Memorial service Friday for Captivan Belton Johnson /5A 0s beginning t WEEK to look a lot like Miami goes 'Coconuts' /5C Calendar of events /23A Christmas What's cooking Classifieds /16C /1C for a holiday party? /9C Visitors information /21A 1961-1986 Still first after 25 \ ears >L. 25, NO. 50 TUESDAY, DEC. 16,1986 THREE SECTIONS, 68 PAGES 25 CENTS Photo session w^'w^^ H"18?*?' fr°m the °anal at Sanibel Moorings con- anymore Photos on page 15A. Photo by RickiKosakow week when a team of volunteers, with the expert dominiums. Westall said the animal obviously had Cooper. guidance of Mark "Bird" Westall, removed a 9-foot-plus grown accustomed to being fed by humans. See story INDEX ALSO THIS WEEK New chambers ready Olympic coach speculates Christmas is a Arts-Leisure 5C Bridge 12C for chamber of commerce about 1988 competition picnic on Sanibel Fishing tips 14B With help from members of the Major Hall calls his current fleet For 22 profoundly retarded men Make a date 10C board of directors, the Sanibel- of champion boardsailers an "in- who live in a state home, Pigskin picks 12B Captiva Chamber of Commerce between team." He expects his Christmas came eariy this year in Police beat 14A staff moved out of its temporary young dynamos to peak in six or the form of a picnic and visit from Recreation-Sports 10B quarters and into a newly seven years. Santa at the Sanibel home of Weather 3A renovated building Sunday. Elinore and Bob Dormer. /20A /10B /TC cis&tuiavi Tuesday 2A Island Shorts Dec. 16,1986 WHAT Captivans assigned to 1987 ABC Sale duties IS IT? Just about everyone on the Island is involved somehow More than 125 members of the Captiva Civic Barnes; miscellaneous, AnnBruning; money runnecg, Association will contribute their time toward the 1987 Bob Kessler; parking and crowd control, Fred Schlup. We don't want to know what it looks like or Attic, Basement and Closet Sale. Chairman of more Also: Plants, Brian Harburn; posters, Lolly Cohen; what it reminds you of. We want to know EX- than 30 committees for the annual sale were announc- publicity, Virginia Parker; raffle, Jack Mount; ACTLY WHAT IT IS. ed last week by ABC Sale general co-chairmen John Sanibel merchants, Martin Ehlers; set up, Bill Breda; The photos in this weekly stumper can be Bates, Ann Breda and Billie Manning. shells, Phyllis Mount; sports, Leo Hofschneider; extra close-ups or odd angles of things we all The sale will be held Saturday, Feb. 28, at the treasures and trifles, Jane Basinger; pick-ups, Larry see every day around the Islands. They might Captiva Community Center. Proceeds will benefit the. Hess; take down, Emery Castimore; and ABC party, be upside-down, reversed or a portion of the Captiva Memorial Library and a special scholarship Joann Malach. whole. fund for Captiva students. All committees are soliciting items for sale. Edith Craig was Chairmen of the committees named to date are: Islanders with usable merchandise are asked to make the first — and on- Auction, John Bates; bag check, Chris HofSchneider; their tax-deductible donations by dropping off goods at ly — person who baked goods, Kay Schultz; books, Helen Bradley; the Captiva Memorial Library or by calling the follow- knew last week's clothing, Louise Turtle; builder's corner, George ing persons for pick-up service: Bob Mandersheid stumper was a Parker; electricals, Mike Raad; food, Georgia and (furniture only), 472-1554; John Bates, 472-4966; Ann photograph of the Bud Hemphill; furniture, Bob Manderscheid; gold Breda, 472^6682; or Billie Manning, 472-3208. Any items "No Dumping" carts, John Grr; guards, Sandy Moran; jewelry, Boots in good condition other than mattresses, box springs sign on Wulfert Freeman; junque, Betty Murray; linens, Watseka or carpeting are welcome. Road. No one else even ventured a guess last week. Visiting shellers hit the junonia jackpot Shelters arbund Sanibel and If you think you Captiva have had an inordinate know what this amount of good luck in recent week's stumper is, weeks. And it wasn't the first time call The Islander, for some of them. 472-5185. The first Last year Dave and Marcy For- person to call with man discovered two golden olives the correct answer Last week's stumper while on their annual visit to receives his. choice Sanibel. This year they didn't ex- of an Islander 25th birthday coffee mug, a t- pect to be so lucky. But their luck shirt or a one-year subscription to the held out again — this time with a newspaper. huge junonia. Good luck this week! Marcy Forman found the junonia early one recent morning at low tide by the Lighthouse. In fact, she says she nearly stepped right on the barnacle-covered shell that blended in with the bot- tom of the tide pool. The Lighthouse beach was a lucky shelling spot for Randi Mar- cus, too. She discovered her first junonia there one recent afternoon. "I saw just a little piece of the shell," she says. "I figured I'd found a broken end. But I decided to dig it up anyway — and more and more shell kept appearing. "Naturally, I yelled quite a bit," Marcus adds. "I really enjoy the hunt for shells as much as I enjoy having the shell." A week later Marion Cocubinsky found her first junonia — also hid- den in the sand — in front of Sanibel Moorings condominiums. Randi and Henry Marcus This week's stumper Cocobinsky said she has been years during her annual vacation, has taken all kinds of finds home looking for a junonia for almost 12 She's an avid shell collector and to Staten Island, N.Y. 20 Years Ago This Week last week. Dec. 15,1966 A capacity crowd attended last week's regular mon- REMEMBER The 16-year-old Jolly Roger motel on West Gulf Jily meeting and pot luck dinner at the Sanibel Com- Drive will undergo a $282,000 facelift over the next five nunity Associations. Hosts for the evening were Mr. WHEN? years. Robert Janes, owner of the 47-unit resort, says ind Mrs. Arthur Burt. the project will "bring the motel into the 1980s." A ladies auxiliary has been formed to help organize be presented Dec. 23, 27 and 30. 1 Year Ago This Week volunteer workers at the Sanibel-Captiva Chamber of Dec. 24,1985 Commerce. Committee members are Mrs. Al 10 Years Ago This Week A group of retarded men trom Gulf Coast Center en- Quench, Priscilla Murphy and Mrs. Lew Funk. Dec. 14,1976 joyed the holiday hospitality of the Sanibel-Captiva Wegryn Clinic offered free flu shots to Island Lions Club at the home of Elinore and Bob Dormer 15 Years Ago This Week residents and visitors. last Saturday. A special treat was the arrival of Santa Dec. 16,1971 Claus bearing gifts for all. Wishing all Islanders and visitors happy holidays in When asked what Sanibel and Captiva lacked most, Front-page advertisements in The Islander were the one resident said public recreation facilities. Another The sale of items ranging from pizza to an eel skin sea Horse Shop, the B-Hive and Sanibel-Captiva Real said parking at public beach accesses, and another purse raised more than $2,500 for the Scholarship Estate. said a shuttle service for visitors who don't want to Fund of the Sanibel-Captiva American Business drive their cars all around the Islands. Womens Association last week. Many of the auction The Don Whiteheads have returned to their Sanibel items were donated by Island businesses. lome after a trip to Washington, D.C. 5 Years Ago This Week Dec.15,1981 Jim Lowman has been named president and chief Ticket orders are coming in from as far away as II- Home burglaries nave become "the in crime" on executive officer of Bank of the Islands. He joined the inois, Indiana and Ohio for the season's performances Sanibel during the past year and are increasing with Sanibel bank in 1976, one year after it was founded. )f "Busybody" at the Pirate Playhouse. The show will alarming regularity, Sanibel Sgt. Lew Phillips said The ISLANDER Tuesday, December 16,1986 3A Last year temperatures around the Islands were slightly cooler, with highs only in the upper 60s one day: HIGH LOW RAIN .WEATHER Monday, Dec. 9,1985 84 61 .00 Tuesday, Dec. 10,1985 79 75 .00 Wednesday, Dec. 11,1985 79 74 .00 WATCH Thursday, Dec. 12,1985 81 66 .00 Friday, Dec. 13,1985 80 69 .00 Saturday, Dec. 14,1985 78 62 .07 EDITOR: Cindy Chalmers • —' 68 48 ADVERTISING-BUSINESS MANAGER; Peter Cloud Sunday, Dec. 15,1985 .00 REPORTERS: Barbara Brundage, Scott Martelt, Julie Warm winter weather should continue this week. The Niedenfuer weatherman calls for highs to continue in the low to If highs in the 60s make Islanders shiver, then last PHOTOGRAPHER: Rick! Kosakow Cooper CONTRIBUTORS: Barbara Boulton, George Campbell, David mid 80s under partly cloudy skies. The lows should be weekend's highs in some parts of the country would be Essel, Capt. Mike Fuery, Bobbie Sharp, Chelle Koster in the mid to upper 60s, and there is no rain in the all but unbearable for most of us. Here is a sampling of Walton, Mark Webb, Ann Wlnterbotham ADVERTISING SALES: Rob Kasten, Paula Patterson, ast through Friday. highs and lows recorded last weekend: Frances Stein Last week's weather according to records kept by the CLASSIFIEDS: Gloria Kasten SUBSCRIPTIONS: Alison Wilson Sanibel-Captiva Chamber of Commerce was as follows: LOW HIGH GRAPHICS, DESIGN, PRODUCTION: Julie Niedenfuer HIGH LOW RAIN Anchorage, Alaska 35 44 LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS Monday, Dec.
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