Perrault’s watch and Beltrami’s pseudosphere. A story without a moral Claudio Bartocci 1. If a specter haunted 19th century mathematics, it was the specter of the pseudosphere, i.e. the two-dimensional space with constant negative curvature. Already toward the end of the previous century, Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728-1777), in his original investigation about Euclid’s fifth postulate,1 hinted that the angles of a triangle could sum to less than two right angles in the case where the triangle lies on an “imaginary sphere” (imaginäre Kugelfläche) [Lambert 1895, p. 203]. Lambert’s highly speculative remark was suggested by the «analogie entre le cercle et l’hyperbole» he had already exploited in his work on the irrationality of pi [Lambert 1768]; however, it would have been impossible to express that insight in a mathematically more definite form simply because, at the time, essential geometrical notions – first of all, that of curvature – were still to be developed. Those notions were introduced (or should I say “invented”?) in Gauss’s Disquisitiones generales circa superficies curvas [Gauss 1827], a groundbreaking memoir whose methods and ideas were deeply influenced by its author’s extensive work in geodesy and cartography.2 Though only surfaces embedded in three-dimensional Euclidean space were considered, Gauss succeeded in pinpointing two intrinsic geometric quantities: the 1 Theorie der Parallellinien, 1776, published posthumously 1786; [Lambert 1895]. 2 Cf. [Breitenberger 1984] and, more generally, [Bühler 1981]. 2 first fundamental form3 and the mensura curvaturae, that we now call “Gaussian curvature”. Now, in Gauss’s quite exhaustive treatment of the subject there is a noticeable blank, an apparent gap: whilst the Euclidean plane and the round sphere of radius R have, respectively, Gaussian curvature 0 and 1/R2, there is no instance of a surface having constant negative Gaussian curvature. It is hard to believe that such a conspicuous asymmetry could have escaped Gauss’s attention. Actually, in an unpublished note dating from 1823 to 1827, Gauss studied the surface created by rotating the plane curve known as “tractrix” around its own asymptote; the resulting surface of revolution was christened “the opposite of the sphere” (das Gegenstück der Kugel) [Gauss 1900, pp. 264-265]. It is not at all a difficult exercise in differential geometry to check that this surface has constant negative Gaussian curvature; however, this result does not appear in Gauss’s note, in spite of the fact that he could have derived it as a straightforward consequence of the theorems proved in the Disquisitiones generales circa superficies curvas. Then, how can the name “das Gegenstück der Kugel” be accounted for? Could it be conjectured that Gauss’s surprising laziness in computing the mensura curvaturae of this surface somehow reflects his reluctance to disclose his more heterodox ideas about non-Euclidean geometry? Needless to say, cautious historians are wise enough to suspend judgment on questions of this kind.4 2. Tractrix can be defined as the curve in the x, y plane such that the tangent segment between the contact point and the x axis has constant length (fig. 1). Hence, the problem of determining such a curve from some initial data represents, in the language of 17th century mathematics, an example of “inverse problem of tangents”. This amounts to say, in today’s parlance, that the solution of the problem can be obtained by integrating a first- order differential equation. In the case of tractrix, if one assumes that y takes some 3 Very roughly speaking, the first fundamental form is an inner product defined on tangent vectors, which allows one to measure curve lengths and angles between directions. 4 Cf. [Gray 2007, p. 124]. 3 positive value a for x = 0, the corresponding differential equation can be written in the form: dx/dy = ± (a2 – y2)½/y. The integration of this equation between 0 and x yields the equation of the tractrix in Cartesian coordinates: x = ± {(a2 – y2)½– a log [(a + (a2 – y2)½)/y]} Figure 1 The positive branch of the tractrix The inverse problem of tangents is a crucial issue in Newton’s second letter to Leibniz (through care of Henry Oldenburg), the so-called Epistola Posterior, dated October 24, 1676 (O.S.).5 In polemical reply to Leibniz’s remarks about the Epistola Prior, Newton makes the following comment: 5 For a detailed analysis of the Epistola Posterior we refer to [Scriba 1963] and [Guicciardini 2009, pp. 356-360]. 4 [...] inverse problems of tangents are within our power, and others more difficult than those, and to solve them I have used a twofold method of which one part is neater, the other more general. At present I have thought fit to register them both by transposed letters, lest, through others obtaining the same result, I should be compelled to change the plan in some respects. 5accdæ10effh11i4l3m9n6oqqr8s11t9v3x: 11ab3cdd10eæg10ill4m7n6o3p3q6r5s11t8vx, 3acæ4egh5i4l4m5n8oq4r3s6t4vaaddæeeeeeiijmmnnooprrrsssssttuu [Newton 1960, p. 148]. Just after this anagrammatic statement Newton added a few worlds about the tractrix, even though he did not make use of any special term to designate it: This inverse problem of tangents, when the tangent between the point of contact and the axis of the figure is of given length, does not demand these methods. Yet it is that mechanical curve the determination of which depends on the area of an hyperbola [ibid., p.148]. The expression “mechanical curve” (curva mechanica) is to be referred to the distinction introduced by Descartes in his essay La Géométrie, which was published as an appendix to Discours de la méthode (1637). Descartes differentiates between admissible curves “qu’on peut recevoir en géométrie” and curves that are to be banished from geometry. The latter – according to Descartes, who criticizes the definition given by the “anciens géomètres” – are the “mechanical curves” that are “décrites par deux mouvements séparés, et qui n’ont entre eux aucun rapport qu’on puisse mesurer exactement” [Descartes 1982, p. 390]; instances of such curves are the Archimedean spiral and the quadratrix. By taking advantage of the new coordinate method, admissible curves can be characterized as those given by an algebraic equation, while mechanical curves are found to coincide with transcendental curves [ibid., p. 392]. Ironically, Descartes’s proscription of mechanical curves from the realm of geometry appeared strikingly artificial just within the theoretical framework he contributed to shape. Moreover, it was in strong contrast with the early development of infinitesimal calculus, where the study of non algebraic curves (e.g. the logarithmic curve) was one of the most challenging research topics. In the long-running process of “legitimation of transcendental curves” [Bos 1988, 1997] a prominent role was played by curves generated by “tractional motion”, i.e. traced by dragging a heavy body over a horizontal plane: indeed, depending on several factors such as the shape of the dragged object, the 5 friction encountered during motion, etc., the tractional curve can turn to be algebraic or transcendental. The first appearance of the tractrix on the European scientific scene was not in Newton’s Epistola Posterior but, a few years earlier, in Parisian salons: it originated as a tractional curve. In the first half of 1670s, Claude Perrault (1613-1688) – Charles’s brother, a talented and versatile savant, active in such different fields as zoology, medicine, plant and animal physiology, architecture, classical philology, mechanical engineering – amused himself challenging mathematicians with a problem which required, so to say, a little theatrical staging. Perrault would take out his watch, that was contained in a silver case, put it on a table and pull the end of the watch-chain along a straight line; then, he would point-blank ask his puzzled interlocutor: “Monsieur, what is the geometrical curve traced by my watch on the plane of the table?” It is not difficult to recognize that the curve described by Perrault’s watch must be a tractrix: actually, the watch-chain has constant length and its direction is tangent to the trajectory due to the relatively high friction between the case and the table surface. The solution to the problem – not taking into consideration Newton’s priority claim6 – was found out, independently, by Leibniz and Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695).7 It is Leibniz who – in a memoir published in Acta Eruditorum in September 16938 – tells us the story 6 When Newton asserts that the problem “does not demand [the] methods” of calculus, he can only mean that he is able to solve it by means of series expansions. I am unaware of any evidence among Newton’s paper that shows that he actually performed this computation. 7 In order to avoid possible confusion with the world “solution”, it should be stressed that neither Leibniz, nor Huygens wrote down the Cartesian equation or a parametric representation for the tractrix. Both of them showed that the problem can be reduced to the “quadrature of the hyperbola”, or equivalently – in modern terms – to the computation of an integral of the type ∫dx/x = log x + C (actually, the integral to be solved is somehow more complicated than that, but its primitive function involves the logarithm). Moreover, both of them designed mechanical devises to draw tractrix curves. 8 “Supplementum geometriae dimensioriae seu generalissima omnium tetragonismorum effectio per motum: similiterque multiplex conscructio lineae ex data tangentium conditione” = [Leibniz 1858, pp. 294-301]; see also [Leibniz 1989, pp. 247-267]. 6 of Perrault’s problem9 (including the detail of the “horologium portatile suae thecae argenteae inclusum”) and claims that he solved it more than eighteen years earlier.10 Huygens had been staying in Paris for an almost uninterrupted period from 1666 through 1681, so that it is very likely he was aware of Perrault’s conundrum.
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