The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice The classified rate is $1.75 per word (minimum Classified advertisements placed with JABFP must be nondiscriminatory and comply with all charge of $75.00 per ad insertion) and $90.00 are restricted to physician recruitment. faculty applicable laws and regulations. Ads that dis­ per column Inch for classified display ads. positions, CME courses/seminars, and practices criminate against applicants based on seX, Please call 1-800-635-6991 and ask for classified for sale. All ads must relate to the medical field age, race, religion, marital status or physical advertising for rate Information on various clas­ and are subject to approval. handicap will not be accepted. sified display ad sizes. Prepayment In full is Please refer to the schedule below for clos­ Classified advertising orders, correspon­ required with all classified advertising. We Ing dates. All advertisements for employment dence, and payments should be directed to: accept American Express, VISA or MasterCard. Classified Advertising Confidential reply boxes are an additional Classified Advertising Deadlines $10.00 per Insertion. Responses are sent directly JABFP every Tuesday and Thursday, and the box will Issue Date Closing Date 1440 Main Street remain open for three months. Waltham, MA 02154 July-August June 1 Note: Our classified advertisements are all September-October August 1 or call 1-800-635-6991 set In the same typeface and format. All ads November-December October 1 (617-893-3800 in MA) are listed by geographic territory. FAJ(:617-895-1045 NORTHWESTERN NJ - Has several opportunities WESTERN MARYLAND - BE/BC Family Practi­ for BE/BC Family Practitioners/Internists to join tioner for hospital-based practice. Lucrative private group practice settings. Please send CV salary and benefits. Please send CV to: JuleS MASSACHusms - BC/BE FP wanted to estab­ In confidence to: FP, PO Box E, Denville, NJ Ehrenberg, Vice President. E.J. Michaels, Ltd., lish fee-for-service medical practice with mini­ 07834. 1865 Palmer Avenue, Larchmont. NY 10538. call: mum gross Income received guarantee plus 914-833-1700 or toll-free outside the NY other appropriate assistance. On call coverage NEW FP RESIDENCY - Seeks faculty member for metropOlitan area at 800-333-2999. Fax: 914-833- by six established FPs. Salary option plus bonus university-sponsored community program near 1711. (with ability to convert to FFS) also available. Con­ Princeton. NJ. Current scholarship Interests: nutri­ tact: R. Manglon, President. Harrington Memorial tion, psychotherapy. preventive medicine. Com­ NEW YORK. ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS - LAKE Hospital. 100 South Street. Southbridge, MA petitive salary, outstanding benefits. Contact: CHAMPLAIN REGION - Opportunities for FamilY 015500r 508-765-9771, extension3451. Daniel Jass, MD. Director, UMDNJ/Robert Wood Practitioners and Internists In full range of prac­ Johnson Medical School FP Residency Program tice settings at CVPH Medical Center. a 41 Q­ SOUTHEASTERN CONNECTICUT - Busy Walk-In at Helene Fuld Medical Center. 666 Plainsboro bed, University affiliated, regional (eferral hospi­ Center seeks full-time or part-time Physician. Road. Suite 632, Plainsboro, NJ 08536. Fax 609- tal. State loan repayment programs. Practice General medicine, minor surgery, and urgent 275-81 OS. UNDNJ is an AA/EOE Employer. first class medicine In a teaching environment care experience required. Pleasant work while enjoying a relaxed, family oriented lifestyle environment. competitive salary, and benefits. on Lake Champlain, near the Adirondack Moun­ Reply Box 10734, NEJM. tains, the Olympic-lake Placid region and Montreal. For Information and video: Zaldee Faculty Position Laughlin, PO Box 1656, Plattsburgh, NY 12901; 800-562-7441. Central Washington State University of Washington afflliated Fam­ FAMILY PRACTICE - UPSTATE NEW YORK - pre­ mier multispeclalty group In Adirondack foothillS ily Practice residency program in seeks board certified/board eligible FamilY FOR A CHANGE Yakima, Washington seeking board cer­ Practitioner to join a three-person Family Prac­ OF PACE tified Family Physician faculty to begin tice Department. Slocum-Dickson Medlcol Sexve your country, SummerlFall '95. Ethnically diverse Group P.C. Is a 55-physician, predominantly fee­ for-service, multlspeclalty group that Is growing enhance your skills community of 60,000 (service population 200,(00) located in the eastern foothills to meet the medical needsofan expanding com­ and practice your munity. The position offers a guaranteed salOrY of the Cascade Mountains. Four distinct speciality in the for two years followed by production based in­ seasons with year-round recreational op­ come distribution formula. Shareholder statuS greatest Navy in the portunities. 6-6-6 program sponsored by after two years. Located In a beautiful area wlt/1 world. The Naval community hospitals with conjoint medi­ year-round outdoor recreation. MuseumS, Resexve has it all, symphony, actor's theater are available locallY cal staff. Competitive salarylbenefits. as well as many college, educational and enter­ part-time. Call: Practice experience preferred. Program tainment programs. Send letter of Introduction 1-800-USA-USNR. emphasis includes rural and underserved and CV to: Reply Box 10599. NEJM. practice. Send CV to: THIRTY PHYSICIAN MULTISPECIALTY GROUP .., Michael W. Maples, MD, Director Located In a lovely and prosperous small city In ~ Central Washington Family Medicine southwestern New York State, needs a board NAVAL RESERVE 1806 West Lincoln certified or eligible Family Practitioner. com­ You 8IId the "'val R..",•• Yakima WA98902 petitive salary and early partnership. PleaSe Full Speed AIIeIId. send CV to: Olean Medical Group, 535 Main Phone: 509/452-4946 Street. Olean, NY 14760. 716-372-0141. J FAMILY PRACTICE RESIDENCY DIRECTOR - A HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA GROUP - Join modern, 300+-bed community teaching hospi­ three board certified Family Physicians In mod­ tal located In beautiful central Pennsylvania Is ern, professionally managed practice adjoining seeking an enthusiastic board certified Family hospital. Excellent salary/benefits package, paid PHYSICIAN - Primary Care or Family Practice PhysiCian to serve as the Director of Its highly­ relocation. Call: Tom Bell at 800-238-7150. Howe, Physician to Join with other health care pro­ regarded Residency Program. Opportunity to Lawlor and Associates, 5 Radnor Corporate fessionals in a facility for multi-disciplinary practI­ direct 18 residents who come from many of the Center, Suite 448, Radnor, PA 19087 or fax CV tioners with a common focus on functional and nation's premier medical schools. Enjoy a fa­ 610-975-0574. preventive medicine. Space available for partial vorable quality of life provided by this beautiful week or full week. Experience preferred. Please semi-rural community. Excellent compensation/ GET BACK TO THE BASICSI - Enjoy an easy­ fax CV to: 301-816-0011. benefits provided. For more Information, please going lifestyle In a community with high empha­ sis on the best quality of life Including superior V~RGINIA PRIMARY CARE - Enjoy a small city forward curriculum vitae to: Daniel Stern and As­ wIth a big sense of community where quality of sociates, The Medical Center East, 211 North schools. and affordable, attractive homes. Only thirty minutes from major metro cltyl Great out­ life and quality of medicine are valued. Four Whitfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15206. Call 800- beautiful seasons with easy access to the moun­ 438-2476orfax800-892-2781. door recreation, and a popular golf/ski resortl Financially lucrative practice, excellent call. no tains and the ocean, cultural amenities, and THE GEISINGER SYSTEM OF HEALTH CARE - Is practice management hassles and very sup­ schools nationally recognized for their academ­ seeking BC/BE Family Practice PhYSicians to Join portive hospital. Call: Gil Gillespie 800-654-2854. ic excellence offers the ultimate in family living. Its growing multi-Institutional organization. Open­ A variety of opportunities to associate with es­ Ings range among a teaching hospital In SEACOAST NEW HAMPSHIRE - Frisbie Memorial tablished, well respected Family Physicians and Danville, Pennsylvania, to multispeclalty offices Hospital Is a 120-bed acute care hospital Internists are available as well as an opportunity In Bloomsburg, Lewistown, Lock Haven, State Col­ sponsoring excellent Family Practice op­ to start a practice of your own. loan forgiveness lege, Wilkes-Barre, and Scranton, Pennsylvania. portunltlesl They Include a fully managed prac­ Is available In some Instances. Affiliate with Opportunities are also available In single special­ tice with competitive salary and Incentives, as Danville Regional Medical Center, the sole pro­ ty offices. If you are Interested In practicing In a well as tailored benefit packages. Excellent call vider of hospital care In Danville and the surroun­ beautiful rural atmosphere, without all the urban 1:7. We welcome CVs on a continuing basis. Con­ ding county. An active support system of hassles, this may be just for you. The regions offer tact: Michele Dwyer, 11 Whitehall Road, speCialists and co-professionals are here to safe environments, affordable housing and easy Rochester, NH 03867. Call 603-887 -0488. Fax 603- welcome you. Send CV to: Sandra Hardy or Kris access to major metropolitan areas. Com­ 887-0080. Zlpln, Danville Regional Medical Center, De­ petitive salary and an excellent benefit partment NEJM. 142 South Main Street, Danville,
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