' :-- ( ' Legislative Orientation Programs In the Southern States i (i ) Compiled for the Legislative Service Agency Directors (LSA) of the Southern Legislative Conference Jerry Bassett, Alabama LSA Chair May 2008 ) 1: Southern j__cgi8lative Conference The Council of State Governments P.O. Box 98129 The Coundl of State Governments Atlanta, Georgia 30359 Southern Leglslatlveti Conference $hating capltol Ideas 404.633.1866 / 404.633.4896 fax www.slcatlanta.org 2008 SURVEY Of SOUTHERN Sl'ATE LEG:tStATI:VB ORIENTATIONS Beginning in early 2008, the Southern Legislative Conference of The Council of State Governments surveyed the 16 states comprising the Southern region regarding their new me1nber orientation programs. After receiving responses from al116 states, the SLC organized a compilation of new member orientation agendas and their summaries. This booklet is a reflection of the information gathered, and is organized alphabetically on a state-by-state basis with a brief summary preceding each section. The information herein includes data on the location, faculty, duration, tOpics of discussion, and otlier pertinent infom1ation regarding orientation programs for freshman legislators. In regard to location, a review of the submitted agendas indicated that most of the legislative orientation programs are held at the state's capitol or legislative office buildings. However, several of the programs are co-facilitated by a state university or other educational institution within the state; therefore a portion, if not all, of the orientation program is sometimes held on site at the educational facility(s). Regarding participation, several states have separate orientations for each chamber. Only a few states conduct their orientations jointly. Additionally, some states go to even greater instructive lengths by providing orientation for legislative staff and/or the spouses of legislators, in an effort to ensure an even smoother transition from thei,r previous role to tlmt of a state lawmaker. In terms of duration, three days is the average length oflegislative orientation programs. A notable exception is Missouri, where legislative orientation involves a six-day program that spans three weeks with several trips to various state facilities. Topics discussed at these state orientation sessions range from basic human resources information to bill drafting. For all interested meeting participants, a list of sources is included at the end of the booldet to facilitate further research. J ' ) ) ALABAMA ARKANSAS FLORIDA GEORGIA KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MARYLAND MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI NORTH CAROLINA OKLAHOMA .. SOUTH CAROLINA TENNESSEE TEXAS VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA 6(10037 \ I --- _-' ALABAMA The Alabama Legislative Orientation is hosted by the Law Institute at the University of Alabama. The orientation is facilitated by the state's Legislative Reference Service. The program covers one and a half days of sessions with topics focused on procedural information, the judiciary and need-to-know information. Additionally, speakers from the private sector give overviews on the state's economy, education, energy, and other issues pertinent to the upcoming session. ihe Council of State Governments Southern Legislative Conference Shaori119 capitol ideas Alabama Legislative Orientation December 4- 6, 2006 Law Center University of Alabama Legislative Council and Alab,ama Law Institute Host: The Univ,ersity ofAlabama - - - -- -- - ~- --- -- -- ORIENTATION FOR FIRST TIME LEGISLATORS . IMonday,. December 4, 2006 12:00- 1:00 p.m. i REGISTRATION • R~ Room-344 Law Center PRESIDING ., ' Representative Demetrius Newtori President; Alabama Law InStitute '.;_, i-' Vice-Chair, Legislative Council'. Senator Roger Bedford ,._·_, 'i! Chair, Legislative CounCil Vice-President, Alabama Law In~Htute 1:00 RESTORING CONFIDENCE iN LEGISLATORS "Being Ethical ill Today's Leh>iS1atufe" NCSL Video, i: Jim Sum~ter, State Ei:his;s Connnis$ion 1:30 THINGS I LEARNED AS A NEW ~ LEGISLATOR • Represer\.tative Rob_ert Beirtlcy' • -SenatOrQtiilltonRoss· ,.·, 2:00 MEET.YOUR STAFF • Greg Pappas, Clerk of the House , Dave Avant, Assistant' S-ecretary of senate Jeny Bassett, DireCtor, · · Legislative Reference Seniices • Joyce Bigbee, Director, Legislative Fiscal Office Ron Jones, ChiefExaminer, Examiners of Public Accmmts • Bob McCurley, Director, Alabama Law institute · ... ,, 2:30 UNDERSTANDING STATE BUDGETS • Senator Hinton Mitchem ",_,' Representative Richard Lindsey 1 3:00 HOW (:0Mlli1TT/'li;S WORK AND BILL TRACKING· i'.'t ,_;. :; /.. -' ORIENTATION FOR Representative Marcel Black ALL LEGISLATORS Senatof .W~~ndd1 :MHChell-' Don Ladner, Staff; House _ofReprcseutative ITuesday, December· '5, 2006·'-: 3:20 BREAK 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. REGISTRATION -- '., - ,. , '-' ' 3:30 LEGISLATORS AND THE MEDIA o Moot Court Room, La"Y ~ep.ter Mike Murphy, Senate Publir;; lnfonnation 'j' Officer · 8:30 OPENING SESSION Clay Redden, House Pubiic l'nfonnation -'·-;. Officer · - - PRESIDING o Representative Demetrius Newton 3:50 ORGANIZATION SESSION.. President, Alabama Law Jtistitute - (Caucuses; COriui::titte~,-iind SClccting Vice-Chair, Leglslath~¥ ,Co~il WELCOME .. , .. L~a,dership) · · SellatOi- Rodger-Snillliernlall, for the Senate o Dt. Malcom POrtera, , -,· .-: Majorityl.e~cr,· · . .. · · Chancellor, University: of Alabama Senat6f Jab6 wag-gorier, KEYNOTE REMARKS. Sena~. MinQri'tY:.Lea~~r · o Lt. Govemo~-Elect'.i)ni Folsom- - ReprCsctiiative~ KeD G~- o Speaker of the House -Seth Hammett , Ht)u~ MajoTitY Le~ef o Senate President.Pro-·te~·toWell Barron • Representative Micky ii<}mnion for the House MinOTity te-ader 9:10 The Beauty ofNorth)!!aham(J,· Alabama Tourism · '·- '.·: 4:10 THE LEGISLATIVE ljliLES ' •"' ' " ... ,, ,·'" ' - . ; (Joint Rules; Senate Rule~, ~4Jiouse_Rules) 9:15 RESTORING CONFIDENCE IN Senator Jim Preuitt · GOVERNMENT . · / Representative Ken G~in o Dr. Alan Rosenthal, :· .. _, -- ... :' ,_ Eagleton Instilulo, Rlllge~ UniVersity 4:40 THE LEG!SLAJWE PROGESS SenatorMYOOifPCnn ··-· 10:05 The Variety ofCentralAtab(lltj-Pi . •: :· --," • Representative Cam Ward Alabama Tourism 5:00 ADJOURN 10:10., GENERATIONAL CHANGES; UNDERSTANDING VOURCONSTITUENTS 6:00-7:30 '· :;. '! ,o Dr. Breda Bova, Professor and Senior Advisor SPEAKER'S'REt~PridN to the President ofUniv~rsity· of New Mexico Bryant Conforence Center ... _., ,,, - 11:00 WAYS STATES ARE MEETING THE ENERGY CHALLENGES o Mr. Eric Smith, Tulane Energy Institute 2 12:00--1:15- ".{·>~··~'!--•--1"1'""' 5:45 TROLLEYSLEAVESHERATONFOR CAUCUS!JS<;,-._\~·-~,:~ f·.-' INDIAN HILLS COUNTRY·CLUiJ (Boxed Lunches Provided by Thompson West Publi.~o-~ing),.,,·_~-- ·:,~; __ :,~,;'~" _-. 6:00 LT. GOVERNOR RECEPTION • Indian Hills Country Club • House Democrdts - Moot Court Room • House Republicans.~ Red Room (344) · - 6:30 DINNER-INDIAN HILLS COUN1'RY-.CLUR • Senate Democrats- Sm.nford Room (284) • Host: Lexis~Nexis<·-- .. /.:·- -.. • Senate Republicans -FacUlty Lounge J • Entertainment: ._.,;," '- ,;, (Rm. Adjacent to·JA4)_ "The House Band" ·- I. Mr. Riel~ Bm/ig, University .of A111-bama AFTERNOON SESSION, '· . Professoi- of Com1111Ulic<itions rind PRESIDIN.G " , _·'1 -. Pulitzer Prize winning A,1thor. • Senator'Rogef Bedford ... - :,._·; .. Chair, Legislative Ct;~uncil Vice-President; Alabama Law Instihtte 1:30 ALABAMA'S.ENERGYOPPORTUNITIES • Dr. DavidBransby.., AubUrn University • Dr.. Nick Tew, State Geologist, AlabanmOU,al-td.GasBoard .· 2:25 Romailce ofSouth Alabama- Alabama Tourism 2:30 USINGHUMORINPOLITICS • Senator-Roy Herron, Tennessee ',,, 3:10 Alabama's Beautiful Gulf Coast ·• \ Alabaffla Tourism 3:15 EARLY CHILDHOOD • "Smart Start I¢tiative" Mr. Ashley Thrift,. Chair-and Ms. Karen Ponder, President, Norlh:CarolinaParlnership for Children-,; . -, • "Childhood.ObeSity"· , Dr. Frank Fraitklin, Director of Pediatric Nutrition U.A.B, • "State of Alabama's Educational System" Dr. Joe Morton, Alabama Superintendent of Education ,··_.'i. 4:45 ADJORN 5 4 I SPOUSEAND GUEST PROGRAM 'I PRESIDING • SenatorRog'er·B-~dford IMonday, December 4, 20~~---. I 1:00 w 5:00P.M. 8:30A.M. "i ·• · SPOUSE HOSPITALITY I,OUNGE 'STATE OF AlABAMA'S ECONOMY President's Room -Ms. Joyce Bighoe; Director, Shemton Four Points .f{otet , .. LegislatiVe Fiscal (){fice Host: Chamber of.CorJJm_erce qf; Senator Hank Sanders · West Alabama -.-,.,:-, ,-.•-· • Reprcs·elltatiye John Knight 1,, 6:00-7:30 I 9:40 Festivals TlirOU'ghoUl ihl/State SPEAKER'S R~CE~TION ,. Alabama Toilrisni:· ·- • Bryant Conference Center--., 9:45 ALABAMA'S O~PORTUNJTIES Medical Advances Dr. Robert Kimberly, Professor of 9:00 A.M. _. Medid~c; tJ.A.i3'. _: VAN PICKUP AT ~HERATO,N_- • Alte~~ve ,Sc,ntencing & Sentencing standards · · · 9:15 ALABAMA LEGISLATivE CLUB David o Red Room, Rp.1. 344 J.,aW Cei}t~r·. Judge Rains,· DeKalb County PRESIDING . • • . , I Alabama Transportation Infrastructure 1\IIr. Jefftltom~so!l, U.A.H. • Carol Hill, ~resi<;iE:nt :., -:"! ,· .• jl INTRODUCTIONS . ' 10:'55 Alabama's Hidden Surprises Alabama Touris'ffl 10:15 EARLY CHILDHOOP i "Smart Start InitiatiVe" I I 11:00 STATE OF THE JUDICIARY Me. Ashley Thrift, Chair and . • Chief J_Usti~e'~Elect, Sue Bell Cobb Ms. Karen Po!J.d~r, P~sident, -- ,I North Carolillit Ptirtlleishlp fol Children 11:30 Recess to Lunch "Childhood Obesity" -; . Dr. Frank Ff<Jnklin, Dlrector of Pediatric 12:00 Noon Nutrition, U.A.B. GOVERNOR'S-tifNCHEON I "State of Alabama·'s-Educational System" o Bryani ·Confofimce Cerite'r, Sellers Auditorium Dr. Joe Morton/.Alabiupa Superintendent of Host: University ofAlabama Education PRESIDING Dr. Robe-~'t Witl,-Pre.Sident 11:15 VIDEO
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