LongIslanderNews.com Please mention The Long Islander Newspapers when doing business with our advertisers. THE LONG-ISLANDER • OCTOBER 24, 2019 • 25 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE (Continued from previous page) $837,306.68 plus interests and costs. will sell at public auction at the back described as follows: Beginning at a Pursuant to a Judgment of Fore - Premises will be sold subject to pro - entrance of the Huntington Town point on the northerly side of Lamp - closure and Sale duly dated August 7, NOTICE OF SALE visions of filed Judgment Index Hall, 100 Main Street, Huntington, light Lane South distant 80.73 feet 2019 I, the undersigned Referee will Supreme Court County of Suffolk #033064/2012. N.Y. on the 20 th day of November , westerly from extreme westerly end of sell at public auction at the State of New York Mortgage Donna Bogursky-Loturco, Referee 2019 at 9:30 a.m. premises described a curve connecting the northerly side Huntington Town Hall, 100 Main Agency, Plaintiff FRENKEL LAMBERT WEISS as follows: All that certain plot, piece of Lamplight lane south with the Street, Huntington, New York on No - AGAINST WEISMAN & GORDON LLP or parcel of land, with the buildings westerly side of Westminster Avenue; vember 18, 2019 at 3:30PM, premises Thomas James Brocking, et al, De - 53 Gibson Street and improvements thereon erected, Running thence along the northerly known as 39E 24th Street, Hunting - fendant Bay Shore, NY 11706 situate, lying and being in the Town of side of Lamplight Lane south, south ton Station, NY 11746-3703. All that Pursuant to a Judgment of Fore - 11-7-10-31-24-17-4T-17266 Huntington, County of Suffolk and 83 degrees 52 minutes 40 seconds certain plot piece or parcel of land, closure and Sale duly dated 9/26/2017 State of New York. Said premises west 100.00 feet; Thence North 6 de - with the buildings and improvements and entered on 10/10/2017, I, the un - NOTICE OF SALE known as 30 Zoranne Drive, East grees 07 minutes 20 seconds west erected, situate, lying and being in dersigned Referee, will sell at public SUPREME COURT – COUNTY Northport, N.Y. 11731. (District: 100.00 feet; Thence North 83 degrees the Town of Huntington, County of auction at the Huntington Town Hall, OF SUFFOLK 0400, Section: 217.00 , Block: 03.00 , 52 minutes 40 seconds East 45.80 Suffolk, State of NY, District 0400 100 Main Street, Huntington, NY on DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL Lot: 031.000 F/K/A District: 0400, Sec - feet; Thence 5 degrees 02 minutes 20 Section 198.00 Block 02.00 Lot November 14, 2019 at 10:0 0 AM TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE, tion: 217.00, Block: 03.00, Lot: seconds west 19.27 feet; Thence 83 002.000. Approximate amount of premises known as 4 Montana Street, ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF 013.000). Approximate amount of lien degrees 08 minutes 20 seconds east judgment $420,921.73 plus interest Huntington, NY 11743. All that cer - THE J.P. MORGAN MORTGAGE AC - $645,015.41 plus interest and costs. 54.47 feet; Thence South 6 degrees 07 and costs. Premises will be sold sub - tain plot piece or parcel of land, with QUISITION TRUST 2007-CH5 AS - Premises will be sold subject to pro - minutes 20 seconds east 120.00 feet to ject to provisions of filed Judgment the buildings and improvements SET BACKED PASS-THROUGH visions of filed judgment and terms of the northerly side of Lamplight Lane Index #611856/2015. erected, situate, lying and being in CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-CH5, sale. Index No. 610810-15. South., the point or place of begin - Thomas Teresky, Esq. , Referee the County of Suffolk, State of New Plaintiff against John L. Juliano, Esq., Referee ning. Said premises known as 4 Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC York, SECTION: 169.00, BLOCK: DAWN JONES A/K/A DAWN Stern & Eisenberg, PC Lamplight Lane, Dix Hills, N.Y. Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 02.00, LOT: 043.000 District:0400. JAMES JONES A/K/A DAWN J. Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 11746. (District: 0400, Section: 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Approximate amount of judgment is JONES A/K/A DAWN J. JAMES Woodbridge Corporate Plaza 280.00 , Block: 06.00 , Lot: 002.000). Rochester, New York 14624 $421,856.05 plus interests and costs. JONES, TIMOTHY JONES, et al De - 485 B Route 1 South – Suite 330 Approximate amount of lien (877) 430-4792 Premises will be sold subject to pro - fendant(s) Iselin, NJ 08830 $688,650.17 plus interest and costs. Dated: October 1, 2019 visions of filed Judgment Index Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo - (732) 582-6344 Premises will be sold subject to pro - 11-7-10-31-24-17-4T-17272 #0026602/2013. sure and Sale entered on August 25, 11-7-10-31-24-17-4T-17268 visions of filed judgment and terms of Sean Walter, Esq, Referee 2017. I, the undersigned Referee will sale. Index No. 6082 20-16. NOTICE OF SALE FRENKEL LAMBERT WEISS sell at public auction at back entrance NOTICE OF SALE Leonard B. Symons, Esq., Referee SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF WEISMAN & GORDON LLP of the Huntington Town Hall, 100 SUPREME COURT – COUNTY DeRose & Surico SUFFOLK 53 Gibson Street Main Street, Huntington, N.Y. on the OF SUFFOLK Attorney(s) for Plaintiff JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Bay Shore, NY 11706 19 th day of November , 2019 at 9:00 CALIBER HOME LOANS, INC., 213-44 38 th Avenue Association, Plaintiff 11-7-10-31-24-17-4T-17264 a.m. premises described as follows: Plaintiff against Bayside, N.Y. 11361 AGAINST All that certain plot, piece or parcel of MARTHA L. ACOSTA , et al Defen - 11-7-10-31-24-17-4T-17270 David Shimkin; Mary O’Riordan; NOTICE OF SALE land, with the buildings and improve - dant(s) Robin Shimkin; et al., Defendant(s) Supreme Court County of Suffolk ments thereon erected, situate, lying Pursuant to a Judgment of Fore - NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Judgment of Fore - Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as and being at Huntington Station, closure and Sale entered on July 13, SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF closure and Sale duly dated July 29, Trustee, in trust for the registered Town of Huntington, County of Suf - 2018. I, the undersigned Referee will SUFFOLK- HUNTINGTON 2019 I, the undersigned Referee will holders of Park Place Securities, Inc., folk, State of New York, known as and sell at public auction at the front FEDERAL NATIONAL MORT - sell at public auction at the Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certifi - by part of lots 12 and 13,a s shown on steps of the Islip Town Hall, 655 Main GAGE ASSOCIATION (“FANNIE Huntington Town Hall, 100 Main cates, Series 2004-WCW1, Plaintiff Map entitled “Map of Huntington Street, Islip, N.Y. on the 18 th day of MAE”), A CORPORATION ORGAN - Street, Huntington, New York on No - AGAINST Manor, Section F”, filed in the Office of November , 2019 at 1:45 p.m. prem - IZED AND EXISTING UNDER THE vember 20, 2019 at 9:45AM, premises Luis R. Hidalgo, et al, Defendant the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on ises described as follows: All that cer - LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF known as 650 Larkfield Road, East Pursuant to a Judgment of Fore - July 15, 1909, as Map No. 515, which tain plot, piece or parcel of land, situ - AMERICA, Plaintiff -against- DOU - Northport, NY 11731. All that certain closure and Sale duly dated 4/15/2019 parts of lots when taken together are ate, lying and being at Brentwood, GLAS F. MASLER A/K/A DOUGLAS plot piece or parcel of land, with the and entered on 4/22/2019, I, the un - more particularly described as follows: Town of Islip, County of Suffolk and MASLER, LISA L. MASLER A/K/A buildings and improvements erected, dersigned Referee, will sell at public BEGINNING at a point on the west - State of New York. Said premises LISA MASLER, et al Defendant(s) situate, lying and being in the Town of auction at the Huntington Town Hall, erly side of 11 th Avenue (Boulevard Av - known as 54 Highland Road, Central Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo - Huntington, County of Suffolk, State 100 Main Street, Huntington, NY on enue) distant 300 feet southerly from Islip, N.Y. 11722. (District: 0500, Sec - sure and Sale entered herein and of NY, District 0400 Section 179.00 November 14, 2019 at 09:00 AM the corner formed by the intersection tion: 053.00 , Block: 03.00 , Lot: dated May 9, 2018, I, the undersigned Block 01.00 Lot 006.000. Approxi - premises known as 2 Arcadia Drive, of the westerly side of 11 th Avenue with 024.000). Approximate amount of lien Referee will sell at public auction at mate amount of judgment Dix Hills, NY 11746. All that cer - the southerly side of Clifford Court $308,841.97 plus interest and costs. the Huntington Town Hall, 100 Main $537,198.97 plus interest and costs. tain plot piece or parcel of land, with (13 th Street); and RUNNING Premises will be sold subject to pro - Street, Huntington, NY on November Premises will be sold subject to pro - the buildings and improvements THENCE South 0 degrees 25 minutes visions of filed judgment and terms of 21, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. premises situate, visions of filed Judgment Index erected, situate, lying and being in 30 seconds East along the westerly sale. Index No. 622862-17. lying and being in the Town of Hunt - #18471/2013.
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