Form 10-300 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STATE: (Rev. 6-72) NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Oregon COUNTY: NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACE * Multnomah_ INVENTORY - NOMINATION FORM F9£-^>lES4JSE ONLY ENTRY J>jf Tfci ' ' / / ">x X\ \ V ' / / , \ (Type all entries complete applicable sections, '<?y^ ^ Ain\l 'J^Tv 4(\1Jl |$ii$$$iiii^ ^^^•^ppra^ COMMON: J^ & Kamm * (Ja c ob ) » Hous e H AUfc 8 B74 AND/OR HISTORIC: \c4 NATIONAL x$£^m$m!&m& !:::^:^:::;: :::: : : : :!:;:::!:::;:;::.::::;:::::i:::::::^:^:^^^ c^smmmmmsm STREET AND NUMBER: "^X/ ^T^ \'^ ^"' -'^ 1425 SW 20th Avenue Representat;tvli^ndai:ir'Wyatt CITY OR TOWN: CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: Qreeon First Portland 97201 Congressional District STATE CODE Cc)UNTY: CODE Oregon 41 Multnomah 051 ti|;:;:||il^i|iii;ii|i!i; :.: :^§^- O CATEGORY ACCESSIBLE U) OWNERSHIP STATUS (Check One) 0 THE PUBLIC Q District [2jJ Building 1 1 Public Public Acquisition- ( ) Occupied Yes: ] Restricted D Site Q Structure Eg] Private d In Proces 5 S Unoccupied '- ] Unrestricted D Object Q Both n Beir) 9 Cor1S idered Q Preservation work ^ h- in progress -K] No U PRESENT USE (Check One or More as Appropriate) [~] Agricultural [ | Government | | Park 1 1 Transportation IXl Comments [~1 Commercial 1 1 Industrial Q] Private Residence n Other (Specify) Unorrupied H O Educational l~~l Military Q Religious */» f~] Entertainment 1 1 Museum ( | Scientific OWNER'S NAME: O " Eric Ladd *t > in STREET AND NUMBER: 0 in 1411 SW Davenport Cl TY OR TOWN: STA TE: CODF Portland 97201 Oreeon 41 COURTHOUSE, REGISTRY OF DEEDS, ETC: Multnomah County Courthouse >$ultnomah« COUNTY: STREET AND NUMBER: CITY OR TOWN: STATE CODE Portland 97205 Oregon 41 TITLE OF SURVEY: NUMBERENTRY Statewide Inventory of Historic Sites and Buildings 11 O DATE OF SURVEY: 1970 D Federal [x] State Q County Q Local ' TO DEPOSITORY FOR SURVEY RECORDS: Z 1 TJ en Parks and Recreation Section C on STREET AND NUMBER: m O Oregon State Highway Building r~z CITY OR TOWN: STATE: CODE -J* Salem 97310 Oregon DATE1 (Check One) [~] Excellent Good D I I Deteriorated D II Unexposed CONDITION (Check One; (Check One) Altered Q Unaltered Move<l Q Original Site DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (if known) PHYSICAL. APPEARANCE The Jacob Kamm house, removed from its original site in 1950 and now lo»- cated at 1425 SW 20th Avenue in Portland, is the earliest and one of the finest examples of the French. Second Empire Cor General Grant^Roroque} style of architecture extant in Oregon, Built in 1871 by Jacoh Kamm, a prominent shipbuilder, it is not known if the architect was At E, Jordan or ¥, ¥. Piper, though the house has many characteristics in common with Piper *s work, L, Therkelsen was the builder. Very popular in the Eas^t from the midr<L860s, The Second Empire style is somewhat uncommon in Oregon, Though it appears to be of masonry, the two-storey house is built of carefully fitted wood with wooden quoins at the corners and a string course- like band between the first and second floors, Windows are surrounded with architraves which project in the low relief and have a molded "arched eye­ brow" cornice with a large keystone inset, Sills are supported on several brackets. The arched windows are double—hung solid panes with exterior m lowered^shutters. The one^storjsy bay window on the east "Bracketed cornice and aCballustrade^ and there is a tworsrtorey bay window on m the south side with- a bracketed cornice on the f irat level and a matching molded but unbracketed cornice on the second, The transomed double front door has a cantilivered and bracketed archedreyebrow portico with engaged urns against the wall of the house, free standing urns on the outer corners, and an anlfif ixa centered on each of the three open sides, a plain fr^i-ze on which, are set volute brackets supporting the projecting folded cornice. The n cornice is surmounted by a low molded parapet ;into which are set brow dormers whict are. flanked by volutes^ The dormers fhrotrude from a straigh£rsloped(manusard}roof which, is capped by a small'molded cornice. The o exterior retains its "original appearance, •z. The interior of the Kamm house has been greatly altered Though the plan is much, the same as originally, most of the woodwork and architectural detailing is from other notable Portland structures now demolished. Most notable is the burled ash panelling from the great hall of the Knapp house, a block-sized Stick Style house erected in 1882 and demolished in the 1950s, and the carved oak lobby pilasters, dated 1889, and leade:d glass from the Portland Hotel, designed by McKim, Head and White, also demolished in the early 1950s. In addition, the ornamental ironwork from the courtyard of "The Portland" is now installed around the front peremit^sr of the Kamm house, PERIOD (Check One or More as Appropriate) I | Pre-Columbian! O 16th Century 18th Century 20th Century D 15th Century D 17fh Century 19th Century SPECIFIC DATE(S) (If Applicable and Known) 1871 AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE (Check One or More as Appropriate) Abor iginal | | Education O Political Q Urban Planning | | Prehistoric | | Engineering n Religion/Phi, D Other, D Historic | | Industry losophy [ | Agriculture | | Invention Q Science JSH Architecture || Landscape I | Sculpture D Art Architecture | | Social/Human­ | | Commerce I | Literature itarian | | Communications Q Military Q Theater | | Conservation Music I | Transportation STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE In addition to Being the. earliest surviving and one of the finest ampler of Second Empire Barotjue architecture in Oregon, the Kamm house was Portland*s first "mansion" and long remained one of Portland's most promi^ Z nent houses, Built in 1871 on a lA^acre tract of land outside the city o limits, by the turn of the century it was on a 14^acre island of greenery in the heart of the city, It was also the first .house in the city to be centrally heated, Kamm having installed a ship>s boiler to provide steam heat. In addition, the house had a sort of "air^conditioning" system which u brought cool air from the Basement and released it through ornate round ID cast iron vents near the ceilings of the rooms, The piping for this system is still in^tact though it does not work. Jacob Kamm was born in Canton Glarus, Switzerland in 1823, the son of a Swiss army officer, Khen he weis eight years old, his father resigned his commission and the family immigrated to America? his father dying in Nesr Orleans of yellow^ fever when Jacob was twelve, When he was fourteen LJJ he journeyed to St, Louis and began work as a cabin boy aboard a steamboat. Learning the mechanics of the engines he was granted a license as engineer at the age of twenty, ^hen he wa^ twenty^six, poor health and the dis^ covery of gold in California lured him to the West, Kamm discovered he could make more money aa a steamboat engineer than as a miner and accepted a job on the Sacramento ftiver. Lot ^hitcomb, who was promoting the town of ^ilwaukie, Oregon, an early rival of Portland, hired John Ainsworth as captain and Kamm as engineer for a steamboat he wanted to build on the Willamette River, Kamm installed the boilers and machinery using tools he had forged by a local blacksmith. They ran the steamship Lot Whjtcomb on the Fillamette and Columbia Rivers carrying passengers and supplies until the ship was sold in 1854, Kamm, in conjunction with Captain Ainsworth, constructed other steam­ boats, The Carrie Ladd. built by them in 1858, formed the nucleus of the Union Transportation Company, later the Oregon Steam Navigation Company. On June 14, 1872 the Oregon Steam Navigation Company was succeeded by the Oregon Ipiiroad and Navigation Company with a capital of $6,000,000. In addition to being a major stockholder in that company, he organized the Vancouver Transportation Company. He also continued to construct steam­ boats for these and other transportation companies. CCont^nuedl "The Landmark that didn't Vanish/* Or egonlan, June 12 ? 19J55, ^Jag, §fec t , p, 8-11. "Doomed to meet the Wrecking Ball/1 0 re^onian. Iflarch: 21, 19^1, ifeg, £ec i? p, 14-18. Wolfe, Enid, "End of a Famous Mansion t " Qre£oit£an p ^arch 12. 195Q f me. Sec. p. 4, (Continued) LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE COORDINATES LATITUDE AND LONQIT-JDE COORDINATES DEFINING A RECTANGLE LOCATING THE PROPERTY 3 DEFINING THu. LtisTER POIN 1 OF A PROPERTY ————————— . ————————————————————————— ____________________ n OF LESS THAN TFN ACRES CORNER LATITUDE LONGITUDE LATITUDE LONGITUDE Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds D-Cgrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds NW ° ° N45 0 31- 06- W122o 41- 07"^ NE ° ° SE ° ° SW ? ' • o , . APPROXIMATE ACREAGE OF NOMINATED PROPERTY: ,344 (LIST ALL STATES AND COUNTIES FOR PROPERTIES OVERLAPPING STATE ORJCLO\JI|I ify HTcftWSDARI ES S lr»\ 11. 1 / / .-C-v STATE: CODE COUNTY /\^^^^. ^"^^^^K CODE STATE: CODE COUNTY: f***^f \\\.\-»U1 * \^" \ CODE W • ftufi ^- J< -4d—— STATE: CODE COUNTYi \Sv-"-jl V**~^Ky}[c^fR MliV. ^j1^1 CODE STATE: CODE COUNTY: \ ^^ Ht-^ X^OV CODE Vr^>-~_— ^tf^V' NAME AND TITLE: Paul Hartwig, Park Historian and D, W. Powers m Temporary A P«=-i>i-qr,t ORGANIZATION r ft . DATE Oregon State Highway Division Julv 11 f 1974 STREET AND NUMBER: State Highway Building CITY OR TOWN: STATE CODE Salem 97310 Oregon 41 p^^Pl^iiiii^^iPii^^p^^ii^i^i^iS^^^^^ As the designated State Liaison Officer for the Na­ I hereby certify that this property is included in the tional Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-665), I hereby nominate this property for inclusion National Register, in the National Register and certify that it has been evaluated according to the c-iteria and procedures set forth by the National Park Service.
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