DOBSCHUTZ (ERNST VON). --- Das apostolische Zeitalter. [Schiele, Religions-gesch. Volksb., 1. Reihe, Bd. 1. ] Halle a. S., 1904. Yd. 7.12. --- The Apostolic age. Tr . by F . L. Pogson . Lond., 1909. *B. 11.50. --- Christian life in the Primitive Church. Tr. by G. Bremner and ed. by W. D. Morrison. [Theol. Tr. Lib. 18.1 Lond., 1904. *B. 12.39. --- Christusbilder. Untersuchungen zur christlichen Legende. 3 pts. (in 1). [Texte u. Unters. N. F. Bd. 3.1 Leipzig, 1899. Za.8.39. --- The eschatology of the Gospels. Lond., 1910. *B. 11.52. --- Das Kerygma Petri. Kritisch untersucht von E. v. D. [Texte u. Unters. Bd. 11.1 Leipzig, 1893. Za. 8.32. --- Probleme des apostolischen Zeitalters. Leipzig, 1904. Zb.5.51. --- Die urchristlichen Gemeinden. Leipzig, 1902. Za.5.44. --- ed. See LUNEMANN (G.). Die Briefe an die Thessalonicher. --- ed. See MARTYRIUM GURIAE, SAMONAE ET ABIBI. Die Akten der edessenischen Bekenner, etc. DOBSON (ALBAN TABOR AUSTIN) . --- Austin Dobson; some notes. With chapters by Sir E. Gosse & G. Saintsbury. Lond., 1928. .92 --- comp. See DOBSON (AUSTIN). A bibliography of the first editions of ... books and pamphlets by A. D . , etc. --- comp. See DOBSON (AUSTIN). University of London Library. Catalogue of the collection of the works of Austin Dobson. ADDITIONS DOBSCHTJTZ (ERNST VON) . --- The Apostolic age. Tr. by F.L. Pogson. Lond., 1909. New Coll. Lib. --- Die urchristlichen Gemeinden; sittengeschichtliche Bilder. Leipzig, 1902. New Coll. Lib. - Another copy. New Coll. Lib. --- Das Apostolicum in biblisch-theologischer Beleuchtung. [A.d. Welt d. Relig. Biblische Rhe, 8.1 Giessen, 1932. New Coll. Lib. -- Christusbilder; Untersuchungen zur christlichen Legende. [Texte u. Untersuch. Bd. 18.1 Leipzig, 1899. New Coll. Lib. --- Studien zur Textkritik der Vulgata. Hit zwei Tafeln in Lichtdruck. Leipzig, 1894. New Coll. Lib. --- The eschatology of the Gospels. Lond., 1910. New Coll. Lib. --- Das Kerygma Petri kritisch untersucht. [Texte u. Untersuch. Bd. 11, Hft. 1.1 Leipzig, 1893. New Coll. Lib. --- Probleme des apostolischen Zeitalters. Leig,ig, 1904. New Coll. Lib. --- Vom Auslegen des Neuen Testaments; drei Reden. Gottingen, 1927. New Coll. Lib. --- [Die urchristlichen Gemeinden.] Christian life in the primitivf church. Tr. by G. Bremner and ed. by W.D. Morrison. [Theol. Translation Lib. Vol. 18.1 Lond., 1904. New Coll. Lib. --- Die Thessalonicher-Briefe. 7te Aufl. vollig neu bear. [Knit Exeget. Komm. u.d. N.T. Abtl. 10.1 Gottingen, 1909. New Coll. Lib. DOBSON (ALAN PAUL. --- Sale of goods and consumer credit. [Concise Coll. Texts.] Lond., 1975. Law Lib. --- 2nd ed. Lond., 1979• Law Lib. DOBSON (AUSTIN) . --- Collected poems. 7th ed. Lond. , 1907. English Lib. Gordon Hislop Bequest. --- The complete poetical works of A. D. Lond., 1923. .82189 Dob. --- At the sign of the Lyre. Lond., 1886. 5.14.13. --- De libris; prose and verse. Lond., 1923. New Coll. Lib. --- ed. Eighteenth century essays. Selected and annotated by A. D. Lond., 1888. O.S. .8245-6 Dob. --- Eighteenth century vignettes. 3 ser. Lond., 1892-1896. O.S. .8204 F Dob. --- Fanny Burney, Madame d'Arblay . [E.M.L.] Lond., 1903. O. S. .82366 Dob. --- Fielding. [E. M. L.] Lond., 1883. O.S. .82352 Dob. --- Rep . -Lend l i 9 W. off lis h}. --- Later essays. 1917-1920. Lond., 1921. .62491 • 911 9`1 1^0 b. --- Old-world idylls, and other verses [chiefly selected from 'Vignettes in rhyme' and 'Proverbs in porcelain'] . Lond. , 1887. 5.14.14. DOBSON (AUSTIN) [Continued]. --- Proverbs in porcelain. To which is added "Au revoir", a dramatic vignette. Lond. , 1893. O.S. .82189 '* Additional woodcut title-page. 5.16, - Sal R9 Dob. --- Richard Steele. Lond., 1886. O.S. .82453 Dob. --- Rosalba's journal and other papers. Lond., 1915. .82491 9 82 A IN 2)•b --- Samuel Richardson. [E. M. L. Lond . , 1902. (DW. .82361 Doi). T- ;, Wier COPIMS [Continued overleaf.] DOBSON (AUSTIN) [continued]. — Side-walk studies. Ill. 8° Lond., 1902. Est' 82 l 8 9 J),&. — The story of Rosina and other verses by A. 1). Illus- 5• 6. trated by Hugh Thomson. 8' Lond., 1895. ^s:.-l:,{Lr:3td O+i.. ^]^ 85 Dv ^. — Thomas Bewick and his pupils, etc. Ill. 8 Lond., 1884. Zr. 10. 68. — William Hogarth. 111. New ed. -07A -be^ 8' Lond., 1898. =1: i M. Se. o. T. -78(4.2071 gaj- — William Hogarth ... with an introduction on Hogarth'a ) workmanship by Sir AV. Armstrong ... With plates in photogravure and facsimile. 4' Lond., 1902 . EF.. 4. 7 1. — Portfolio of duplicate plates ... on India paper, etc. 4 Lond., 1902. EE. 4. 72. --- A bibliography of the first editions of published and privately printed books and pamphlets by A. D. Comp. by Alban Dobson, with a preface by Sir Edmund Gosse . Lond. , 1925. R^^ .82189 Dob. DA_ --- University of London Library. Catalogue of the collection of the works of Austin Dobson, 1840-1921. [Comp. by A. T. A. Dobson.] Lond., 1960. gel .,F 2,e q -^66. J)e4 --- See DOBSON (A.). A. D.; some notes. — See LANG (A.). The library: with a chapter on modern English illustrated books, by A. D. -- - ed. See STEELE (Sir R.). S. Selections. DOBSON (DINA PORTWAY) . --- The archaeology of Somerset. [County Archaeologies. ] Lond., 1931. .913(4238) Dob. DOBSON (E. B .) . --- Angus (Forfar). [Land Utilis. Surv. of Brit. Lang of Brit. 27. ] Lond., 1946. .6314(42) Lan. --- Another copy. Geog. Lib. --- Banffshire. [Land Utilis. Surv. of Brit. Land of Brit. 6.1 Lond., 1941. .6314(42) Lan. A11111'1'Ii1Nti DOBSON (C.R.). --- Masters and journeymen; a prehistory of industrial relations, 1717-1800. [Croom Helm Soc. Hist. Ser.] Lond. [1980.] .3311(42071-073) Dob. --- Another copy. Econ. Hist. Lib. DOBSON (BRIAN). --- ed. See DOMASZEWSKI (ALFRED VON). Die Rangordnung des romischen Heeres. 2. durchgesehene Aufl. ;— See BREEZE (DAVID J.) and D.(B.) --- and BREEZE (DAVID J.). --- The building of Hadrian t s Wall. 4th ed. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1973• P •913(4zsx) DO p. DOBSON (CHARLES). --- The history of the concrete roofing tile; its origin and development in Germany. With technical notes by F.L. Brady. Lond., 1 959• Architect. Lib. DOBSON (CYRIL COMYN). --- Did our Lord visit Britain as they say in Cornwall and Somerset? 2nd ed. rev. Glastonbury, 1936. New Coll. Lib. DOBSON (EDWARD). --- An historical, statistical, and scientific account of the railways of Belgium from 1834 to 181.x2. Tr. and compiled from original documents by E.D. Lond., 1843. x-1.16/2. 87. --- A rudimentary treatise on foundations and concrete works. Lond., 1850. X.14. 2V2. --- A rudimentary treatise on the manufacture of bricks and tiles, containing an outline of the principles of brickmaking. 2 pts. (in 1). Lond., 1850. In X.14.26. --- A rudimentary treatise on masonry and stone-cutting ... with ... an atlas ... Lond., 1849. X.14. 2 V3. it -4< jjo^ ' f) ^ wary. --- Rudiments of the art of building ... Lond., 1849. X.14. 2 4/ 1. DOBSON (ERIC JOBN). --- English pronunciation, 1500-1700. 2 vols. Oxford, 1957. -L21509 Dob. 1. Survey of the sources. 2. Phonology. --- Another copy. Vol. 2. --- 2nd ed. 2 vols. Oxford, 1968. .421509 Dob. [Continued overleaf.] DOBSON (ERIC JOHN) [continued]. --- The origins of Ancrene Wisse. Oxford, 1976. 8z4^ 4nc, Pob. --- and HARRISON (FRANK LLEWELLYN). --- eds. Medieval English songs. Lond., 1979. F .784( 1 203) Dob . --- Two other copies. Reid Music Lib. DOBSON (FRANK)-!^c., krk-& C --- See EARP (T.W.). F.D., sculptor. DOBSON (GEORGE). --- GROVE (H.M.) and STEWART (H.). --- Russia. Painted by F. de Haenen. Text by G.D. ... Lond., 1913. *P. 4.40 . DOBSON (GEORGE EDWARD). --- Monograph of the Asiatic Chiroptera, and catalogue of the species of bats in the collection of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Lond., 1876. Bruce Coll.3.24. *** Bruce Collection. DOBSON (GORDON MILLER BOURNE). --- Exploring the atmosphere. Oxford, 1 9 63 . .5515 Dob. --- Another copy. JCM Lib. --- 2nd ed. Oxford, 1968. K.B.L. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS DOBSON (ERIC JOHN). --- See STANLEY (ERIC GERALD) and GRAY (DOUGLAS) eds. Five hundred years of words and sounds; a Festschrift for E.D. DOBSON (FRANK) Botanist. -- Lichens; an illustrated guide. 2nd rev. and corr. ed. Richmond, 1981. Botany Lib. DOBSON (GORDON MILLER BOURNE) [continued]. --- GR=ITH (IDWAL OWAIN) and HARRISON (DOUGLAS NEILL). --- Photographic photometry; a study of methods of measuring radiation by photographic means. Oxford, 1926. JCM Lib. DOBSON (HENRY AUSTIN. See DOBSON (AUSTIN. DOBSON (JESSIE). --- Anatomical eponyms; being a biogrep hical dictionary of those anatomists whose names have become incorporated into anatomical nomenclature, with definitions of the structures to which their names have been attached and references to the works in which they are described. With a foreword by F.W. Jones. Lond., 1946. C.M.L. --- 2nd ed. Edin., 1962. M.R.R. --- John Hunter. Edin., 1969. G.L. .617(4207 092 Hun. Dob. --- Another copy. C.M.L. --- Another copy. M.R.R. --- William Clift. Lond., 1954. C.M.L. --- and WAKELEY (Sir CECIL PEMBREY GREY) lst Bart. --- Sir George Buckston Browne. With a foreword by Sir H. Platt. Edin., 1957. C.M.L. DOBSON (JOHN) B.D. --- A sermon preacht at the funeral of the ... Lady Mary Farmor ... Lond., 1670. Dd.7.89. DOBSON (JOHN) Mathematician. --- The elements of geometry. [Anon.] 2 vols. (in 1). Cambridge, 1813-15. *0.18.25. DOBSON (JESSIE). --- and WALKER (ROBERT MILNES). --- Barbers and barber-surgeons of London; a history of the barbers' and barber-surgeons' companies. Oxford, 1 979• .617(112)09 Dob. DOBSON (JOHN Architect. --- See WILKES (LYALL). J.D., architect & landscape gardener. DOBSON (JOHN FREDERIC). --- The Greek orators. Lond., 1919. .885 Dob. --- Another copy. Classical Lib. DOBSON (JOHN M.). --- Politics in the gilded age; a new perspective on reform. Foreword by J.P. Shenton. [New Perspectives in Amer. Hist.; Praeger Univ. Ser. U 733.1 New York, 1972. .329(738) Dob.
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