senthamangalam, Vadipatti Taluk, Madurai- 19th April 1975 (native district: Madurai), residing at 625 503, shall henceforth be known as M. KEERTHANA. Old No. 1/48, New No. 1/2, Malaippatti, Madurai-625 014, K. Í‚è¡. shall henceforth be known as P MUNIAMMAL. Madurai, 8th October 2012. (Father.) P. «ü£F. 38583. I, S. Arun Sathiyan, son of Thiru R.S.R. Bharathi, Madurai, 8th October 2012. born on 4th October 1987 (native district: Madurai), residing 38574. My daughter, P Bhavitra, daughter of Thiru L Pandi, at Old No. 1/71A, New No. 2/62, Kondayampatti, Vadipatti born on 19th June 2000 (native district: Madurai), residing at Taluk, Madurai-625 218, shall henceforth be known No. 24/31, Palliguda Cross Street, Bethaniapuram, Madurai- as B. ARUN KUMAR. 625 016, shall henceforth be known as P BARKAVI. S. ARUN SATHIYAN. P. SARATHA. Madurai, 8th October 2012. Madurai, 8th October 2012. (Mother.) 38584. My daughter, M. Dharsana, daughter of Thiru 38575. My son, J. Yogesh Anto, born on 2nd June 1998 C. Murukesan, born on 6th April 2010 (native district: (native district: Sivagangai), residing at No. 5/456B, Kabir Sivagangai), residing at Old No. 1/3, New No. 361, Ettichery Nagar, Masthanpatti Road, Madurai-625 020, shall henceforth Nagamugunthankudi Post, Ilaiyankudi Taluk, Sivagangai- be known as M.J. YOGES ANTONY. 623 713, shall henceforth be known as M. DHAYASRI. M. JOSEPH JEYARAJ. M. REETHA. Madurai, 8th October 2012. (Father.) Sivagangai, 8th October 2012. (Mother.) 38576. My son, A.D. Vignesh, born on 3rd February 1995 38585. I, I Josephine Theres alias Rani, wife of Thiru (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 11A, Subhas Chandra A.C. Rajendran, born on 8th May 1962 (native district: Boos Street, L.K. Thulasi Ram Last Street, Villapuram, Sivagangai), residing at No. B-218, Thendral Nagar, Madurai-625 012, shall henceforth be known as A.D. HARI Shenbaga Thoppu Road, Rajapalayam, Virudhunagar-626 117, VIGNESH. shall henceforth be known as I. JOSEPHINE RANI. A.D. DHANASEKARAN. I. JOSEPHINE THERES alias RANI. Madurai, 8th October 2012. (Father.) Virudhunagar, 8th October 2012. 38577. I, A. Karuppasamy, son of Thiru V Muthu, born on 38586. I, K. Rajeswari, daughter of Thiru Karuppasamy, 3rd January 1966 (native district: Ramanathapuram), residing born on 7th March 1991 (native district: Madurai), residing at at Old No. 27A, New No. 104, Mani Nagar New Street, No. 1/35, Sonaiyar Kovil Street, Sakkimangalam, Madurai- Abiramam, Kamuthi Taluk, Ramanathapuram-623 601, shall 625 020, shall henceforth be known as J. KARTHIGAIJOTHI. henceforth be known as M. KARUPPASAMY. K. ó£«üvõK. A. 輊ðê£I. Madurai, 8th October 2012. Abiramam, 8th October 2012. 38587. I, SM Vijayal, wife of Thiru T. Selvaraj, born on 38578. I, K Padmini Vadivukkarasi, wife of Thiru R Sivarajah, 10th January 1965 (native district: Pudukkottai), residing at born on 14th April 1967 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. G-1, Balu Gardens, Vasuki Nagar 1st Street, Valluvar No. 30, Bharathi Cross Street, 6th Main Road, Colony, Madurai-625 017, shall henceforth be known Gomathypuram, Madurai-625 020, shall henceforth be known as VIJAYASELVARAJ. as PADMINI SIVARAJAH. SM VIJAYAL. K PADMINI VADIVUKKARASI. Madurai, 8th October 2012. Madurai, 8th October 2012. 38588. My daughter, A. Alagu Lakshmi, born on 38579. My daughter, S. Kani, daughter of Thiru J. Selvaraj, 7th July 2007 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 81, born on 11th December 2011 (native district: Dindigul), Ahimsapuram West Street, New extension, Sellur, Madurai- residing at No. 82-1, Viruveedu, Nilakottai Taluk, Dindigul- 625 002, shall henceforth be known as A. JENIMA. 624 220, shall henceforth be known as S. KAVIYA. A. ALAGURAJA. ð£. ªè÷ê™ò£. Madurai, 8th October 2012. (Father.) Dindigul, 8th October 2012. (Mother.) Oct. 17, 2012] TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2593 38589. I, P. Thenmozhi alias Divya, daughter of Thiru 38598. My son, M. Rahim, born on 2nd April 1998 P. Pandi, born on 18th August 1992 (native district: Madurai), (native district: Tiruchirappalli), residing at Old No. 37, residing at No. 28/4, Pillaimar Street, Arappalayam, New No. 32, Kaithe Millath Colony, West Chinthamani, Madurai-625 016, shall henceforth be known Tiruchirappalli-620 002, shall henceforth be known as P. THENMOZHIDIVYA. as M ABDUL RAHIM. P. THENMOZHI alias DIVYA. MOHIDEEN PACKEER. Madurai, 8th October 2012. Tiruchirappalli, 8th October 2012. (Father.) 38590. I, Mohamed Resar Raseth, son of Thiru Asanar, 38599. I, C. Ruthra, daughter of Thiru C. Chellaiyan, born on 1st October 1993 (native district: Sivagangai), residing born on 30th August 1991 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), at Old No. 1/73A, New No. 1/75, Sathani Post, Ilaiyangudi residing at Old No. 4/506, New No. 1/139, 6th Street, Taluk, Sivagangai-630 709, shall henceforth be known Fathimapuram, North Kattur, Tiruchirappalli-620 019, as RIZAR RASITH. shall henceforth be known as C. NIKILA. MOHAMED RESAR RASETH. C. RUTHRA. Sathani, 8th October 2012. Tiruchirappalli, 8th October 2012. 38591. I, M. Mari, wife of Thiru M. Manokaran, born on 38600. I, M Aribaskar, son of Thiru R. Manickam Pillai, 20th October 1970 (native district: Madurai), residing at born on 17th November 1976 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), No. 20-61, Balaji Nagar, Thirupparankundram, Madurai- residing at Old No. 6/4-15, New No. 6/469, Josephkrishnan 625 005, shall henceforth be known as M. MAHESWARI. Street, Nehruji Nagar, Ariyamangalam, Tiruchirappalli- M. ñ£K. 620 010, shall henceforth be known as M HARIBASKAR. Madurai, 8th October 2012. M. ÜKð£vè˜. Tiruchirappalli, 8th October 2012. 38592. I, A. Victor, son of Thiru M. Antony, born on 30th January 1967 (native district: Sivagangai), residing at 38601. I, S. Zarina, daughter of Thiru M. Saliakhan, born Old No. 1/110A, New No. 161, Pallimeddan, South on 28th April 1980 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), residing Santhanoor, Manamadurai Taluk, Sivagangai-630 606, shall at No. 228/1, Sangiliyandapuram, Main Road, Tiruchirappalli- henceforth be known as A. SURESHVICTOR. 620 001, shall henceforth be known A. VICTOR. as S. ZARINAA BEGUM. Madurai, 8th October 2012. S. ZARINA. 38593. I, S. Prema, wife of Thiru P.
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