INDEX OF CHRISTIAN ART BOOK LIST (01/27/2014) SHELF AUTHOR TITLE NO. (The) Art Bulletin, Vol. XXXII, No. 4, to Charles Rufus Morey from his former students, January 27, 1951 SR-11E (The) Books Called the Apocrypha V5 (The) Catholic Encyclopedia, 15 volumes, Vols. I - XV and index (1907) Vols. I - VIII SR-14C (The) Catholic Encyclopedia, 15 volumes, Vols. I - XV and index (1907) (cont'd) Vols. IX - XV (Vol. 9 is from library) SR-14D (The) Hebrew-English Old Testament from the Bagster Polyglot Bible V6 (The) Holy Metropolis of Corfu Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art in Corfu: Monuments, Icons, Treasures, Culture (1994) LD-2A (The) Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament: Hebrew and English V6 (The) Hunt Museum: Essential Guide AA2 (The) Israel Museum, Jerusalem Israel Museum Studies in Archaeology SR-2B (The) Jewish Encyclopedia, 12 volumes, Vols. I - XII Vols. I - VIII SR-14A (The) Jewish Encyclopedia, 12 volumes, Vols. I - XII (cont'd) Vols. IX - XII SR-14A (The) Kaufmann Haggadah SR-2B (The) New Jerusalem Bible V3 (The) New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ V3 (The) Oxford Companion to Christian Art and Architecture SR-1B (The) Sarum Missal in English T3 (The) Septuagint Version of the Old Testament With an English Translation and with Various Readings and Critical Notes V4 (The) Zondervan Parallel New Testament in Greek and English V4 900 Jahre Stift Gottweig 1083-1983, Ein donaustift als reprasentant benediktinischer kultur SR-2F Aartsbisschoppelijk Museum Utrecht Beeldhouwkunst SR-4B Aartsbisschoppelijk Museum Utrecht KoptischeSammlung des Ikonen-museums 26 Oktober - 25 November 1962 SR-4B Abad Zapatero, J. G. Caminos de Silos (1982) SR-9D Abraham, Lyndy A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery Q3 Abrahamse, D. Z. F. Hagiographic sources for Byzantine cities: 500-900 A.D. (dissertation) (1974) LD-8C Academie Serbe des Sciences et des Art Studenica et L'art Byzantin autour de L'annee 1200 (1988) LD-6D Academie Serbe des Sciences et des Art Decani et L'art Byzantin au milieu du XIVe Siecle LD-6D Academiei Republicii Socialiste Románia Studii si cercetári de Istoria Artei (1989) LD-2E Acheimastou-Potamianou, M. Byzantine and post-Byzantine art (1986) LD-2C Acheimastou-Potamianou, M. Romanian Icons - 16th - 18th Century (1993) LD-6C Acheimastou-Potamianou, M. The Monastery of the Philanthropinon and the First Phase of Post-Byzantine painting (1983) LD-6F Acheimastou-Potamianou, M., Greece., Vyzantino Mouseio (Athens, Greece), & Royal Academy of Arts (Great Britain). From Byzantium to El Greco: Greek frescoes and icons (1987) LD-6C Acheimastou-Potamianou, M., Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore, Md.), Trust for Museum Exhibitions., & Vyzantino Mouseio (Athens, Greece) Holy image, holy space: Icons and frescoes from Greece (1988) LD-6C Achten, Gerard Das christliche Gebetbuch im Mittelalter: Andachts- und Stundenbücher in Handschrift und Frühdruck O1 Ackroyd, P., Evans, C.E. (The) Cambridge History of the Bible, I: The Beginnings to Jerome V2 Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia; Miscellanea Coptica; v. 9 (1981) SR-3D Acta Sanctorum January - Vols. I & II SR-5A Acta Sanctorum February - Vols. I - III SR-5A Acta Sanctorum March - Vols. I - III SR-5A Acta Sanctorum April - Vols. I - III SR-5B Acta Sanctorum May - Vols. I - IV SR-5B Acta Sanctorum May - Vols. V & VI SR-5C Acta Sanctorum May - Propyleum Ad SR-5C Acta Sanctorum June - Vols. I - IV SR-5C Acta Sanctorum June - Vols. V - VII SR-5D Acta Sanctorum July - Vols. I - VI SR-5D Acta Sanctorum July - Vol. VII SR-5E Acta Sanctorum August - Vols. I - VI SR-5E Acta Sanctorum September - Vols. I - VII SR-6A Acta Sanctorum September - Vol. VIII SR-6B Acta Sanctorum October - Vols. I - V SR-6B Acta Sanctorum October - Vols. VI - XII SR-6C Acta Sanctorum October - Vol. XIII SR-6D Acta Sanctorum October - Supplementum SR-6D Acta Sanctorum November - Vols. I - IV SR-6D Acta Sanctorum November - Propylaeum Ad SR-6D Acta Sanctorum December SR-6D Adam, Adolf The liturgical year: its history & its meaning after the reform of the liturgy T2 Adroer, . T. A. M. El Palau Reial Major de Barcelona (1978) SR-9A Aers, D. & Staley, L. Powers of the Holy: Religion, Politics, and Gender in Late Medieval English Culture SR-4B Aerts, W. J., Hokwerda, H., Smits, E. R., Woesthuis, M. M., & Midden, L. Polyphonia Byzantina: Studies in honour of Willem J. Aerts (1993) LD-3E Agius, D. A., & Hitchcock, R. The Arab influence in medieval Europe (1994) LD-3A Ahlborn, R. E., Espinola, V. B., & Kunz Collection Russian copper icons and crosses from the Kunz Collection: Castings of faith (1991) LD-4C Aĭnalov, D. V. The Hellenistic origins of Byzantine art (1961) LD-2D Ainaud, J., Held, A. Romanesque Painting (1963) CC2 Ajimástu-Potamiánu, M., & Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Chile) Arte y culto después de Bizancio: Siglos XVII-XIX (1995) LD-2B Aladashvili, N., Alibegashvili, G., Volskaya, A. The Wall Paintings st Theodore in Upper Svaneti (1966) LD-6C Cura pro mortuis and cultus martyrum: Commemoration in Rome from the second through the sixth Alchermes, J. D. century (1989) LD-8B Aleksova, B., & Mango, C. A. Bargala: A preliminary report, Number twenty-five (Dumbarton Oaks Papers) (January 01, 1971) LD-4B Alès, Anatole Bibliotheque Liturgique: Description des livres de liturgie imprimés aux Xve et XVIe Siècles T3 Post-Byzantium: The Greek Renaissance : 15th-18th century treasures from the Byzantine & Christian Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation., Greece., & Vyzantino Mouseio (Athens, Greece) Museum, Athens (2002) LD-2A The Master of Mary of Burgundy: A Book of Hours for Engelbert of Nassau, the Bodleian Library, Alexander, J. J. G. Oxford (1970) C2 Alexander, J. J. G. Italian Renaissance illuminations (1977) G2 Alexander, J.J.G., De La Mare, A.C. The Italian Manuscripts in the Library of Major J.R. Abbey (1969) SR-12D Alexander, Jonathan J. G. Insular Manuscripts: 6th to the 9th Century H3 Alexander, Jonathan J. G. The Decorated Letter I2 Alexander, Jonathan J. G. English Illuminated Manuscripts 700-1500 L3 Alexander, Jonathan J. G. The Painted Page: Italian Renaissance Book Illumination, 1450-1550 F2 Alexander, Jonathan J. G. Italian Renaissance Illuminations F2 Alexander, Jonathan J. G. Studies in Italian Manuscript Illumination F2 Alexander, Jonathan J. G. Age of Chivalry: Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 (1987) SR-1F Alexander, Jonathan J.G. Medieval Illuminators and Their Methods of Work I1 Alexander, M. A. Early Christian tomb mosaics of North Africa. V.1 (dissertation) (1958) LD-8C Alexander, M. A. Early Christian tomb mosaics of North Africa. V.2 (dissertation) (1958) LD-8C Alexander, P. Patriarch Nicephorus (1958) SR-4C Alexander, Paul J. The Byzantine Apocalyptic Tradition LD-2E Alexandre-Bidon, Danièle Le Quotidien au temps des fabliaux: Textes, images, objets U4 Alibegashvili, G. Svetskii portret v gruzinskoi srednevekovoi monumentalþnoi zhivopisi (1979) (SA) LD-6A Aliprantes, T.C. Byzantine Maroneia: Excavations at St. Charalampo (1994) LD-1C Allard, Dominique The Tavernier Book of Hours: KBR, ms. IV 1290 O3 Allen, J. S. Literature on Byzantine art, 1892-1967, Vol. 1, By Location Part 1 (1973) LD-4B Allen, J. S. Literature on Byzantine art, 1892-1967, Vol. 1, By Location Part 2 (1973) LD-4B Allen, J. S. Literature on Byzantine art, 1892-1967, Vol. 2, By Categories (1976) LD-4B Allen, P., & Jeffreys, E. The Sixth century, end or beginning? (1996) LD-9F The Romanesque Lyric: Studies in its background and development from Petronius to the Cambridge Allen, P.S. Songs 50-1050 (1928) SR-4B Alpago, N. A., Beriże, V., & Lafontaine-Dosogne, J. Art and architecture in medieval Georgia (1980) LD-7B Alpatov, M. V. Frescoes of the Church of the Assumption at Volotovo Polye (1977) LD-6E Altaner, Berthold Patrologie: Leben, Schriften und Lehre der Kirchenväter V1 Altaner, Berthold Patrologie: Leben, Schriften und Lehre der Kirchenväter V1 Amalarius, Archbishop of Treves, 9th cent. Amalarii episcopi opera liturgica omnia / edita a Ioanne Michaele Hanssens. Vol. I T3 Amalarius, Archbishop of Treves, 9th cent. Amalarii episcopi opera liturgica omnia / edita a Ioanne Michaele Hanssens. Vol. II T3 Amalarius, Archbishop of Treves, 9th cent. Amalarii episcopi opera liturgica omnia / edita a Ioanne Michaele Hanssens. Vol. III T3 Amato, P. De Vera Effigie Mariae, Antiche Icone Romane LD-6C The Explanatio symboli ad initiandos, a work of St. Ambrose, edited with introd., notes, & a Ambrose, Saint translation by R. H. Connolly. U1 American Academy in Rome Papers and Monographs of the American Academy in Rome (1930) V5 Amiranashvili, S. Damiane (1980) (SA) LD-6B Spätgotik in Tirol: Malerei u. Plastiken v. 1450 bis 1530. Oberes Belvedere in Wien, 13. Juni bis 16. Sept. 1973. (Gemeinsame Veranstaltung d. Bundeshauptstadt Wien <im Rahmen des Bundesländerprogramms> u. des Landes Tirol, durchgeführt vom Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum <Innsbruck> u. d. Österr. Galerie <Wien>. Katalog Von Gert Ammann. [Einf.] v. Erich Ammann, G., Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum., Österreichische Galerie., & Oberes Belvedere Egg.) . (1973) SR-2F An anonymous monk of Whitby, & Bertram Colgrave The Earliest life of Gregory the Great (1985) LD-3C Analecta Bollandiana Index; indices for vols. I-XX, LXI-LXXX, (1882-1942) S6 Analecta Bollandiana Index; indices for vols. I-XX, LXI-LXXX, (1943-1962) S6 Analecta Bollandiana Index; indices for vols. I-XX, LXI-LXXX, (1882-1982) S6 Analecta Bollandiana Index (1882-1961) S6 Anathēmata erotika: Studies in Honor of Thomas F. Mathews (2009) LD-3D Pittura medievale a Roma, 312-1431, Corpus, I. L’Orizzonte tardoantico e le nuove immagini, 312-468 Andaloro, Maria (ed.) (2006) CC3 Anderson, B. The frescoes of San Salvatore at Brescia (1976) Dissertation BB1 Anderson, J. New York Cruciform Lectionary (1992) LD-5B Anderson, J. C., & College Art Association of America The New York Cruciform Lectionary (1992) LD-5A Anderson, M.D.
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