Abbades of Mount Sinai (Jan. 13),(Jan. 14) Abdias (Nov. 19) Aberkios of Hierapolis (Oct. 22) Abramios and Maria (Oct. 29) Aemilianos of Kyzikos (Jan. 8), (Aug. 8) Aemilianos martyr (July 18) Agapios and companions (March 15) Agatha (Feb.5) Agathonikos (Aug. 22) Agrippina of Rome (June 23) Akakios martyr (May 7) Akakios in The Ladder (July 7) Akakios of Melitene (April 17) Akepsimas, Aithalas and Joseph (Nov. 3) Akindynos and companions (Nov. 2) Alexander martyr (May 13); (May 14) Alexander of Pydna (March 14) Alexios Homo Dei (March 17) Alypios of Paphlagonia (Nov. 26) Ambrose of Milan (Dec. 7) Amos (June 15) Amphilochios of Ikonion (Nov. 23) Ananias (Oct. 1) Anastasia the Roman (Oct. 29) Anastasia the Widow (Dec. 22) Anastasios the Persian (Jan. 22) Andrew Apostle (Nov. 30) Andrew of Crete (July 4) Andrew the Stratelates (Aug. 19) Andronikos Apostle (May 17) Andronikos and Athanasia (Oct. 9) Annunciation, Forefeast of (March 24) Annunciation (March 25) Anthimos of Nikomedeia (Sept. 3) Antipas (April 10)(April 11) Antony the Younger (Dec. 1) Antony the Great (Jan. 17) Anysia (Dec. 30) Apparition of the Cross (May 7) Aquilas (July 14) Aquilina (June 13) Archangel Michael, Miracle at Chonai (Sept. 6) Archippos Apostle (Feb. 19) Arethas and companions (Oct. 24) Aristarchos, Poudes and Trophimos (April 14),(April 15) Aristoboulos (March 15) Arsenios the Great (May 8) Artemios (Oct. 20) Artemon (April 13) Athanasios of Alexandria (May 2) Athanasios and Cyril of Alexandria (Jan. 18) Athanasios of Athos (July 5) Athenogenes of Pedachthoe (July 16) Autonomos (Sept. 12) Auxentios (Feb. 14) Babylas (Sept. 4) Barbara (Dec. 4) Barlaam (Nov. 19) Barnabas (June 11) Bartholomew (June 11) Basil the Confessor (Feb. 28) Basil the Great (Jan. 1) Basil hieromartyr (March 2) Basil of Parion (April 12) Basil Presbyter of the Church in Ankyra (March 22) Basileus of Amaseia (April 26) Basileus of Cherson and companions (March 7) Basiliskos (May 22) Bassa (Aug. 21) Beginning of the Indiction (Sept. 1) Benedict of Nursia (March 14) Benjamin (March 31); (June 10) Bessarion (June 6) Birth of Christ, Forefeasts of (Dec. 20);(Dec. 21); (Dec. 22); (Dec. 23); (Dec. 24) Birth of Christ (Dec. 25) Blasios (Feb. 11) Bonifatios and Aglais (Dec. 19) Boukolos of Smyrna (Feb. 6) Capitolina and Erotis (Oct. 28) Catherine of Alexandria (Nov. 24) Cecilia (Nov. 22) Charalampos (Feb. 10) Charitina (Oct. 5) Chariton (Sept. 28) Christina (July 24) Christopher (May 9) Chrysanthos and Dareia (March 19) Circumcision of Christ (Jan. 1) Clement of Ankyra and Agathangelos (Jan. 23) Clement of Rome and Peter of Alexandria (Nov. 25) Conception of Anna, Mother of the Theotokos (Dec. 9) Constantine the Great and Helena (May 21) Cornelius (Sept. 13) Cyprian and Justina (Oct. 2) Cyril of Alexandria (June 9) Cyril of Jerusalem (March 18) Dalmatus and Faustus (Aug. 3) Daniel Prophet (Dec. 17) Daniel the Stylite (Dec. 11) David of Thessalonike (June 26) Dedication of the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem (Sept. 13) Demetrios Kantakouzenos Demetrios of Thessalonike (Oct. 26) Dimis and Protion (April 12) Diomedes (Aug. 16) Dionysios the Areopagite (Oct. 3) Dios (July 19) Dometios (Aug. 7) Domnika (Jan. 8) Dormition of Anna, Mother of the Theotokos (July 25) Dorotheos of Tyre (June 5); (June 6) Eleutherios (Dec. 15) Elijah (July 20) Elisabeth Thaumaturge (April 24) Elisaios (June 14) Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple, Forefeast of (Nov. 20); (Nov. 21) Ephrem the Syrian (Jan. 28): ) Epimachos (Oct. 31) Epiphanios of Cyprus (May 12) Erastos, Olympas and companions (Nov. 10) Eudokia of Heliopolis (March 1) Eudokia of Heliopolis (Translation of Her Relics) (Aug. 4) Eudokimos (July 31) Eudoxios (Sept. 6) Eugenia (Dec. 24) Eulampios and Eulampia (Oct. 10) Eumenios of Gortyna (Sept. 18) Euphemia megalomartyr ( Sept. 16); (July 11): Euphrosyne (Sept. 25) Euplous (Aug. 11) Eupsychios of Caesarea (April 9) Eusebios of Samosata (June 22) Eusignios (Aug. 5) Eustathios of Antioch (Feb. 21) Eustathios and Family (Sept. 20) Euthymios the Great (Jan. 20) Euthymios of Sardis (Dec. 26) Euthymios the Younger (Oct. 15) Eutropios, Kleonikos and Basiliskos (March 3) Eutychios of CP (April 6) Eutychios, disciple of John the Evangelist (May 30) Eutychios of Melitene (May 28) Exaltation of the Cross, Forefeast of (Sept.13) Exaltation of the Cross (Sept. 14) Ezechiel (July 21); (July 23) Febronia (June 25) Five Martyrs of Sebasteia (Dec. 13) Florus and Laurus (Aug. 18) Forty-Five Martyrs of Nikopolis (July 10) Forty Martyrs of Sebasteia (March 9) Forty-Two Martyrs of Amorion (March 6) Forty Women Martyrs (Sept. 1) Fortunatus (June 15) Foundation of Constantinople (May 11) Galaktion and Episteme (Nov. 5) George of Choziba (Jan. 8) George Great Martyr (April 23); (Nov. 3), Dedication of hisTemple in Lydda George of Mitylene (May 16) George of Lesbos, Bishop of Mytilene (April 7) George } Tí ô© Ìáëå™ (April 4); (April 15); (May 13) Gerasimos of Jordan (March 5); (March 20) Germanos I Patriarch (May 12) Glykeria (May 13); (May 16) Gordios (Jan. 3);(Jan. 4) Gourias, Samonas and Abibos (Nov. 15) Gregory of Akragas (Nov. 23); (Nov. 24) Gregory of Akritas (Jan. 5) Gregory of Dekapolis (Nov. 20), Gregory of Great Armenia (Sept. 30) Gregory of Nazianzos (Jan. 25) Gregory of Nyssa (Jan. 10) Gregory Thaumaturge (Nov. 17) Habakkuk (Dec. 2) Hadrian (Aug. 30) Hadrian and Natalia (Aug. 26) Haggai (Dec. 16) Helladios (May 27); (May 28) Hermeias (May 31) Hermolaos and companions (July 26) Hermylos and Stratonikos (Jan. 13) Herodion and companions (April 8) Hesperos, Zoe and Children (May 2) Hierotheos of Athens (Oct. 4) Hilarion of Dalmatos (June 5); (June 6) Hilarion of Gaza (Oct. 21) Hilarion the Younger (March 27); (March 28) Hyakinthos (July 3) Hypapante, Forefeast of (Feb. 1) Hypapante (Feb. 2) Hypatios of Gangra (March 31) Hippolytos Pope (Jan. 30) Ignatios Theophoros (Dec. 20) Ignatios Theophoros, Translation of His Relics (Jan. 29) Ioannikios (Nov. 4) Irene (May 4); (May 5) Irene, Agape and Chionia (April 16) Irinarchos (Nov. 28); (Nov. 29) Isaakios of Dalmatos (May 30) Isaiah (May 9) Isidore of Alexandria (May 14) Isidore of Pelousion (Feb. 4) Jacob Apostle (April 30) Jacob of Episkope (March 21) Jacob the Persian (Nov. 27) James Adelphotheos (Oct. 23) James, son of Alpheus (Oct. 9) Januarios and companions (April 21) Jason and Sosipatros Apostles (April 28) Jeremiah (May 1) Jerusalem and Children (Sept. 4?) Joachim and Anne (Sept. 9) Job (May 6) Joel (Oct. 19) John the Baptist (Jan. 7) John the Baptist, Birth of (June 24) John the Baptist, Beheading of (Aug. 29) John the Baptist, Conception of (Sept. 23) John the Baptist, Finding of His Head (Feb. 24) John the Baptist, Third Finding of His Head (May 25) John Chrysostom (Nov. 13) John Chrysostom, Translation of His Relics (Jan. 27) John of Damascus (Dec. 4) John, Disciple of Gregory of Dekapolis (April 18) John Eleemon (Nov. 12) John the Theologian (May 8) John the Theologian, Assumption of (Sept. 26) John the Faster (Sept. 2) John Kalybites (Jan. 15) John Klimax (March 30) John Paleolaurites (April 19) John the Psychaites (July 6) Jonah and Barachesios (March 29) Jonah Prophet (Sept. 22) Jonas Sabaites (Sept. 22) Joseph of Thessalonike (July 13) Joseph the Hymnographer (April 4) Judas (June 19) Julian (June 21) Juliana (Dec. 21) Justin (June 1) Kallinikos (July 29) Kallistratos and companions (Sept. 27) Karpos (May 26) Karpos and Papylos (Oct. 13) Kassianos (Feb. 29) Kerykos and Julitta (July 15) Kodratos Apostle (Sept. 21) Kodratos of Korinth (March 10) Konon (March 4)(March 5) Kosmas and Damianos (July 1); (Nov. 1) Kosmas the Hymnographer (Oct. 12);(Oct. 14) Kyriake (July 7) Kyriakos the Anchorite (Sept. 29) Kyros and John (Jan. 31) Kyros and John, Translation of Their Relics (June 28) Lampados (July 5) Laurentios (Aug. 10) Lazaros of Mount Galesion (Nov. 7) Leo I Pope, the Great (Feb. 18) Leo of Catania (Feb. 20) Leontios (June 18) Longinos (Oct. 16) Loukillianos (June 3) Lucian of Antioch (Oct. 15) Luke Evangelist (Oct. 18) Luke of Stiris (Feb. 7) Maccabees (Aug. 1) Makarios of Egypt (Jan. 19) Makrina (July 19) Malachias (Jan. 3) Mamas (Sept. 2) Mamelchta and Charitina (Oct. 5) Manuel, Sabel and Ismael (June 17) Marina (July 17) Mark Apostle (April 25) Mark of Arethousia and Cyril the Deacon (March 29) Markellos the Akoimetos (Dec. 29) Markianos presbyter (Jan. 10) Markianos and Martyrios (Oct. 25) Markianos of Syracuse (Oct. 29)(Oct. 30) Martha (July 5) Martin I Pope (April 13)(April 14) Martinianos (Feb. 13) Martyrs at the Gate of Eugenios, Finding of Their Relics (Feb. 22) Mary Magdalene (July 22) Mary of Egypt (April 1) Massacre of the Innocents (Dec. 29) Matrona of CP (Nov. 9) Matrona of Thessalonike (March 27)(March 28) Matthew Evangelist (Nov. 16) Matthias Apostle (Aug. 9) Maximos the Confessor (Aug. 13)(Jan. 21) Maximos, Dadas and Quintilianos (April 28) Maximos, Theodotos and Asklepiodota (Febr. 19) Melania the Elder (Dec. 30)(Dec. 31) Meletios of Antioch (Feb. 12) Memnon (April 29) Menas, Hermogenes and Eugraphos (Dec. 10) Menas, Victor, Vikentios and Stephanis (Nov. 11) Menodora, Metrodora and Nymphodora (Sept. 10) Merkourios (Nov. 24) Methodios of Patara (June 20) Methodios I Patriarch (June 14) Metrophanes (June 4) Micah Prophet (Aug. 14) Michael Archangel (Nov. 8) Michael of Synada (May 23)(Dec.18) Modestos of Jerusalem (Dec. 17) Mokios (May 11) Monks Killed in St. Sabas Monastery (March 20) Moses (Sept. 4) Moses the Ethiopian (Aug. 28) Myron (Aug. 17) Nahum (Dec. 1) Nazarios and companions (Oct. 14) Neadios (May 16) Neilos of Sinai (Nov. 12) Neophytos (Jan. 21) Nestor (Oct. 27) Nicholas of Myra (Dec. 6) Nikander and Hermaios (Nov. 4) Niketas martyr (Sept. 15) Niketas of Chalkedon (May 28) Niketas of Medikion (April 3) Nikephoros martyr (Feb.
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