2001 International Monetary Fun5d2 4 October 2001 IMF Country Report No. 01/175 Cape Verde: Statistical Appendix This Statistical Appendix on Cape Verde was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with the member country, It is based on the information available at the time it was completed on May 14, 2001. The views expressed in this document are those of the staff team and do not necessary reflect the views of the government of Cape Verde or the Executive Board of the IMF. The policy of publication of staff reports and other documents by the IMF allows for the deletion of market-sensitive information. To assist the IMF in evaluating the publication policy, reader comments are invited and may be sent by e-mail to Publicationpolicv@imf>org. Copies of this report are available to the public from International Monetary Fund • Publication Services 700 19th Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20431 Telephone: (202) 623 7430 • Telefax: (202) 623 7201 E-mail: [email protected] • Internet: http://www.imf.org Price: $15.00 a copy International Monetary Fund Washington, D.C. ©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND CAPE VERDE Statistical Appendix Prepared by a staff team consisting of Mrs. G. Devaux (head). Mr. J.-P. QLters, Mr. T, Roy, Mr. M, Zejan, and Ms. V. da Luz (all APR) Approved by the African Department May 14,2001 Contents Page 1. Selected Economic and Financial Indicators, 1996-2000 3 2. Selected Social and Demographic Indicators, 1999 4 3. Sources and Uses of Resources, 1996-2000 5 4. Gross Domestic Product at Current Prices, 1996-2000 7 5. Gross Domestic Product by Major Sector at Constant 1980 Prices, 1996-2000 8 6. Production in Agriculture, Livestock, and Fishing, 1996-2000 9 7. Industrial Production, 1996-2000 10 8. Production and Consumption of Electricity and Water, 1996-2000 11 9. Consumption of Petroleum Products, 1996-2000 12 10. Public Investment Expenditure, 1996-2000 13 11. Consumer Prices, 1996-2000 14 12. Average Daily Salary by Occupation, 1996-2000 15 13. Basic Monthly Civil Service Salaries by Grade, 1996-2000 16 14. Civil Service Employment by Administrative Unit, 1996-2000 17 15. Fiscal Operations ofthe Central Government, 1996-2000 '. 18 16. Central Government Revenue, 1996-2000 20 17. Selected Indicators of Central Government Revenue, 1996-2000 21 18. Economic Classification of Central Government Expenditure, 1996-2000 22 19. Public Domestic Debt of Central Government, 1996-2000 23 20. Current Expenditures by Administrative Unit, 1996-2000 24 21. Monetary Survey, 1996-2000 25 22. Summary Accounts of the Bank of Cape Verde, 1996-2000 26 23. Summary Accounts of the Commercial Banks., 1996-2000 27 24. Summary Accounts of the Banco Comercial do Atlantico (BCA), 1996-2000 28 25. Summary Accounts of the Caixa Economicade Cabo Verde, 1996-2000 29 26. Summary Accounts ofthe Banco Totta e Acores, 1996-2000 30 27. Summary Accounts of the Caixa Geral deDepositos, 1996-2000 31 28. Net Claims on Government, 1996-2000 32 29. Interest Rate Structure, 1996--2000 33 ©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution -2- Contents Page 30. Balance of Payments, 1996-2000 (In millions of Cape Verde escudos) 34 31. Balance of Payments, 1996-2000 (In millions of U.S. dollars) 35 32. Merchandise Exports, 1996-2000 36 33. Merchandise Imports, c.i.f., 1996-2000 37 34. Services, 1996-2000 38 35. Direction of Trade, 1996-2000 39 36. Factor Income, 1996-2000 40 37. Private and Public Transfers, 1996-2000 41 38. International Food Aid, 1996-2000 42 39. External Public Debt by Creditors, 1996-2000 43 40. External Debt Arrears by Creditors, 1996-2000 44 41. Summary of the Tax System(As of end-2000) 45 ©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution ~ 3 - Table 1. Cape Verde: Selected Economic and Financial Indicators, 1996-20QQ 1596 1997 199B 1999 2000 Est. (Annual percentage change, unless otherwise specified) National income and prices Real GDP 3.5 5.4 7.4 &.6 c.r, Real GDP (per capita) 0.8 2.6 4,6 6.4 4.6 Consumer price index (annual average] 6,0 S.6 44 4.4 -2,4 Consumer pries index (end of period") 9,1 5.7 SJ -1.5 -1,1 External sector Exports \f 27.6 35.9 •8.0 14,3 29.6 Imports li* LI 15.8 t:.o 19,1 6.0 Nominal exchange rate (svg.. Cape Verde escudos per U.S. dollar) 7.5 -12.S -5.4 -4,6 -11.4 Real effective exchange rate -0.7 5.1 2.3 -5.S -3.7 Goverttnsni budge; Total revenue -3.1 2.4 15.5 22,4 6.7 Total expenditure and net lending 1.7 -3-1 0.8 21,9 24.5 Recurrent exp auditors 2.0 33.6 3.2 47,6 37.1 Capital expenditure and net lending 1.5 -18.0 -2,2 -11,7 -2,9 Money and credit (in perCertl si open ing- period M2) Nil domestic assets 6.i 16.5 2,6 7.4 15.9 Net credit to trie government 5.6 6,2 -0.9 C.O 21.5 Cwdiuo theeomorny 2.7 11.0 5,6 8.1 1.2 Broad mcn&y 16.3 H.3 2,7 1-4.6 13.5 Velocity (GDP/M2) i.50 1.52 1.67 1,63 1.63 Dijcouiurate 1> 12,0 12.1 10,0 5,5 5.5 (In percent of GDP; •Saving- investment balance Gross domestic investment 127 22.0 19.8 20.9 19 J Public 1.7 9.0 -7.9 6.1 5.5 Private 11.0 13,0 11.? U.S 13.8 Grtes national savings 14.1 117 8.0 7.1 7.3 External current account (cxcl, official transfers) -118 -B,3 -11.7 13.3 ^12.0 Govertirtient b'Jdjet Total revenue, domestic capital participancn, and grants 33,7 30,4 32,1 27,7 26.1 Total expenditure and net lending 47,4 40.4 36.2 34.7 43,0 OveraJi balance before grants -27.2 -20.1 -17.0 -38.2 -W.« Total grants 13.3 10.1 13.0 7.2 5.7 QvtiaJ] balance ster giants -13.9 -10,0 -4,0 -1LO -18.9 Domestic bank financing 9,7 4.6 -0,1 1,3 8,1 D&meslic public debt, net 3/ 40,9 38" 34.8 30.0 40.2 (In months of imports of goods and Services) Gross international reserves (end of period) 2,4 L.9 1,4 2.2 13 (In millions of U,S dollars) External current account (including officiaJ current transfers) -34.3 -42.1 -63.3 -B0.9 -669 Overall balance of payments 2.4 16,2 •8.6 54.3 -49.2 Total external debi (end of period) 201.8 215.5 Z36.y 285.1 291.3 External arrears (public sector; end of period) 24.7 9,y 9.1 3.8 27.5 Gross international reserves [end of period) $2,5 60.2 57.5 79.0 61.6 (In millions of SDRs) Use of Fund retaUreei SLand-By Arrangement (amount agreed) -- - 2.1 2.5 -- Sland-Bv Arrangement (undrawn baJance) - - 2-1 2.3 -- Quota 7.0 7,0 7.0 9,6 9.6 (In units specified) Nominal OOP (in billions of Cape Verde tscudos.) 41.5 47.2 53.0 60.4 64.7 Nominal OOP (per capita, in U.S, dollars) 1,255 1,232 1,273 1.357 1,254 Exchange rale (Cape Verde csCudos psr U.S. dollar) 82-6 93.2 98 .2 102.7 115.9 Sources: Cape Verdean authorities; and staff estimates, If Exports and irtip&mdf goods and ncnfactorsavjws. In 19P7, the Cape Verdesm authorities began to record sales af fuel to ships in full; previously, ihey had been recorded only partially. The staff hes attempted to replicate Lhis new, mare accurate presentation fonhe ytass 1994-96. The staff has also mov&d theiLem to capons, rather than services, lo comply wilh tht ^lipuladons of the 5th edition of tiis Balance of Payments Manual. 1! Lending ralE; in percent. The disccuni rate was increased to 5.5 percent in December 2000 and to 11.5 percent in April 200J- 3/ Including the claims on tht offshore Truii Fund. ©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution - 4 - Table 2. Cape Verde: Selected Social and Demographic Indicators, 1999 (In units as indicated) Area (in square kilometers) 4,036 Population Total (in thousands) 423 Growth rate (percent a year) 2,3 GDP per capita (in U.S. dollars) 1,390 Population Crude birth rate (per thousand of population) 32,4 Crude death rate (per thousand of population) 6.9 Infant mortality (1997; per thousand of live births) 55,0 Life expectancy at birth (years) 6S.O Less than 14 years old (percent of population) 41.3 Older than 65 years old (percent of population) 4.4 Below poverty Line (1988; percent of population) 30.0 Below extreme poverty line (1988; percent of population) 14,0 Active population (percent of labor force) 70,1 Unemployment (percent of labor force) 25.4 Health Population per physician 4,274 Population per hospital bed 631,0 Infant vaccination coverage (percent of infant population) 84,2 Assisted birth (percent of cases) 50,0 Access to safe water (percent of population) 67.0 Households with electricity (percent of population) 25,8 Education Adult literacy rate (over the age of 18; percent of aduk population) 72.0 Primary school enrolment Universal Student/teacher ratio (basic education) 29.0 Sources: Cape Verdean authorities; and World Bank and staff estimates.
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