oregonmetro.gov PUBLIC REVIEW DRAFT 2021-2024 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) April, 2020 If you picnic at Blue Lake or take your kids to the Oregon Zoo, enjoy symphonies at the Schnitz or auto shows at the convention center, put out your trash or drive your car – we’ve already crossed paths. So, hello. We’re Metro – nice to meet you. In a metropolitan area as big as Portland, we can do a lot of things better together. Join us to help the region prepare for a happy, healthy future. Stay in touch with news, stories and things to do. oregonmetro.gov/news Follow oregonmetro Metro Council President Lynn Peterson Metro Councilors Shirley Craddick, District 1 Christine Lewis, District 2 Craig Dirksen, District 3 Juan Carlos Gonzalez, District 4 Sam Chase, District 5 Bob Stacey, District 6 Auditor Brian Evans 600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232-2736 503-797-1700 Metro respects civil rights Metro fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that requires that no person be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin under any program or activity for which Metro receives federal financial assistance. Metro fully complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act that requires that no otherwise qualified individual with a disability be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination solely by reason of their disability under any program or activity for which Metro receives federal financial assistance. If any person believes they have been discriminated against regarding the receipt of benefits or services because of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, they have the right to file a complaint with Metro. For information on Metro’s civil rights program, or to obtain a discrimination complaint form, visit www.oregonmetro.gov/civilrights or call 503-797-1536. Metro provides services or accommodations upon request to persons with disabilities and people who need an interpreter at public meetings. If you need a sign language interpreter, communication aid or language assistance, call 503-797-1700 or TDD/TTY 503-797-1804 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays) 5 business days before the meeting. All Metro meetings are wheelchair accessible. For up-to-date public transportation information, visit TriMet’s website at www.trimet.org. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: What is the MTIP? 1 What is the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program? ............................... 1 Federal regulatory context ............................................................................................. 2 Who plays a role in the MTIP? ........................................................................................ 3 Chapter 2: Overview and summary of the 2021-2024 MTIP 4 2021-2024 MTIP investment program overview ............................................................ 4 What changed from 2018-2021 MTIP to the 2021-2024 MTIP? .................................. 10 Major events since the adoption of the 2018-2021 MTIP ............................................ 11 Major areas to influence the 2021-2024 MTIP ............................................................. 12 What major projects were delivered from the 2018-2021 MTIP? ............................... 15 What project delays occurred and what is carryover from the 2018-2021 MTIP ........ 17 Investment highlights and outcomes of the 2021-2024 MTIP ..................................... 17 Chapter 3: MTIP performance assessment results 18 Summary of 2021-2024 MTIP performance evaluation results and key findings ......... 18 Methodology to analysis ................................................................................................ 19 Analysis results by performance measure .................................................................... 36 Moving ahead towards progress in the 21st century (MAP-21) Federal performance measures and targets ................................................................................................... 63 Discussion: How our regional system performs ........................................................... 64 Chapter 4: Building the 2021-2024 MTIP ................................................................ 74 Metro 2021-2024 Regional Flexible Funds ................................................................... 75 ODOT Region 1: 20201-2024 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) ....... 79 SMART annual budget process ...................................................................................... 82 TriMet annual budget process ....................................................................................... 86 TriMet Special Transportation Fund allocation (STF) .................................................... 93 Chapter 5: Demonstrating federal regulatory compliance ...................................... 94 Fiscal constraint ............................................................................................................ 94 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) consistency .......................................................... 98 Congestion management process and MAP-21 .......................................................... 100 Other federal regulations ............................................................................................ 103 Chapter 6: MTIP programming .............................................................. 109 Chapter 7: Adoption of the 2021-2024 MTIP and integration with the STIP 186 Public comment and the process for the disposition of public comments ................ 186 Public comment major themes and responses ........................................................... 187 Adoption and finalizing the 2021-2024 MTIP ............................................................. 187 Chapter 8: Administering the 2021-2024MTIP programming ................................... 189 Glossary of terms ......................................................................................................... 190 LIST OF ACRONYMS 3R Resurfacing, Restoration and DBE Disadvantaged Business Rehabilitation project Enterprise AASHTO American Association of State DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Highway and Transportation Statement Officials DEQ Oregon State Department of AC Advance Construct Environmental Quality ADA Americans with Disabilities Act DLCD Oregon Department of Land AMPO Association of Metropolitan Conservation and Planning Organizations Development AQMA Air Quality Maintenance Area DOA Design Option Alternatives ARTS All Roads Transportation (Project Phase) Safety DOT Department of Transportation ATM Active Traffic Management E&D Elderly and Individuals with ATMS Advanced Transportation Disabilities Management System EA Environmental Assessment AV Autonomous Vehicle EFA Equity Focus Area BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis EIS Environmental Impact BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics Statement BRT Bus Rapid Transit EJ Environmental Justice BUILD Better Utilizing Investments to EMS Emergency Medical Services Leverage Development EPA Environmental Protection BY Bypass Agency CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments EQ/EQ Equity Bonus (fund) CAV Connected and Autonomous Bonus Vehicles ETC Enhanced Transit Corridor or CBD Central Business District Enhanced Transit Concept CCTV Closed Circuit Television ETR Emergency Transportation CDBG Community Development Route Block Grant EV Electric Vehicle CE Categorical Exclusion FARS Fatal Analysis Reporting CFR Code of Federal Regulations System CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air FAST Act Fixing America’s Surface Quality Transportation Act (2015) – CMP Congestion Management the current Federal Process Transportation Act CO Carbon Monoxide FDE Final Design and Engineering CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent FEIS Final Environmental Impact COC Communities of Color Statement CONS Construction FEMA Federal Emergency CRF Crash Reduction Factor Management Agency C-TRAN Clark County Public FFO Full Federal Oversight Transportation Benefit Area FFGA Full Funding Grant Agreement Authority FHWA Federal Highway CV Connected Vehicle Administration FTA Federal Transit Administration MMLOS Multi Modal Level of Service FY Fiscal Year MMUCC Model Minimum Uniform FFY Federal Fiscal Year Crash Criteria Guideline GHG Greenhouse Gases MOU Memorandum of GIS Geographic Information Understanding System MOVES Motor Vehicle Emissions HB House Bill Simulator HC Hydrocarbons MP Mile Point HCM Highway Capacity Manual MPA Metropolitan Planning Area HCT High Capacity Transit MPAC Metro Policy Advisory HIC High Injury Corridor Committee HIP Highway Infrastructure MPO Metropolitan Planning Program Organization HOV High Occupancy Vehicle MSTIP Major Streets Improvement HPMS Highway Performance Program Monitoring System MTAC Metro Technical Advisory HSIP Highway Safety Improvement Committee Program MTIP Metropolitan Transportation HSM Highway Safety Manual Improvement Program HSP Highway Safety Plan MTP Metropolitan Transportation HUD Department of Housing and Plan Urban Development MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic I/M Integrated Corridor Control Devices Management NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality ICM Incident Management Standards IGA Intergovernmental Agreement NB North Bound IM Inspection/Maintenance NEPA National Environmental IOF Immediate Opportunity Fund Protection Act ISTEA Intermodal Surface NHFP National Highway
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