WCCCOKs • Gleaners Community Food Bank celebrates 25 years. Page 1B • Results from the annual student coun Page 15A $70 million • Two high schools oerform mUSicals th's weekend. Page 17A • The U.S. Coast Guard will soon kick off River Watch, a Neighborhood Watch for ltIe Great lakes. Page 2A I bond issue • The drlver In last July's deadly car crash on Lochmoor In Grosse POinte W~ WIll stand ftlal thIS summer on 2 additional "This is over the thr:ee:counts of second-degree murder, and one count of leaVing the scene of bond issues 1.5 mill, $32 mil- an injury accident Page 3A lion increase voted • Bon Secoors Hospital emergency in the works patients might have more pnvacy and By Bonnie Caprara on in the general better treatment rooms tn the future Phow by Ro6h S,llar. Staff Wrtter Page'3A The Wayne County election in • PrMSlng needs to update deteno- Skating to a title? Commumty College Board November . rating clocks and accommodating larger of Trustees voted 6-3 m . t~!tS. 8~ 1J~~~~r~.lr f~ .. pc~...~lhIA Gr~~ Pol.'!te North'!! De.'ri!! Neveu eune!! the puck down the _ favor of l>eekmgIi $7v;J lDII- EverJcne needs manna Improvements In the City of lce durIDCthe Nonemen'. 8-0 victory over CmNe Po1D.teSouth lion non-voted bond issl,le education, but this Grosse POinte and In Grosse POinte 1D.Jut week', .t&te DI1"'lon U repoD8J champtoDlhip ,ame. However, Dlstnct 1 Shores. Page 19A North I. the defending ,t&te Dlvlfton D champion and hope, to be Trustee Mary Ellen is patently greed," playing in the title ,ame on SatW'day at 11 a.m. at the Flint IMA.. • Grosse POinte North's hockey Stempfle, who represents Mary Ellen Stempfle team began defense of Its state the Grosse Pointes, Harper WCCC trustee DiVISionII championship last week With Woodsand a small sectIon of regional Vlctones over University of City considers lowering the east side of Detroit, said age • Detroit Jesuit and Grosse POinte South. even she ISnot sure how the other prqjects to be fund- Page 1C money Willbe spent. ~ bOIld iMue~de .. Har.,er Woods' basketbaU team "It's for emergency ne('('l'l updatmg thtl l:lLud\:.ntiiiid won the Metro Conference tournament the roof on bathhouse and capital unprovements," finance management infor- champIOnship With a 64-55 VICtOryover By Bonnie caprara flat roof With mechanical equipment Stempfle said "It's purpose- matIOn systems and to Lutheran North In the tl1le game. Page Staff Wnter on it. fully vague. I don't know expand career programs 1C A wave of protest from residents Wakely estimated a change in the what projects it's for. I don't "Career programs com- over the City of Grosse Pomte's bath- deSign could cost the City anywhere know about the financmg or prise only 20 percent, but house under constructIOn at Neff from $200,000 to $350,000, the length of the bond. should make up 70 to 80 per- Park has the city counCIlconsidenng Paul Denko, project manager for "This IS over the 1 5 mIll, cent of all curricular offer- W~,EK AHEAD possible changes to the building Jenkins ConstructIOn, estimated that $32 million mcrell5e voted ings, makmg this area of The councIl Will hold a speCIal a change In the desIgn could delay the on in the general election in concern critical for the via- meetmg on Thursday, March 7, at the opemng ofthe pool and bathhouse "by November," Stempfle said. bilIty of the district," read a Thursday, March 7 Grosse Pointe Umtarian Church to a couple of months." "Everyone needs education, statement from the execu- The City of Grosse POinte City conSIder three posSible changes to the "It depends on how qwckly they can but this is patently greed." tIve summary. Council Will hold a special meeting to 31.foot.high, 8,Ooo-square-foot bath- get the drawmgs to us," Denko sllld. Stempfle, who voted Colle~e Chancellor Dr. diSCUSSthe constructIOn of the Neff house roof. "Can It be done?" said City agamst the bond issue along CurtIs Ivery could not give a Park bathhouse at the Grosse POinte The three schemes drawn involve Manager MIke Overton. "Yes, but we WIth downriver trustees list of projects to be funded Unl1anan Church at 7:30 p.m. lowenng the roof line two to SIX feet don't know how much it's going to Edward Clemente and b) the bond issue. However, bathhouse architect Robert cost. The money is going to have to Charles Paddock, said she "We're not going to expend Figure out who done It when the Wakely warned, "Instead of the pe0- come out of our operatIng budget and had not received any Infor- the dollars untIl we know Grosse POinte Theatre presents Agatha ple on Rathbone Place looking at a not everyone IS m favor of It We had matIOn from the college where they're going," said Chnstle's famed mystery, "Ten Little pitA:bedaof, they'll be lookhlg at fl 2,200 voters who voted on it " about the bond issue before Ivery. "We have buIldings Indians," through Saturday, March 9, In the Feb. 20. vote. She sllld that flood, buildings that the Fnes Audltonum of the Grosse she did not know of the have structural damage. POinte War Memonal. finance rate or length of the But if I tell you we have Performances Will be offered bond. plans to put a roof on build. Thursday through Saturday at 8 pm "I can't vote on $70 million mg X and If bUIlding B Tickets are $14. Call (313) 881-4004. ....Ithout having seen the floods tomorrow, then I'm mformation," Stempfle sllld. domg you and everyone else Friday, March 8 The bond issue IS the first a dISService" Rock the night away With Steve King of three bondtng initiatives Two other bond proDos::Us & the Dlttllies, bid on an exciting selec- proposed by the college. An include a $43 8 milhon bond tion of Silent auction Items and take explanation of the bond ISsue to go toward involve- your chances on a ratfle dunng tr1825th Issue listed in an executive ment In eXIsting regIonal Annual Benefit Party for the Foundation summary report said It "will suburban/urban ad"lsory for ExceptIOnal Children from 8 p.m 10 address emergency needs committees In the continua- 1 a m. at the Barnster Gardens, 24225 targeting Downriver, tIOn of capItal fund plan- Harper In St Clair Shores. Downtown, Eastern and ning, specIfically related to Tickets are $30. Reservations are Western campus repairS, new construction. Another reqUITed Call (313) 885-6660. renovatloIUl, i.e. provldmg $44 6 ffilllJOnbond Issue will access to the handicapped, go toward constructIOn of Saturday, March 9 roof replacement, restroom projects resultmg from the Grosse POinte Farms Mayor Ed plumbing, heating and cool- planmng and input of the Gaffney Will hold office hours from 8 to Ing repairs and electrical advisory commIttees. upgrades, updatmg class- 10 a.m. In the Farms City hall. rooms, sClenceand computer • See related labs and repair of Ea.E'tern Monday, March 11 Campus structural dam- editorial, page 6A The Grosse POinte Board of Happy Education Will meet In the wlcklng Library at Grosse POinte South High SChoo: at 8 p.rro birthday, • The Grosse POinte Park City Council Dr. Seuss Will meet In City Hall at 7 p m • Students at ~r The Grosse POinte Farms City Wood.' Beacon Ele. Council Will meel In City Hall at 7:30 mentary school cele- p.m. brated the birthday of famous chUdren'. author Theodor Geisel, better known INDEX . as Dr. SeUSl, Friday, March 1 dUl'lng an a•• embly to read Opinion 6A some 01 the students' Autos lOA favonte bOOB. Everyone who could Obltuanes 12A wore a 8eu... 1ULebat, Schools 15A even the teachers. Think of tbatl Business 18A Klnder,arten stu- Seniors....... .8B dent SheUon Black. well even had Entertainment. .. lOB whisken and a tie ClaSSified ads 6C that matched weU. March 7, 2002 Grosse Pointe News 2A News yesterda~'s headlines 50 years ago this week 50 years ago this week caught fire The woman died • HIS Emmence Edward of smoke mhalation 5 years ago this week • Doug Allor, a popular Cardmal Mooney will be • About $3,500 worth of Celebrant at th~ lolessmg sergeant on the Cltv of computer equIpment has and dedicatIOn of St John Grosse Pomte police force, been stolen from thE' Grosse Hospital tms month has retired after 32 years on Pomte Theatre bwldmg on the Job St John IS the first Fisher In Grosse Pomte CatholIc hospital to serve "I don't want any embell- Farms the far eastern sectIOn of Ishments or trills," Allor The theft comes as a cost- DetrOIt The hospital IS the said "I dId a good Job, so ly blow to the group of about culmmation of 62 years of leave It at that Just tell 350 volunteer actors and servIce to the SIckand needy everyone I'm gone" crew members who operate In Michigan by the SIsters of on a bare-bones budget St John 10 years ago this week raised exclusively through • Several Grosse Pomte • Startmg tms summer, a ticket sales Woods busmessmen al'e new sewer lme Will be • The Farmer Jack super- planmng to convene a diS- mstalled along Cook Road m market cham has bought cussIOn on the advantages Grosse Pomte Woods The the Red Lobster restaurant , 1 l' f' 1 ahU. UJ.d.~Ud.l,.n..o 01 .lJd.tA!U~ :;~-.uu..l.l .,,,,,"t;;.L "".In t)..,~ Q b"uliliug vi"'.
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