CTHEMedford, MA 02155 TUFTSWednesday, April 4,1990 DAILY1Vol XX, Number 46 Election results announced by CONSTANTINE ATHANAS I Daily Editorial Board TCU SENATE RACE RETURNS Approximately lo00 students voted in the campus-wide elec- Senior Senate Seats Sophomore Senate Seats tion yesterday for next year’s Tufts Harlan Tenenbaum 110 Kevin O’Rourke 20 1 Community Union senators and Jonathan Trachtman 105 Jeanine Becker 195 Judiciary members, and members Matt Sands 103 Debbie Feldman 177 of the Committee on Student Life, Scott Waterman 96 Randy Ravitz 168 the TCU Elections Board an- Bob Meagher 92 LisaFine 154 nounced said night. Wally Pansing 83 Peter Mutharika 147 Students voted to eleci candi- Michael Blonsky 77 Rachel Sacks 143 dates to 21 Senate positions, seven from the senior,junior, and sopho- Junior Senate Seats TCU J MEMBERS more classes, seven seats on the Julian Barnes 227 Jeff Allen 387 Judiciary, and seven seats on the Stu Rosenberg 208 KarenVitale 386 Approximately 1,OOO students voted in yesterday’s TCU elections. CSL. Alexa Leon-Prado 168 Laura Fish 324 One hundred ninety-six vot- Carl Hrycyszyn 117 Lisa Valensi 277 ing juniors elected senior sena- Ellie Kleinman lo7 Michelle Master 276 ELBO voting process tors from eight candidates to the Mark Hinkley lo2 Susan Danca 250 Senate. Those elected were Har- Chuck Marks lol MeganArtz 246 lan Tenenbaum,Jonathan Tracht- criticized by students man, Matt Sands, Scott Water- Of the nine candidates who Commuter Representative to the by CONSTANTINE ATHANAS tallied, Senate incumbent Jean- man, Bob Meagher, Wally Pan- ran for the seven junior seats, Senate. Daily Editorial Board ine Becker and Senate candidate sing, and Michael Blonsky. Barnes, Rosenberg, and Leon- The seven students elected from A Tufts Community Union Eric Schliesser, both freshmen, All of the winners were in- Prado were incumbents. nine candidates to the Judiciary Senate incumbent and a candi- wrote a letter to the Elections cumbents except for Blonsky. Kevin O’Rourke, Jeanine were Jeff Allen, Karen Vitale, date both criticized the Elections Board complaining that voting Incumbent Saif Saiddiqi was not Becker, Debbie Feldman, Randy Laura Fish, Lisa Valensi, Mich- Board last night for poor han- had been unfair because, accord- re-elected. Ravitz, Lisa Fine, Peter Mutharika, elle Master, Susan Danca, and dling of the campus-wide student ing to Becker and Schliesser, at Julian Barnes, Stu Rosenberg, and Rachel Sacks were elected to Megan Am. government election held yester- one of the entrances to Carmichael Alexa Leon-Prado, Carl sophomore Senate seats. Four All of the candidates elected hundred and forty-four freshman &Ye Dining Hall, there was no voting Hrycyszyn, Ellie Kleinman, Chuck were incumbents except for Elections Board member Phil table set up during lunch and Marks, and Mark Hinkley were voted in the election. Valensi, Master and Artz. Incum- Goldberg said yesterday’s elec- dinner. all elected to junior Senate posi- All of the candidates elected bent Marylou Brown was not re- tion “went pretty smoothly ex- Becker said there was only tions. Three hundred forty-six were incumbents except for elected. Mutharika. cept for one minor mix-up.” sophomores voted in the elec- see ELECTION, page 11 Before the election results were see ELBO, page 2 tion. Marina Kiklis was elected Tufts awarded $300,000 EPA grant by STEPHEN NEWMAN promotes environmental literacy Daily Editorial Board through education. With this grant, . University President Jean he said, “We are actually going to Mayer announced last night that do something which involves Tufts is one of two universities in everyone at the University to find the nation to receive a $300,000 solutions developed at Tufts to grant from the Environmental help other colleges and the com- Protection Agency to examine munity at large.” methods to clean up the eiviron- Tufts Dean of Environmental ment. Programs Anthony Cortesc will “To kick off the Earth Month, head a committee recently formed we have had some very good news. by Mayer to manage the grant. The EPA has awarded us a grant Cortese said that the first thing of $300,000 over two years to that needs to be done is an envi- --,, ...- r... improve the quality of the envi- ronmental audit of the Univer- 123 Packard Avenue, the house of Theta Delta Chi ronment at Tufts as an illustration sity. He said that CLEAN must of what the University could do,” Tufts has named he grant Tufts first identify the major environ- Mayer said at the Tufts Earth Corporation Learning Environ- mental problems at Tufts. CSL upholds Theta Month Kick-Off sponsoredby the mental Awareness Now (CLEAN). Cortese said that there are many Center for Environmental Man- “Clearly, we have been cho- efforts that could be undertaken agement and Environmental sen because Tufts has been in- such as recycling and energy Delta Chi suspension Consciousness Outreach. volved in environmental research conservation. He pointed out that by EMANUEL BARDANIS to live up to IGC’s standards for Tufts and the University of management and teaching and the sewage is a major concern as well. Daily Editorial Board the Greek system. Pittsburg are the only schools to University of Pittsburgh has clearly The University produces many The Committee on Student Life According to Edelman, the CSL have received the grant, which is been chosen because it’s in Pitts- types of waste including agricul- voted Monday to uphold the In- found that the chapter had “a record WA’s burgh,” Mayer said jokingly. ter-Greek Council Judicial Board’s a part of the Pollution Pre- see GRANT, page 11 of continuous repeated violations, vention Demonstration Project. Mayer said that Tufts already decision to suspend recognition one that impressed the CSL by its ofThetaDeltaChi for three years, magnitude and that led the CSL Tufts financial aid burden will grow according to CSL Chair Lee to believe that Theta Delta Chi Edelman. had been given every opportunity by JOSH BUCKLEY tated a cautious spending level past four years, Tufts has had to The Judicial Board announced to reform itself and had failed to Daily Staff Writer for educational funding, accord- increase its own unresmcted funds on March 4 its decision to sus- heed repeated warnings.” With no increase in federal ing to The Chronicle of Higher allocated to aid by 69 percent to pend recognition of Theta Delta The CSL had the power to financial aid grants proposed in Education. Officialsalso say they keep up with the need. Chi, commonly knowr! as “123,” decrease, increase, or uphold the the 1991 budget, and proposed hope individual states will now “The University has been in- based on a violation of dry rush sanctions imposed on the frater- cuts looming in the Massachu- make a greater effort to provide creasing Tufts’ commitment to and several other IGC policies. see APPEAL, page 3 setts state budget, Tufts will face educational grants. financial aid. Financial aid is a As a result of the Judicial an increasing burden to provide However, Massachusetts Gov- partnership with the federal gov- Board’s decision, the international aid to its students. ernor Michael Dukakis, restricted ernment, state government, and officers of Theta Delta Chi sus- According to Director of Fi- by the state’s own budget prob- the University,” Eastwood said. pended the charter of their Tufts nancial Aid Bill Eastwood, the lems, has proposed further cuts in Eastwood believes that it will be chapter and initiated a full inves- Features .......................... p.5 absence of an increase in federal state aid programs. Cuts in the impossible for Tufts to completely tigation of the allegationsthat led Senator Kerry on the environment, aid spending in the 199 1 proposal Gilbert Grant and the Reciprocity make up for the lost state funds to the Judicial Board’s decision. Campuses Against Cancer on activism, will make it difficult for the Tufts Grant comprise a $600,000 loss and the static federal funds. Theta Delta Chi appeared and Bill Shein on Pachy Patties. aid to make up for rising Univer- atTuftsalone. “The University can’t make before the CSL on Monday in a sity costs. According to figures provided up for what the state and federal closed session to appeal the se- Arts .................................. p.7 “The problem is that the [aid by Dean of Administration Larry government can’t give. Any rea- verity of the sanctions imposed Michelangelo -- famous artist? Din- commitment of] federal govern- Ladd, over the past four years sonable person can’t expect the on them by the Judicial Board. ing Services noodle specialty? No, it’s a ment has not been going up, put- Tufts has had to increaseits own University to make up dollar for Edelrnan said that because the Teenage Muant Ninja Turtle. ting more pressure on Tufts’ aid drastically to make up for dollar that the state pulls out. If fraternity appealed the severity Sports p.8-9 stagnant state and federal .pro- the state and federal government of the sanctions, the CSL had to .......................... budget,” Eastwood said. Crew started out its season with two Spokespeople for the US grams. While the total scholar- kept meeting their funding every determine if the violations com- weekend victories, but the softball team Department of Education say that ships awarded to Tufts students piled by the Judicial Board repre- fell to 1-1 with a loss to Bridgewater. budget constraints have necessi- have gone up by 48 percent in the see AID, page 10 sented Theta Delta Chi’s failure , ,. page two THE TUFTS DAILY Wednesday,-- April 4,1990 rHE TUFTSDAILE Letters to the Editor Elephant’s safety a by the caretaker of the idea of helping out race and homosexuality.
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