The 7th EWC International Graduate Student Conference P r o g r a m Thursday, February 14, 208 Registration 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Opening Ceremony 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Conference Report Turro Wongkaren Conference Co-chair Welcoming Addresses Dr. Terance Bigalke Director, Education Program East-West Center Dr. Charles Morrison President, East-West Center Keynote Address “Changing Climate in the Asia Pacific: Building Resilient Communities” Ms. Eileen Shea Director, NOAA Integrated Data and Environmental Application Center Chief, Climate Services Division, NOAA National Climatic Data Center Reception 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Wailana Room, Garden Level 1 The 7th EWC International Graduate Student Conference P r o g r a m Friday, February 15, 208 Parallel Session 1 8:30 am - 9:55 am PS 1.1 Transnational Migrant Experiences PS 1.2 Violence in Indonesia PS 1.3 Urban Transportation & Environmental Issues PS 1.4 Individual and Household Economy Break 9:55 am – 10:10 am Parallel Session 2 10:10 am - 12:15 pm PS 2.1 State, Minorities and Conflict PS 2.2 Artists and Their Arts PS 2.3 Public Finance and Development PS 2.4 Family and Interpersonal Relations Lunch Wailana Room, Garden Level 12:15 pm – 1:30 pm Parallel Session 3 1:30 pm - 3:15 pm PS 3.1 International Movement of Goods and Money PS 3.2 Women and Construction of Gender Identities PS 3.3 US and Asian Countries PS 3.4 Health and Aging Issues Break 3:15 pm – 3:30 pm Parallel Session 4 3:30 pm - 5:15 pm PS 4.1 Focus on Learning PS 4.2 Dynamics of International Relations PS 4.3 Ethnic Relations and Identity Negotiations PS 4.4 Health: Risks and Financing 2 The 7th EWC International Graduate Student Conference P r o g r a m Saturday, February 16, 208 Parallel Session 5 8:30 am - 9:55 am PS 5.1 Economic Growth and Inequality: International Perspectives PS 5.2 International Relations: Then and Now PS 5.3 The Worlds of In - Between PS 5.4 Informed Environmentalism Break 9:55 am – 10:10 am Parallel Session 6 10:10 am - 12:15 pm PS 6.1 Literature and Society PS 6.2 Governance and Civil Society PS 6.3 Investment & Multinational Corporations PS 6.4 Land and Communities Lunch Wailana Room, Garden Level 12:15 pm – 1:30 pm Parallel Session 7 1:30 pm - 3:15 pm PS 7.1 China and Modernity PS 7.2 Media and Society PS 7.3 Managing Resources toward Sustainability PS 7.4 Language Use Break 3:15 pm – 3:30 pm Parallel Session 8 3:30 pm - 5:15 pm PS 8.1 Regional Cooperation and Integration PS 8.2 Constructions and Representations in Various Media PS 8.3 Education in a Globalized World PS 8.4 Urban Modernization in China 3 The 7th EWC International Graduate Student Conference P r o g r a m PS 1.1 Transnational Migrant Experiences Friday, Feb 15, 8:30 am - 9:55 am, Pago Pago Room Moderator: Dr. Nancy Lewis, Director, Research Program, East-West Center Ashraf, A.S.M. University of Pittsburgh, USA Beyond Brain Drain and Remittances: Understanding the Role of the U.S.-based Emigrant Bangladeshis in Home Country Development Process Weiss, Amanda. University of Cambridge, UK. ‘Shoulder-pole,’ Girl: Migrant Workers in the Hostile City of Chinese Cinema Hansen, Paul. University of London, UK. Milked For All They Are Worth: Chinese Dairy Workers in Rural Hokkaido PS 1.2 Violence in Indonesia Friday, Feb 15, 8:30 am - 9:55 am, Kaniela Room Moderator: Mr. Richard Baker, Assistant to the President, East-West Center Fox, Colm A. George Washington University, USA A History of Violence: Militia Groups in Indonesia Abbas, Muhammad Rivai. State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia Peace in the Midst of Violence: Analyzing the Role of Elites in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia Kurniasanti, Imaculata. University of Texas at Austin, USA Politicization of Mass Rape Victims’ 1998 in Indonesia PS 1.3 Urban Transportation Issues Friday, Feb 15, 8:30 am - 9:55 am, Sarimanok Room Moderator: Dr. Sumeet Saksena, Senior Fellow, East-West Center Hidayat, Dadit. University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA TransJakarta Busway and 2006 Clean Air Award: Have Jakarta Air Pollution Issues Been Adequately Addressed? Kono, Noriko. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa The Role of Land Use Planning of the Reduction in Transport Sector Emissions in the City of Yokohama, Japan Rosalyn. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa Building Community Capacity through Collaborative Planning: Challenges in Honolulu Community’s Neighborhood Planning PS 1.4 Individual and Household Economy Friday, Feb 15, 8:30 am - 9:55 am, Washington Room Moderator: Dr. Andrew Mason, Professor of Economics, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, and Senior Fellow, East-West Center Srisuchart, Supachai. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, USA Parental Transfer, Student Loan Program, and Schooling: An Empirical Study of Thailand Rothwell, David. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, USA Determinants of Individual Development Account Program Success for Native Hawaiians Srisuchart, Supachai. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, USA Credit Constraint and Education: Empirical study of Thailand’s Household PS 2.1 State, Minorities and Conflict Friday, Feb 15, 10:10 am - 12:15 pm, Pago Pago Room 4 The 7th EWC International Graduate Student Conference P r o g r a m Moderator: Dr. Sun-Ki Chai, Graduate Chair, Department of Sociology, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa Nakamura, Kelli Y. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, USA “Shadows of Their Former Selves” and “A Place in the Sun”: The Legacy of War and Martial Law for Hawai‘i’s Japanese Leaders Nolde, Lance. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa and East-West Center, USA Sailing the Edges of Indonesian History: History, Memory, and Identity among the Sama-Bajau of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia Augustine, Matthew R. Columbia University, USA “Ryukyuan Repatriation and the Southern Boundary of Japan: The First Phase of U.S. Military Rule in the Ryukyu Islands, 1945-1950” Strate, Shane R. University of Wisconsin-Madison The Fifth Column: Anti-Imperialism and the Persecution of Catholics in Thailand, 1940-1944 Firdous, Tahira. Hawaii Pacific University, USA Forced Internal Migration in Kashmir PS 2.2 Artists and Their Arts Friday, Feb 15, 10:10 am - 12:15 pm, Kaniela Room Moderator: Dr. Rick Trimillos, Chair, Department of Asian Studies, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa Hacker, Tiffany. National University of Singapore To be or not to be, an Artist: Rethinking the social complexities of Thai Mural Painting Liu, Gary. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, USA Subtle Interruption: Song Dong and the Very Possibility of Dissent Rosenberg, Marya J. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa and East-West Center, USA Passion Behind a Mask: Women Transformed in Yoshitoshi’s Thirty-Six Ghosts Wasson, Devika. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, USA From Transcendence to Cultural Identity: An Examination of India’s Bharatanatyam and Societal Beliefs Zhu, Yanfei. Ohio State University, USA Song of Unending Sorrow: Hashimoto Kansetsu between True Love and Politics (under the Early Twentieth Century Sino-Japanese Tension) PS 2.3 Public Finance and Development Friday, Feb 15, 10:10 am - 12:15 pm, Sarimanok Room Moderator: Dr. Chris McNally, Fellow, East-West Center Liu, Zeng and Xiongjun Wang. Peking University, China Character of finance structure and its cause study in Zhejiang Province, China Oya, Yoshie A. Monterey Institute of International Studies, USA A Case Study on Aid Dependence and the Quality of Governance in Mongolia Ashwill, Maximillian. The New School University, USA Breaking the Elites: Comparative Development Experiences of Malaysia and the Philippines Song, Qian. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa and East-West Center, USA The Creation of Autonomy for the Township Governments in Western and Central China after the Rural Tax Reform: A Case Study of Hebei Province PS 2.4 Family and Interpersonal Relations Friday, Feb 15, 10:10 am - 12:15 pm, Washington Room Moderator: Dr. Minja K. Choe, Senior Fellow, East-West Center Wheatley, James B. Seton Hall University, USA Japan’s Hikikomori Phenomenon: Failed Group Dynamics and Interpersonal Relationships Galbraith, Patrick. Sophia University, Japan 5 The 7th EWC International Graduate Student Conference P r o g r a m Maid in Japan: Ethnography of Akihabara 'moe-kei' cafes in review of commercial commodification of fantasy home Shaw, Tara Shankar. University at Buffalo, USA “Hit the Road Jack”: A Duration analysis of Cohabitation Tseng, Hsun-Hui. University of Washington, Seattle, USA Who are Selling/Buying their Bodies? Reflecting the “Commodification” of Transnational Marriages by Examining the Policy of Abolishing the Profit-Oriented Transnational Marriage Brokering Business in Taiwan PS 3.1 International Movement of Goods and Money Friday, Feb 15, 1:30 pm - 3:15 pm, Pago Pago Room Moderator: Dr. ZhongXiang Zhang, Senior Fellow, East-West Center Parcon, Hazel C. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa and East-West Center, USA Do Labor Market Regulations Matter to Foreign Investors? McGrath, Erin. University of Pittsburgh, USA Why Labor Standards in Cambodia, and How Do They Matter for Trade? Chang, Hee-Kyoung. Seoul National University, South Korea Do Relative Gains Matter? - Determining changes in U.S.’ strategic trade policy towards China PS 3.2 Women and Construction of Gender Identities Friday, Feb 15, 1:30 pm - 3:15 pm, Kaniela Room Moderator: Dr. Nancie Caraway, Globalization Research Center, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa Brown, Kirsten M. University of Toronto, Canada Property Without Access: Linking Gendered Mobility with Power in West Central Sulawesi- Indonesia Mohd Rhouse, Suraini. University of Waikato, New Zealand The Intersectionalities of Gender, Race, Class, Ethnicity, and Religion in the Construction of Malay Women Entrepreneurs’ Identity in Malaysia.
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