Rare Grassland Plants Restricted to a few sites in highly developed areas, these grassland species are all at risk in British Columbia. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks States, these species are extremely rare to Montana and Utah. In Canada it is in British Columbia, and are at risk restricted to British Columbia, grow- due to ecological changes occurring ing in a few sites in the Okanagan in their habitats. Valley, southeastern Vancouver Island What are they? Scarlet gaura (Gaura coccinea) is and the southern part of the Rocky ost of British Columbia’s grasslands an eye-catching member of the fire- Mountain trench. are found in the rainshadow of the weed family (Onagraceae), best view- With its lovely, feather-like spike- Coast and Cascade mountains, in ed just before evening when the lets, blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis) is Mareas where low rainfall and season- flowers open for pollination by night- a very attractive member of the al drought limit tree growth and allow flying insects. Its botanical name grass family (Poaceae). Unlike other grasses to dominate. Covering about comes from the Greek – gauros mean- grasses, blue grama is not easily 1.8 percent of British Columbia, grass- ing “superb,” and cocinnea meaning overlooked. Its aesthetic qualities lands are unique ecosystems that provide “scarlet.” This perennial grows east are alluded to by the species name habitat for a variety of vertebrates and of the Rocky Mountains in dry, open gracilis. The genus name comes from invertebrates, as well as common and grasslands. It is common in the Spanish explor- rare plants. Grasslands are highly varied prairie habitats from Alberta to These species ers Claudio and in B.C. due to the province’s diverse geol- Manitoba and south to Mexico depend Esteban Boutelou. ogy, topography and climate. The and Texas. In British Columbia, This perennial likes bunchgrass community is the most scarlet gaura is found in the on habitat dry, grassy hills extensive grass- Okanagan basin and with- protection where it forms land type, domi- Limited in grassland patches in the thick mats, grow- nated by blue- southern part of the Rocky and ing from short bunch wheatgrass suitable Mountain trench. rhizomes (under- stewardship (Elymus spicatus) habitat along Flat-topped broomrape ground stems). and Idaho fescue (Orobanche corymbosa spp. for survival. Blue grama is a (Festuca idahoen- with the mutabilis) is a member of common domin- sis), and found in continuing the broomrape family (Oroban- ant species of the North American hot valley bottoms chaceae), which is well known short grass prairie, which extends east in the Okanagan loss of our for its parasitism. The plants of to Manitoba and the eastern United basin, in the grasslands this genus gained their common States, and south to Mexico. In British Thompson basin, name from a British species that Columbia it is known only from a and in the middle puts these is parasitic on Scotch broom few sites in the Cariboo-Chilcotin Fraser River and species at (Cystisus scoparius). The botani- region of the Fraser River basin and lower Chilcotin cal name orobanche also describes in the southern part of the Rocky River valleys. A risk. its parasitic nature – in Greek, Mountain trench. few patches of orobos means “vetch” and anchien mountain grasslands grow at low eleva- means “to choke.” The species name What do they look like? tions in the southern Rocky Mountain corymbosa describes the shape of its carlet gaura is a lovely 20- to 60-cen- trench, while vast grassy parklands flat-topped inflorescence. Flat-topped timetre tall plant that bears many spread across the Peace River region. broomrape is an austere, elegant, flowers crowded on a long terminal On southern Vancouver island, a scatter- purple-tinted perennial, often found Sspike. Each flower is made up of four ing of Garry oak (Quercus garryana) in association with big sagebrush petals, ranging in colour from white meadows persist. (Artemisia tridentata) on dry grassy to red, and of four sharply bent back Among the many rare grassland slopes. It is parasitic on the roots of sepals (modified leaves next to the species in British Columbia, scarlet this and other plants and gets its petals), which move in a remarkably but- gaura, flat-topped broomrape and nutrients and water through special- terfly-like manner with the slightest blue grama clearly illustrate the sta- ized root organs called haustoria. breeze. The long stamens and styles (the tus of the province’s grasslands and Flat-topped broomrape is found east male and female sexual organs of the their inhabitants. Although common of the Cascade Mountains in Wash- plant) enhance the insect-like appear- in other provinces and in the United ington, south to California and east ance of the scarlet gaura, also called rape however, is easily identified by 0.5 mm its compact, many-flowered inflores- cence. It can be distinguished from the more common California broomrape 1 mm (Orobanche californica ssp. californica), by the shorter lips of its corolla. 1 cm Blue grama is a 10- to 50-centime- 2 mm 1 mm tre tall, densely tufted grass. Its leaves are up to 15 cm long, often crisp and 0.5 mm curly with flat blades. It usually bears 2 cm two showy, purplish blue spikes made up of 20 to 80 spikelets arranged in two rows. When ready to release seeds, 2 mm the comb-like spikes roll into a dis- 2 cm tinctive and graceful spiral. It is the only species of its genus in B.C. What is their status? ‒ are and restricted to a few sites locat- ‒ ed in highly developed areas, flat- “waving butterfly.” Short, lance-shaped topped broomrape, blue grama and tions still exist? If they have survived, leaves are crowded below the inflores- Rscarlet gaura are on the provincial how much longer are they likely to last cence; the fruit is a diamond-shaped nut. Red List (species being considered for under current conditions? No other species of the genus Gaura is legal designation as Endangered or Population trends are not known found in British Columbia. Scarlet gaura Threatened). Flat-topped broomrape is for any of these three species. All that can easily be distinguished from other known from 13 sites in Canada, all can currently be assessed is their pres- grassland flora by its terminal spikes of restricted to southern B.C. Blue grama ence or absence in grassland habitats. colourful, fluttering flowers. has been found in only seven locations in Field work is needed to gather more As a true parasitic plant, flat- this province. Scarlet gaura is known information about them. Most of the topped broomrape lacks chlorophyll from only eight sites in B.C., four of known sites should be revisited, and and is white to purplish in colour. which are historical records dating from further surveys should be undertaken Deprived of their photosynthetic before 1950. Considering the transfor- to assess their status and provide role, the leaves are reduced to simple, mation the grasslands have undergone guidelines for conservation actions. alternate, brownish scales. This rela- during the last 50 years, can we reason- Except for one flat-topped broomrape tively small plant (5 to 12 cm tall) has ably assume that these historic popula- population that occurs in a protected deep, fleshy roots that obtain water area – Cathedral Lakes Provincial Park and nutrients from neighbouring – these plants are not protected in plants. The flowers are borne on short 2 cm British Columbia. Only a fraction of stalks in a compact inflores- the province’s remaining native cence. The petals are fused in grassland is protected. Churn a two-lipped corolla lined with Creek Protected Area, estab- purple strips; the five sepals lished in 1994, has been set are inconspicuous. The fruit up to conserve some of the is a many-seeded capsule that 1 cm austere beauty of the Cari- splits in two to release small, 2 cm boo grasslands. dark seeds.There are five other Through the Forest Prac- species of broomrape in tices Code, the Province of British Columbia, all restricted British Columbia has issued to the southern part of the guidelines to preserve biodi- province. Flat-topped broom- - ‒ versity on a provincial scale. The Range Management Guidebook, plants are all changing the eco- Distribution of rare grassland plants which is part of that Code, provides logical niche needed by rare in British Columbia recommendations on how to manage grassland species. grassland habitats. Rare grassland Fire is a natural disturbance plants are also candidates for protec- that plants have adapted to and tion under the Managing Identified upon which some plant com- Wildlife Strategy under the Forest munities depend. Seasonal fires Practices Code. maintain grassy meadows, keep A few regulations found in the forest understoreys open and Range Act, such as protection of water- promote biodiversity. For the past Kamloops sheds, and seeding of exposed soil, 50 years, the control of seasonal Scarlet gaura Flat-topped broomrape provide some legislative protection fires that once naturally main- Blue grama for grasslands in the province. tained grassland habitats has The BC Ministry transformed the original of Forests regu- One-quarter ecology of these areas. Forest care of these rare organisms, our lates grazing rota- encroachment is another major ecosystems may become impover- tion and duration of British cause of grassland degrada- ished, and therefore less able to adapt on Crown lands, Columbia’s tion. Non-native species such as to environmental stress and change. which could help knapweed (Centaurea species), Rare species can be prove to be limit long-term plants are cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) valuable indicators of environmen- impacts on ranges.
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