Teacher’s Profile 1. PERSONAL DETAILS : NAME : Mrs. DESAI PRATIBHA SADASHIV Husbands Name : SADASHIV Current Designation : Assistant Professor Department : Mathematics Methodology D.O.B. : 20/07/1967 NATIONALITY : Indian MOB. No. : 09890160370 OFFICE ADDRESS : Acharya Jawadekar Colle ge of Education, Shri. Mouni Vidyapeeth, Gargoti, Taluka- Bhudargad, Dist. Kolhapur. Pin – 416 209. Phone No. (02324) 220079 , Fax-(02324)220654 e-mail : [email protected] Permanent Address : At/Post- Mhasave Tal- Bhudargad , Dist- Kolhpaur ,Pin- 416209 2. ACADEMIC DETAILS : M.A. (Math’s.), M.Ed., M. Phil. ,SET (Edu) Appear M.A. Communication (YCMOU) 1 3. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION : Name of the Subjects (Specialization if Class Year of University Degree offered any, obtained Passing at Post- University Graduate level First Degree may be mentioned) First Degree Stat Maths Second 1987 Shivaji BSc, E.T. Maths,Sc First with 1990 University, (B.Ed.) (optional) distionction Kolhapur Master's E.T.& M.E. E.T.& M.E. Second 1992 Shivaji Degree(M.Ed.) Second 1996 University, M.A. Maths Maths Kolhapur MPhil Degree Education Environmental Awarded july2008 Shivaji (Education) Education University, Kolhapur Additional Qualification, if Appear YCMOU, any Nashik a)M.A. Education ------- 2012 Communication b)MS-CIT ------- ------- First 2004 MKCL ------- 2006 Conducted by c) SET Education Pass Pune University 4. ORIENTATION/REFRESHER COURS ATTENDED Sr. Orientation University Duration Grade No. 1 Orientation ICDS Mumbai (Nagpur ) 1 April to 10 - Course April 2000 2 Orientation National Institute of public 3 Sept to 22 Sept - Course cooperation & child Development, 2001 New Delhi (NIPCCD) 3 Orientation ICDS Mumbai (Aurangabad ) 10 March to 13 - Course March 2003 4 Orientation Dr. Babasaheb Amebdakr 1st August to ‘A’ Course Marathwada University, 31 th August Aurangabad 2012 2 5. TEACHING EXPERIENCE : Name of the Subject Class Name of papers No. of years College taught with dates From to year Late B.Khrade Maths Method B.Ed. Maths Method 01 college of of & & Education, Secondary Secondary kolhapur Education Education K.H. College, Adult Education B.A.B.ED. Adult Education 03 Gargoti &Expt.al &Expt.al psychology psychology AJCE, Gargoti Maths Method B.Ed. Maths Method 05 AJCE, Gargoti Secodary B.Ed. Secodary Education & 05 Education&School School Manegment Manegment High School Maths/Sc Secondary Maths/Sc 10 AWTC, Shri Mouni In formal In Service In formal Education & 03 Vidyapeeth,Gargoti Education & Child Anganwadi Child Education Education Worker 6. RESEARCH GUIDANCE : UG - Action Research YCMOU ( B. Ed.)(YCMOU, Nasik ) - Counsellor for B.Ed. Course Action Research Guidance to Primary Teachers on Action Research Organized by Panchayat Samitee, Bhudargad. Dist – Kolhapur. 7. RESEARCH SPECIALIZATION : Environmental Education ‹´Ö.×±ú»ÖË. ÃÖÓ¿ÖÖê¬Ö−Ö ×¿ÖÂÖÔú ‡µÖ¢ÖÖ 8 ¾Öß “µÖÖ ×¾ÖªÖ£µÖÖÕÃÖÖšüß Ã£ÖÖ×−Öú ¯ÖµÖÖÔ¾Ö¸ü"“ #ü$% •" •'(% ““ −)% - +$ . 3 8. PUBLICATIONS : 14 Sr.No Paper Title Name of the Journal , ISSN Page Level . Publication Month & ISBN No. Year 1 ICDS ‘Zep ’ – AWTC,Book 01 Institute Gargoti July 2000 2 Informal Zep ’ – AWTC,Book 03 Institute Education Gargoti July 2000 3 ¾ÖÖœüÃÖÓ×−ÖµÖÓ¡Ö Zep ’ – AWTC,Book 07 Institute Gargoti July 2000 4 ü ü - “ Zep ’ – AWTC,Book 09 Institute − Gargoti July 2000 5 ü ü ü - ü 17 to Institute − ü - ! − "#$ü, 19 ü " üü, &ü ' 2008-09 6 b-8 oh P;k xf.kr Bhartia Shikshan ISSN 54 to ikB;iqLrdkph leh{kk fMlsa- 09 22316 58 State ¼2009&10½ 493 7 fon;kF;kZaph vkRegR;k % Maitrichya Palikade 27 to nks”k dq.kkpk ? ekpZ 2010 rs twu 2010 28 State 8 fon;kF;kZaph vkRegR;k % Bhartia Shikshan ,fizy ISSN 18 to nks”k dq.kkpk ? 2010 22316 19 493 State 9 , - ./“ “ #& ü 0 2010 48 to State ü0 49 10 ewY;ekiukrhy fn’kk o Bhartia Shikshan ISSN 10 to n’kk Qsczwokjh]2011 2231 13 State 6493 11 ICT Literacy Among ISRJ – Nov 2011 Vol , ISSN International Student Teachers Issue – X 2230- 7850 Application of International ISSN 12 556 to computer science in Conference on current 09770 558 Education Research Trends in Education 277 ,Physical Education & International Sports puBlished in souvenir12 th & 13 th 4 March 2011 13 Role of Media & International ISSN 60 to International Education Educational E- Journal 2277- 64 Jan-FeB – March 2012 2456 14 ,ü AJCE, Gargoti 23 - 03 to University 2011 -12 04 9. CONFERENCES ATTENDED i) International Conferences-(Attended and Presented paper ) 01 Sr. Title of the Paper Organizing Committee Date No. OR Participated 1. Application of International Conference on current 12 th & 13 th Computer Science Trends in Education, Physical March, in Education Education & Sports at Shri Shivaji 2011 Research College of Education, Amravati. ii) National Conference/ Seminar (Attended and Presented Paper ) 08 Sr. Title of the Paper Organizing Committee Date No. Theme of conf 1. Attended Dept.of Education 29 th t0 31 st Shivaji University,Kolhapur Jan.2007 (Research for quality Edu.) 2. Attended Dept.of Education 22 nd & 23 rd Shivaji University,Kolhapur Feb.2011 (e- Education) 3. Internal evaluation Meshta-(New Trends in 18 th & 19 th Process in College Education)Sharada Bhavan Education Dec.2010 of education) Society’s College of Education, Nanded 4. Participated National Conference on e-Education 22 nd & 23 rd organized by Dept.of Education, Feb.2011 5 Shivaji University,Kolhapur 5. Education at National seminar On Education at 1st Crossroad Crossroad Organized by Jan.2012. Role of Media in Interdisciplinary research institute, Education Kolhapur 6. Attended Dept of Education Shivaji University 29 th to 31 st (Researchers for Kolhapur Jan 2007 Quality Education ) 7. - - ü− SPSS College of Education Sangli 15 th to 16 th &ü4. / MSSTEA Oct 2011 8. Attended UGC, ASC AuragaBad & MKCL 3Aug 2012 (Maharashtra Meta University & New Education ) 10. Workshops : 06 Sr. Head Organizer Subject Date No. 1 National Workshop- Chh.Shahu Inst.of Busi. Research 13 th to 15 th SWORT 2008 & Research Technique March 2008 (SIBER)Kolhapur 2. Counselor’s Training YCMOU & Bahai Education in 25 th to 29 th Workshop Academy’s Universal May,2009 On module 1&2 CollaBorative Human Values Programme 3 ECCE Course YCMOU Nashik Director, 22 nd FeB Coordinator 2010 Annual Workshop 3. UGC Workshop Centre for Community Capacity 8th to 12 th dev.&Centre for Building of FeB.2011 women’s studies Shivaji women University,Kolhapur managers in higher edu.’SAM workshop 4. National Workshop Education Dept.Shivaji Statistics for 24 th & 25 th 6 University,Kolhapur Educational FeB2011 Research (SPSS) 5. State Workshop Ratyat Shikshan Statistics of in 27 th to 28 th Sansta’s Azad College of Educational FeB,2012. Education, Satara Researches Satara 6. State Level YCMOU Nashik Question Bank 8 Dec 2012 Workshop Development 11. In Service training Programme / Faculty Development programe 06 Sr. Name of in service the Orgnised by Training period Total No. Training Programme Days 1 Skill Training on NIPCCD, New 18 March to 23 06 ‘Training Technology ‘ Delhi (Indore) March 2002 2. M.Phil. Course YCMOU Nashik 20 th to 22 nd April 02 Orientation 2006 3. B.Ed Counsellor Training YCMOU Nashik 22 nd Aug 2009 01 4. Counsellors Training YCMOU, School 26 th to 29 th 04 Programme of Education, April,2010 Nashik 5. Intel Teach Programs Shivaji University 4th Aug.2011 01 Refresher Course & Intel India Pvt. Ltd. held on 4 th Aug.2011. 6. B.Ed Course counsellors YCMOU School of 7th Dec to 9 th Dec 03 Training Education Nashik 2011 12. Examination Work: 14 Sr. Nature of Paper Place Period Level No. Examination Duty No.& Section No. 1 Paper Setter / 1 P.III AJCE, 2007 To UG Examiner S. II Gargoti upto (College) 2 P. VI AJCE, 2007To UG S.I Gargoti Upto (College) 7 2 B.Ed. Practical Exam. BKSE, 2000 UG (Internal Examiner) ----- Kolhapur (College) AJCE, 2007 To UG Gargoti Upto (College) 3 Jr. Supervisor B.Ed. K.H.College, May UG Exam. Gargoti 2007 (University) Internal Examiner B.Ed- II AJCE Gargoti 19 th to University 23 rd FeB 2008 4 Jr. Supervisor B.Ed. AJCE, 5April to UG Exam. Gargoti 13 April (University) 2010 Examiner ECCE YCMOU 7th June YCMOU ,EDU Nashik to 12 th 134 June 2010 Internal Examiner B.Ed II AJCE, 15 FeB University Gargoti to 21 FeB 2011 5 Examiner P.III S.II Shivaji 26 th April UG ( Assessment & Maths University & 5th (University) Moderation ) Method Exam May Building 2011 No.II 7. Assessment Examiner EDU131 YCMOU 6th June YCMOU Nashik to 11 th June 2011 ( Assessment & Maths Shivaji 22 nd (University) Moderation ) Method University Nov 2011 8. Internal Examiner B.Ed II University 13 th FeB (University) Exam to 17 th FeB 2012 9. Paper Setter 43289 Shivaji 23 rd to (University) Mathe University 24 th FeB matics 2012 8 Jr. Supervisor B.A.B.E AJCE, 26 th University d. Gargoti March to Exam. 03 April 2012 10. Internal Sr. B.Ed. AJCE, 4April to UG Supervisor Exam. Gargoti 12 April (University) 2012 Jr. Supervisor B.A.B.E AJCE, 8th April (University) d. Gargoti to 12 Exam. April 2012 11 Internal Sr. B.Ed. AJCE, 16April UG Supervisor Exam. Gargoti to 20 (University) April 2012 Jr. Supervisor B.Ed. AJCE, 23April UG Exam. Gargoti to 2 May (University) 2012 12 (Assessment & CAP University 2 May University Moderation ) B.Ed 2012 13. Examiner P.III S.II Shivaji 27 th May UG ( Assessment & University & 29 th (University) Moderation ) Exam May Building 2012 No.II 14 ECCE ( CAP ) EDU YCMOU, 30 MAY YCMOU, 132 Nashik 2012 Nashik 15 .Social Activities: 1.Give a Economic support to Economical Backward Student Aanada Bamnikar B.Ed & M.Ed Student in 2007-08, 2008-09 9 1. Give a Economic support to Economical Backward Student Dhanshri Ravan ICRE Student in 2008-09 ü ü " üü &ü ' .üü&ü, 0.
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