F • The Oakland Observer December 8, 1967 Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan Vol. IX No.'12 Milestone Reached Students Organize Editors Announce Manuscripts Used On Open Housing A group of OU students have objective: 1) making the entire has reach- they as- Oakland University rejected either because banded together in the hopes of university community aware of its growth reader, or ed another milestone in sumed too much of the instilling in the Oakland commun- the reality of racial discrimina- institution. To- had to be made. as an academic because revisions ity a feeling of urgency regarding tion, 2) informing them about Professor Casstevens an- were written by day, The articles the passage of the Fair Housing House Bill No. 2035, the Michigan that the uni- nounced officially four Oakland undergraduates: Act of 1967. Fair Housing Act of 1967, and 3) to press" its (who is now a grad versity has "put Fred Pearson In order to reinforce their ef- initiating a letter writing cam- review. Michigan), Ruth Bro- first scholarly student at forts, the group has established an paign to State Representatives and entitled sim- Cynthia Sowers and Owen The publication, cane, The Observer staff would Open Housing Headquarters in Senators indicating attitudes to- Oakland Review, and one graduate ply enough, the Poterfield; stu- like to extend its gratitude to the Oakland Center, which will ward the passage of the bill, eith- early will be available to students dent, Elenor Covault. the Allocations and Control he open until December 8. er pro or con. in the winter semester for a All of the papers were writ- Board, as well as to Dean Although this group claims to charge of under one in Humanities and nom:nal ten by people Thomas Dutton, without be completely independent of any The headquarters is provid- dollar. editors of the jour- and moral English. The whose financial other campus organization, it ing printed matter on Open Hous- manuscripts sub- there will be Of twenty nal are hopeful that support, this issue could not asks the support of these other ing, including a copy of Bill No. five were finally ac- science and mathe- printed. mitted, only articles by have been groups, and all interested stu- 2035 and other pertinent infor- publication. The edi- students in the next is- cepted for matics dents, through letters of endorse- mation, and is showing two mov- journal are Mr. Cas- tors of the sue. ment. ies, All the Way Home, and In- Political Science the next ed- stevens, of the Manuscripts for The group sees the head- tegration and the Price of Hous- Phy- Review are Dutton Wants Dept; Robert Williamson of ition of the Oakland quarters as meeting a three-fold ing, all free of charge. sics; and Gertrude White of Eng- now being accepted by the edi- lish. They said that all of the tors. It is hoped that the journal Solutions To manuscripts submitted were of will be published each academ:c fine quality, but many had to be year. O.U. Problem McNamara Resigns Post; A random group of students met recently with Dean of Stu- Successor Still Unknown Soch Survey Starts dents Thomas Dutton concerning th inter-racial atmosphere on Washington D.C. - Again a the riots. Vance, a New York law- ers to the subjects to be inter- The research project of the Oakland's campus. political move is made that will yer, held top posts in the De- Oakland Sociology Department viewed. Dean Dutton was basically be questioned for years to come. fense Department for six and one came closer to completion as To lessen the burden on the concerned with the Motown Dance Robert S. McNamara, Secre- half years before quitting last students went out into the field Soc. 303 students, Smith has incident and its ramifications tary of Defense, resigned his job June. He is still troubleshooter to begin interviewing. gotten volunteers from his UC058 among Oakland students. The dis- last week to become President for LBJ, spending this past week The attitude and opinion sur- class to assist in the interview- cussion of this incident went to of the World Bank. in Cyprus. vey is directed by Carleton Smith. ing. Each of these students is the higher plan of human rela- President Lyndon Johnson had Another top contender appears The students in Sociology 303, as- supervised by one of the Soc.303 tions, communications, and the previously suggested McNamara to be Washington lawyer Clark sisted by volunteers from UC058, students. unawareness on Oakland's cam- for the job. Clifford, who (along with Justice have been carrying out the var- Smith has previously direct- pus. Since that first meeting, in The World Bank is a U.N. or- Abe Fortas) is one of LBJ's top ious stages of the project. ed similar projects at Bradley which there was a heated (uis- ganization which lends develop- confidants. Beginning last September the University in Peoria, Illinois. course on Caucasian unaware- ment capital to poor nations. Clifford drafted the act in 1947 students in SOC 303 made a ran- These projects have resulted in ness versus Negro hyper-aware- A major question is why Mc- which unified the services and dom sampling of dwellingunits in several published and un- ness, more positive programs to Namara left his job. He had been set up the office of Secretary of Pontiac. The first step was to published papers. The Pontiac combat the formers mental block Secretary of Defense loi.ger than Defense. number all the blocks in Pontiac study will provide information on have been projected. any other man in history. It is. The other major contender, is and randomly select a number of the residents of the city, and give The Human Relation Council possible that he is the first to go General Maxwell Taylor. Taylor, blocks which would be covered in the students a practical knowledge feels it can be an influential edu- in a general housecleaning, to give a friend of both Johnson and Mc- the survey, From here the stu- of research methods in Socio- cative force through the use of the administration a new look Namara, is also supported by dents went out and listed all the logy. seminars, lectures and dorm before the 1968 election. Robert Kennedy, and that may be dwelling units (houses, apart- meetings to help rectify past un- A few names have been of- just enough for LBJ to scratch ments) on the selected blocks. familiarity with the Negro and fered as possible successors to him off his list. A second sample was drawn Baroque Concert; other minority cultures. McNamara's position. of the dwelling units where inter- We're thinking ahead to Although the Council has a Texas Governor John Con- viewers were to go. Each inter- Bearcats to Wail the best Big Sister Program wide range of interests, it is nally was reported to have been viewer goes out with the 35 page The Baroque Bearcats, Oak- ever. AWS is now accepting currently concerned with Negro- offered the job earlier this fall. questionnaire and directions for land's notorious faculty-student- applications for the chair- Caucasian relations on campus. Connally has said that he will not determining which of the adults in friend instrumental ensemble seek election next fall. manship of this committee. the dwelling unit to interview. which specializes in out of the McNamara's favorite choice Applications are available Hopefully he returns with the ans- way pre-baroque and baroque seems to be Cyrus Vance, the in Dean Houtz's office until wers to the 210 questions. chamber music, will present its man LBJ sent to Detroit to watch December 15. The questions themselves annual concert for the Oakland were developed by each student as student body on Thursday, Dec- Letvin Resigns; part of an individual research ember 14 at a location yet to be IF YOUR CLASS MEETS: project, on which a paper will be disclosed. Editor Named 8:00 a.m Mon., Dec. 18, 3:30-6:30 p.m. written. Topics include Vietnam, Norman Susskind, the ring- Janet Crouse was appointed 9:00 a.m. Sat., Dec. 16, 8:00-11:00 a.m. racial prejudice, political pre- leader and administrative mind Editor-in-Chief of the Observer 10:00-11:00 F Mon., Dec. 18, 12:00-3:00 p.m. ference, and a wide range of other behind the group,feels that "this last Wednesday by the Senate pub- 10:00-12:00 a.m.-TTh Tues., Dec. 19, 3:30-6:30 p.m. controversial topics. year's concert will be better than lications committee, replacing 11:00 a.m Tues., Dec. 19, 8:00-11:00 a.m. Over 400 residents of Pontiac never." David Letvin. Letvin had sub- 12:00 a.m. Mon., Dec. 18, 8:00-11:00 a.m. will eventually be interviewed. The following evening, in the m!tted his letter of resignation in 1:00-2:00 p.m.-MWF Tues., Dec. 19, 12:00-3:00 p.m. Through a high level of organiza- IM building, the University Chor- late November, effective at the 1:00-3:00 p.m.-TTh Wed., Dec. 20, 12:00-3:00 p.m. tion, Smith hopes to complete the us and Orchestra will present end of this semester. 2:00-3:00 p.m. Sat., Dec. 16, 3:30-6:30 p.m. interviewing in two weeks. A their gala annual pre-Christ- He is resigning because of 3:00-4:00 p.m. Wed., Dec. 20, 3:30-6:30 p.m.
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