■'iyv/vj^í "W * k » ~* - " ' ' , «' ,,, í > «■ 'Íi§ñ Wednttd»* Avril f DH^|fF«iOIINER ess= * Malta—E. C. Roddis, who Is con­ Five Cows; $100 Per Month y nected with the legal department of . ■ One hundred dollars net from five FOR NEW FORESTRY BUILDING AT THE STATE the reclamation service, Is in Malta in connection with the organization good grade Holstein cows in one 'Bntte—William Gilbert,' alleged of the irrigation districts provided month was realized by Truman Denny STATE VETERANS for in the new contract with the of Lonepine, near Thompson Falls. oUtyflr of Charles Johnson, also a Water Users’ Association. BIG INSURANCE DRIVE OF THE Megro, has been formally charged Helena—Harry Black, who fell with murder in the first degree. from a Northern. Pacific railroad car AMERICAN IiEGION STARTS Missoula—with more than 5,000 and sustained'a broken leg, while IN A FEW DAYS aères of apple orchards under, culti­ working for the Equity Coal com­ pany near Fromberg, was insured un­ vation this spring, indications are der the state workmen’s compensa­ State Legion Officers Will Tour good for the Bitter Root valley fruit tion act and was not entitled to dam­ Montana In ^Effort to Get Former crop this year, .Missoula —a completely equipped ages from the railroad, according to' Service Men to Take Advantage of distillery was found in a tent in the ■a decision by the supreme court. Insurance Rights. Wilds of the Davis Creek gulch coun­ , Millegan—Henry Byrd, who died try séven miles south of Loto by a at his home here recently after an If the expectations of the Helena raiding party a few days agQ. Illness of but two days, was one of Glasgow—With 41 enlistments al- the real pioneers of Montana. Mr. office of the U. S. Veterans Bureau ready obtained and only a few lack Byrd was born in Flat county, Mis­ and the state headquarters of the Ing to meet the necessary strength souri, August 29, 1849. He came to American Legion are realized, the requirements, the orospect of a na­ Alder Gulch in September, 1865, with next two months will find Montana New Forestry Building at State University.—This structure is said to be tional guard company for Glasgow his mother and two brothers, an ox the best equipped Si the country. The cost of the building alone Is eeqms practically assured. ' téam and a heavy prairie schooner veterans in possession of U. S. Gov­ $117,000 and it will contain more than $20,000 worth of equipment. phinook-r-Winston Bros, company being their means of transport across ernment Insurance policies, totally Montana, the location of 17 national forests, with three having head* of Minneapolis was awarded the con­ the plains. In 1866. Mr, Byrd mov­ 12,000,000. A party of state legion quarters in Missoula, constitutes the laboratory for the practical work tract for the construction of-the Big ed to'York, where he made his home officers and veterans bureau officers, of the college. Forestry officials of the government and authorities Three district irrigation project in for 34 years, and drove the Helena- How’s Your Appetite? Are on forest products and uses are deeply Interested in the progress pf MUk river valley, their bid being York stage. will attend special meetings of legion this department of the state university, < $248,000. Livingston—Eggs are cheaper in You Nervous? Sleepless? posts, which have been called in 37 Missoula—Eradication of 4,000 Livingston now than they have been Take This Advice towns on the schedule for evenings By Roy Tillman Sentinel, which is the only mountain acres of vacant orchards, abandoned at this time of the year for nearly In April and May. i by the owners or tenants, is to be un­ a decade, according to local dealers’ Salt Lake City, Utah—“Dr. Pierce’s Beautiful in design and architec­ in the United States located on the dertaken under the direction of the quotations. Since March 13 the price Golden Medical Discovery was a Due to the fact that many former ture, modern in construction and fa­ campus of a state university. On the department of horticulture this year has been tumbling until they are sell­ blessing to me when I was in a service men are unaware ,that they summit of the mountain, reached by In'the Bitter Root valley. ing for 25 cents a dozen. These are weak, nervous and exhausted con­ cilities and adequate to all possible two and a half miles of trail, is a dition. My appetite was poor and my may still, regain the „liberal insur­ demands of near future growth and lookout station maintained by the ’ Butte—An acute attack of heart not storage or express eggs but “city” ance carried by them during the war, disease is believed to have caused eggs, gathered in or near Livingston. sleep broken. The tonic effect of the expansion—that is the new forestry schdol In cooperation with the forest the death of Eugene Tirrell, 21 years Ten days ago eggs sold for 45 cents ‘Discovery’ helped me in every way. the Montana department of the le­ service for the protection of the na­ a dozen. for I got my appetite back again, could gion has arranged to have veterans building at the State university at tional forestB from fire. The station of age, who died while swimming Missoula. In size it is exceeded only with friends in the plunge at Gregson rest at night and my strength re­ bureau insurance experts visit open is used as a laboratory in the study Springs. Glasgow — A drink of gasoline turned. For those in a weakened meetings throughout this state to by one forestry school in America, of fire protection methods, and dur­ Butte—Silver-lead ore assaying caused the death of a cow belonging and rundown condition, Dr. Pierce’s > furnish reliable and definite informa­ while in equipment and arrange­ ing the summer is in the service of 180 ounces in silver and $3.20 in to J. L. Byrd, of Tampico, recently. Golden Medical Discovery can be de­ tion on the war risk insurance act. ment It is second to none. the fire chasers and forest officials gold, with other values, including Byer had left about a gallon of the pended upon.”—Mrs. Frances All­ Free Examination In the actual fire protection work of lead, bringing the total to more than stuff in a pail to settle, and on re­ good, 252 West 6th St., South. Special consent has been secured The supporting skeleton is of rein­ the government. turning found the pail empty. Where If you need a building-up tonic forced concrete, while the exterior $200 a ton, has been struck in the from Washington to have a bureau The Montana School of Forestry Mount Thompson mine near Basin. it had disappeared to mystified him. for stomach and bloqd obtain Dr. medical officer accompany the par­ construction is of mottled brick on a was established by the state legisla­ That night at milking time one of the Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery ty to furnish medical examination granite base. Wide eaves beneath a ture in 1909. At first the school was Great Falls—Nearly 6,000 Catho­ cows gave milk that smelled sus­ from your nearest druggist, or send * \ free of charge in connection with re­ roof of green tile contribute an artis­ conducted as a ranger school only lics; approximately 5,000 Methodists, piciously of John D.’s famous prod­ 10c for trial pkg. of tablets to Dr. tic effect to the architecture as do al­ 2,100 Presbyterians, 1,000 ; Luther­ Pierce, President Invalids’ Hotel in instatement applications. Experience during the winter months and at­ ans, 500 members of» the' United uct, and in two days she had suc­ has shown that, in many cases where so the Corinthian columns bn either tendance was limited to forest offic­ cumbed to it3 evil effects. Buffalo, N. Y, side of the main entrance which faces Brethren church, 75 Adventists, and the desirability of this, insurance is ers and candidates foç civil service 12 .persons who profess the Jewish known and admitted, the expenses the west. appointments in government forest The exterior is 56 by 130 feet in di­ faith, were counted in the récent and time necessary to complete the work. The ranger school was con­ interchurch survey. examination papers, has acted aB a mension, and Is three stories high. ducted almost entirely by the United World’s Heavyweight Champion— deterrent to many of the veterans. Between the second and third story States forest service. Instructipn The convenience of having this bu­ windows are 37 terra cotta spandrels was carried on by forest officials In reau party put the veteran in imme­ each bearing in relief the emblem of cooperation with the department Of Jack Dempsey vs. Tommy Gibbons diate line for a Government policy, the Montana Forestry club, the pine botany and civil engineering in the is bound to meet with eager enthus­ tree and M in green and brown col­ university. In the fall of 1914 the DYE SKIRT, COAT iasm. ors. Thus the very architecture is plan of a regular four-year under­ 15 Rounds to a Decision for World’s Heavyweight Championship at .In addition to the insurance ef­ typical of the profession the school graduate course In forestry was put SHELBY, MONTANA, JULY 4 forts, timely discussions of vital le­ was founded tq advance. In operation. DRAPERIES WITH gion problems is to be furnished by Total cost of the building exclu 150 Students Enrolled Under Auspices American Legion O.
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