CATALOGUE OF SUBUN-SO BOOK STORE No.503 2009 no.204 ◆◆◇◇ BIBLIOGRAPHY ◇◇◆◆ 1 ARELLANES (A.S.)BOOKPLATES. A Selective Annotated Bibliography of the Periodical Literarue.Detroit:Gale Research Co.,(1971)of plates of book plates.463+38pp. 4,000 2 ARMSTRONG (E.) BEFORE COPYRIGHT. The French Book-Privilege System 1498-1526. Cambridge U.P., 1990. xvii,317pp. with dust cover. 3,000 3 AUSTEN-LEIGH (R.A.) THE ROMANCE OF PRINTING. London: Printed at the London School of Printing for the Stationer's Co, 1927. Printed on hand made paper boards. 21pp. 4to. 3,000 4 BAIKIE (J.) EGYPTIAN PAPYRI AND PAPYRUS-HUNTING. N.Y.:F.H.REVELL,c.1940. with 32 plates. (4 in colour) uncut. 324pp. 15,000 5 BALLINGER (L.B.& R.A.) SIGN SYMBOL & FORM. N.Y.: Van Nostrand, 1972. b/w photograph throughout. 191pp. 4to. dw. 3,000 6 BANKS (Sir J.): CATER (H.B.) SIR JOSEPH BANKS (1743-1820) A guide to biographical and Bibliographical sources. (St Paul's Bibliographies) 1987. 328pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5,500 - 1 - 7 BASING (P.) TRADES AND CRAFTS IN MDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS. British Library,1990. 124pp. roy.8vo. title page owner's stamped. 5,000 8 BEOWULF: CHAMBERS (R.W.) BEOWULF. An Introduction to the study of the Poem with a Discussion of the Stories of Offa and Finn. Cambridge U.P., 1932. 2nd Ed. xvi,565pp. lar.8vo. 3,800 9 BLACK (J.) THE ENGLISH PRESS 1621-11861. Sutton,2001. 213pp. dw. 4,720 10 BLACKMAN (F.H.)(Ed.) THE WHOLESALING AND DISTRIBUTION. N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1963. 253pp. with dust cover. 6,000 11 BOURGEOIS-LECHARTIER (M.) & AVRIL (Fr.)(Etudes) LE SCRIPTORIUM DU MONT SAINT- MICHEL. Paris: P.Lethielleux, 1967. p.172-238 (70pp). lar.8vo. wrapper. sl.foxing. 3,000 12 BROWNE (I.) IN THE TRACK OF THE BOOK WORM. Thoughts fancies and genntle gibes on Collecting and Collectors by one of them. N.Y.: Roycroft printing, 1897. Limited to 590 copies. signed by the author. 135pp. spotted. boards. 6,300 13 BUDGE (E.A.W.) THE ROSETTA STONE IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. The Greek, Demoti and Hieroglyphic texts of the Decree Inscribed on the rosetta Stone conferring Additional Honours on Ptolemy v Epiphanes (203-181B.C.) with English Translations and a short History of the Decipherment of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs, and an appendix containing Translations of the Stelae of San (Tauis) and Tall AL-MASKHUTAH. London: The Religious Tract Society, 1929. First ed, 22 photo plates and numerous illustrations. 325pp. brown cloth. 5,000 14 CANTACUZENE (J-M) LIVRES DE SCCIENCE & D'ART. Collection initiee par Jean-Michel Cantacuzene. Ancien Directeur Scientifique au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Paris: Vente aux encheres, 27 november 1996. with b/w illustrations. 75pp. 4to. pb. 3,000 15 CARTER (T.F.) THE INVENTION OF PRINTING IN CHINA AND ITS SPREAD WESTWARD. Columbia.U.P, 1931. with illust. xviii,282pp. in chipped dust cover. 12,000 16 CAVE (R.) THE PRIVATE PRESS. New York: Watson Guptill, 1971. numerous illusts. 376pp. cr.4to. dw. fine copy (as new) 15,000 17 CAXTON (W.) THE FIFTEEN D'S, AND OTHER PRAYERS. Printed by commandment of the Princess Elizabeth, Queen of England and of France, and also of the Princess Margaret, Mother of our Sobereign Lord the King. By their most humble subject and Serbant, William Caxton. Churchyard: Griffith and Farran, 1859. n.p. vellum boards. cover spotted. 8,000 18 CAXTON (W.)(Trans.) THE BOOK OF THE KNIGHT OF THE TOWER. Edited by M.Y.Offord. (The Early English Text Society no.2) Oxford U.P., 1971. 301pp. dw. 5,000 19 CAXTON (W.): DEACON (R.) A BIOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM CAXTON. The First English Editor Printer, Merchant and Translator. London: F.Muller, 1976. 198pp. with dust cover. 6,000 - 2 - 20 CAXTON (W.): KELLNER (L.) CAXTON'S BLANCHARDYN AND EGLANTINE. c.1489. from Lord Spencer's Unique Imperfect Copy, Completed by the Original French and the Second English Version of 1595. (The Early English Text Society). Oxford U.P., 1962. 242pp. 6,300 21 CAXTON HEAD CATALOGUE. 8 Catalogues 1891-92. London: J.& M.L.Tregaskis, 1891. numerous colour & b/w illustrations. 4to. gilt top. joint weak. cover faded. 30,000 22 CAXTON: BLADES (W.) THE LIFE AND TYPOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM CAXTON. England's first Printer, with evidence of his typographical connection with colared mansion. London: J.Lilly, 1861-63. 2 vols. 57 plates. 4to. 3/4 morocco. bit spotted. 150,000 23 CHAPBOOK: BLACKWELL: A CATALOGUE OF BATTLEDORES, CHAPBOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. Catalogue A 1062. Oxford: Blackwell, 1976. 35pp. wrappers. 625 items. 4,500 24 CHARNWOOD (LADY) AN AUTOGRAPH COLLECTION AND THE MAKING OF IT. London: Ernest Benn, 1930. 292pp. 6,300 25 CHIBBETT (D.) THE HISTORY OF JAPANESE PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION. TOKYO: Kodansha,1927.colour & b/w illustrations. 264pp. dw. 4to. 12,000 26 CLAPPERTON (R.H.) MODERN PAPER-MAKING. Oxford: Blackwell, 1952. 3rd Ed. with B/W illusts. xxv,526pp. lar.8vo. cover sunned. 15,000 27 CLARK (J.W.) THE CARE OF BOOKS. An Essay on the Development of Libraries and Their Fittings, from the Earliest Times to the End of the Eighteenth Century. Cambridge Univ., 1902. 2nd Ed. with 164 illustrations. 352pp. sm.4to. 33,000 28 CLAXTON (W.J.) PAPER AND PRINTING. London: Blckie, 1913. illustrated throughout. 80pp. cr.8vo. paperback. 4,000 29 CLEGG (C.S.) PRESS CENSORSHIP IN ELIZABETHAN ENGLAND. Cambridge U.P., 1997'8. 321pp. lar.8vo. dw. 8,400 30 CLOUZOT (H.) & FOLLOT (C.H.) HISTOIRE DU PAPIER PEINT EN FRANCE. Preface par Jean Bourguignon. Paris: Editions D'Art Charles Moreau, 1935. with numerou plates and illus. 267pp. folio. original wrappers. 63,000 31 COBDEN-SANDERSON (T.J.): DREYFUS (J.) FOUR LECTURES BY T.J.COBDEN-SANDERSON. edited, with an introductory Essay on Cobden-Sanderson's Life and Ideals, with Details of his American Pupils, and his pupils, and his Lectures in the United States in 1907. San Francisco: The Book Club of California, 1974. Limited to 450 copies. With illustrations. xi,105pp. Roy.8vo. boards. 13,000 32 COCKERELL (D.) BOOKBINDING AND THE CARE OF BOOKS. A Text-book for book binders and librarians. With drawings by Noel Rooke and other illustrations. London: J.Hogg, 1906. 2nd Ed. 342pp. cr.8vo. original cloth spine with boards. 10,500 - 3 - 33 COLLISON (R.) INDEXES AND INDEXING, Guide to the Indexing of Books... London: E.Benn, 1959. 200pp. with dust cover. 3,150 34 COLLISON (R.) INDEXING BOOKS. A Manual of Basic Principles. London: E.Benn, 1962. 96pp. sm.8vo. with dust cover. 3,000 35 D.N.B.: THE DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. Founded in 1882 by George Smith. Part I:From the beginnings to 1900, Part II:1901-1950. Part III:1951-1960. Oxford U.P., 1969-1971. 3 vols. lar.8vo. dw. 25,000 36 DANIEL (C.H.O.) THE DANIEL PRESS. Memorials of C.H.O.Daniel with Addenda and corrigenda by F.Madan. Dawson of Pall Mall, 1974. 298pp,12,xvplates. cover worn. 6,300 37 DARLEY (L.S.) BOOKBINDING. Then and Now. A Survey of the First Hundred and Seventy- Eight Years of James Burn & Co. London: Faber and Faber, 1959. with illustrations. 126pp. with dust cover. 5,500 38 DERBY (J.C.) FIFTY YEARS AMONG AUTHORS, BOOKS AND PUBLISHERS. New York: C.W.Carleton, 1884. 739pp. original pictorial cloth. 9,500 39 DIBDIN (T.F.): WINDLE (J.) & PIPPIN (K.) THOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN 1776-1847. A Bibliography. (Oak Knoll),1999. xxiii,285pp. 9,500 40 DICKINSON (D.C.) HENRY E.HUNTINGTON'S LIBRARY OF LIBRARIES. San Marino: Huntington Library: 1995. with illustrations. 4to. 286pp. dust-cover. 3,000 41 DOUGLAS (R.K.) CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE PRINTED BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Acquired during the years 1899-1903. printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum. London: Longman,1904. 97pp. 4to. 8,000 42 DREYFUS (J.) A HISTORY OF THE NONESUCH PRESS. With an Introduction by G.Keynes & A Descriptive Catalogue by David McKitterick, Simon Rendall & John Dreyfus. London: Nonesuch Press, 1981. Limited to 950 copies. xv.320pp. Imp.4to. dw. 35,000 43 DUFF (E.G.) EARLY PRINTED BOOKS. London: Kegan Paul, 1893. xii,219pp. 6,300 44 DUNCAN (A.) & BARTHA (Georges de) ART NOUVEAU AND ART DECO BINDINGS, FRENCH MASTERPIECES 1880-1940. With preface by Priscilla Juvelis. New York: Thames and Hudson (1989). numerous coloured plates. 200pp. 4to. 9,450 45 DUTTON (M.K.) HISTORICAL SKETCH OF BOOKBINDING AS AN ART. Norwood: The Holliston Mills, 1926. 144pp. 4,800 46 EDWARDS (Ernest Richard)ETUDE PHONETIQUE DE LA LANGUE JAPONAISE. These pour le doctorat d'Universite de Paris, presentee a la Faculte des lettres a la Sorbonne.Leipzig:B.G.Teubner,1903.208pp. 30,000 - 4 - 47 EDWARDS (O.T.) MATINS, LAUDS AND VESPERS FOR ST DAVID'S DAY. The Medieval Office of the Welsh Patron Saint in National Library of Wales MS 20541 E. D.S.Brewer, 1990. xiv,224pp. lar.8vo. dw. 4,000 48 EIBER (R.)(Ed.) WORLD TRADEMARKS:100 YRS. Alphabetic Symbols and Logotypes. An International Collection of Symbol and Logotype Designs of the Last One Hundred Years. N.Y.: Graphis U.S., n.d. 2 vols. numerous illus. lar.4to. dw. fine. in case. 22,000 49 EWALD (W.) SIEGELKUNDE. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschaft, 1978. Mit 328 Abbildungen auf 40 Tafeln. 241pp. lar.8vo. sl.sc. 6,000 50 FARRAR (G.P.) THE TYPOGRASPHY OF ADVERTISEMENTS THAT PAY. N.Y.: D.Appleton, 1918. xv,282pp. cr.8vo. 8,500 51 FLETCHER (F.M.) WOOD BLOCK PRINTING. A Description of the craft of woodcutting & colourprinting based on the Japanese practice.
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