t THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER. VOL. XIII. NO. 1. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1887. WHOLE NO. 628. HERE THEY ABE. Auna E. Nichols, 41; 25, Mrs Gen. O. OUR OLD BACHELORS. son, J. W. Keating, O. C. Jenkins, Jun- Hunt, 47; 26, Ammanda Rice, 68. ius E. Beal, Joe Preston and 8. Rosen- A List of the New Officers ;who will MARCH. thaler, alias " Rosey." Ladies wishing the A Short History of then Compiled for TELEPHONE OFFICE! Attend to the Business of the 6, Mrs. J. 8. Hammond, 70; 14, Mary histories of these gentlemen can have County for the Next the " Old Maids-' by one of tbe them by leaving word at THE REGISTER E. Martin, 32; 18, Adam Walz, 18. 8. Old Maids, Herself. Two Toon. Kempf,4; 19, Naacy C. Thomas, 6; 24, office for, ANN OLD MAID. Give me Osius & Company. Hello—Who's there? Egbert Randall. GEORGE WAHR. Every two years the people are called APRIL. With the beginning of this year we UNIVERSITY ITEtfS. upon to select new county officers, ex- 1, Karl Conrath, 75; 2, Minnie Spen- think that a very appropriate thiug to do cepting the judge of probate who is elected cer, 2; 3, Bertha Spencer, 2; 4, Thomas is to write a short history of the " old The fact is we have tried to close out our Book College opened Tuesday. every four years, who take possession of Gale Stone, 72; 9, Ontharne Donovan, bachelors" who abide in our city, and pre- Stock and quit the business, but as it could only 69; 13, Frank McConnel, 85; 20, M.ry The Argonaut will appear again Satur- their respective offices on the Bret day of Golden, 36; 22, Robert 8. Verner, 25; pare the " old maids" for Ihe event of leap day as usual. be done at a great loss, and as I have been in the January. Most of the officers elected last year, which comes but once in four years, 22, Lewis Fri;B, 73; 26, Lewis Moore, 41; The college professors have all returned business on the same ground for the past 15 years, fall succeed themselves. John J. Robi- 30, Bertha E. Braun. and thus give them a chance to investi- looking much refreshed. son, the retiring county clerk, is the only MAT. gate during 1887 and determine which of The lectures on taxation will be taken and have closed out the old stock, I concluded to familiar figure that will be missed arcund 5 Mrs. J. W. Wood, 67; 5, Eliza Ann the manly ? hearts they shall lay siege to up by Prof. Henry C. Adams, Jan. 11. buy out Mr. Osius' interest and continue the busi. the court house, and unless all indications Case, 67; 19, Judson Cornwell, 36; 21, in 1888. • Ann Arbor abounds in old Those wishing to join Prof. Trueblood's ness. I am receiving fail he will be well provided for at the Mrs. Sarah Slattery, 42 ; 25, Anna Goetz, bachelors and to write a complete history elocution class will have to do so on or 62; 31, EttaC. Turner, 7; 31, Theadore before Jan. 7. next meeting of the Washtenaw county Begalki, 48. of each would take more space than THE fire insurance compiny. His successor REGISTER can devote; but we have en- Prof. Stowell presented the ladies in JUN*. the hospital with a fine lot of house plants G-OOD FREDERICK A. HOWLETT, 1, Peter B Installs, 73; 5, Mrs. Captain deavored to place their virtues before the for a Christmas present Connett, 72; 14, Catharine Van Buren, public in a short, concise manner, hiding of Lyndon, has a sort of nunia for an of- Chas. Stewart, intern in the male ward daily. I shall conduct the business to please my fice, or at least his friends have for him. 73; 20, David D. Storey, 23; 28, Anntheir faults (where they have »ny) andat the hospital, spent his holiday vacation He served his township for eleven years, Wossor, 75. hoping that this article will assist them to with friends in Deerfield. JCLT. old friends, and hope to receive the patronage of six as clerk, one year as township super- a speedy and happy marriage. Among Dr. Patterson, ward master ot the intendent of schools, and for four years 22, Joseph Ellia, 57; 26, Mrs. Susan many new ones, at the old stand, Masonic Block. those who delight in their bachelorhood hospital, spent his holiday vacation with supervisor. He was born in the township he Brown; 26, Annie Climie, \\. friends in Detroit and Jackson. represents, April 9, 1849, which place has AUGUST. are always been his residence. He received a JOHN F. LAWRENCE, Miss Mary Cutler, intern in the ladies' common country school education, and 4, Arthur A. Golden, 2; 5, Bertha ward at the hospital, has returned from a GEORGE WAHR. Krump, 72; 6, Edwin Bradner, 67 ; 6, who is one of the leading lawyers of the visit to her parents near Grand Rapids. four terms in the Grass Lake high school, Charles S. MoO.nber, died in Iowa and Washtenaw bar, a graduate of the Uni- at that time one of the finest in the state, versity in 1866 and again in 1868, and During the year 1886 there were treated brought here for burial, 43; 8, Lucy W. at the hospital, 1083 patients, and out of under the management of Prof. Kennedy. Strong, 77; 18, August Fiicher, 19; 21, possesses as fine a farm as lies near Ann He hag taught eighteen winter terms of Arbor. Mr. Lawrence is a man of fine that number only nine deaths have oc Sophie Hennequin, 64; 26, Pnillip W. cured. school, in Jackson and Washtenaw coun- Slockbower, 64. appearance, good natured and enjoys a ties. In 1874 he married Miss Yocum, j )k«. He seemingly pays but little atten- Mrs. Ellen Bell, of Hart, was relieved of two boy? and one girl being the result of SEPTEMBER. tion to the fair sex. a thirty-five pound ovarian tumor, at <he their marriage. His family will not come 1, Mary Jane Howard .60; 2, Eleanor C. E B. ABEL, hospital, Dec. 13th, by Drs. McLean and to this city until spring; in the mean time Bibbins, 93; 9 Lizzie Wagner, 19; 13, Sullivan. She will return home today or DOTY&FEINER, another of the fraternity and a close friend they will remain on their finely cultivated Alma Su inner, 77 ; 18, Geo. S. Brush, 63; of Mr. Lawrence, is tall, good-natured and tomorrow. 80-acre farm on section 20. 28, Elza Torrey, died at Wayne and has a grip like iron. Mr. Abel differs Up to date the following nu nber of Across the hall from where Mr. How-brought here for burial, 58, from his friend in that he seems to have a students have registered in the different lett is located, is the probate office, OCTOBER. departments: Medical, 327 ; law, 327 ; where special friendly feeling for the ladies, and 16, Barbara Teufel, 79. it is a wonder that we have been able to literary, 655; dental, 93; pharmacy, 66; WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN homoeopathy, 64 ; total, 1532. NOVEMBER. find his name in the list of bachelors, is always found attending to the duties of 20, Eliza Burlingame, 75; 27, Peter j. w. HUNT, Professor R >gers has received a letter that office. He was born in Peacham, Bassler, 56; 30, Mrs. Mary King, 84. is one of whom little can be said that is appointing him one of the editors of the Vt., Oct. 24,1834. Received his education American Law Register, which is pub- DECEMBER. not already known. He has been in the in the Peacham academy, and was admit- hardware business here for years, is large, lished at Philadelphia. Tue o tber editors ted to the bar when but 21 years old. In 3, Sarah McDonald Millen, 61; 3, Fred a blonde and wnen seen riding on a tobog- are Judge Mitchell of Philade lphin, Judge 1859 he moved to California and for a Freeman, 17; 7, Geo. W. Effner. 67; 10,gan last we k might readily have been Cooley of this city, Judge Bennett ot * number of years took an active interest in Lillie S;hlicher. 3; 13, Paulina Brsun, 15; mistaken for the ancient Hercules. Boston and Judge Hammond of Nash- politics; was elected several times to the 14, Caihantie Sipley, 69; 15, EU-n Con- ville. It is the oldest and best know a law s£ate legislature, and for four years was don, 86; 14, Lu-y M Amdt, 68; 28, ZACHART ROATH, publcation in the United States. clerk of the sup-eme court. In 1869 he Charles A. Chapin, 56; 30, Mrs. Daniel like Mr. Hunt is too well-known to need The Alpha Nu society give a Junior located in Ann Arbor; in 1870 was elect- N. Ross, 34; 31, Charles E Everet, 48; an introduction. He is the picture of program Saturday evening, Jan. 8 The ed mayor, in 1876 was elected judge of 31, John George Henne, 58; 31, Mi-shealth and happiness, extremely fond of names ot the. following participants are probate, reelected in 1880 and 1834. Caroline Gwinner, 55; the ladies and during the summer marie sufficient pledg« for an excellent enter- The youngest county officer is frequent, mysterious visits from the city, RECAPITULATION. tainment. There will be an oration by ALL GOODS FIRST-CLASS leading his friends to believe that he was FREDERICK H. BELSEB, Total number of deaths in January, 5; Mr.
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