New Deal Campaign Badge Political Spare Hebrew Patriot The World Parade NEW YORK, N. Y„ July 7, 1944, in Review William Randolph Hears!, —By George McCloud, CaL —By Maj. Gen. Please to inform you that death sentence to Hebrew Patriot Mathias - D. P. Barrows Rothwell Brown Schmulevitz has been commuted to imprisonment. This immediate objective you India »ay* plea Gov. f>ewey of saving life and averting Holy Land riots achieved and we thank REPORT from that A K. Gandhi T 3mustTHEmeet the challenge of heartily for the tremendous part you played in this achievement through that Mohandas President Roosevelt's argument appeal to opinion and through it to British has proposed a plan for of ihe indispensability of the publication of our American independence of India by th4Q| 'w'- commander in chief and do it government. ! political separation of the M<* ''<• is hut one answer: •lifelili', .'; fast!—there for your unstinting support of cause of states people* he has already anticipated it, Want to thank you also hammedan and and refuted it. Hebrew freedom, and in anticipation for your continued support of our aim from the Hindu. Mr Roosevelt's specious pre- of liberating a people oppressed both without and within their national The proposal is interesting. mise for a fourth-term in which It may indicate that Gandhi may you God your efforts. he fasten New Deal radi- territory. Thank and bless has grown in statesmanship and calism on the country with still director, League for a Free stronger chains did not catch the ALEX WILK, executive American recognizes that all-India cannot Republican presidential nominee Palestine, 11 West 42nd St., NYC. succeed in attaining inde- napping. JR., pendence at once. He figured out in advance LOUIS BROMFIELD, BEN HECHT, WILL ROGERS had Among the many millions of the President’s only defense for HARRY LOUIS SELDEN, ANDREW L. SOMERS, M. C., another precedent - breaking Indian peoples the Moham- campaign. This is how- he met co-chairmen. medans are a minority but they the issue in his speech of ac- occupy definite territorial areas, ceptance: Punjab largely, and they "The military conduct of the the war is outside this campaign. are the militant element of It is and must remain com- Be an American! India. Their profession of Islam, pletely out of politics. <«en. their soldierly qualities, their King do- By Marshall and Adm. are BENJAMIN DE CASSERES fierce pride and their utter dis- ing job. Thank (iod a superb socialism, communism, a over ? / for both of them. Be an American/ days on taste for rule them- thf k "Let me make it crystal clear nazism, fascism and all forms of selves by the peoples of Brah- HfelP that a change of administration the growth of power in man religion have defeated th* J next will ism. °vfj?EiGN/.iM w#^f&S|S:^lW^ January cannot and WATCHhigh places as closely as you moloch-state progress of India toward an S®Sw not Involve any change in the health. Be an American/ independent status and mak* »»ra» pffpor / military conduct of the war. would watch your f "If there is not now any Watch the laws that are made by its realization dangerous. civilian Interference with the Support our armies, our sea Gandhi's new proposal would commands, Congress and the state legislatures. military and naval force, our air force to the limit of spom to comprise two futur* a change in administration will give you , •»?MP§^ J Not what these laws states ‘’dominions'* not alter that status. If there your power and purse. Indian or THEY TAKE AWAY based the is civilian interference, the new but what DO Yott are about to face a postwar upon religious and | administration will put a stop FROM YOU should primarily con- America in which powerful blocs cultural separation bitwna to it forthwith.” Indian peoples. * • • cern us. to your will attempt transform • • • fPHAT closely reasoned state- Be an American/ America into the very totalitarian •l ment. product of a cold, and uninformed legal mind, completely, and in rights pattern that your son, father, HASTYcritics of British rule m Seven Guard your individual and to China’s Triple advance, knocked the props India are accustomed charge brother, friend died to destroy. this of from under ihe pretense of Mr. liberties as you would guard your problem disunity to a Clunese residents of the accomplish throughout the past seven Roosevelt's hid for an indefinite body against violence. Be an American/ British policy of 'divide and tenuie of office, to embrace the rule." Certainly the British did yourself against the blan- not create this disunity. THEUnited States, with the enthusias years. period of the war. and the Guard Don’t just think American. of If this is done, the heroic and period of the peace-making dishments and promises of the gov- It existed long before their tic and appreciative co-operation Don’t just mouth your Ameri- the which China has con- thereafter. to feed you and clothe you arrival. And effects of Brit-g the American people as a whole, con costly war That paragraph from Dewey’s ernment canism. i*h administration are moie vt«fl ducted appropriate observance on ducted against Japan for seven years great speech at Chicago should for the rest of your life. ible in creating a unification he displayed on every billboard, American! the Indian peoples than in sepa- anni- will have been in vain, and our re- BE an Friday, July 7, of the seventh in every newspaper, should be Be an American/ rating them and inflaming th* against Japan. cent observance of the anniversary carried over every radio. It is YOU have lived at Lexington, hostility between them versary of China’s war I)o seventh of the of that gallant resistance will have a knockout' not cringe and crawl before Valley Forge, Monmouth, New This India problem is a very This was the day Mr. Roosevelt would make great one. involving a country de- power no matter how highly placed. seventh month of the seventh year been a mockery. out that his defeat would Orleans, Gettysburg, Belleau Wood, which in si/e and ta country of a was obvious reasons, prive ihe com- Not how much do you respect almost a continent in itself But of China’s continuing war, and For various and in lime war. Cherbourg and Saipan. mander chief in of U finds illustrations in other arming If Gov. rulers, but, how much do (hey re- accordingly and most appropriately the reinforcement and and Nothing of the sort! YOU sat in Independence Hall countries, even small ore*, of China are difficult Dewey should he elected presi- spect you. the where the native population, called the “triple seven” observance. strengthening November, the Republic with Jefferson and the men of dent in larely homogenous in race, cul- tasks. a new * Chinese Americans, and indeed would have commander Be an American/ Declaration. turr and degice of advancement, however, and in chief the momonl be took the likewise aspires 1o independence all Americans, have good cause for They are, essential January. day YOU were the tongue of the oath of office in Remember always, by and and will have its ambition for vital tasks. Constitution the out enthusiasm and appreciation Under the most precious thing Liberty Hell as it rang FREE- **gioatly enhanced hy this war. functions of the commander in night, that the UNLESS • and costly struggle. THEY ARE PER- • • China’s long duel are purely civilian in you possess is liberty. DOM.' >.: * * FORMED PROMPTLY AND ADE- an character. The Constitution words great YOU sat in the constitutional have iden- not contemplate a military Remember the of a \MKRICANStical problem m the Phil- IS a war which China was com QUATELY, CHINA’S PARTICI- does with Washington. genius in the White House. American statesman that he who convention ippine Hands. Nine-tenths of PATION IN THE WAR MUST • + • ITpelled to fight alone for many bit gives up his essential liberties to ob- YOU stood beside Abraham the Filipino peoples are Chris- ter years. SOON END. ROOSEVELT is not a safety Lincoln when he made his great ad- tianized and while different Ma- MR.military genius and has had tain a littletemporary deserves layan languages ate still their It has exacted expenditures of Then we willbe foreclosed against Gettysburg. tongues, they have no military training If he neither liberty nor safety. dress at mother re- Japanese manpower and resources any land assault against Japan from should retire from the presi- YOU are the continuous soul of ceived a common language, Fng- China. dency the civilian command of Be an American/ M«h through nearly 4o years of in China which otherwise would would America, the life principle of which public instruction. Then will very likely be fore- the armed forces simply have been utilized against the United we pass to his civilian successor. There is a conspiracy of all the is LIBERTY AT ALL COSTS. This developing unification closed against any further air attacks The status of the army and to combatting applies to the Filipino peoples States. fleet high command would not nations of the world dc-Amcri- BE on American by of Luzon and the Bisayan against Japan from land bases in k It has cost China her most useful be altered in the least cauize you, to internationalize you. with all the powers in your mind the Islands, but it is not true of th* China. If theie has not been'any southern part of this archipel- and productive territories, and mil- with the There is a conspiracy throughout attempts to level you to the Wagner- Then, in fact, we alone willin our civilian mterlcrence ago, The natives of southern lions of lives.
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