RGO, NORTH DAKOTA, VOLUME 96 ISSUE 11 FRIDAY, OCT.12, 1979 ·unman pursues campus mployee in SU Union by Mary Ellen Shen gun below the white cloth he was carrying," the NDSU was the scene of an eyewitness said. t of terrorism last Thurs­ Rebsom was taken into y, October 4. custody shortly afte·rwards William Rebsom, 45, walk- by Fargo Police witliout much into the Student Union of a struggle. out 4:30 · p.m. carrying a He was arraigned Monday t gun and proceeded to by a La Moure County judge eaten his ex-wife, an on th~ charge of terrorism. ployee of NDSU food ser- Rebsom's trial is tentative­ e, I ly set for November 21 at cco ri:iing to an 10:30 in Cass County court. witness, the woma.n came At the,moment he is being to him, asking him to help held without bail because of because she was "being previous offences. ow by a guy with a -shot Rebsom has previously . The witness turned undergone psychiatric treat­ You asked for It, you got It. Another MGDD Production (SN lnMrt for delalla) und to see a man behind ment and apparently this inci­ m. "I know he had a gun · dent is just the last in a long ause I could see a butt of a series of domestic disputes. Major opposition still blocks terim editor elected at -12th Avenue bridge proposal pectrum Staff meeting by David Staples by Dave Haakenson Valerie Peterson has been ing's claim that the bridge fie flow would stop in the mid­ chosen from the Spectrum had been part of the city traf­ dle of the bridge?" he Spectrum staff was -staff as Interim Editor and _ Tuesday night's hearing fic plan since 1966. It has, he SU was also well­ ed to vote 'for an interim will serve until a·new editor is conducted by the U.S. Army said, been out foi: a_year and a rej>resented at the hearing. tor and a report on the hired by BOSP Oct. 23. Co~ps of Engineers signified half. Lindgren also disputed Lewis Lubka, Associate Pro­ on Year~ was given at Of 1,200 yearbooks anotlter nail in the coffin of the claim that construction fessor of Planning, questioned informal meeting of the ordered, 950 have been sold, the_ prop~sed .12th A".enue would save energy, claiming why a metropolis the size of rd of Student Publications with 50 of the remaining 200 North Bridge, if. those in .at­ it would do the opposite by Fargo-Moorhead needed a sday~ l>eitlfJ 4iaU'ilJuted.. --~ _tend9:nce w~rt; any sampling encouraging urban.sprawl. fifth .pridge when there are Of the last ten citizens to only four crossings along a 01 it:t!;~;~~:~nducted by serve on the Fargo City Com­ longer stretch of the Hudson · onored. Alumn to app~ear Colonel William W. Badger of mission, he noted, five have River between the giant New favored and five opposed the York City-Jersey City halftime presentation ~~S~t: r:~YDisg~c;p~f t~1 bridge. The'Fargo Park Board megapolis. uring half-time activities Interestingly, Olson's final Engineers, drew a sizeable has also been split. Students in attendance in­ he SU homecoming game active duty with the U.S. turnout. There were plenty of According to Moorhead Ci­ cluded Student-Senators Ted UNO, the 1979 Honored Navy was as assistant empty seats, although the au- ty Councilman Leo Eldred, Nelson and Teresa Joppa. will be presented. navigator aboard the light dience was . scatt.ered who is also chairman of the Ci­ Student Richard Harwood e is Howard M. Olson, cruiser USS Fargo. throughout the floor of the ty· Development Commission, questioned why ·a 2.7 million erintendent and Before joining the Carr- auditorium. · his city's officals are 100 per­ dollar "convenience" was icultural engineer· with ington Station in 1960, he was The _background' infornia- cent behind construction of needed. Brad Scott, Far­ Carrington .Irrigation superintendent of the ~ion given by Badger, Dave the bridge," The proposal mhoui,e Fraternity member, ch Station. 1Williston Dryland and Ir- P!rson of the United States pegs Moorhead's share of the disputed earlier remarks son and his family have rigated Branch Experiment Coast Guard and Tom Carroll, $2,378,000 construction and made by E.G. Clapp, Jr. that active supporters of Stations. Prior to that; he liaison between Houston development at slightly less bridge construction would not Y NDSU causes, i~cluding served as an · agricultural Engineering of Fargo and than 60 percent of this figure. affect traffic west of Universi­ Alumni Association, engineer with the Bureau of BRW, Inc. of Minneapolis, Even then, other residents ty Drive, in view of increased m Makers, Prairie Reclamation, Garrison Pro- who is doing parliamentary expressed the feeling that traffic flow over the new ' ter. and fund drives for ject and the Agricultural work on the project, was brief Fargo was getting shafted in­ viaduct crossing the old Great pus buildings. He is Research Service, Northern and evoked little re~ction. to paying for Moorhead city Northern Railroad yard that aps best known for the Great Plains Field Station at However, ;;cattered ap- development at the expense was opened two years ago. ly's corn-on-the-cob lun- Mandan. plause occurred when it was of Fargo neighborhoods. Colonel Clapp, prominent ns prepared for Kiwa- During Olson's 30 years of announced that the St: Louis Betty Boshwick, 1201 Elm Fargo businessman and chair­ and Su alumni gather- professional activity, ir- Office of the United States Street, questioned why a .50' man of Street and Highway at the Carrington Branch rigated acreage in North Coast Guard would probably wide bridge was needed to Development, was the second · on. · Dakota has increased almost require a permit for bridge serve a 30' wide avenue east speaker at the hearing. He on and his wife Barbara tenfold. Much of that increase construction. The office, of '4th Street. "With the said construction would not three children. All are has been attributed to his ac- which has jurisdicti9n over designation of 15th Avenue assist property owners in any raduates-Paul H. Olson twities as chief of the Carr- navigable waterways in 22 (the north Moorhead route - particular area. arg? (1978, Agriculture 1ngton station. states, including Minnesota which the bridge would con­ Further, Clapp said, the om1cs); Priscilla (Mrs. Professional recognition and North Dakota, had nect with 12th A venue) as a NDSU Department of Id C. Giffey) of Roseglen, has inclu~ed the Water previously indicate? no inte~t principal arterial traffic Engineering had made an ex­ (1975, Home Economics) Master Award, presented by to require a permit when it route," she asked "are we to tensive study of traffic flow Cynthia (Mrs. David H. the North Daktoa Irrigation ·was deemed that no signifi­ believe that designated traf- (IIRIDGE continued on pg. 7) ns) of Mt. View, Calif. Districts Association in 1970; cant. cor;itroversy surrounded • Speech Pathology). an honor award (Qr water con- bridge construction: ~n was born and raised servation and utilization from Further, the target date of Economic Association to 18 family's farm at the Upper Missouri Waters November 15, 1980 to adver­ on, N.D., attended a one- Users Association in 1973; the tise for construction bids hold annual workshop school for eight years Agriculturist of the Year ·would, they said, be set back raquated from Sheldon Award from Dakota Chapter at least a year. This will 'be The North Dakota Home cover such topics as women in School. of Alpha Zeta in 1973, and ap- · th·e ~inimal .t~me required. to Economics Association­ administr,tive po!litions, in-. enro~led at North pointment in 1977 as com- obtain a~ditional. per~its, Student Member Section terviewing of careers by a a Agr1~ultural College modore by Gov. Arthur Link hold required pu~hc hearings (composed of AHEA members panel of Home Economists. A NDSU) m 1938 but lack in the North Dakota Mythical ,and as demand will apparent­ from NDSU and UND) will be pre-workshop seminar is also ances and Worid War II Navy for distinguished se,r- :IY require file an Environmen- · holding their 3rd annual Fall planned which will focus on oned graduation until vice in promoting beneficial 'tal Empact Statement and do Workshop October 26-27, "The International · Year of w~en he earned a major uses of North Dakota water the study that will be 1979, at Meinecke Lounge in the Child." ic~ltural Engineering. and for helping to develop, in necessary· the North Dakota State For more information and ecei.ved his master's cooperation with the state The most prominent ·oppo­ University Student Union in registration blanks contact e, w1th a major in irriga- water commission, new ·nent of the bridge, Fargo's Fargo, North Dakota. Judy Larson, 205 N. Weible, om Utah State Unwer- techniques of irrigation prac- Mayor Jon Lindgren, "Career Exploration", the NDSU, Fargo, North Dakota. vgan, Utah. tices. disputed Houston Engin~er- theme of the workshop, will Telephone number: 241-2998. Spectrum . 2 :/ Friday, Oct. 12, 1111 · • , , ; ~uclear test·guinea pigs urged to report For over a year the Depart­ hazardous to health, it is ment of Defense has been at­ generally assumed by scien. ;tempting to identify former tists that even low levels of !military and civilian Defense ~xposure carry some slight . _ ipersonnel who participated in risk. There is, however, some disagreement with)n the Re-orientation ,night· Gospel Concert Film Festival tlie atmospheric nuclear tests .
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