Full Fantasy Table

Full Fantasy Table

FANTASY NON - LEAGUE 2020/21 WEEKLY WIN UPDATE UP TO AND INCLUDING £5000 SATURDAY 8TH MAY Welcome to the latest By Ian White update of Fantasy Non- TOP 3 TEAMS CURRENTLY LEADING THE FNL 2020/21 League 2020/21. Today’s I will be awarding the MANAGER OF THE MONTH MAY 2021). end of season bonuses. update covers the sev- 1. GreenCastle 12 341pts (16th) Now like last season the en-day period Sunday 2. Gaswork Ender Bob [S] 322pts (27th) 2nd May 2021 through to bonuses will be awarded 3. Boro Backers [S] 315pts (158th) Saturday 8th May 2021. as follows all the leagues Well, we are now in that have stopped will be Bottom Crossway Pilots -84pts (686th) our final month of this treated as though they season’s Fantasy Non- had finished the season. League. That also means So, for example in the TOP 5 TEAMS OVER THE LAST SEVEN DAYS - NUMBERS IN our final Manager Southern League THE BRACKETS ARE THE FNL MAIN TABLE POSITIONS) of the Month for Central Division 1. The Shaymen [S] 253pts (197th) this season. We Coalville Town 2. Gaswork Ender Bob [S] 248pts (27th) Fantasy will be award- have roughly 3. GreenCastle 12 232pts (16th) one month ed the End of Non-League 4. Boro Backers [S] 226pts (158th) left to run Season bonus Helpdesk 5. Passing Ghosts [S] 224pts (125th) of this very fnl07544@ 250pts if you strange btinternet.com selected them Bottom A Norwich Stone [S] -71pts (637th) season. As Phone Number at the start we limp to 07909 993854 and 125pts if the end with you brought TOP TEAM IN EACH OF THE LEAGUES just one league them in as a Vanarama National League Torquay United 759pts sub. At the bottom, recording points Vanarama National North Gloucester City 413pts for your teams, I thought the same points will be Vanarama National South Oxford City 418pts I would remind you how awarded to Barwell but of the season will finish. The course they will be -250pts Northern Premier Mickleover FC 330pts final league games of the and -125pts, respectively. Isthmian Premier Hornchurch 346pts season are on Saturday The only cup competi- Southern Premier Central Coalville Town 321pts 29th May 2021. tion that will gain End Southern Premier South Poole Town 340pts Then we will have the of Season bonuses points The Mixture Cirencester Town 383pts play-offs in the National will be the 2020/21 FA League and after the final Trophy which is between Top Team over the last seven days is Dagenham & Redbridge whistle of the National Hereford FC and Horn- (National League) with 48pts. League Play-Off final church FC. Leaderboard Pos Team name PTS Pos Team name PTS Pos Team name PTS Pos Team name PTS 1 Chasing Shadows [S] 8447 24 Covid Buster Dynamo [S] 7278 47 Luv You Harvey [S] 6929 70 Do Quibble Sybil 6741 2 Maine Road Terras [S] 8121 25 Banims Boys [S] 7273 48 CHUNKIE GRANDPOPS [S] 6924 71 Somerset Wanderers 6737 3 WATERSIDERS [S] 7800 26 WFC Travel Club [S] 7237 49 Top Bananas 6922 72 bowsersboys 6736 4 Wandering No More [S] 7789 27 Gaswork Ender Bob [S] 7175 50 Marine Sid City [S] 6910 73 Long Way From There 6731 5 Harrison WBA [S] 7631 28 Durham City [S] 7123 51 Seasiders [S] 6908 74 Big Man’s Blues [S] 6720 6 Roots Hall [S] 7626 29 The Cats Whiskers 7122 52 Hayes Hornets [S] 6884 75 Punters Lounge2 [S] 6712 7 Muntsys United 7610 30 Olympic Liskeard [S] 7106 53 Smarmy Gits [S] 6881 76 Borough Reserves [S] 6708 8 Plainmoor Gulls [S] 7585 31 G8 Z [S] 7098 54 Frinton Orient [S] 6878 77 Cobweb City 6687 9 FC MINTY’S X1 [S] 7575 32 Doverbaz Reserves [S] 7085 55 THE RECTIFIERS (BUL) [S] 6872 78 Averham Hopper 6682 10 GreenArmy [S] 7502 33 Baggies [S] 7075 56 HarvRog [S] 6869 79 Chard Wanderers 6681 11 PSLW BULWELL 2021 [S] 7498 34 Punters Lounge1 [S] 7067 57 Mask United [S] 6838 =80 Axe Valley Albion [S] 6680 12 Jude And Nella [S] 7482 35 AFC ASGARD CITY [S] 7060 58 Listen To Boris [S] 6821 HEMINGBROUGH JETS [S] 6680 13 Wythenshawe AFC [S] 7470 36 Livy F C [S] 7045 59 Harvey Ear’ooo’ 6812 82 PDB Elite 20 [S] 6664 14 Last minute entry [S] 7464 =37 Hawks B [S] 7028 60 Spencecordillion 6809 =83 Pedders Way Wndrs [S] 6660 15 Wessex7544 7434 Joker In The Pack 7028 61 OliviaElla 6807 Uxbridge Amblers 6660 16 GreenCastle 12 7424 39 Tangerine Army [S] 7012 62 Hatboy-S.A.C.F.C 6800 85 Marine Crosby [S] 6659 17 Harrison Astle Brown [S] 7402 40 Colston strolers [S] 7003 63 MERRILLION [S] 6793 86 Andys 1st XI 6651 18 Hawks U.S.A. [S] 7398 41 Shipsupstreets [S] 6999 64 Athletico BB [S] 6792 87 Oughtonhead FC [S] 6650 19 Silvester Utd 7386 42 Up The Bucks! [S] 6989 65 Oxford Abroad [S] 6789 88 The Valleymen [S] 6644 20 OIL BEEF HOOKED [S] 7379 43 Robins Hornets [S] 6980 66 Maldon Injustice FC [S] 6788 89 The Bare XI 6640 21 Pargyle [S] 7362 44 Carry On Dick [S] 6971 67 CastlefordRoyal 6787 90 Scarbob FC 6635 22 NANNY CAKES [S] 7352 45 The Submerers 6968 68 Raglands 45 [S] 6771 91 Olivia Grace [S] 6625 23 Ruperts All Stars [S] 7323 46 The Soccer Sirens 6948 69 Harrison Baggie [S] 6742 92 SuperPoSki FC 6616 FANTASY NON-LEAGUE WEEKLY UPDATE: UP TO AND INCLUDING SATURDAY 8TH MAY 2021 Pos Team name PTS Pos Team name PTS Pos Team name PTS Pos Team name PTS 93 Southam Bob [S] 6614 178 OGBKEV 6160 Wareham Rangers [S] 5812 347 BILLYS BANGERS 5425 94 HARDLE-WARDLE XI [S] 6604 179 Almeg Rovers 6152 263 Browns Beaters [S] 5810 348 Kims Lynn 5424 95 Tote 1953 6595 =180 Hawks L [S] 6151 264 REAL ROTHWELL [S] 5807 349 Vardy’s Foxes [S] 5423 96 DeeJay FC [S] 6582 Shellcove Squids [S] 6151 265 SFC Meld Era 5804 =350 Hectors Trojans [S] 5415 97 Sids United 6580 182 Geoharfino DCSS 6147 266 Baz 1942 5796 NevsChippy - No 3 5415 98 Romford Cuckoos 6579 183 Upcott Exiles [S] 6139 267 Hednesford Baz [S] 5795 Parsimonious One [S] 5415 99 Eat Your Greens 6577 184 Elsea Park FC 6137 268 19 Lady Welt Close 5794 353 Rothamsted Robin [S] 5407 =100 Doverbaz FC [S] 6576 185 1939 FC 6133 269 Black Jake 5791 354 Hear We Go Again 5404 Dronfield City [S] 6576 186 Inta Melan 6127 270 Addlestone Card 5789 355 Scrap’s Athletic 5398 102 ROTHWELL LIONS [S] 6575 187 Dodgers Diamonds 6122 271 SYD FC [S] 5782 356 Dinamo Wurzel 5397 103 J.P. Specials [S] 6573 188 Perthsaints 2020 6118 272 Wem Town [S] 5774 357 Wee Rovers [S] 5396 104 straightlines [S] 6569 189 AmazonPackers 6115 273 Silkmen Heros’s 5768 358 Old Boy’s Old Boys 5394 105 YORKIE WHITE ROSE [S] 6553 190 Elgzande XI 6114 274 AndoverSaintSpa 5765 359 BishopWhitby 20 5393 106 Britney Spears FC 6544 191 Dawn Chorus [S] 6109 275 Minsted 53 FC [S] 5761 360 Blue Da Ba Dee 5385 107 The Beeston Boys [S] 6533 192 Robbos Diamonds 6108 276 Eddies Lynettes [S] 5736 361 The Rouslers 5378 108 27 For The Road [S] 6528 193 Ay Up Duck [S] 6105 277 Over To VAR [S] 5730 362 Warlogo59 FC 5377 109 Whitburn Dolphins 6513 194 Spam Javelins2 6102 278 Leic Mossdale 5729 363 The Record Cabin [S] 5370 110 Livlongdioblong [S] 6508 195 Sunny Road Runner [S] 6100 279 Hednesford Baz II 5724 =364 RMI Horwich 5369 111 County Darling 6497 196 Barlencia 6097 280 Three R’s [S] 5719 The Mighty Church 5369 112 Firefly’s Flyers [S] 6496 =197 Invol 5 [S] 6096 281 Bagshot FC [S] 5718 =366 A.P. Brakes [S] 5367 113 Come On Ton Angels 6494 The Shaymen [S] 6096 282 Hectors Army [S] 5717 Chupp’s Cavaliers 5367 114 Jacqui Sayer-Ignoble 6489 199 Herlington Town 6095 283 Chertsey Card 5711 368 West Sam Utd 5361 =115 Faithful City 1 6488 200 Runny Road Runner [S] 6075 284 Valkeith Ath [S] 5704 369 DepechedModem 5358 Selston FC [S] 6488 201 Out And About 6062 285 Ben’s Stowies 5703 370 Muscle Mary’s XI 5355 117 LANNEN ICONS [S] 6485 202 Loubaydanmiccon [S] 6061 286 Winchester Exile [S] 5699 371 Steve The Shayman 5352 118 Jennie’s All Stars [S] 6478 203 WednesdayMatt 6050 287 Peter Hem Resv 5696 372 Wight Wallabies 5349 119 Tring Athletic [S] 6470 204 Treboes Team [S] 6040 288 AFC Federation [S] 5685 373 Eshton Clarets 5347 120 J.P. Specials 3 [S] 6467 205 Matlock Massive [S] 6037 289 JB Burnage Hatter 5683 374 In Memory of Bev 5345 121 Hendon 2 Kingstn 1 [S] 6466 206 Boston Pilgrims 6026 290 Grantham Dynamo [S] 5678 375 Mobury United 5343 122 A Famous Fleckney [S] 6464 207 What The Hull? 6020 291 Wilds wonders 5677 376 Dynamo Keirv 5341 123 Jelly Tot Utd [S] 6461 208 The Meresmen 6019 292 The Shedenders 5670 377 Daves Destroyers 5334 124 On Me ‘Ead FC 6456 209 Team Bails [S] 6016 293 Micks City Army 5669 378 Mossies Wonders 5333 125 Passing Ghosts [S] 6448 210 Torpington 3 6011 294 Merthyr Martyrs 5667 379 Swindon Poolie [S] 5316 =126 Brid Trinity [S] 6446 211 West Horndon FC 6007 295 Scotsbridge 5663 380 27 Lockdown Teams 2 [S] 5310 James & Thomas 6446 212 No Hopers [S] 6005 296 NevsChippy - No 2 5662 381 JC Hoofers 5298 128 BowersBoys 6427 =213 Bowyers Army 6004 297 Arden Moor FC 5657 382 Wanderers SPC 5297 129 Thame Rangers [S] 6415 Spam Javelin 6004 298 TrinityBlue 5649 383 Atticus Finch 5295 130 Eurovision SC 6400 215 FC Halifax Town 6000 299 The Warriors 5642 384 Jane’s Diamonds 5289 =131 Bentley Boys FC 47 [S] 6390 216 HalifaxsDolby 5986 300 Jokerman1948 5637 385 Raverner Rovers 5285 Priory Laners [S] 6390 217 GPSFA 5983 =301 Cole’s Crusaders [S] 5636 386 Up The Butthole 5281 133 Maddison The Minx 6385 218 Nostalgia [S] 5979 Fleet All Stars [S] 5636 387 Backpost 61 5279 134 Paul’s Panthers [S] 6377 219 Ciren Hammers 5977 303 Bumbling Bayman 5625 388 Pomp It Up 5271 135 Narn Empire [S] 6371 220 Westport Utd 5976 304 Spartan Rebels 5618 389 P.W.M.

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