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JANUARY 2. 1958. • 13.50 Per YeLQ '12 PAGES Fully Paid Circulation 0 1$10,000,000 HEADLIN"ES Swi~ming Pro.gram H.elps Many Groups Review of Year's To Be Spent of the \VEEK On Big Job As C01l1piled by the Top News Events Bonds Can Now Be Sold to . G'1'ossePoi'Jte News Finance System Which Will Benefit Three Thursday, December 26 Offered Re(lders Cities A DETROIT MOTORIST' was kill e d Christmas. Day 5 - f L d' St. Sh M h A ., The Michigan Supreme afternoor. when his car ummary 0 ea '"9 orles ows I uc ctivlty n Court, on Tuesday, Decem- smashed through the brick All Fields in Pointe During the Year 1957 ber 24, ruled that the State wall of a West Side home as a family of four was eating The Grosse Pointe News has compiled a summary of Drain Acts are constitution- Christmas dinner. There were leading events which occurred in the community during aI, thereby cle~ring the last nine persons, in a'II, killed in the past year. Because of the length, of the compilation legal obstacle blocking the Michigan over the holidays, the review was started in last week's issue. This i;:; a construction of a multi- with si~ Christmas Eve vie. continuation. <0------------ I million-dollar d r a in age tims. including three from the June 13-Two encurobents system in the Woods and Detroit area. • were returned to office on the Po lice Nab Harper Woods . • School Board. They are Robert The high court, in rendering Friday, December 27 Weber, Board president, who Y Th - f its decision. upheld an earlier L, EWING SCOTT was con- led the slate with 1,383 votes; 0uny Ie ruling on the constitutionality "ieted of first degree murder and Board secretary Chet _...... of the acts made by Wayne by a Los Angeles Supetior Sampson, who received 1,169. WIth Loot :County Circuit Judge Thoma3 Court jury in the disappear- Weber has served on the J. Murphy. ance of his wife, The jury de- Pointe School Board since _-_ Now that this rrlatter has creed that he shoald serve life 1954, and Sampson, since 1951. B T d tOt 't been cleared up, wheels will in prison, rather than suffer Board members are elected oy urne ov~r 0 e rOI the death penalty. ~he case for a four-year term, Defeated For Investigation of Car be set in motion to begin the was one of few that was de- in the School District election Theft andA Larceny development of the Black was Reyer Van Zannen, who March, Girard and Milk River cided by a Jury in regard to only polled 558 votes. --- Drains, collectively known as guilt or innocence of an ac- Shores police arrested a the Grosse-Gratiot Drain. cused person, and then the .. June 20-The Grosse Pointe ld D t . b Met hod i s t Church broke 16-year-o e' rOlt oy on To Cost $lO,()OO,OOO determination of the punish- , :~.' " ""'" "~ :,.". ...:(",.~ Thursday, December 26, Th~ cost of this project is ment. The procedure is new in ground for a $2l>O,000addition and turned him over to about $10,000.000,and the con- > ':\',"'~' California and calls for sepa. ." . d'. ' ,.'" '. to its present building, Taking D h ,. f . struction and operation of the :rate deliberations in death- part in the ceremonies were etroit aut oritIes or In- .' 'i'''''':: < <:;. .>\iH::":."/ .: ~=$;, Dr, Benjamin F. Holl"Q.e,De- vestigation of unlawfully d:-ai.n will be under the juris- penalty cases. .M. \. ~.<" .............. U:, """j,I!li.,.-:,~ •. ,ro", troit District Superintendent; driving away an automo- dlct~on of the Intra-County Mrs, Scott disappeared May ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR BETTY BROWNSON WILCOXSON afe interested observers. They are part 15. 1955. and for many months and Dale Fillmore, presicient bile g ran d larceny and I Dramage ~ard and the Inter- of Kerby road demonstrates a diving position. to a of a group of 115 Girl Scouts who swim weekly at the of the Methodist Union of b 'kin' d . ' , County Dramage Board. her absence went unnoticed. A g.roup of Girl Scout student swimmers. From left to Pjerce Junior' High School Pool in the Community Greater Detroit. The addition rea, g ~ entenng m The former was created by brother of the fl1issing woman the mght tIme. the State Drain Acts to han- went to the couple's palatial TIght PAMELA RAPALEE, LINDA SHORT, DIANA Swimming Program operated by the Grosse Pointe was the second part of a struc- h th i th WILCOX (sitting), MARILYN SMITH, and CLAIRE Public School System. ture that was plan ..'1ed 10 years Three ot er you s n e dIe the drains which flow only home in West Los Angeles, and ---------------------------------------------------- ago, shortly after the Grosse car v.:ere :150 tU~"lled,?ver, to within Wayne County; the lat- began inquiries when his sis- • I Pointe Methodist Church VIT3S DetrOIt police for myestlgatlon, tel' to handle the drain origin- "tcr "ould not be found. He fin- founded. The first £ection was although '!;hey cl,;,med th.ey ating in Wayne County and ally went to the District Attor- ' 1950 knew nothmg \If toe law VI0- flowing into Maco'nb Countv Two CarB Entire Community Invited High Schoo£ camp 1eted In. 1 ' ! J t lleY. Scott disappeared and was abons. _ as in the case of the Milk , caught last spring trying to June 27-The Army ended 1 Shores Patrolman H a r r Y Ri D' j cross into Canada from Detroit. Fouled Up By Board of Education BandAmon.g its le~~!~l.q.-~lie Park ~nd re- lIamilto!'l was pan-oling south ~e:re ~~better ieture- the \ ,. .. moved Its guns a:ud eqmpment on Lake Shore at Deeplands at G' d D . dr' P th '. Saturday, December 28 from the Tnree Mile-Essex about 4 a. m., when he noticed lrar ram al~ e maJor site, D Battery of the 99th a 1957 Volkswagon, with the area of Harper Vi ~ds and a A RUMBLING EXPLOSION, By Sneeze To Use Swimming Pools State's .Best apparently produced by gas, Antiaircraft Battalion left the four youths in it. The 16-year- ~ ~f ~he. W:d~, the Bl~ck area, leaving, only a skeleton old was driving. r~ ram. cuns a InaJor trapped 21 men 500 feet under- Woman Hits Pole. Family Night Progrem Bein~ Inl!lugurated on Monday. Bounces Talented Musical Group to crew to guard Federal proper.- In his report the officer said portion of the W'>Ods and a ground Friday in a coal :!11ine January Facilities Now Being Used By Groups Into Path of Second 6; 34 Give Annual Concert in ty. The Army decided to leave the vehicle was traveling slow- part of the s0u.th .en~ of Har- which rambles under the Vir- the site ~thoug~ its lease did ly and was being driven in a per Woods; tIllS IS m Wayne ginia.West Virginia border, Vehicle Beginning Monday, January 6, a family night swim- Parcells on January 12 unt -- ming program will be inaugurated by the Grosse Pointe not explre until August 31. erratic manner. The car turned C9 y... The t rap p e d included two Previously the Army sought at a crossover and started go- The Mllk RlVer drams a part work crews. two motormen, A sneeze caused a woman Public School System, Bert Wicking, president of the Everyone knows Grosse an 0 the r year's lease, but ing south and t."len :pulled into or t?e Woods, (Wayne) and ~t, two foremen, and one fire- driver to lose control of her Board of Education, announced. Pointe High School has one changed its mind. The guns the driveway of 575 Lake ClaIr SI:0res, (Macomb), while boss_ car and smash into a pole --.---.-------0 "On Monday evenings,. be. of the outstanding high and equipment were mov.ed to Shore, The driver got out of conductmg al! the storm water ... at Moross road and Ker- N. S tween 7 and 8:30 o'clock, the school ba::::lds in the state, other areas in Metropolitan ' _ , ")' I from the .C?'lrar~ and Black Sunday, December 29 .D tr 't . h'ft f d f (Continued CD Page", Marsh Drams 'to Lake St. chev2l on Saturday, De;. Olse cares new Pierce pool will be re- but this didn.'t just happen! e 01 In a S 1 0 e ense THE TRANSIT AUTHOR- cember 28,' and then into Two Burglars served for community family Many years of hard work strategy. D Battery first took ------- Clair.. ITY, trying to avert a New the path of another car, groups and on Friday eve- on the part of numerous over the camp site on Septem- Woman H..urt Meetmg Date Set Year's Day subway strike in 'L~anns poll'ce report d1's- nings (heginning January d d f d' ber 1.
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