1 949 ilIEIIBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY 1 954 KOREAN 25 June PERMANENTLYATTACHED s0 *'!*",;fi*.*,* ** zz Juty s3 WAR 5th lnfantry Regiment 19th Combat lnf. Bn. (Philippines) lst Bn.62nd ROKA lnf. Regt. 555th Field Artillery Bn. 955th F.A. Bn. Three Btrys./ l55mm Howitserc rudrttle btursArRoBsExvATror(sEcrroN 53rd Counter Fire Platoon The official Newsletter of the 2nd Plat. C Btry. 26th, AAA, AW, Bn. (SP! 2nd Plat. D Btry. l45th, AA/A, AW, Bn,45th Dlv. 7'f{lth Ord. Co.loth lnf. Div. Heavy Mortar Go. Hvy. Mtr. Co. 20th ROKA Div. Sth Tank Company {st Plat. Go. D 6th Med. Tank- Rtbr{ Bn. Sth Medical Company Co. D 3rd Plat. Ambulanbe Co. :)tfu:iH,mAsffi;;, 25th Medical Bn. lst Plat. 568th Ambutance Go. Volume XXI[, No. 4 OcUNov/Dec 2012 52nd Ambulance Bn. 72nd Gombat Enqineers The Co. D 3rd Gombat E-ngrs. Queen's Thunder 724th Ordinance Section 2nd Platoon 92nd Engineer Searchlight Co. sth RCT Light Aviation Sec. Ilactlcal Air Controller,,T.A.C.,, TEMPORARILYATTACHED 1O-il August 5O-Btoody Gutch A Btry.90th F,.A. Bn. 25th Div. One Btry./ l55mm Howitsers 12-14 Aug B&C Btry 159th F.A. Bn 105mm Howitserc Sept.50 C. Co. 70th Tank Bn. Jan. 51 A Co. 72nd Tank Bn. B Co.2nd Chemicat illtr. Bn. mff 52nd F.A. Bn. 25 April 1951 - Death Vafley 955th F.A. Bn. 8th Ranger Co. 24th Div. Co. D 6th Tank Bn. 14 October 51 lst & 2nd Bn. 21st tnf. Regt. 24th Diy. February 1952 3rd RGT Bn 27th lnf. Regt.25th Dtv. 24 June-l July 1952 Killed in Action 949 Distinguished Unit Gitation 4th Plt. 14th Tank Co. Wounded in Action 3,188 12-13 June t9S3 I July 1952 Taken as Prisoners of War 151 Co. A Sth lnf. Regrt. 5th RCT &Attached Unib 3rd Plt. D Co.89th Tank Bn. Misring in Action 86 lst Sec. Machine Gun Plat. Co D Sth RCT 2 23 Jan 51{uly0ctober 1952 Medal of Honor Recipients 2nd Sec. Machine Gun Plat. Co.D 6th R.C.T. 42nd Scout Dog Platoon 34 Distinguished Service Cross F.O. Team 555 F.A. Bn.5th RGT 408 Silver Star dValor Device 26th lnf. Regt. lst Div. 72nd Engineer Co. C Sth RCT 7 Legion of Merit Republic Spring of Korea Presidential 1953 1390 Bronze Star w/Valor Device Unit Citations Straamer Tank Embroiderod Co. 180th Reg.ll5th Div. 5 Soldierc Medat Korea 1950-52,-1950, 53,-1952€4 1l-14 June Outpost Harry t9S3 Presidential Unit Citation (Army) 14-15 June 53 Strcamer Embroidered Chin Jir- 3rd Recon. Co. 3rd lnf. Div. Dlstinguished Unit Citation 14 July 53 9-13 August 1950 Hvy. lftr. Co. 179th Inf.45th Div. 3rd Battalion Sth lnf. & Attached Units g,zd 3rd Platoon Tank Co. 5th lnf. Legs 17-18 July 53 3d Platoon Medical Co. Sth tnf. Co. A 14 Bn. Gombat Team 45th Div. 2nd Phtoon 72nd Engineer Co. C 18 July 53 555 FA. Liaison Party 2nd Bn. 180 lnf. Regt.45th Div. 25-28 July 53 25 May 51 - Captured 1,268 3rd Bn. l80th lnf.45th Div. C.C.F. POWs .A Wuttle $rturs T The Official Newsletter of the Sth Vroru Regimental Combat Team Association to The cost of subscription is included as The color chosen for the Newsletter will rotate monthly part of annual dues paid by members. honor the various service branches. Pictures, when available, PUBLISHED QuarterlY will do the same. All Rights Reserved - Written Permission Required for Reprints The front cover will include information about the Sth and Editor Hugh W. Ruckdeschel attached units. The back cover will include information about 17271367$e23 information 112123rdAve E who we were attached to in sequence as that Treasure lsland, FL 33706'5152 becomes available. lnfantry. Light blue. The Queen of Battle. The lnfantrymen are Association is a Charter Member of the Pawns, her sons in baby blue' Ground Pounders. Trcasure lsland Chamber of Gommerce the 1U l0TttAve.,Treasure tsland, FL. 33706 Artillery. Red. The Queen's Thunder when all turns red. The 8663604121 727-3604121 Artillerymen are Bishops, her umbilical cord to her sons. Red i reislandcham ber.org nfo@treasu Legs. http :www.treasu reislandcham ber.org/ Tankers. Yellow. The Queen',s Terrible Swift sword. Armored Al McAdooAssoc. Founder 5 Mar.1990 Cavalrymen, Knights, her wrath. lron Horsemen' The Medical. Maroon. The Queen's Guardian Angels of AIl. ASSOCTATION PRESIDENTS Corpsmen, King, her heart and soul. Doc. Georgeswanson .....1991'92 Red and white checkerboard. The Queen's GuyE.See ....1992-94 Engineers. Fortification Builders. combat Engineers, Rooks, her wisdom. Etvie P. Heiney . 1994'95 LouisG.Sardina .....1995'96 Castle Builders. AnthonyPolemeni ....1996-97 Headquarters. The Queen's rein. Headquarters Personnel, RaymondJ.IYarner ...1997'98 chess Board, her mind and intelligence. Desk Jockeys. HQ will John C. Howard 1998'99 be inclusive in all branches of service. 1999'20 George Waugh All material in this Newsletter is submitted by members, the WilliamKane ...2000'01 or interested persons. No advertising. political. or AlbertJ. McAdoo ......200142 Editor, Newsletters time RichardA. Gonzales . ... -2002{,3 other materials not pertaining to this in the Wm. R. "Bill" Coulson .. .2003{15 frame 1949 - 1954. Will not be put to print, but retained Paul YesenskY . .2005{16 Editorial Filesl The Editor should receive information for Oct., Frank Jennings . 2006'07 Nov. and Dec. lssue by the second week in Sept' Anthony Kreiner .2007'08 JohnCrai! ......2008{9 PS: .....2009'10 DougCrowell ... This is the second issue into my seventeenth year, Jan is Frank .2010'11 Jennings coming fast! "l'llTrY Si/' Patrick W. Burke .2011-12 I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! John O. "Jack" Stinson .2012'13 Sincerely, ,4-' lnside this month... FromTheEditor .....2€ About the Cover: See Page 4 Bottom FromSec.ITreas -..-4-7 2lstAnnuatReunion ......8'10 Assoc. Officers 2012 2013. Ghaptain's Corner .11'15 LettersToTheEditor .....16'19 PAST EDITORS Dick Lewis . 1989 Of lnterest .20'29 AlbertJ.McAdoo .....1990-91 NewQuartermaster ........30 Arlen Russell .. 1992'96 AssocOfficerc2011'2012 ....31 Hugh Ruckdeschel . .June 1996'2012 Battlestars ........32 O 1996-2012 Battle stars H:e'T dEUNoilE; Page 2 SiF [s#'; EfFT;J€E tixr*ts sEti? (} -<r/ 'E$F$6'E H !=e& (l)'d o€ 9F,!,<j!: i-k gFE$ H€'q; I s3 f; sffi .B E ssfiA d a EIH.H ; * s: El * 8.8 ;i ;gE#i9'*i b -oA H -aI EEfiEI B sE.s.l #EEEI ET E FI EEEEI :€E $! f; P r El EEHE! h>. E o * -.ll r! I o tt )ft i rrI TJ f{h ro rflu T-t Page 3 I * dfilnc'r * P. O. Box 410337 Melbourne, FL 3294{{337 DEAR MEMBERS, NOTE FROM THE SECRETARY/TREASURER slNcE I HAVE BEEN ON THE JOB FOR A FEW MONTHS NOW, I WOq_LD irxg ro coMMENT oN A coUPLE oF cALLS THAT I HAVE REcElvED. t. RUCK DOES A GREAT JOB AS EDITOR OF OUR "BATTLE STARS' NewSierrER, HoWEvER twoULD LIKE To READ MORE ARTIcLES Ae-OUTil.te siomes oF THE wAR AND BY THoSE wHo SERVED. SO WRITE AN ARTICLE, SEND IN OLD PICTURES, SEARCH FOR LONG [OSr BUDDIES. LOOK FOR TNFORMATION FROirl THE TIME YOU sEnveo. RUcK DoES NoT wRITE ALL oF THE SToRlEs, HE PUBLIgIES ine nnncLES WHtcH ARE sENT To HIM BY MEMBERS. WE HAVE 32 pAeeS TO FILL EACH PUBLICATION, SO SEND RUCK SOMETHING INTERESTING TO OTHER VETERANS. 2. ANOTHER COMMENT THAT I HAVE HEARD IS "I NEVER CAN FIND ANY MEN THAT I SERVED WTH". TUELL, START ATTENI'ING THE REU].IIONS ATTID BECOTE TORE ACNVE w|TH THE ASSOCIATION. LIKE TEIII NAKE ]IEW FRIEI{DS, REUETBER...WE ALL SERVED TOGETHER IN THE sTH RCT. SO GET BUSY AND KEEP THIS ASSOGIATION ALIVE. ONLY WTH YOUR ACTIONS WLL UUE SURVIVE. 3.IWOULD LIKE TO HAVE SOME REUNIONS IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE COUNTRY, SO TALK TO YOUR BUDDIES, SGOUT OUT YOUR AREA' AND COME TO THE NEXT REUNTON AND MAKE A PRESENTATION FOR YOU TO HAVE A REUNION IN YOUR AREA. COME WITH DATES, HOTEL INFO AND COSTS, ETC. It is time to start gathering items for the auction. Ladies Auction Fri-day Mav lln -3:00om Retha Crail, Ladies Auction Chair SINCERELY, About the coler: M Phorobvro*GEhfl.D{o lltetro'tf,t plo't"ilu-coilo notua acoodingb F *':01 front sr P.Tqr'*"._L""**: :"i":* Lp _ atten' b/s largBst park, where the annual Oiivaiation- i** more than 2'? million vis- Emcrrffiifi "t"*g* Binsp".;;v"d"i'Beachpeersdeep'ito"'Th"u'-inchmortarbattery'located at Battery for wtrich the park was natned' inside a l2-inch seacoast mortar at the fort of His- kidil;F;D" soto Paxk on sunday was listed in the National Register afiernoon' Spence visited Pinellas coun' toric Places in 1978' rwt t/ro * d1rrncr i* P. 0. Box 410337 l$elb*urne, FL 32$41-0337 FLORIDA MINI.REUNION 2012 MANY THANKS TO HELEN KANE AND TONY POLEMI FOR ALL THEIR EFFORTS IN HAVING THE FLORIDA MINI.REUNIONS FOR THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS. IT WAS ANNOUNCED THAT THEY WOULD NOTATTEMPT TO HAVE ANY MORE, DUE TO THE POORATTENDANCE OF THE LAST REUNION NOVEMBER 1-4AT STAUGUSTINE, FL. ATTACHED !S A PICTURE OF THE FAITHFUL FEW THAT DID ATTEND. I'LL TRY S!R, FRANK JENNINGS SECRETARY / TREASURER RUCK, 1o{g-2012 FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DtD NOT ATTEND THE sTH RCT MINI-REUNION SRANSON, yOU !_N MO., I WANT TO KNOW THAT "A GOOD rtUE WnS rinci BYALL", THERE WERE 43 VETERAN ATTENDEES.
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