American Media Services It* P

American Media Services It* P

Stations in the U.S. Idaho American Media Services it* P. 0. BOX 20696 LLC CHARLESTON, SC 29413 TEL (843) DEVELOPERS & BROKERS OF RADIO PROPERTIES f 972 -2200 WWW.AMERICANMEDIASERVICES.COM FAX (843) 881 -4436 Nampa Payette with co- localed FM). Rep. Katz Radio. Format: Sporting news. Target aud: General. Mark Bolland, gen mgr. KIDO(AM)- May 17, 1920: 580 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. IL N43 33 35 KIOV(AM)- Dec 20, 1957: 1450 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N44 03 47 W116 W116 24 02.827 E. Park Blvd., Suite 201, Boise 83712. Phone: (208) 54 27. 1406 N. Main St., Suite 107, Meridian 83642.1798. Phone: KMGI(FM) -Co -owned with KSEI(AM). Apr I, 1978: 102.5 mhz; 100 344 -6363. Fax: (208) 385 -9064. Web Site: Licensee: (208) 888 -3783. Fax: (208) 888 -9647. E-mail: sports Web kw. Ant 1,023 ft. TL: N42 51 57 W112 30 46. Stereo. 544 N. Arthur Citicasters Licenses L.P. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications Site: Licensee: Media Enterprises LLC. (Acq 8-00). 83204. Web Site: Network: Westwood One. Inc. (acq 5 -4.99; grpsl). Network: CBS. Format: News, talk. Target Tacher. Format: Sports. Target aud: 18 -54; 65% male. David Format: Classic rock. *Mark Bolland, Ares; C.J. Morrison, progmg aud: 25 -54. Terry Tario. gen mgr; Mitch Fruitte, stn mgr; Jeff Combes, gen mgr; Marshill Sagu, opns mgr; Phill Gregory, gen sls mgr. Cochran, opus mgr; Larry Newton, gen sls mgr, mktg mgr & adv mgr; mgr; David Lee, prom VP: Rockwell Smith, chief of engrg. Lee Eichelberger, chief of engrg. KWIK(AM)- September 1946: 1240 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N42 55 14 KOXR(FM)- Dec 1, 1978: 100.3 mhz; 98 kw. 708 ft. TL: N43 49 31 W112 2717. Stereo. Box 998, 259 E. Center St. 83201. Phone: (208) Phone: KKGL(FM)- February 1977: 96.9 mhz; 44 kw. 2,520 ft. TL N43 45 W116 30 29.5601 Cassia, Boise 83705. (208) 344 -3511. Fax: 233-1133. Phone: (800) 582 -1240. Fax: (208) 232-1240. E -mail: 19 W116 05 52. Stereo. 1419 W. Bannock St., Boise 83702. Phone: (208) 336 -3264. E- mail, [email protected]. Web Site: Web Site: Licensee: (208)336-3670. Fax: (208) 336-3734. Web Site: www.96- Licensee: Journal Broadcast Corp. Group owner: Journal Broadcast Citicasters Licenses L.P. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications Licensee: Citadel Broadcasting Co. Group owner: Citadel Broadcasting Group Inc. (acq 5-13-98; grpsl). Hogan & Hartson. Format: Rock, Inc. (acq 5 -4-99; grpsl). Network: ABC Information & Entertainment. 18 Corp. (acq 12-10-97; grpsl). Format: Classic rock. Target aud: 25 -44; alternative. Target aud: -49. *Bob Rosenthal, VP & gen mgr; Dan Rep: Allied Radio Partners. Art Moore. Pepper & Corazzini. Format: McColly, mgr; mgr; Kristine prom upscale baby boomers who listen to primarily 70s based rock. Kevin opns Cindy Jones, gen sls Simoni, Sports, news/talk. News staff: 3: News: 15 hrs wkly. Target aud: 45 mus Godwin, gen mgr; Rich Summers. opns mgr: Mike Sutton, gen sls dir; Jacent Jackson, progmg dir; Steve Kallao, dir; Rick Kemp, plus. Spec grog: Farm 3 hrs, gospel 2 hrs, relg one hr, American mgr; Mike Owens, natl sis mgr; Rich Bryan, progmg dir: Bill Frahm, chief of engrg. Indian one hr wkly. *Tim Murphy, gen mgr. engrg dir. Pocatello KPKY(FM)-Co-owned with KWIK(AM). Aug 18, 1975: 94.9 mhz; 100 KRVB(FM)- Jan 10. 1975: 94.9 mhz; 49 kw. 2,692 ft. TL: N43 45 18 kw. 1,004 ft. IL N42 52 26 W112 30 47. Stereo. Web Site: W116 05 52. Stereo. 5257 Fairview Ave., Suite 260, Boise 83706. 'KAWS(FM) -Not on air, target date: unknown: 90.3 mhz; 782 w Format: Oldies. Target aud: 35 plus; general. Marie Phone: (208) 344-3511. Fax: ( 208) 947. 6765. Web Site: riverimeractive.corn. horiz, 2.3 kw vert. Ant 1,371 ft. TL: N42 55 15 W112 20 44. CSN Mccallister, progmg dir. Licensee: Journal Broadcast Corp. Group owner: Journal Communications International, 3232 W. MacArthur Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92704. Phone: Inc. (acq 4- 11-00). Format: AOR. Target aud: 18 -64. *Bob Rosenthal, (208) 734-6633. E -mail: can Web Site: CFO, VP & gen mgr; Dan McColly, progmg dir; Rick Kemp, engrg dir. Licensee: CSN International (group owner). Format: Christian. Ray Post Falls Gamey, gen mgr. KCDA(FM) -Licensed to Post Falls. See Spokane WA KSASFM- (Caldwell). Sept 28, 1982: 103.3 mhz; 54 kw. 2,578 K. IL: N43 45 18 W116 05 52. Stereo. 827 E. Park Blvd., Suite 201, Boise *K161.1FM- Apr 15, 1998: 91.1 mhz; 410 w. 1,043 ft. TL: N42 51 46 83712. Phone: (208) 344.6363. Fax: (208) 385 -9064. Fax: (208) W112 31 03. Stereo. Box 8014, Idaho State University 83209. Phone: Preston 344 -1134. Web Site: Licensee: Citicasters (208) 236-3691. Fax: (209) 236-4600. E -mail: Web Licenses L.P. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq Site: www.isu.edulkisuIm. Licensee: Idaho State University. Network: KACII(AM)- Sept 4, 1948: 1340 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N42 07 45 W111 15 -4 -99; grpsl). Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth. Format: Top 40. News staff: NPR, PRI. Format: Jazz, AAA. Spec prog: American Indian, Folk. 51 00. 1133 E. Glendale Rd. 83263. Phone: (208) 852 -1340. Fax: one; News: one hr wkly. Target aud: 25 -54: upscale, white collar. Spec Richard Bowen. pres; Jerry Miller, gen mgr; Jeremy Petersen, mus (208) 852 -1342. E -mail: ksch ® Web Sae: prog: Class 2 hrs, jazz 4 hrs wkly. *Dick Lumenello. stn mgr: Brian dir; Megan Clements, pub affrs dir: Vanessa Sutton, pub affrs dir; Licensee: Alan J. White, Nelada G. White. (acq 5- 13 -98). Network: Michaels, progmg dir; Lee Eichelberger, chief of engrg. Royce Martin, engrg mgr; Nick Davidson, chie) of engrg. ABC. Format: Oldies. News: 12 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 -54; general. Spec prog: Farm. *Alan White, gen mgr, gen sls mgr, progmg dir & KLLP(FM)-See Chubbuck KTIK(AM)- Nov 1, 1962: 1350 khz; 5 kw -D, 600 w -N. TL: N43 32 58 news dir. W116 24 38. Box 1280, 1419 W. Bannock St., Boise 83702. Phone: (208) 336-3670. Fax: (208) 336 -3736. Web Site: K.401(FM)- Listing follows KSEI(AM). KKEX(FM)- Dec 9, 1993: 96.7 mhz; 105 w. 226 K. TL: N47 07 45 Licensee: Citadel Broadcasting Co. Group owner: Citadel Broadcasting W111 51 00. Box 3369, Radio Sm. KKEX(FM), Logan, UT 84323-3369. Corp. (acq 4 -1 -03; $750,000). Network: ESPN Radio, Westwood One. 1 Secondary address: 810 W. 200 N., Logan, UT 84321. Phone: (435) Format: Sports, talk. News: one hr wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; sports KOUU(AM)- Dec 20, 1956: 1290 khz; kw-D. TL: N42 57 28 W112 752 -1390. Phone: (435) 753 -9607. Fax: (435) 752.1392. Licensee: oriented men. Kevin Godwin, gen mgr: Lade Friesen, prom dir; 25 46. Stereo. Box 97, 436 N. Main 83204. Phone: (208) 234 -1290. Fax: Idaho (group Sun Valley Radio Inc. (group owner; acq 1994). Format: Country. M. Andrew Paul, progmg dir. (208) 234-9451. Licensee: Wireless Corp. owner; acq 3 -86; with co- located FM; FTR: I2- 9 -85). Rep: Tacher. Format: Kent Frandsen, pres; Jay Eubanks, gen mgr, gen sls mgr & adv mgr; Contemp country. Lynn Simmons. progmg mgr; Dan Baker, chief of engrg. New Plymouth KZBO(FM) -Co -owned with KOUU(AM). Dec 27, 1969: 93.7 mhz; Plymouth. Rathdrum KZMG(FM) -Licensed to New See Boise 100 kw. 984 ft. TL: N42 51 57 W112 30 46. Stereo. `KWJT(FM) -Not on air, target date: unknown: 89.9 mhz; 10 kw ven. Orofino KPKY(FM)- Listing follows KWIK(AM). Ant 771 h. TL: N48 12 42 W117 04 58. CSN International, 3232 W. MacArthur Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92704. Phone: (208) 734 -6633. Fax: (714) 825 -9660. Licensee: CSN International (group owner). Format: KLER(AM)- Oct 15, 1958: 1300 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -U, DA -N. TL: N46 KPPC(FM )-Not on air, target date: unknown: 92.1 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 121 Relg. 28 41 W116 14 34. Box 32, 3110 Upper Fords Creek Rd. 83544. ft. TL: N42 54 49 W112 26 14. Intermart Broadcasting Pocatello Inc., Phone: (208) 476 -5702. Fax: (208) 476 -5703. E -mail: 9148 Bonita Beach Rd., Suite 205. Bonita Springs, FL 34135. klerorotino Licensee: Central Idaho Broadcasting. Licensee: Intermart Broadcasting Pocatello Inc. Rexburg (acq 12-7-92: $75,000 with co- located FM; 1-4.93). Network: ABC Information & Entertainment. Rep: Allied Radio Partners. Format: KPTO(AM) -Not on air, target date: unknown: 1440 khz; 2.5 kw -D, 43 kw. Ant h. TL: N43 45 Country. Target aud: General; family or logging industry -federal KADO -FM- Aug 18, 1975: 94.3 mhz; 522 350 w -N, DA -2. TL: N42 56 30 W112 27 17. Diamond Broadcasting 20 57 56. 854 Lindsay Blvd., Idaho Falls 83402. Phone: employee workers. Jeff Jones, gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Kacey Miller, WIl1 Stereo. Corp., Box 1450, St. George, UT 84771 -1450. Secondary address: mus dir; Jason Ford, news dir; Mike Benson, pub affrs dir; Jim (208) 522 -1101. Fax: (208) 522 -6110. Licensee: Sand Hill Media Corp. 210 North 1000 East, Box 1450, St. George, UT 84771 -1450.

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