. --~--------~-_._----- --.---- . --- . --.-- -, VOLUME 77, ISSUE 12 For the Students and the Community May 1,2000 Service, please? Crowded Housing: Students lament over poor treatment at the Bursar's Office The new academic complex may mean a loss of space, for t h eeo ltege Dara A. Abrams StaffWriter "It is much better because we won't have to travel back and forth and wait on the long elevator lines," said Kelly Wong, With the Spring Break now behind a freshman, 'about the effectiveness of having us, finals quickly approaching and summer classes in one building. "This way, it is more school not far behind, many students will soon convenient for all of us." have to deal with the Baruch administrative According to Aylrnan, the most con­ offices in the 25th street, particularly the gestion occurs around 5:25 PM daily. There is Bursar's. a lot of traffic within the elevators of the In the months ofMarch and April several stu­ school. There is so much traffic that it takes dents have publicly voiced their disgust with longer to get into an elevator and on to get the service ofthe Bursar's office in The Ticker. home, work, the next class or any In issues 6, 7, 9 and 10 students have com­ other destination. plained about the alleged- slow service, igno­ Students are concerned with getting rance and uncooperative demeanor of the to class on time. The new building will have tellers they meet at the window ofthe Bursar's elevators, escalators and large lecture halls on office. These tellersor aids are there to accept the first five floors to reduce the anxiety caused payment and assist students with any financial by the heavy traffic. said Aylman. situation pertaining to Baruch, they may have. That way, a large number ofstudents Michael DiMarco, the Director ofthe Office will be on the first five floors in the large of the Bursar was not thrilled about the nega­ lecture halls, which will be relatively easier to tive publicity. DiMarco says that the letters access. Those students wi II not have to worry classify all of his staff as being incompetent, about cramming into elevators and ~ing late yet no one has made any formal complaints to for class. Students who will have classes on him concerning this or any other issues. He the upper floors, will also have an easier time adds that if students would come to him and getting to their classes because of report any problems that they are having, any shorter lines. and all problems would be cleared up right Baruch uses a scheduling system away. implemented in the spring of 1996. Its guide­ ,"I ~4!m" to weed out ,any bad person if there, . !i~,~~- cI_a.~S!S,;rw:etjog.~jceaweek is one, but "the studentsdon't complain'to me are offered on an alternating day .schedule I have to assume that there is no problem with during the week: Mondayffhursday classes are the staff" said DiMarco. scheduled between 7:25am. and 12:25p.m.; DiMarco states that if a student has a com­ Monday/Wednesday classes between 12:25 plaint they should come to him, almost imme­ and 5:25p.m.; TuesdaylFriday classes are diately after an incident takes place, even the scheduled between 7:25a.m. and 2:05p.m.; next day, and he will instruct the student on the Tuesday/Thursday classes between 2:30 and 5:25p.m. Club hours are on Thursdays between 12:25 and 2:30p.m. Departments can By Arlene Au-Yeung classes may be used instead of 25 minutes to schedule three-days-a-week classes on compensate for the loss of space. With Contributing Writer Monday, Wednesday and Thursday between a IS-minute break, more classes may be 7:25a.m. and 12:25p.m., and on Tuesday, scheduled. The less time a classroom stays As a result of the move to the new Wednesday and Friday between 7:25 am. and empty, the more classes may be held in it academic complex, Baruch will lose 100,000 2:05p.m. Wednesdays may be used for labs during sny given day. sq. ft. of space. That is equivalent to almost and single-class meetings between 7:25a.m. four floors in the 360 PAS building. "I don't think that the IS-minute and 2:05p.m.. [break] is such a good idea," said Donatto According to Provost Myrna Chase, According to the Guidelines for , Ayala, a Baruch student, about rushing to class the date to move into the new building on 25th SCheduling Classes of Spring 1996, "no more if that measure were implemented. "Walking Street is 200 I. It will not occur all at once; than 55 percent of a department's evening Students are not happy with the service received at the from 26th- Street to 18th Street is time Space in the 26th Street and 18th Street courses on a given day may be scheduled in the Bursar's Office. (Photo! Dara Abrams) consuming." buildings will be phased out as courses and first time" slot." The first time slot are 5:40, departments are moved into the new building. Another student, who wishes to procedures of filing a formal complaint. If the 5:45 and 6:00p.m. In addition, "no more than Furthermore, some space in the 23rd Street remain anonymous, also stated that student wishes to stay anonymous they can do 55 percent of a department's evening courses building will temporarily be unavailable while a IS-minute break is not a good idea. Since she so, but he must be informed or no changes can may be scheduled on Monday and Wednesday being remodeled. Although Baruch may lease works, she takes classes one right after another take place. or Tuesday and Thursday. ' the space vacated by. SUNY Optometry, and would liketo have more time. between Most of the people that work in the front at 315 PAS, no concrete agreements have been classes. She prefers to have 25-minute breaks office ofthe Bursar's are student aides. Since announced by administrators in charge even if there will not be classes in the 18th they are students they have to be trained on ofthe project. Street building when the transition to the new how to handle different situations before work­ Carl Aylman, director of Student building is complete. -r ing. According to Sandy Ho, the College Life, stated that a 15-minute break between In Features: Accountant and Assistant Director in the office An AMC Theatre Opens its of the Bursar, all students get trained by a In a mission to reduce the amount of com­ supervisor and are to consult this supervisor if plaints ofthe administrative offices in Baruch, Doors to the Public they have any questions or problems they can't Sunil Madray, vice president of evening and SeePage3 handle on their own. part-time students in Undergraduate Student . When asked about how they felt about the In OplEds: Government is devising a questionnaire. His The Ruling in the Diallo Trial is Bursar's office, more than halfofthe students goal is to get feedback from students through a approached said they didn't have too much of survey so that they will know how the offices . put into Perspective and Much a problem with that office. However, they all need to be changed, . Ado is revealed about Nothing diverted the attention over to the Registrar's Madray will approach the directors of the in Politics office, saying that this is where they encoun­ Bursar, Registrar and Financial Aid offices and tered a great deal ofproblems. work with them to get a group of questions SeePage 7 Mary Chung, a senior majoring in account­ together that will provide the heads, and direc­ In Sports: ing. affirms that the service is not the greatest tors of the departments with honest .feedback at the Bursar'soffice but says it is nothing from the students on the service their staff is The Statesmen's win over CSI . :., compared to the lack ofrespect she deals with providing. The offices will then decide OIl bow forces a tie for the CUNY title at Registrar. they will use this infonnation to change the· "I think the Registrar's office is the worse approaCh of the staff to better accommodate See Back Page place in Baruch," said Chung. "It's true the the sbldents, even thosewho come in with atti­ In the aSyLuM: ", Bursar's office is slow and the people are not tudes themselves. This-surveyshould be in ~ Novetist-Nora RGbats siped capies ofher DeW boot, friendly, but at least they have a better attitude c.oIiaa.......Walclallloob ~.e. (PIIaW An Interview. with Nora" Roberts ,respectiveoffices by Fall 2000. SabaOclpi) than the people in Registrar." , , . "\ . .', '.', . , , . I ;,. ) ~._" , ;--..,_.-.:_-~ '~ , .; . ~ ; .... ~~,1~·,," ,J # ; • .. • .. :," ... :. "'".)........: ... ) .... ... ';.... :---\... .... -::._ ... .' .... :: ..... -; .~ ,,~r ,,- , .... 1'.- , " ".J ... 0 ... 1- ,,-_;' \' .r ,..""" "' .. " .. ~. ~ ~. 2 TICKER NEWS MAY L 2000 _' J _ ." .. ';' , 6 .. -'.. ... • ,. A TICKER FEATURES MAY 1, 2000 3 mE TutORING SEmCE·AVAlLABLE FOR STIlDENTS L~.ENGUSH ------ TljE ENGLISfl DEl4Rl1l1Ei\lT W1UTL~G CEIVTER ow e .."otbinl short of " "Frenetically creative and II\ll'lHl. -8hline HILARIOUS!" -SHOW BUSINESS is open every day to assist students enrolled in American ulti-Cinema English 2100,2150,28fI0,2850 and courses for which these are requisites. Empire 25 opened its Doors to A.~alfho~ tutorial tvith afaculty member can assist you to perfect your \\!lttng skills as well as your research skills. The nnorial is free, AlEW TAKE ON SHAKESPEARE'S CUMEDY Jessica Rubenstein the Public on April 21 Senior Staff Writer The Center also has several computers on which you may complete VOUI such as the Goodwill Industries.
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