SANDIA REPORT SAND94-1292 • UC-630 Unlimited Release Printed November 1994 1993 Site Environmental Report Tonopah Test Range Tondpah, Nevada T. Culp, D. Howard, Y. McClellan Prepared by Sandla National Laboratories Albuquerque, New Mexico 8718S and Llvermore, California 94550 for the United States Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 public releaseVdistribution is unlimited. Approved for 111*"** j •%^ %^r w <tM*P*V w V« IX i» ' •*-& HI 0* ^Til.I'MIMIH'Sr! 4\ I. 1 ' ,' \ '''<• S > . lS UJ IK BlffhRBUTtOK Of THIS COMMENT IS OKUMFFE* SF2900Q(8-81: Issued by Sandia National Laboratories, operated for the United States Department of Energy by Sandia Corporation. NOTICE: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Govern• ment nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government, any agency thereof or any of their contractors or subcontractors. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government, any agency thereof or any of their contractors. Printed in the United States of America. This report has been reproduced directly from the best available copy. Available to DOE and DOE contractors from Office of Scientific and Technical Information PO Box 62 Oak Ridge, TN 37831 Prices available from (615) 576-8401, FTS 626-8401 Available to the public from National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal RD Springfield, VA 22161 NTIS price codes Printed copy: A09 Microfiche copy: A06 DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. SAND94-1292 Distribution Unlimited Release Category UC-630 Printed October 1994 1993 SITE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT TONOPAH TEST RANGE TONOPAH, NEVADA T. Culp Air Quality Department, 7575 D. Howard Tonopah Test Range Site Management, 2719 Y. McClellan Compliance and Quality Assurance, 7511 Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM 87185 ABSTRACT This report summarizes the environmental surveillance activities conducted by Sandia National Laboratories, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Company for the Tonopah Test Range operated by Sandia National Laboratories. Sandia National Laboratories' responsibility for environmental monitoring results extend to those activities performed by Sandia National Laboratories or under its direction. Results from other environmental monitoring activities are included to provide a measure of completeness in reporting. Other environmental compliance programs such as the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, environmental permits, and environmental restoration and waste management programs are also included in this report, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy in compliance with DOE Order 5400.1. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank those people who provided information and analytical data necessary for preparation of this report, including the Environmental Moni• toring Systems Laboratory of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Las Vegas, NV. R. Sanchez, B. Bailey White, and B. Balassi of Creative Computer Services (CCS) provided word processing and editorial support. T. Wiggins of Environmental Resources Management (ERM) performed technical editing and coordinated document production. NOTE TO THE READER If you have comments or questions about this report, or need further information, contact: Sandia National Laboratories Media Relations Dept. MS 0167 P.O. Box 5800 Albuquerque, NM 87185 (505) 844-4207 or (505) 844-2282 -IV- CONTENTS Page 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1-1 1.1 Assessment of Radiological Impact to the Public 1-1 1.2 Overview of 1993 Monitoring Results 1-1 1.2.1 Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Soil Sampling ... 1-1 1.2.2 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Surveillance Network (ASN) 1-2 1.2.3 EPA Pressurized Ion Chamber (PIC) 1-2 1.2.4 EPA Thermoluminescent Dosimetry Network (TLD) .... 1-2 1.2.5 EPA Long-Term Hydrologic Monitoring Program (LTHMP) . 1-2 1.2.6 Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Company (REECo) Drinking Water Sampling Program 1-2 1.3 Summary of Permit Status 1-2 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2-1 2.1 History and Operations of the Tonopah Test Range (TTR) . 2-1 2.2 Location and Population 2-1 2.3 Geology and Climatology 2-1 2.4 Project Roller Coaster Tests 2-3 2.4.1 Historical Information 2-3 2.4.2 Environmental Monitoring at Roller Coaster Areas ... 2-3 3.0 COMPLIANCE SUMMARY 3-1 3.1 Compliance Status 3-1 3.1.1 Regulations and Permits 3-1 3.1.2 1993 Audits 3-3 3.2 Current Issues and Actions for TTR 3-4 3.2.1 Septic Tanks/Sewage Line 3-4 3.2.2 Underground Storage Tanks 3-4 3.2.3 Waste Minimization Program 3-4 3.3 Environmental Permits 3-5 4.0 OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE PROGRAMS 4-1 4.1 Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan 4-1 4.2 Underground Storage Tanks 4-1 4.3 Waste Management Programs -v- 4-1 1993 SITE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT TONOPAH TEST RANGE, TONOPAH, NEVADA CONTENTS (Continued) 4.3.1 Chemical and Hazardous Waste Management 4-1 4.4 Environmental Restoration Program 4-2 4.5 1993 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance Activities and Documentation 4-2 4.5.1 Background '..'...'' 4-2 4.5.2 Compliance 4-3 4.5.3 Environmental Checklist . 4-4 4.5.4 Action Description Memorandum ..... 4-4 4.5.5 Environmental Assessment 4-4 4.6 Overview of Non-SNL Environmental Monitoring Programs at TTR 4-5 4.7 1993 Reportable Releases 4-8 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEILLANCE AT THE TONOPAH TEST RANGE IN 1993 ... 5-1 5.1 1993 SNL Environmental Surveillance 5-1 5.1.1 Baseline Activities 5-1 5.1.2 Additional Activities 5-1 5.1.3 Sample Collection and Analysis 5-2 5.2 1993 SNL Radiological Monitoring Results 5-3 5.2.1 Baseline Soil Sampling . 5-3 5.2.2 Off site Baseline Soil Sampling . 5-3 5.2.3 Onsite Baseline Soil Sampling 5-3 5.2.4 Baseline Air Sampling 5-6 5.2.5 Results of Environmental Radiological Sampling at the Mellan Airstrip, Tin Building, and Bridge Area 5-6 5.3 1993 SNL Non-Radiological Surveillance Results 5-9 5.3.1 Baseline Soil Sampling 5-9 5.4 Environmental Perspective 5-9 5.5 1993 EPA Monitoring at TTR 5-12 5.5.1 Background 5-12 5.5.2 Location 5-12 5.5.3 Soil Sampling 5-12 5.5.4 External Radiation 5-12 5.5.5 Water . 5-14 5.5.6 Air Monitoring 5-14 -vi- CONTENTS CONTENTS (Concluded) Page 5.6 1993 REECo Monitoring Program 5-14 5.6.1 Background 5-14 5.6.2 Water 5-16 5.6.3 Sewage System 5-16 5.7 Assessment of Potential Dose to the Public 5-17 5.7.1 Receptor Locations 5-18 5.7.2 Meteorological Data 5-18 5.7.3 Release Sources 5-18 5.7.4 Radiological Dose Assessment 5-21 6.0 REFERENCES 6-1 APPENDIX A Radiological Soil Sampling Locations and Results A-l APPENDIX B State of Nevada Regulations and Permit Listings B-l APPENDIX C Non-Radiological Analytical Data C-l APPENDIX D 1993 Radiological Dose Calculations D-l APPENDIX E Supplemental 1993 Dose Assessment Data E-l -vii- 1993 SITE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT TONOPAH TEST RANGE, TONOPAH, NEVADA FIGURES 2-1 Location of Tonopah Test Range, Nevada 2-2 2-2 Locations of Sandia National Laboratories Facilities at the Tonopah Test Range 2-4 4-1 Sequence for Creating and Reviewing National Environmental Policy Act Documents 4-6 5-1 Onsite Receptor Locations . 5-19 5-2 Public Receptor Zone Around the Tonopah Test Range 5-20 TABLES 1-1 Summary of Permit Ownership at the Tonopah Test Range .... 1-4 2-1 Roller Coaster Test Information 2-5 4-1 1993 Underground Storage Tank Survey . 4-1 4-2 Environmental Restoration Program Sites at the Tonopah Test Range 4-3 4-3 Action Description Memoranda, Environmental Assessments, and Approval Status for the Tonopah Test Range in 1993 .... 4-5 5-1 Summary Data for Soil Samples Collected at the Tonopah Test Range in 1993 , ... 5-4 5-2 Summary Data for Soil Samples Collected from Mellan Airstrip, Tin Building, and Bridge Area 5-7 5-3 Metals Concentration Summary of Onsite and Offsite Soil Samples 5-10 5-4 Summary of 1993 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pressurized Ion Chamber Data 5-13 5-5 Summary of 1993 Groundwater Analytical Results for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Long-Term Hydrologic Monitoring Program 5-13 5-6 Summary of 1993 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Air Surveillance Network Results 5-15 5-7 Summary of 1993 SNL/NV Public Water Systems Sampling at the Tonopah Test Range 5-17 5-8 Summary of 1993 SNL/NV Wastewater Sampling Program 5-17 -Vlll- ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATIONS International System of Units Prefixes Exponent Prefix Svmbol Exponent Prefix Svmbol 106 mega M 10"9 nano n 3 12 10 kilo k 1(T pico P 1(T3 milli m 10"15 femto f 1(T6 micro \>- lO"18 atto a Units Symbols °c Celsius degree > greater than cm centimeter < less than cm2 square centimeters a greater than or equal • cm3 cubic centimeters % less than or equal to CY calendar year ~ approximately cm/yr centimeters per year °F Fahrenheit degree ft foot FY fiscal year g gram g/cm3 gram per cubic centimeter gal gallon hr hour in.
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