ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF BEDFORD FOR THE Financial Year Ending December 31, 1922 l ttl NOIITII 8BOH l'sms, INC.. )(ANCHESTER : KASS,. 3 Moderator .of-Town Meetings ELECTED TOWN OFFICERS, 1922-1923 Charles W. Jenks Trustees of Bedford~·Free Public Library Selectmen Albert R. Bacon, term expires 1923 , :. George R. Blinn, term expires 1924 George H. Lovejoy, term exp.ir~ 1~23 . Duan-e' F. Carpenter, term expires 1924 . Charles W• . Jen.kl;, ~rw expires 1925 Merton L. Wmchenbaugh, term expires 1925 Elih~ G.-, Loomis, term expires 1926 To~ther with the chairman of the Board of Selectmen, chairman of AssellSors the School Commi~e and pastors o~ the three churches. Willis G. Lane, term expires 1923 Charles R. Brown, term expires 1924 . Shawsheen Cemetery Committee Francis J. Kelley, term eJg>rres 1926 George A. Goodwin, term expires 1923 George R. Blinn{ term expires · 1924 "overseers of the Poor Abbott R. Webber,- term expires 1925 Randall A. Whittier, term expires 1923 . Herbert L. Clark, term expires 1924 Constables . _ . Daniel E. Perkins, term expires 1926 Herbert L. Clark Fred F. Cook William H. Kenney Edwin J. Jones George Peterson Fred Sullivan Town Clerk Abbott R. Webber, term expires 1923 Tree 'warden Warren A: Cutle~ 'Town Treasnrer Abbott R. Webber Park Commissi~ners·· ' Collector of Taxes Hubert H. Loomis, term expires 1923 . Joseph H. Williams, term ·expires 1924 James Bagley Eli,hu G. Loon:ri.~,. term expires 1925 Auditor Planning Board Nathan H. Daniels Henry D. Lyons, term expires 1923 Water· Commissioners Charles W. Willis, term expires 1924 ·, Mary E. Laws, term expires 1925 George M. Dimond, term expires 1923 . Norman L. Skene, term expires 1926 Paul B. Webber, term expires 1924 . · Ernest A. Brown, term expires 1925 Geo. M. Dimond, term expires 1927 Board of Health OFFICERS APPOINTED,.1922-1923 Norman L. Skene,, te~ expires 1923 . Merton L. Wmchenbaugh, term expires 1924 . BY THE BO.ARD OF SELECTMEN , Abbott R. Webber, term exp1res 1926 Chief of Police - School Committee Perley R. Dexter 0 Charles T. Kimball. term expires 1923 . Marcus B. Webber, term expires 1924 . Special Police Mr11. Mabel B. Riese, term expires 1926 R. A. Whittier James Bagley Harry L. Challies N. H. Daniels John Kirkegaard Herbert L. Clark Board of Road Commissioners J. A. Riley Duane F. Carpenter Charles W. Dunton Albert R. Bacon, term expires 1923 Walter F. Fitch George H; P'etersen.. · Edwin F. Qua Irving C. Waite, term expires 1924 John Flynn ·. John J. Kelley, term expires 1925 4 5 Engineers of Fire Department By Co~:inittee on Pu.blic Baildinp Fred F. Cook · Edwin J. Jones Irving C. Waite (Consisting of Selectmen, President of Library, and School Committee) Forest Warden Janitor of Public Buildings, Harry L. Challies Irving C. Waite Registrars of Voters By Trustees of Free Public Library Librarian, Fannie A. Wood Assistant Librarian, Clara B. Hartwell Frederic Sullivan Abbott R. Webber, ex--0ftlcio Edwin F. Qua John T. McGrath By the School Committee Sealer of Weights and Meuurea Janitor of Union School Building, Henry L. Challies John R. Comley Truant Officer, Perley R. Dexter Building Inspector By the Cemetery Committee George M. Champney Superintendent of Cemeteries, John R. Comley Inspector of Wires By Road Commissioners Frank B. Davis Superintendent of Streets, Charles A. Skelton Town Counnl BY Board of Health .George R. Blinn Inspector of Slaughtering, Howard F. Davis Public Weighers Field Driver John hnor Leonard M. Kiely Charles E. Brock Perley R. Dexter Madaline Meagher Gaugers of Liquid Measures Pound Keeper Perley R. Dexter Herbert L. Clark -John R. Comley Inspector of Animals Fence Viewers Dr. H. L. Alderman .fia:rry F. Waite Herbert L. Clark William T. Myers Inspector of Provisiona Milk Inspector Henry D. Lyons Norman L. Skene Keeper of Lockup Perley R. Dexter Finance Committee Charles E. MacXusick, te:rm expires 1923 Burial Agent William T. Myers, te:rm expires 1923 George A. Goodwin John Kirkegaard, te:rm expires 1923 Ralph L. Loomis, te:rm expires 1924 Measurer& of Wood, Bark and Manare Immanuel Pfeiffer, term expires 1924 Herbert L. Clark Howard D. Skelton Roger W. Brown John J. McGovern, te:rm expires 1924 Frank L. Hoyt Samuel D. Prince, te:rm expires 1925 George L. Goulding, te:rm. expires 1925 Superintendent of Work for Extermination of· Moths Sherman G. Rich, te:rm ezplres 1916 Warren A. Cutler 6 7 TOWN CLERK'.S REPORT Result of the balloting was announced ·as follows: "Yes," 70; Special To~ Meeti~g;'January ·2s, 1922 "No," 100. ARTICLE l. To see if the town ,vill elect, by the official bal­ lot the members of the Planning Board, as established by the by­ Town Election, Monday, March 6, 1922 la;s accepted by the town, name1r. :. _ _· . ~ Meeting called to order at 11.45 by the Moderator. Ballot One member to serve five years Oerks, Frederick Sullivan and ·Edith H. Webber. Tellers, Arthur One membey \o--~ei:ve four years E. Carson, Charles A. Walters and H. C. Tsnor. T hese were One member t"o serve three years duly sworn. Ballot ·box opened and shown to be empty. Polls One member to serve two years declared open at 12 m. One memb.er to serve· one year At 2 p. m;, in accordance with the warrant, the meeting pro­ or do anything in relatio~ thereto: .. · ceeded to elect one director of agriculture and home economics. Voted, that the tow~ el~t, h/ the. official .ballot, the members J ohn R Comley was chosen to serve in this _capacity for the en­ of the Planning Board, as establi~hed ~.¥ the _by-laws accepted by suing year. the town, namely: ' · · ·· At 2.35 p. m. the first block of ballots was taken from the One member to serve five years. box and the work of counting was begun. One member tci serve four years. Orie member to serve three years. At 8 p. m. the polls were declared closed. Total number of One member to serve--two years. votes cast, 566. One member·to serve one year. Results of the balloting were as follows , ART. 2. To see if the town ,vil1 ·vote to request the Selectmen SELECTMAN, for Three Years to appoint a resident .of Bedford fo the position of Chief of Police; or do anything in relation thereto. Immanuel Pfeiffer, 262; Merton L. Winchenbaugh, 301; Blanks, 3 The following motion was made and seconded : AssESSOR, for Three Years That it be the sense of this· meeting.,that no appointment to Francis J. Kelly, 396; J. R. Comley, 1 Blanks, 169 the position of Chief of Police be made.until after April 30, and, ASSESSOR, for Two Years in the meantime, preference be given· to residents of Bedford, and that a copy of this resolution be sent ta the Board of Selectmen. Charles R. Brown, 370, J. ~- Comley, 1; R. W. Brown, 1 Bla?ks, 194 After some discussion it was voted that the t ote be taken by paper ballot and the use of the ~eek list. Upon the vote being ASSESSOR,- for One Year . taken, Loui_~ Pfeiffer and Randall A: Whittier were appointed to Willis G. Lane, 395; R. W. Brown, 1; N. L. Rooney, 1 act as tellers. Blanks, 169 8 9 OVERSEER OF POOR, for Three Years TREE WARDEN, for One Year Daniel E. P erkins, 386; M. M. McMahan, 1 Blanks, 179 Warren A. Cutler, 340; Michael M. McGann, 169 Blanks, 57 MODERATOR, for One Year TREASURER, for One Year Charles W . Jenks, 408; R. A. Whittier, 1 Blanks, 157 Abbott R Webber, 446 Blanks, 120 p ARK COMMISSIONER, for Three years COLLECTOR OF TAXES, for One Year Elihu G. Loomis, 369 Blanks, 197 James Bagley, 451 Blanks, 115 PLANNING BOARD AUDITOR, for One Year For Five Years E lihu G. Loomis, 369 Blanks, 197 George M. Dimond, 349; J. H. Shelton, 1 Blanks, 216 WATER COMMISSIONER, for Three Years For Four Years Ernest A. Brown, 385 Blanks, 181 ~ orman L. Skene, 343 ; E. M. McMahon, 1 Blanks, 222 BoARD OF HEALTH, for Three Years For Three Years Mary E. Laws, 348 Blanks, 218 Abbott R. Webber, 420 Blanks, 146 For Two Years ScHOOL COMMITTEE, for Three Years Charles W. Willis, 338 Blanks, 228 Mabel B. Riese, 354 Blanks, 212 For One Year RoAD COMMISSIONER, for Three Years Henry D. Lyons, 373 Blanks, 193 John J . Kelley, 386 Blanks, 180 SHALL LICENSES BE GRANTED FOR THE SALE OF CERTAIN IN LIBRARY TRUSTEE, for Four Years NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES THE TOWN OF BEDFORD FOR THE ENSUING YEAR. Elihu G. Loomis, 386 Blanks, 180 Yes, 144; No, 274 Blanks, 148 CEMETERY COMMITTEE, for Three Years Bianks, 157 Abbott R Webber, 409 _Town Meeting, Monday, March 13, 1922 CONSTABLES, for One Year In accordance with the warrant, the adjourned meeting was Herbert L. Clark, 360 William H. K~ney, 348 called to order at 8 p. m. As the town reports for 1921 were not Fred F. Cook, 345 George H. Peterson, 364 rea~y for distribution, it was deemed advisable to postpone the Edwin J. Jones, 337 Frederick H. Sullivan, 335 busmess of the meeting until such time as they should be in the hands of the voters. · P. E . McMahon, 1 11 10 Acco~ting Department . 200.00 Voted, that when the meeting adjourns, it shall be until ( and unexpended balance.) Monday, March 20, at 8 o'clock, p. m. · Treasurer 300.00 Voted, to take up Article 5. ( and unexpended balance. ) ARTICLE 5. To see if "the town will authorize their Treasurer, Collector 1,250.00 with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money in anticipa­ Assessors 350.00 tion of the revenues of the current financial year.
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