THE CLUB 100 FAMILY IS GROWING UP See reports from chapters and islands concerning our high school graduates 1964 JUNE 1964 NAKAKURA Hiroshi Shimazu '8' CONSTRUCTION 2621 WAIWAI LOOP CO., LTD. Phone 812-854 Kukui Mortuary Ltd. HONOLULU CREMATORY MORTUARY "Constant Help in Time of Need" CREMA TORY 247 N. Ku kui St. Puuhale & Democrat CAL L 575- 548 C A L L 856-458 24·HOUR SERVICE We Recommend Hawaii Purple Shield Plan SAME OWNERSHIP TAKE A TIP FROM THE MANY FAMILIES WHO SAVE AT INTERNATIONAL SAVINGS .. where your savings earn .~% dividend and you r savings are insured up to $10,000 by F.S. L.I. C., an instrumentality of the Federal Government. Corner King and Bethel Streets. • Phone 511 ·311 WAIPAHU BRANCH : 94·801 Farrington Highway, near INTERNATIONAL SAVINGS Depot Road AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, LTD. HILO BRANCH : 32 Kalakaua Street (f) parade--- (f) Vol. 17,No.6 June,19M Editor Ben. H. Tamashiro Production and Distribution: Herbert Yamamoto, Bea Imada Chapter News: Able 6 Blue Nagasaki Baker 16 Dick Oguro Baker LA 11 Sat Nakamura Board 18 Larry Nizuno Charlie 25 K. Shimizu Dog 25 Jits Yoshida Maui 21 S. Masumoto Hawaii 5 Walter Kadota Headquarters 7 Toshio Kunimura Separate Activities: Fishing 13 Blue Nagasaki Golf 2 Wilfred Fujishige Bowling 13 Blue Nagasaki " 9 " " Softball 28 Blue N.agasaki Teenagers 24 Sandy Kawashima Features: Puka Squares Editor Editorial 14 Editor CIRCULATION 1562 Copies PUBLISHER Screen Process Hawaii 845 Queen Street Phone 571-483 Published monthly by the Club 100, an organi­ zation of World War II Veterans of the l00th Infantry Battalion, incorporated under the laws of the State of Hawaii. Request for advertising and rates should be directed to the Publisher. The summer doldrums have set in for the editor, so if any of you want to complain concerning the lateness of this issue, you know who to call. Not so surprisingly, our correspondents are on the ball and we've got a full issue. Everyone is represented this month - from the Big Isle all the way to Sat Nakamura in Los Angeles. Heyl Where's Rural? -- Editor P. S. -- As we go to late press, atheist Madalyn Murray of Baltimore has come to Honolulu to escape the "persecution" which she claims she has been subjected to in BalLimore. Mrs. Murray is the woman who initiated the suit which culminated in the Supreme Court ruling outlawing prayer in public schools. We mention Mrs. Murray because she illustrates one kind of rebellion which we have talked about in our editorial. Think what you may of Mrs. Murray, it goes to show you the power of the indiVidual in our society. I~~~~~~~~~~ SUN MOTORS Motor Tune-up Automatic Transmission Precise Diagnosis w ith Electronic Equipment GEORGE YAMA5HIRO Ph . 710-425 3036 Waialae Ave. SOlARPAQUE REDUCES HEAT • GLARI • FADE Ph. 996-965 La SOLARPAQUE HAWAII (in Kubio Auto, Inc.) 2457 S. King Street o ¢ 0 ¢ 0 ¢ 0 ¢ 0 ¢ 0 ¢ 0 ¢ 0 Puka Squares '"Emphasis this month is upon those high in the editorial page of the Sunday Adver­ school graduates who are sons and daughters tiser of May 31 . of Club 100 members. Although not by any means complete, the list of names provided Civil Rights will continue to be an issue by our correspondents comes up to about for a long, long time. The first reaction ) fifty. Which goes to show you that the Club to the Senate's passage of the Bill has been 100 family is growing up. the disappearance of the three young men who were in Mississippi on a mission to register Walter Kadota implies in his candid comment l-legro voters. Much more violence is to that there would have been many more come. graduates from Hilo had it not been for the many miscarriages caused by the 1946 tidal Then there is Barry Goldwater's "nay" wavel and how his negative vote may or may not affect his chances for the Republican nomi­ We are given to understand that next year nation for President. should see a really bumper crop of gradu­ ates. And Senator Fulbright. We have not been able as yet to reconcile his "nay" vote And at long last, we have head from Kauai. with his being chairman of the Senate Froeign Kazuto Yoshioka, president of the Kauai Relations Committee. chapter comes in with a listing of Kauai graduates. Locally, it is reapponionment. It is hearten­ ing to see our Legislators responding im­ A thought occurs to us that the teenagers mediately to the intent and directive of the could use the listing of graduates to form Supreme Coun decision. In case you missed some kind of a young people's auxiliary to it, this is the summary as presented in the mother club. Such a group could also the Honolulu Advertiser of June 16: be pan of the solution to the perpetuation of the Club 100. P02ulation Senators ~ It is a rather difficult to write a piece Oahu 513,500 10/20 36/40 slanted to the graduates, but our editorial Hawaii 62,300 7/2 7/5 is a try. As we say in our editorial, we Maui 45 ,500 5/2 5/4 have stayed avfay from the theme of chal­ Kauai 28.1 00 ---.W.. -2LL. lenges, because this is the usual fare at commencement exercises. Rather, we have 649,400 25/25 51 / 51 gone one step beyond and our discourse considers the situation outside of the aca­ The figures to the left of the slash mark demic atmosphere. represent current situation; to the right, what could happen under reapponionment, Which leads us to the many, many things with Oahu ending up with 4/ 5 of the re­ happening about us today. The Senate finally apportionment. passed the Civil Rights Bill and it should shortly become a law of the land. At this Catastrophel This was at a concert of the pOint, we would like to acknowledge Editor Honolulu Symphony. Dreamt that all the George Chaplin's continuing interest in the players turned their page in their musical welfare of the Club 100. Mr. Chaplin score at the same instant (a one m a bllhon thought well enough of our last month's chance) and for one stunned moment, not a editorial on Civil Rights to have it published sound from the orchestral 1964 Convention CommiHee 1964 CONVENTION COMMITTEE, Shigeru Inouye, Chairman, reports: DATES: August 28, 1964 Friday August 29 Saturday August 30 Sunday PLACE: Honolulu, Oahu The following schedule was tentatively approved: Friday - Welcome Buffett Dinner at Club 100 Saturday - AM Business Meeting Saturday - 12 Noon - Luncheon 2 PM - Sea Life Park Excursion 5 PM - Buffet Dinner at Haiku Gardens 7:30 PM - Show at Polynesian Cultural Center, Laie Sunday - 10 AM - Memorial Service at Punchbowl or a (visit to the Arizona Memorial) if available. 12 Noon - Picnic lunch at Keehi Lagoon Park COST: (approx.) Oahu Members, wives and Children above 12 years old $14.00 (Those using Sea Life Park annual passes will pay $13.00). Children (12 and below) $ 8.50 (Those uSing Sea Life Park passes or those under 7 years will pay $8.00). COST: (approx.) Outside Islanders - Members in good standing $10.00 Wives and children above 12 years old 5.00 each Children (12 and below) Free Above costs are for package deals. More specific information will be mailed to each member after the committee meeting on June 26. "Our Progress as a Nation Can Be No Swilter Than Our Progress in Education . .. The Human Mind is Our Fundamental Resource" S enator Nadao Y oshinaga has been of the strongest Legislative champions for the strengthening of our public schools. Let's send him to Washington as our U. S. Senator. This ad paid for by YOSHINAGA FOR U. S. SENATOR 505 Halekauiuila Street ANNIVERSARY LUAU JUNE 13, 1964 24 Brunswick Lanes Br\ln~wi<.:k Automatic Pin..,eUer"i Tele Score> Tele Foul Line Best Wishes to the Club Telephone Service Direct to Bowlers Benches Panoramic Spectator Seats Fountain Service to Bowlers on Lanes Free Instructiolls Available 820 Isenberg St., Phones 996-668 - 996-669 for... CONVENIENCE TIMES QUALITY SUPER MARKETS ECONOMY SHOP TIMES' Al WA YSI KING ST. WAIALA£ KAILUA KAPALAMA KANEOHE MITSUWA KAMABOKO FACTORY, LTD. ~ " ~ Kamaboko 121 Yokan Ahui SI. Age Phones Kushi 566-702 Chikuwa 53-478 Uzumaki Charles Furu moto· 0 db Free Gift Wrapping Service We Wrap For Mailing c5b SELECT UNDERWRITERS, LTD. University Square Bldg. 2615 S. King Street PHONE 990-041 - - ___ GREGO RY H. IKEDA, C. I. U. Genera) A gent and ~Ianage r Hawaiian Agcm.: y ALL LINES OF INSURANCE ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Seian Hokama (Al Sonsei Nakamura (Bl NOHTH AMEHI CAN INSUHANCE AGENCY, LTD. Frank Ikehara (Al John Sakaki (Al 1485 Kapial"ni Boulevard, Honolulu 14, Hawa ii Naoji Yamagata (Al Phone: 994 -]94 qutJCK 1L,wct ~t HARRY ASATO . :. PHONE 904-305 .. ~., PAINTING CONTRACTOR ETSURO SEKIY A Re sidential - Commercial - Industrial ~ ~,::':'"!;,, .:::::~::: Mh •Wedding Bouquets, Wrea ths, 3006 Ualena Street Sprays, Corsages, Leis, Orchids, Phone 8 16-526 Orchid Plants ... We DeliGcr . .. Musiciill Instruments f, Accessories Appliances Radios T. V_ large Selection of Records \~ T.B~T.B C!!JITPPI. We Service f, Repair 560-03. 844 &u~Queen St. (" " ~ Everything We Sell \! -../ Stu Yoshioka 'B' WilliAM KO MODA 'S' PHO NE 723-145 3457 WAIALAE AVE Taku Okajima, Sitting across the table from Hawaii Spark started talking about getting the former by Walter Kadota Co. F boys together but when George Inouye started rattling off the names from random HILO REVISITED memory, Jack Ota, Eddie Nakao, James Maeda, Masao Fujimoto, Tooru Nakano, Sa­ Spark Matsunaga's all too short VISItS to toru Kobayashi, Tsukasa Santo, etc.
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