AGRIC. COLLEGL: LinN 0 V cii,i\p\,.7 1949 HE LCT "East Lynne" In Full Rehearsal by ROSEMARY LOHSE Constance West, director. The Edwin Booth Fall Term Barbara Mattson, Fargo, and play, "East Lynne," which will be Walt Christenson, Kenmare, are presented Nov. 9, 10 and 11 has appearing in the leading roles. SP'ECTR, gone into full rehearsal with an They both had top parts last year all star cast according to Miss in the LCT production, "Pdayboy of Friday, Nov. 4, 1949 THE SPECTRUM Vol. LXV No. 8 the Western World." "East Lynne" is an adaptation of a romantic novel written by Mrs. Variety Keynote In Plan "East Lynne" Set Nov. 941 Henry Wood about 1900. The story is very pathetic and well drawn. As a play it is not farcial comedy Of Summer School Courses but is melodramatic enough to be extremely touching when played According to Dr. Ray Wendland, Attention should be given to the with a straight face. A weeping Director of the Summer School, fact that the summer period will good time is promised for all. Be- plans are now being made to offer be six weeks, beginning June 12th tween act specialty numbers of the vaudeville type will be presented a varied program of courses that and continuing to July 22nd, in- to relieve the pathos. will have a wide appeal to sum- stead of the usual ten weeks. It is mer school students during 1950. thought that the shorter six week Synopsis of Cast session will overcome several ob- Heie is a brief synopsis of the jections to the longer period, which drama and a list of the cast. The was considered necessary when scene of the play opens at East Panhellenic Lynne, the former seat of the hundreds of war veterans wanted Earl, Lord Mount Severn. Mr. Car- accelerated training immediately lyle, a lawyer played by Walt Workshop On after the war. The only exception Christenson, purchases East Lynne to the six week period will be in and marries Barb Mattson who is The Panhellenic Council held its playing the part of Lady Isabel, the School of Pharmacy which will regular meeting Tuesday, Novem- the only daughter of the Earl, now ber 1, with two active representa- continue on the ten week plan be- deceased. tives and one alumni representa- cause of technical problems aris- Miss Cornelia Cralyle, sister of tive from each of the six sororities ing from the extensive labotatory stand- Archibald Carlyle, a snappish old present. Reports on the Panhel- The cast of "East Lynne," the next LCT production, includes, maid (that's Irene Vogel from lenic workships and the rushing preparations required by advanced ing left to right, Marlow Jensen, Irene Vogel, Marjorie Heger, students. Walt Christensen, and Beverly Litzenger. Seated is Barbara Mat- Granville) from the beginning ren- survey were given. ders Lady Isabel very miserable Panhellenic has initiated a pro- The schools which will offer sum- tson. by her interferences in domestic gram of workshops this year. Each mer studies will be the following: matters. workship consists of two repre- Arts and Science, Chemistry, Eng- sentatives from each sorority on Miss Barbara Hare was long sec- ineering, Home Economics, Phar- retly attached to Mr. Carlyle. (Miss the campus. The purpose of these macy, Physical Education, and Ag- Give Deadline For Junior workships is to provide a means Hare is really Carol Jean Smith, a riculture. The offerings in Agri- freshman from Mohall.) Her broth- for the exchange of fraternity ideas culture will be somewhat limited and experiences. Agricultural Post Entries er Richard played by Marlo Jen- due to the occupation of staff mem- sen, of Norma, is a fugitive from At the meeting Tuesday Her- bers with Experiment Station Re- moine Landbloom reported on the November 8 is the last day ap- from the Dean of Students office. justice, having been accused of search. , Scholarship workshop; Bette Ack- plications will be accepted by the C. J. Heltemes, statistician for murder. He returns secretly and Deans and Department Heads the Bureau of Ag. Econ. for North erman reported on the workship for United States Civil Service com- has an interview with Barbara who are now working on details of Dakota, was at the college Octo- gets Carlyle to loan him money. Social Chairmen and House Man- course offerings, some of which mission for positions as Junior agers and Rosemarie Lohse gave ber 26 and interviewed 42 seniors (At this point the plot thickens.) will be the work shops of one to Agricultural assistant. who showed interest in securing a the report from the Pledge Train- Sir Francis Levison, an unprin- two weeks duration intended to Applications may be obtained position. He stated that it would be ers meeting. serve the adult public who wish to cipled villian, instills into Lady Advisors for the groups were good experience for all seniors to have intensified training in various take the examinations. Isabel's mind the belief that her Miss Mathilda Thompson, Scholar- specialties. One of these will be husband is unfaithful to her: (mak- ship Chairmen, Dean Pearl Dinan, the short course in Paints and Pro- Tryota Initiation Fields in which positions of Jun- ing like a villian is Wallace Jensen Social Chairmen and House Man- tective Coatings offered to indus- ior assistant are open include: ag. from Columbus) in proof of this agers and Mrs. C. W. Glotzbach, trial workers by Dr. Bosch in the econ., ag. engr., agronomy, animal he leads her where she may wit- Pledge Trainers. School of Chemistry. This will be Set For Tuesday hub., botany, entomology, fishery ness the interview between Carlyle Workships for president, rushing similar to the one given last sum. biology, forestry, genetics, home and Barbara Hare. chairmen and treasurers will also Tryota will hold its annual ini- econ., horticulture, plant pathology, mer. Students desiring special work tiation for all new students in be held during the year. are invited to confer with depart- plant physiology, plant quarantine Isabel Elopes Margaret Rulon gave a report Home Economics in Festival Hall inspection, poultry hub., statistic- ment heads to aid them in their next Tuesday at 6:30 p. m. Maddened with jealousy, Lady on the recent rushing survey made planning. ian, wild life biologist and zoolo- by Panhellenic amongst the fall gist. Isabel elopes with Levison. He de- According to Dr. Wendland, the Pictures for the Bison will be serts her and her child. (See, we pledges. The purpose of the survey entire program of offerings will be taken following the ceremony. Old Most of these openings will be in was to get the pledges reactions told you he was an unprincipled vil- known in January, after which a members must pay their dues to Washington, D. C. concerning rushing. These findings lian.) She is reported as dead, but summer school bulletin will be is- class representatives to be eligible returns to East Lynne, disguised as will be used in developing the rush- sued. to have their picture taken. ing program for next year. a governess. She witnesses the Tryota council met October 31 Open House At Men's death of her son William, (this is to discuss' plans for the Province quite touching) and herself dies in Bjelland Is Paint Ag Convo Slated meeting which is to be held at Residences Sunday the presence of Barbara, now Mrs. NDAC November 10, 11, 12. Carlyle, and her husband. (This The Men's Residence hall and is a relief.) Chemist At Spokane November 8, 9 This province is composed of Field house barracks will hold open Others appearing in the five act Leo K. Bjelland has been ap-k college clubs in North Dakota, house on Sunday, from 3:00 to 5:00 "Economics Research on Misso- South Dakota and Minnesota be- tragedy are Ed Boerth, Bismarck; pointed a paint chemist with the uri Basin Development" will be p.m. Paul Rice, Mohall; Kurth Sander, Division of Metallurgical Research longing to the American Home Ec- the topic discussed at an Agricul- onomics Association. Delores Sor- All rooms will be open for in- Fargo; Jim Price, Moorhead; Bev- of the Permanente Metals corpora- tural Economics conference to be lie and Beverlie Widdifield were spection, and guides will be present erly Litzinger, Churchs Ferry; and tion, Spokane, Washington. held here next Wednesday and appointed as official delegates. to show the guests around. Gail Lohse, Fargo. Little Willie A 1948 graduate of NDAC, Bjel- Thursday. Coffee and cookies wil be served will be played by Marcia Selland, land plans to get his masters de- Men who will be here for the and everyone is invited. daughter of Mrs. Cynthia Selland. gree in paint from NDAC at the conference include: Dr. Walt Fuhri- end of this term. man and Rex Daley, USDA; Harry Zink To Address After arriving in Spokane from Steele, department respresentative Fargo, it didn't take his future from Lincoln, Nebr., Stanley Voel- ASAE Thursday Lutheran Students To Hear Bridston superiors long to decide that Bjel- ker, Fort Collins, Colo.; and other land was the man for them. The representatives from extension sta- Frank J. Zink, national president Of World Student Federation Sunday fact that he had taken the paint tions in Montana and So. Dak. of the American Society of Agri- course at NDAC, the oldest paint The problem will include a com- cultural Engineers, will be the Dr. Keith Bridston, international University of Edinburgh, Scotland, school in the country, was suffici- prehensive research program on guest speaker at the annual ban- secretary of the World Student where he was appointed Foreign ent to appoint him without obtain- how proposed irrigation develop- quet of the NDAC chapter which Christian federation, will speak to Student Secretary of the Christian ing additional information.
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