/ S x FEDERAL REGISTER 1934 VOLUME 18 \ NUMBER 152 * ODinto^ Washington, Wednesday, August 5, 1953 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT in appropriate observance of this day CONTENTS throughout our country. PROCLAMATION 3026 , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ THE PRESIDENT U n it e d N a t io n s D a y , 1953 unto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be Proclamation Pa®e BY THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES affixed. United Nations Day, 1953________ 4589 OF AMERICA DONE at the City of Washington this EXECUTIVE AGENCIES A PROCLAMATION 31st day of July in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty- Agriculture Department WHEREAS the United Nations pro­ [ s e a l ] three, and of the Independence See also Production and Marketing vides the peoples of the world with an of the United States of America Administration. organization through which interna­ the one hundred and seventy-eighth. Rules and regulations: tional differences in the economic and Conservation, national agricul­ political fields can be peacefully resolved; D w ig h t D . E is e n h o w e r and ___ tural, 1953; conservation By the President: practices and maximum rates WHEREAS the need for the United of assistance_________________ 4592 Nations is greater than ever before, and J o h n F oster D u l l e s , its success depends on the extent to Secretary of State. Alien Property Office which its members give it support; and [P. R. Doc. 53-6885; Filed, Aug. 3, 1953; Notices: WHEREAS the expression of our faith 5:16 p. m.] Vested property, intention to in and support of the United Nations will return: encourage and bring hope to the peoples Bohm, Franz and Theresia___ 4614 of other nations who are also working TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE Brudal, Holger_______________ 4615 toward a true peace with freedom and Compagnie Generale d’Elec- justice for all; and Chapter IX— Production and Mar­ tro Céramique_____________ 4615 WHEREAS the General Assembly of keting Administration (Marketing Haas, Elizabeth, et al,________ 4615 the United Nations has declared that Agreements and Orders), Depart­ Nyegaard & Co., A/S_________ 4614 October 24, the anniversary of the entry ment of Agriculture Serafini, Fiuggina and Gina__4614 Slaby, Thomas, et al_________ 4615 into force of the United Nations Charter, [Docket No. AO-179-A111 should be dedicated each year to the dis­ Thon, Christian Marius______ 4614 semination of information concerning P art 975— M i l k i n t h e C l e v e l a n d , O h io , Tremi, Rosina, et al.; révoca­ the aims and accomplishments of the M a r k e t in g A rea tion________________________ 4615 United Nations: ORDER AMENDING ORDER, AS AMENDED, Army Department NOW, THEREFORE, I, DWIGHT D. REGULATING HANDLING See Engineers Corps. EISENHOWER, President of the United States of America, do hereby urge the § 975.0 Findings and determinations. Civil Aeronautics Board citizens of this Nation to observe Satur­ The findings and determinations here­ Proposed rule making: day, October 24, 1953, as United Nations inafter set forth are supplementary and Certification and operation rules Day by sending messages to friends, rela­ in addition to the findings and determi­ for scheduled air carrier oper­ tives, and associates in other member nations previously made in connection ations outside continental with the issuance of the aforesaid order countries of the United Nations, by learn­ limits of U. S.; special civil and each of the previously issued amend­ air regulation; flight time lim­ ing more about the United Nations and ments thereto; and dll of said previous itations for pilots not regu­ its members, and by expressing their con­ findings and determinations are hereby larly assigned to one type of fidence in the United Nations, their ratified and affirmed, except insofar as crew_________________________ 4606 friendship for other peoples, and their such findings and determinations may Rules and regulations: faith in the ultimate triumph of peace be in conflict with the findings and de­ Dealers’ aircraft registration and justice through the efforts of men of terminations set forth herein. certificates; area of validity 4597 good will. (a) Findings upon the basis of the Special civil air regulation ; dele­ I also call upon the officials of the hearing record. Pursuant to the provi­ gation of authority to Admin­ Federal, State, and local Governments, sions of the Agricultural Marketing istrator to permit air carriers the United States Committee for United Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (7 under contract to military Nations Day, representatives of civic, U. S. C. 601 et seq.), and the applicable services* to deviate from civil air regulations_______________ 4595 educational, and religious organizations, rules of practice and procedure, as amended, governing the formulation of Tariffs of air carriers; persons agencies of the press, radio, television, to whom free and reduced rate motion pictures, and other communica­ marketing agreements and marketing transportation may be fur­ tions media, and all citizens to cooperate (Continued on p. 4591) nished_______________________ 4596 4589 4590 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Commerce Department PaS® Federal Trade Commission Pase FEDERA^REGISTER See Federal Maritime Board; In­ Rules and regulations: \ 1934 ternational Trade Office. Cease and desist orders: Cauger, A. V., Service, Inc___ 4593 Customs Bureau Champion Spark Plug Co----- 4594 Notices: Electric Auto-Lite Co________ 4595 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Catalysts, certain; tariff classi­ General Motors Corp. and AC and days following official Federal holidays, fication--------------------- ;------ 4607 by the Federal Register Division, National Spark Plug Co---------------- 4594 Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Defense Department Illinois Sewing Machine Dis­ ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ See Engineers Corps. tributors et al__________ — 4592 thority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Defense Mobilization Office Food and Drug Administration amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ) , under regula­ Rules and regulations: Proposed rule making : tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Establishing Defense Rental Cacao products; definitions and mittee of the Federal Register, approved by standards of identity; notice Areas Division_______ 4597 the President. Distribution is made only by of hearing___________________ 4606 the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Revocation of DMO 18 and re­ ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. designation of amendments Health, Education, and Welfare The regulatory material appearing herein thereto______________________ 4597 Department is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Engineers Corps See Food and Drug Administra­ which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant tion. , to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Rules and regulations: amended June 19, 1937. Danger zone regulations; Lake Housing and Home Finance The Federal R egister will be furnished by Erie, west end________________ 4598 Agency mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Federal Civil Defense Ad­ Notices: Public Housing Commissioner; advance. The charge for individual copies ministration (minimrfti 154) varies in proportion to the amendment of delegations of size of the issue. Remit check or money Notices : authority to exercise certain order, made payable to the Superintendent Agriculture Secretary or his responsibilities vested in HHF of Documents, directly to the Government designee; delegation of certi­ Administrator under various Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. fying authority for counties statutes_____________________ 4612 There are no restrictions on the republica­ or parishes in areas deter­ tion of material appearing in the Federal mined by President to be Interior Department R egister. major disaster areas---------- 4609 See Land Management Bureau. Federal Communications Com­ Internal Revenue Service mission Proposed rule making: Estate tax--------- ----------------- 4599 CFR SUPPLEMENTS Notices: G ift tax under chapter 4 of Hearings, etc.: Internal Revenue Code, as Southern Broadcasting Co., (For use during 1953) amended____________________ 4602 Inc., and Southern Enter- The following Supplement is now prises__________________ 4610 International Trade Office available: Southwestern Bell Telephone Notices: Co_________________________ 4610 Goldberg, Charles, and Ernest L. Title 14; Parts 1—399 (Revised Syracuse Broadcasting Corp_ 4610 Jacobs; revocation of licenses W KRG-TV, Inc., and Mobile and denial of export privi­ Book) ($6.00) Television Corp__________ - 4609 leges ______________________ — 4607 U. S. standard broadcast sta­ Previously announced: Title 3 ($1.75); Interstate Commerce Commis­ tions; list of changes, proposed sion Titles 4 -5 ($0.55); Title 6 ($1.50); Title 7: changes and corrections in Notices: Parts 1-209 ($1.75), Parts 210-899 assignments_________________ 4611 ($2.25), Part 900—end (Revised Book) Hearings, etc. ($6.00); Title 8 (Revised Book) ($1.75); Federal Maritime Board Gypsum backing board be­ Title 9 ($0.40); Titles 10-13 ($0.40); Rules and regulations: tween points in Texas_____ 4613 Title 14: Part 400—end (Revised Book) Practice and procedure before Phosphate rock from Florida ($3.75); Title 15 ($0.75); Title 16 ($0.65); Board and Maritime Adminis­ to South----------------------- 4613 Title 17 ($0.35); Title 18 ($0.35); Title tration; miscellaneous amend- Justice
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