MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) ,-.__ . r..- . oe-.c~----~,........,,.. ~ ,__,..,. .• -"" ' Public Documents of Maine : BEING THE ANNUAL REPORTS 01' THE VARIOUS PUBLIC OFFICERS AND INSTITUTIONS FOR THE YEARS 1872-73. ' AUGUSTA: SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH, PRINTERS TO TBB 5TATB. 1813. RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF THE STATE OF MAINE, FOR 1873. AUGUSTA: SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 18 '13. STATE OF MAINE. IN CouNCIL, January, 7, 1873. ORDERED, That there be printed for the use of the Council, five hundred copies of the Rules of the Council. GEORGE G. STACY. Secretary of State, STATE OF MAINE. ---~ EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT FOR 1873. GOVERNOR: SIDNEY PERHAM. COUNCILLORS: JOHN R. PULSIFER, POLAND. E. G. HARLOW, DIXFIELD. M. v. B. CHASE, AUGUSTA. FREDERICK N. DOW, PORTLAND. L. L. WADSWORTH, JR., CALAIS. E. A. THOMPSON, DOVER. R. W. FILES, UNITY. • GEORGE G. STACY, SECRETARY OF STATE. MARK HARDEN, MESSENGER. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL FOR 1873. ON WARRANTS. Messrs. PULSIFER, FILES and DOW. ON ACCOUNTS. Messrs. CHASE, DOW and HARLOW. ON MILITARY AFFAIRS. Messrs. PULSIFER, FILES and THOMPSON. ON STATE PENSIONS. Messrs. FILES, PULSIFER and W ADSWORTI-I. ON PRISON AFFAIRS. Messrs. HARLOW, CHASE and FILES. ON REFORM SCHOOL. Messrs. DOW, THOMPSON and HARLOW. ' ON INDIAN AFFAIRS. Messrs. W ADSWORTII, THOMPSON and PULSIFER. ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Messrs. CHASE, PULSIFER and FILES. ON INSANE HOSPITAL. Messrs. THOMPSON, CHASE and WADSWORTH. ON DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND. Messrs. DOW, WADS WORTH and CHASE. ON PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Messrs. HARLOW, DOW and THOMPSON. 'ON LIBRARY. Messrs. THOMPSON, WADSWORTH and CHA.SE. / ON PUBLIC LANDS. Messrs. WADS WORTH, HARLOW and PULSIFER .. ON PAY ROLL. Messrs. FILES, HARLOW and DOW. Window. SIDNEY PERHAM, Governor. ._____ d-~ GEORGE G. ST.A.CY,, [ [~ 0 Ssor,lary of State. ~ ;;: 0 0 A COUNCIL CHAXBER, 1873. Door. ANTEROOM. GoVERNoR's PRIVATE Roo.M. Window. Window. RULES. 1. At the time appointed for the meeting of the board, it shall be the duty of the members to be in their pbces. 2. \Vhen the board shall have bee?1 caJled to order by the gov- ernor, the journal of the preceding day sha11 be read by the r:;cc­ retary of state. 3. The following standing committees shall be appointed, viz :­ on warrants; on accounts; on military affairs; on state pensions; on prison affairs; on reform school; on indian affairs; on public buildings; on the insane hospital; on deaf, dumb and blind ; on public instruction ; on the library ; on public lands ; and on pay roll. 4. All committees shall be appointed by the governor, and shall consist of three members, unless otherwise ordered. 5. In case the governor shall be absent at the time appointed for the meeting of the board, the members shall be called to order by the senior councillor present, who shall act as chairman. 6 RULES. 6. In debate upon any question, or in the presentation of any business, the µiembers shall address the governor, standing in their places. 7. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the trans­ action of business. 8. All communications to the two branches of the legislature shall be transmitted by the secretary of state. 9. Every member who shall present a petition, shall place his name thereon, and a brief statement of its contents. 10. The yeas and nays shall be called upon the nomination of all officers of important grade. Upon the nomination of state officers, the call shall begin with the senior councillor; upon county nominations, with the councillor representing said county, and then according to seniority. 11. When a motion has been made and carried, a motion to recon­ sider shall only be in order within the seven succeeding days ; if seven days shall not intervene before adjournment, then within the first three days after next meeting of the council. 12. Persons having business with the governor, any member of the council, or the secretary or state, shall be required to make their wishes known through the messenger. RULES. 7 13. Persons shall be admitted to the council chamber only by per.. mission of the governor, one of the councillors, or the secretary of state ; but when the council is in actual session, no person shall be admitted except by a vote of the council. 14. No member shall absent himself without leave; nor shall leave be asked or granted unless a quorum be still left at the board ; and no member absenting himself without leave shall be entitled to pay for the time of his absence. 15. No member shall act as counsel for any party before a com­ mittee of the legislature. 16. No rule shall be dispensed with, except by the consent of a majority of all the members. COUNCILLOR DISTRICTS. The following arrangement for Councillor Districts, for the ten years ending 1881, was adopted in Convention of the members of the two branches of the Legislature of 1871. DISTRICTS. The counties of York and Oxford, to constitute the first district. The county of Cumberland, to constitute the second district. The counties of Androscoggin, Sagadahoc and Hancock, to constitute the third district. j The counties of Kennebec and Somerset, to constitute the · fourth district. I The counties of Lincoln, Waldo and Knox, to constitute the fifth district. The counties of Penobscot and Piscataquis, to constitute the sixth district. The counties of ·washington, Aroostook and Franklin, to con­ stitute the seventh district. Under this arrangement Councillors will be apportioned as follows: York-1874, 1875, 1876, 1879, 1880, 1881. Oxford-1872, 1873, 1877, 1878. Cumberland-Each year. .Androscoggin-1872, 1873, 1878, 1879. Sagadahoc-1876, 1877. Hancock-1874, 1875, 1880, 1881. Kennebec-1872, 1873, 1876, 1877, 1880, 1881. Somerset-1874, 1875, 1878, 1879. Lincoln-1872, 1877, 1878. Waldo-1873, 1874, 1880, 1881. Knox-1875, 1876, 1879. Penobscot-1872, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881. Piscataquis-1873, 1874. Washington-1873, 1874, 1878, 1880, 1881. .Aroostook-1872, 1877, 1879. Franlclin-1875, 1876. State Institutions ancl Commissions. STATE LIBRARY. Messrs. TIIOMPSO~, WADSWORTH and CHASE, Committee of Council on. JosIAII S. Ilonns, Paris, Librarian. STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND THE MECHANIC ARTS. TRUSTEES-Abner Coburn, Skowhegan, President; Lyndon Oak, Garland, Secretary; "William P. Wingate, Bangor; Samuel F. Perley, ~aples; ,James C. l\1adigan, Houlton; Thomas S. Lang, Augusta; Samuel F. Dike, Dti.th ; S. L. Boardman, Augusta. Isaiah Stetson, Bangor, Treasurer. William P. Wingate, Lyncl.,m Oak, Samuel F. Perley, Executive Committee. Sidney Perham, Samuel F. Dike, A. M. Robinson, Examining Committee. FACULTY-Charles F. Allen, D. D., President and Profe.~sor of English Literature, Mental and Moral Science ; Merritt C. Fernald, A. M., Professor of :Mathematics and Physics; Robert L. Packard, A. M., Prnfessor of Chorufatry, French and German; William A. Pike, C. E., Professor of Civil Engineering; Charles H. Fernald, A. M., Professor of Natural History ; Joseph R. Farrington, Farm Superintendent; X. A. Willard, A. M., Lecturer on Dairy Farming; James J. II. Gregory, A. M., Lecturer on Market Farming and Gardening ; Capt. James Deane, Military Instructor ; John Perley, Instructor in Book-keeping r.nd Commercial Forms; A. W. Reed, Steward. TERMS OJI ADMISSION-Candidates for admission to the Freshman Class must be not less than fifteen years of age, and must pass a satisfactory examination in Arithmetic. Geography, English Grammar, History of the United States, and Algebra as far as Quadratic Equations. Candidates for advanced standing mu.::t sustain a satisfactory examination in the preparatory branches, and in all the Ftudies previously pursued by the class they propose to enter. Satisfactory testimonials of good moral character and industrial habits will be rigidly exacted. CALENDAR-1872. August 29, Thursday, First Term commenced; Nov. 26 and 27, Tuesday and Wednesday, examination, First Term closes; vacation of ten weeks, 1873-Feb. 4, Tuesday, examination for advanced standing; Feb. 6, Thursday, Second Term commences; April 29 and 30, Tuesday and Wednesday, examination, Second Term closes ; vacation of one week ; May 8, Thursday, Third Term commences; Aug. 4 and 5, Monday and Tuesday, examination; Aug. 5, Tuesday, Exhibition Junior and Sophomore Classes; Aug. 6, Wednesday, commencement; Aug. 7, Thursday, examination for admission to college ; vacation of three weeks ; Aug. 26, examination for admission to college; Aug. 28, First Term commences; Nov. 25 and 26, Tuesday and Wednesday, [I examination, Fir~Te,m olose,. 10 STATE INSTITUTIONS. STATE NORMAL SCHOOLS. WARREN JOHNSON, Augusta, State Superintendent. Messrs. HARLOW, Dow and THOMPSON, Committee of Council on. WESTERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FARMINGTON. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION-Charles C. Rounds, A. M., Principal. Assistants-Rolliston Woodbury, A. M., Jennie M, Hayden, Ada B. Dinsmore, Clara A. Hinckley; Laura M. Curtis, Teacher in Model School; A. H. Abbott, A. M., Lecturer on Physics; N. T. True, A. M., M. D., Lecturer on Geology. The next Spring Term will commence on Thursday, February, 13, 1873, and close on Friday, June 27. The Fall Term will begin on Thursday, August 14. EASTERN ST ATE NORMAL SCHOOL, CASTINE. BOARD OF lNSTRUCTION-G. T. Fletcher, A. M., Pri"l,cipal. Assistants-Helen B. Coffin, Mary E. Hughes, Clara Bartley, Eliza C. Lufkin; Mr. J. W. Dresser, Teacher of Music; Dr. G. W. Wheeler, Lecturer on Physiology; Dr. N. T. True, Lecturer on Geology; Prof. J.B. Taylor, Elocution. Spring Term will begin March C,-continucs twelve weeks. Fall Term will begin Thursday, August 7. TEmrs OF AmnsSION TO THE Nomr.A.L ScrrooLs-Tho schools are for both sexes. Applicants for admission must be at least sixteen years of age, if females, and seven­ teen if males.
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