. THE WEATHER Forecast by~^ U. S. Weather Bureau, NET PRESS RUN Hartford. AA ERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION for the Month of January, 1930 . 1 Cloudy ' tonight and Sunday, 5;547 lEttrmnn slightly colder tonight. ' Members of the Audit Bureau ol , ,.„vv— ^Conip* Circulations Conn. State Libuo> PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1930. X V.OKTEEN PAGES (Classified Advertising on Page 12) VOL. XLIV., NO. 111. SOMEONE’S MISTAKE FIRST PICTURE FROM MEXICO • GLADDENS POLICE. 20 NOW DEAD ! FRANCE PREPARING FEDERAL BOARD ! I New York, Feb. 8.—(AP)— i Returning to her studio apart- ‘ ment in East 48th street last AS BIG ROCK IS VIOLATING , I night, Miss Mary Coburn found TO GIVE OUTLINE i a note in her letter box saying a package had been left with the KILLS THREE I superintendent for her. C O N ^T U T IO N I i Opening it she found packed in -- “ I OF HER POSITION ' burlap and straw twelve bottles , labeled, “ special whiskey,” and ' all were full. She-called the po- : , Rescue Workers Added to So Says Railroad President lice and turned the package over I I to them. List of 20 Killed by Blast, CARNEGIE ESTATE ^ Premier Tardieu P 1 a i n 1 y In Address; Says Govern-1 The superintendent said a boy had delivered the package and Vexed Over British and ' the police, deduced he had : In Mine; Three More Are| SHOWS INCREASE ment Will Compete Withj ' dropped the note in the wrong ^ I box. They expressed grave • American Statements on doubt that the rightful owmer j I Still Entombed. Private Grain Operators. ' w'ould appear to claim his prop- | i ^ erty but___ would .not commit In Nine Years It Grows to Naval Armaments; French ' themselves on what would be- Salt Lake City, Utah. Feb. 8.— Council Bluffs, Iowa. Feb. 8 — ' come to the contents of the pack- (AP) -Grim death once more has Note WiD Deal With Pari­ ,A p )_ F r e d W. Sargent, president I age should he fail to do so. <•> j stalked through the portals of the I Ten Millions More— Now of the Chicago and Northwestern ’ h —----------- --------------- ~ ~ ~ Z “ i Standard Coal Company's mine at railroad, charged the Federal Farm ' Standardville, Utah, where a score I Valued at 35 Million. ty, It Is Expected. Board with violation of the funde- ’ CAPITAL BUILDING were killed Thursday by an e x -; mental rights of the Constitution, in ; plosion and poisonous gas, adding i London, Feb. 8 — (AP) — Andre New York. Feb. 8.— (A P )—The an address last night. i the names of three rescue workers j Tardieu, French premier, was re­ He said the Farm Board %yas j to the list of dead. | 1 value ’o f the estate of Andrew Ca> PLANS TOO COSTLY The three men, searching the in-1 ported generally today in naval violating the Constitution “by using Inegie increased $10,445,193 during , ner workings for C. H. Brady, I conference circles to be considering the powers of Government and the ■ the nine-year period between I Frank James and Todie Wimber,; making a statement in which I August 1919 and August 1928, it French needs and aspirations would tion with private operators I was shown today in an accounting last night when a huge boulder, be expressed. It w'ould compare Present methods of handling the on file in Surrogate’s Court. with the statements of Secretary nation’s wheat crop. Sargent said, loosened by the terrific blast which penses Million More Than rocked the mountainside, fell on I The estate w ^ valued at $24,775,- Stimson and Premier MacDonald of were aided in the building up ot I 940 in an inventory filed August 11, formidable foreign competition and them. the past two days. that “steadily mounting taxation is ■ Bodies Recovered, 1919. The accounting, approved by Conference circles, having been Bodies of the men were recovered , Surrogate John P. O’Brien yester- threatening to undermine the na­ Appropriated. Three persons, including Pasqual Ortiz Rubio, newly inaugurated President of Mexico, were wounded shaken by the explosion of two and rescue workers temporarily j ■ day gives the value at $35,201,133 as mines in the shape of the American tion’s prosperity.” when an assailant fired six bullets into his car shortly after he had taken the oath of office in Mexico City. abandoned their efforts to locate the | of August 31, 1928. Mr. Carnegie and British sensational pronounce­ Taking Property three missing workmen, who were In this NEA Service picture, which was rushed to The Herald by airplane and telephoto, you see the crowd ment of policy, looked forward with "Bujdng grain as it is. the gov Hartford,u Feb.r eu. o—8— (AP) ' — Back _____ „ around the presidential car as Senora Ortiz Rubio and Senorita Rosh, the president s mece, left the ^ospita . , died in 1919. ; Items making up the increase are: interest not unmixed with trepida­ evnment is taking property ''^th°ut g^g-te board of finance and , flooded^ the Both were slightly wounded, and the arrow in the above photo show's Senorita Rosh, wnth bandaged head, i.s tion, for another jolt about Monday due process of law and without com- |.jjg special commission t|g nfine after the blast. she was assisted into the car. President Ortiz Rubio later was taken to his home m an ambulance. I Receipt of income amounting to i $4,234,445; collections sale or tranc- or Tuesday from the French govern­ uses the having in charge the construction of : ^he men killed by the falling rock i fer of assets, $2,157,066, and moneys ment head. m un'efof S t feSp^STo g V ltfo She ; a new'state office building on Capi- ; were ^ohn R Loman. 24, New I received by the executor through Franco-Italian Parity the reversion of interest on the trust It was believed the probable im­ transportation business, taking | avenue and Washington and ; , and Waiton Hen- pending announcement might , deal CCAL MAN BADLY I funds created for the payment of '^ ^ -son , 18.’ofderson, Standardville. 18, -- - u with the question of Franco-,^lian ef- plans for the proposed new building | They were members of a fresn GIGANTIC BOOZE TRIAL annuities, $4,051,572. parity which thus far has b e ^ one water* transportation, it is in The Annuities. of the biggest obstacles toward a feerdestroving private property. , for further consideration. The com- | air” crew and were endeavoring to INJURED IN DARIEN The armuities established by Mr. •Tf America is to be prosperous, .mission is expected to recheck the . ventilate one of | *,,gm^ five-power agreement. There was Carnegie included one of $10,000 for no indication whatsoever that either there are two problems that must I plans for the purpose of determin- i when the nuge rock fell on • ON IN OKLAHOMA CITY former Chief Justice William h" -olved” he said. “Agricultural j whether any change could be 1 Funeral Arrangements. France or Italy had changed their Howard Taft, and two of $5,000 p;osperity in the country must be I made which might tend to lessen Funeral arrangemen^^^^^ viewpoints—Italy remaining adam- each for Mrs. Francis Cleveland gut jn jts demand for parity and rerived. and our steadily increasing ; the cost of construction. , workmen taken ™g®trkg.. , Hamilton J. Mullen in Nor- taxation must be cut down or it will The commission is expected to re- | being made today, the bodies, take , Preston, widow of President Grover j France declining to concede it. destrov American industry, already ; port again to the board of finance , from the mine one ^y ® IOver 100 Involved in Case | WHOLESALE WAR ON 11 II 'i 1 C-llrtiiririrt I Cleveland, and Mrs. Edith Kermitj Tardieu Vexed weakened in competition with fo r - ' and control within a month, the . sent to an undertaking e^tabbs W31K nOSpilUi rOllOWing , Roosevelt, widow of President Theo- j It was made quite clear that Sec- ; dore Roosevelt. The annuities i retary Stimson’s and Mr. MacDon- ;;n production.” board having postponed action on ment at Price, Utah, and the row of the plans for that period. Unless j caskets recalled to many a similar j from Negro Laundress to AGAINST GANGSTERS AllIflTTinllllA I trust fund amounted to $6,650,338. , aid s statements of Thursday mid ' some material change can be made. , disaster in the Carbev,county mm- /lUlUlllUUilC Uiaoil. I Tbe accounting discloses paymer.t i Friday caused no joy m French ! and it does not now appear that! mg district in 1924 which cost the , Asst. State Atty.-General; j — ______ to the decedant’s widow, Mrs. Louise j headquarters where Premier Tar- DOaOR PRISONER ' there can be, the board will have to | byes of nearly 200 men. Whitfield Carnegie, of specific j dieu was sa,d by some to be plainly : face the problem of acting on the | o f the 29 in the Standardville , Hamilton D. Mullen, 22 year old legacies amounting to $291^596 and ^J^iter? pIriTdiS°atch^^ i»T Y lin /1 A I f I proposed plans, which call for the ; mine at the time of the explosion ; Called ‘Rum Rebellion.’ Chicago Detectives Ordered ' son of Mr. and Mrs. David Mullen of ' $2~408,568 on account of her resi- li\l H IS I III I r lir ‘ expenditure of approximately more | fhe toll today stood at 17 known, described French comment as of ; 13 Knox street, lies seriously in- duary bequest. distrustful tone.” IIY l l i 'J I $1,000,000 in excess of the $2,- .
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