LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A 352 .07 73 noS8 cop 4 IILI.'ICIS HISIORICAl SURVEY ARCHIVES OF ILLINOIS '^UHois «..»«,»"•»%%^^ ST. CLAIR COUNTY ( BELLEVILLE N9 88) ORICAL RE CHIC INVENTOBY OF THE COUNTY ARCHR'ES OF ILLINOIS Prepared by The Illinois Historical Records Survey Project Division of Professional and Service Projects llfork Projects Administration No, 88. ST. CLAIR COUNTY (BELLEVILLE) 4> in :« « * * Chicago, Illinois The Illinois Historical Records Survey Project September 1939 The Historical Records Survey Progrsun Luther H. Evans, Director Royal S. Van de Woestyne, State Supervisor Division of Professional and Service Projects Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner Alma B. Kerr, Chief Regional Supervisor Mary Gillette Moon, State Director mm PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION F. C. Harrington, Commissioner George Field, Regional Director Charles E, Miner, State Administrator 4 j5>,0773 ""'WW mwm. ima //is-/ f''' rOREWORD Tlie Inventory of the County Archives of Illinois is one of a numher of "bihliographies of historical material prepared throughout the United States "by workers on The Historical Records Survey Program of the Work Projects Administration, The publication herewith presented, an inventory of the archives of St, Clair Co\inty, is number 88 of the Illinois series. The Historical Records Survey Program was undertaken in the winter of 1935-36 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy unemployed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers. In carrying out this objective, the project was organized to compile inven- tories of historical materials, particularly the unpublished government documents and records which are basic in the administration of local govern- ment, and which provide invaluable data for students of political, economic, and social history. The archival guide herewith presented is intended to meet the requirements of day-to-day administration by the officials of the county, and also the needs of lawyers, business men, and other citizens who require facts from the public records for the proper conduct of their affairs. The volume is so designed that it can be used by the historian in his research in unprinted sources in the same way he uses the library card catalog for printed sources. The inventories produced by The Historical Records Survey Program attempt to do more than give merely a list of records - they attempt further to sketch in the historical background of the county or other unit of govern- ment, and to describe precisely and in detail the organization and functions of the government agencies whose records they list. The county, town, and other local inventories for the entire country will, when completed, con- stitute an encyclopedia of local government as well as a bibliography of local archives. The successful conclusion of the work of The Historical Records Survey Program, even in a single coionty, would not be possible without the support of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and many other groups in the community. Their cooperation is gratefully acknowledged. The Survey Program was organized and has been directed by Luther H. Evans, and operates as a nation-wide series of locally sponsored projects in the Division of Professional and Service Projects, of which Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner, is in charge. F, C, Harrington Commissioner - iii _ PEEFACE The Historical Records Survey Program was initiated as a nation- wide undertaking in January, 1936, as part of the Federal Writers' Proj- ect of the Works Progress Administration, now the Work Projects Adminis- tration, In Illinois the Survey hecame an independent unit in August, 1936, but continued to operate as a part of the nation-wide project under the technical supervision of Dr. Luther H. Evans, National Director, and under the administrative supervision of the Division of Professional and Service Projects, Alston G, Field and Howard E. Colgan were the first two state directors, the former serving until Novemher 1, 1937, and the latter to May 16, 1939. On September 1, 1939, the Illinois State Library, of which Secretary of State Edward J. Hughes is State Librarian and Helene E. Rogers, Superintendent of State Library Divisions, assumed the sponsorship of The Historical Records Survey Program in this state. In compiling this inventory of the archives of St. Clair County, the Survey Program has sought to locate, describe, and classify all extant county records and to make them more easily accessible to county officials, the general public, and research workers. It is believed that this Inven- tory will be useful in the preservation of this valuable material, and as a guide to the archives wherein may be found so much important information in the field of history, sociology, political science, and economics. While some historians have realized this for many years, the general public has never been made aware of the intrinsic worth of this material. In the official documents of St, Clair County are found the materials of another chapter in the story of the coming into the Illinois wilderness of set- tlers who created a territory and the rudiments of a simple frontier government, bought and sold land, built roads, established schools, and later founded a state. The Illinois Historical Records Survey Project has proved to be of considerable assistance to local and county governments. Records have been rearranged and made more accessible, material believed to be lost has been located, indexing projects have been fostered, and county officials have been encouraged and induced to provide new eq,uipment for their offices and better storage space for the records. In addition, the program of the Project has been planned to dovetail with the long-range plans of the State of Illinois for the care of state and local archives. For example, the first step, the removal of all state records to a new Archives Building, has been materially aided by the prep- aration of preliminary inventories by survey workers for the various state departments. Furthermore, the program of the State for the preservation of county records, including the making of microphotographic copies of all important historical documents, obviously presupposes inventories such as The Illinois Historical Records Survey Project is now making. The inventories being compiled by The Historical Records Survey Program also make possible for the first time a scientific study of the - T - question of record destruction. Under Illinois law no records may be destroyed without specific enabling legislation. This provision, to- gether with the tremendous increase in the quantity of records in recent years, has made it impossible for either the state or the counties to tsike care of the documents adequately. Hence, a certain amount of rec- ord destruction has been inevitable. If, as seems probable, a study of these inventories should lead to the enactment of adequate and sensible legislation governing the disposition of public records, these compila- tions may prove to be the most important contribution of the Survey, Preliminary work on the survey of records in St. Clair County, the eighty-eighth county on the alphabetically arranged list of the one hun- dred and two counties in Illinois, was begun under the supervision of Kenneth C. Blood on March 10, 1936, and finished as far as possible Sep- tember 21, 1936, Rechecking was begun September 21, 1937 and completed November 9, 1938, Abstracting and trajiscribing of county board records was started July 23, 1938 and completed July 17, 1939. This work was supplemented by additional research into other county records, and also into the laws, in order to trace fully the development of the different forms of government in St. Clair County, The Inventory was prepared for publication by the state editorial staff of The Illinois Historical Records Survey Project at Chicago, under the supervision of Herbert R. Rifkind. Preparation of part B of the Inventory was under the direction of Kartine O'Connor; Irving 2. Barnett supervised the preparation of the legal essays; the historical sketch was written by Kathleen Summitt; and the format was prepared and collated by Edward J. McDonough. In addition, too much credit cannot be given to the other members of the editorial, research, and typing staffs for their in- telligent and diligent cooperation in the compilation of this Inventory, All of the officers of St, Clair County cooperated in every possible way with the workers, and grateful acknowledgment of their aid is hereby made, I also v/ish to express appreciation for the assistance rendered by the officials of the Illinois Work Projects Administration and the Illinois Writers' Project, For the cover design we are indebted to the Illinois Art Project, The various units of the Inventory of the County Archives of Illinois will be available for distribution to governmental offices. Libraries, schools, and historical societies in Illinois, and libraiies and govern- mental agencies in other states. Requests for information concerning particular units of the Inventory should be addressed to the State Supervisor, Royal S, Van de Woestyne f State Supervisor The Illinois Historical Records September 30, 1939 Survey Project - vi - . TABLE OF CONTENTS A, Gt. Clair County and Its Records System Page 1. Historical Sketch tl Introduction: location; physical characteristics; anirnal life; cliinate; population. Early civiliza- tions: the mounds; Indians of historic times. The French bef^innings. The British interlude. American occupation: Clark's conquest; the County of Illinois. The interregniun. The County of St. Clair: Northv/est Territory; Indiana Territory; Illinois Territory. Civil and political development after statehood: ad- ministrative changes; St. Clair County and early Illinois; the county in the Civil War period; the impact of industrialism. 2. Governmental Organization and Records System 81 Introduction. General administration. Finances : taxation; fiscal control. Administration of jus- tice: courts; clerks of courts; ministerial of- ficers; prosecutions; inquests; enforcoment of law. Education. Recordation. Public works : roads and bridges; public buildings; drainage.
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