224S HELLINGLY AND HORSEBRIDGE. SUSSEX. ' . 6 fine-toned bells and a clock with dial, added in 1886 as a pasture land and for the production of pottery-ware and a memorial to the late Earl of Chichester: the chapel has bricks; on this formation the district called "the Dicker," a fine Norman arcade, and it\ the chancel and other parts of which lies partly in this and partly in the adjoining parishes the church interesting remains of the older church are in- of Chiddingly and Arlington, is situated, and will be found corporated: in the south aisle is a window to tM Rev. John described under a separate heading. Here is a chalybeate Olive A.:r.r. 35 years vicar of the parish, and a memorial door spring. The soil is light clay; subsoil, dark gravel. The of oak to Margaret, his wife, opens into the church on the chief crops are wheat and oats. The area is 6,oso acres ; north side: the structure was thoroughly restored and re- rateable value, £6,702; the population in 1881 was 11 646, seated in 1869, and has 700 sittings. The register dates ihcluding 127 officers and inmates in the Hailsham work­ from the year 1618. The living is a vicarage, average tithe house. rent-charge £3o8, gross yearly value £300, with residence HOREHAM ROAD, partly in this parish, is given under a and 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Earl of Chichester, separate heading. and held since 1882 by the Rev. James Farrar M.A. of Sexton, George Horton. Trinity College, Cambridge. Here is a Congregational p & M 0 0 s B & A · & 1 Offi (S 11 b chapel, founded in 1828, and a Baptist chapel. The Hailsham OST · · ·• · · nnwty nsurance ce - Office. Letters should have S.O. Sussex a.dded.}-Mrs. Union Workhouse, erected about 1835, and situated in this Emma. Barber, receiver. Letters arrive at 4.50 a.m. ; parish, is a. structure of brick, available for 350 persons dispatched at 8. 40 p.m. The telegraph office is at the besides the officers : in the latter part of 1870 the infirmary railway station . was enlarged by the addition of two wings to the building, and in 1878 a board room was erected opposite the work- WALL LETTER BoxEs, near the Church, cleared daily at house, in the Hailsham district: the names of the officers 8 p.m. ; Railway station, Hellingly, cleared daily at are given under Hailsbam. Camberlot Hall is the residence 7· 20 p.m of Henry John Hammon esq. The Earl of Chichester, who National School (mixed), built in 1884, for 230 children; is lord of the manor, and Croxton Scutt Johnson esq. average attendance, 165 ; Samuel Hocking, master; Mrs. are the largest landowners. The southern part of the 1 S. Hoc~ing, mistress parish exhibits the weald clay formation, valuable both as Hellingly Railway Station, Samuel Leask, station master Heaver Mary Ann (Mrs.}, farmer & COMMERCIAL. Hellingly. miller (water), Stonehouse & Home Akehurst Henry, boot & shoe mak6r Dawson Richard M.B. Lealands Bush farms Austin David, grocer :Farrar Rev. J ames M.A. [vicar] Hunnisett James, farmer Barber Emma (Mrs.} & Cross John Hammon Henry John, Camberlot hall Jarman Stephen, farmer,Hawkhurst fm Squire, grocers & drapers Jeffery George Augustus M.D Jenner John, farmer & hop grow~r, Burlingham Joseph John, shopkeeper Johnson Croxton Scutt, Wellshurst Grove Hill farm Burton Moses & Glover John, millers Sutton Rev. Prebendary Robert Shut- Mannington Alfred Douglas- fanner, & corn dealers, Horsebridge steam & tle.wprth ll.A. Winkenhurst Park farm water mill Martin Stephen, Six Bells P.H ' Caine Charles, farmer, Boship place CO~ERCIAL. Message Henry, farmer, Sawpits Covell Frederick, farmer Bridger Frederick, farmer~ Hoath Bush Overy Henry, farmer, Newhouse farm Covell Thomas, butcher farm Pitcher Robert William, farmer, Kings- Crowhurst Herbert, veterinary surgeon Bridges Benjamin William Henry, pot­ bridge farm Ken ward Martha. (Mrs.), ladies' board- ter, Boship pottery works RedfordHenry, farmer, Horselunges fm ing school Bugden John, steward to Croxton Scut~ Richardson Charles. Henry, assistant Lusted James, boot & shoe maker Johnson, North Street farm overseer . · Mead Edwin, King's Head :P.H Burgess Samuel Richard, relieving Scarce William, farmer, Broad farm Morris Edmund, grocer, draper, general officer & registrar of births & deaths ScottWilliamStanley,farmer,Springham outfitter, furniture dealer & coal & & vaccination officer for Hellingly Stredwick Samuel, farmer coke merchant sub-district Wheatley John, farmer,Ca.mberlotfarm Pilbeam George, fanner Clark Uriah, potter, Dicker pottery Woodhams Albert,farmer&hopgrower, Piper John, deputy registrar of births works North street & deaths, Hellingly sub-district,Hail- Edmonds William, farmer, Globe farm Woodha.ms Frances ()Irs. ),miller(wind) sham union Goldsmith Stephen Arthur, farmer & farmer, North Street mill Pitcher Edward & Alfred, wheelwrights Gower Thomas, farmer, Blackstock & carpenters Gurr Thomas, shoe maker Pitcher Stephen, blacksmith Gutsell Edward, beer retailer Horsebridge. Smith Esau, cooper Heaver Benjamin Horace, farmer,Grove Burton Moses, Mill house Stevens Richard, White Hart P.H Bridge farm N oakes Thomas, Ashburnham lodge HENFIELD (from u hean," A.S. poor) is a village and tithe rent-charge £297, net yearly value £44, with residence, parish, with a station on the Shoreham and Horsham rail- in the gift of the Bishop of Chichester, and held since l:887 way, on the road from Horsham to Brighton, 5! miles north- by the Rev. Charles Seward Dunlop B.A. of Trinity College, east-by-north from Steyning, 11 north-west from Brighton, Cambridge. The Congregational chapel, erected in 183r, 8 north from Shoreha~ and q south from Horsham, in the seats about 200 persons. A Cemetery of three-quarters of Mid division. of the county, Tipnoak hundred, Bramber rape, an acre was formed in 1885, at a cost of £6oo, and is under Steyning union and petty sessional division, Brighton county ~he control of a burial board of 9 members. The Assembly court district, Lewes rural desnery (fourth division), Lewes rooms, built in 1886, at a cost of upwards of £2,000, include archdeaconry and Chichester diocese. The navigable river a public hall, 6o by 35ft. Lady Gresham, by will, dated Adur flows on the west of the parish. The streets are well 1622, devised two fields, in the parish of Henfield, containing paved and lighted with gas by a company. The church of 7A. 38P. for the poor of the said parish, the income from St. Peter, endowed in 770 with the chief manor in Henfield, which to be laid out in three yards of cloth and t\l,ree yards by Osmund, king of the West Saxons, is an edifice of flint of flannel respectively for the poor men and WQIDen of the and stone, in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, and parish of Henfield, a sum of IOS. being deducted from the consists .of chancel with south aisle, chapel, transept, clere- income for the preaching of a sermon by a godly minister of storied nave, with arcades of four arches, aisles, south porch the Church of England, the same minister not to have it two and an embattled western tower containing a clock and 6 years running; since this bequest was made there have bells, dated 1733, 1738 and 1755; the east window of tive been several sales of timber growing on tha fields in question, lights i» &tain.ed, and near it is a piscina and three sedilia : and the amount of the income is now, from the P.arish fields, a chapel belonging to the Zouche family occupies the north £1.3; with the interest of /,178 5s. 6d. yallway stock, side of the chancel; and in the south chancel aisle is an amounting to about £5 Ios. There are some good shops effigy, in brass, of a lady with her right hand resting upon and two hotels. There are some vestiges of a Roman road the head of a boy, with an inscription to Mrs. Ann Kenwell passing south of the village to the Portus .lldurni (possibly Mersh, ob. 1633, and to Meneleb Rainsford, son of her Hramber). Streatham, the bishop's manor, is on the south­ daughter, Mary, ob. 1627; ou a separate brass are four con- west of the parish and extends beyond its limits into Cow­ solatory couplets, in rhyme, and undemeath is anothe.,. brass fold: the Manor House is now a cottage, but the moat near inscribed to Elizabeth, wife of George Raynsford, gent. ob. it may be traced; and a small piece of ground, which it :1672, with four rhyming lines: in the Zouche chapel is an inclose~. iS balled the chapel garden. The Ecclesiastical altar-tomb, with the brass effigy of a man in a furred gown, Commissioners possess the manorial rights, and Lord Zouche inscribed underneath to ' 1 Thomas Bysshopp, late of this is the lay rector. Lieut.-Col. Thomas Faulconer Wisden towne, esquyer," ob. 6 Jan. 1552: in the north aisle is a l>.L., J.P. of Broadwater, Henry Ross F.S.A. Arthur Smith brass to William Borrer and Elizabeth, his wife, recording esq. of Woodmancote Place and D. and L. Borrer esqrs. are the erection of this aisle and transept by their children and the principal landowners. Barrow Hill is the seat of l\Irs. grandchildren in 1870: there are 700 sittings. The register Hall. Chestham Park, the seat of Henry Ross esq. F.S.A. is dates from the year 1595. The living is a vicarage, average pleasantly situated in a park of 6o acres, famous for its .
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