NationWIDE THE OFFICIAL NEWS MAGAZINE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF SAINT LUCIA NationSATURDAY MAY 24, 2014 WIDEFORTNIGHTLY PM tells Parliament and the Nation: ‘We can’t continue borrowing our way out of debt!’ The Prime Minister resorted to use of his brand new 4G tablet to quote the Bible to correct misquotes by an overzealous Oppositopn MP who most of his parliamentary colleagues felt sounded more like a ‘Prophet of Doom’ or a ‘False Prophet’ than an elected District Representative (See Page 4). The last two sittings of the to reel under the pressure of While their leaders sang high- Treasury. There’s no doubt (in House of Assembly and the paying inherited debts. pitched partisan budget-themed anyone’s mind) that the past Senate will be memorable for The Budget though now pre- swan songs in and out of parlia- cannot be continued into the many things apart from the sented, Government still awaits ment, two leading opposition future – and, as the PM made facts, figures and statistics the Public Service trade unions figures – MPs for Castries North it absolutely clear -- we sim- that spell-out the real state of to arrive at some form of agree- and Castries Central – sounded ply cannot continue to borrow the nation’s economy. ment on a way forward. No actu- like they had embraced govern- our way out of debt. (Details For starters, it was the al proposals are yet on the table; ment calls for political climate on Page 4). This issue of Na- first parliamentary meeting and besides, due negotiations for change and acknowledgement tionwide highlights the 2014- where hi-tech ICT equipment the current triennium haven’t of the real state of the national 2015 Budget, but also includes was introduced and allowed. started. economy. coverage of other national And while all MPs present The PM has indicated that As things stand now, the Na- developments during the received from Digicel a Sam- should the unions fail to re- tion is aware of the true state of past fortnight. again, Happy sung Galaxy 4G tablet, Prime spond or arrive at some conclu- the Economy and the National Reading! Minister Dr Kenny D. Antho- sion to be guided by a MOU and ny was the first to make use of monitored by a joint representa- tive body, Government will the new gadget in the House, Diabetes and Hypertension Association Supports VAT have no choice and be forced to revealing to the House (and on Salt - Page 2 act in the national interest. the world) that he’s far more Instead of going to the table advanced in use of hand-held Free Advice to the CSA President from a Former Civil to talk and seek an amicable so- ICT gadgets than most might Servant - Page 3 lution, some union leaders seem have thought. But that was to prefer to agitate for confron- Government to Extend Schools Laptop Programme not all… tation instead of conversation, Despite Education Cuts - Center Pages The debates following openly promoting pursuit of in- presentation of the Estimates dustrial strife instead of discus- of Revenue and Expenditure MP says Lives Have Changed in sion and understanding. On the Choiseul/Saltibus - Page 8 and the Appropriations Bill other hand, instead of promot- also revealed the Parliamen- ing bilateralism and bipartisan- Government Closing Digital Divide tary Opposition’s inability to ship, the Opposition Leader and Nationally - Page 10 meaningfully dispute the ac- the Leader of the UWP have T’S INSIDE tual sore state of the economy each opted to play the usual New Youth and Sports Director as presented, while the PM ball game of ‘Opposing for op- Appointed - Back Page WHA and his government continue posing sake’. Page 2 NationWIDE Saturday May 24, 2014 Diabetes and Hypertension Association supports government’s Removal of Subsidy on Sugar and Imposition of VAT on Salt he Saint Lucia Diabetes percent VAT will be applied to the fight against diabetes and 2006 indicated that Saint Lucia sugar and pressure testing at and Hypertension As- salt and a subsidy of 10 cents hypertension, which remains had the highest cases of hyper- the Super J supermarket, Water- Tsociation (SLDHA) says per pound on sugar removed, one of the main causes of death tension and diabetes. At least 20 front Castries branch. its supports the move made by bringing the price of sugar to $1 on island. percent of the total population Over 150 persons partici- the current administration to per pound. The association has said that was tested during the exercise. pated in the exercise and were increase the Value Added Tax Speaking to Saint Lucia eating habits of locals have As part of activities to mark, also provided with educational (VAT) on salt and remove the News Online on Friday, May contributed to increased cases World Hypertension Day to be materials to assist them with subsidy on sugar. 16, Administrative Officer of of persons suffering from the observed tomorrow, the SLDHA understanding the dangers of This is on the heels of an an- the SLDHA Elene St. Clair said two diseases, which are closely partnered with the American the two diseases and how they nouncement by Prime Minis- the association feels that the linked to each other. International University Saint can reduce their chances of be- ter Dr. Kenny Anthony that 15 move is one that will support A study conducted here in Lucia to host a day of blood ing affected. National Conservation Authority turns 15 The National Conservation Au- source from which thousands of thority (NCA) commemorated Saint Lucians would earn a liv- its 15th Anniversary with a Staff ing; so that it would be a bridge Recognition Awards Ceremony, to allow the public and private at the Union Orchid Garden. sectors to work together; so that The NCA recognized those who there would be even greater care have worked with the organi- of the environment and that this zation from inception, as well care for the environment would as employees of the quarter in create greater awareness and various categories. emphasis on the importance of For the first time in its his- sustaining the natural resourc- tory, the NCA handed out an es of our country,” said Mr. Hip- employee of the year award. polyte. This honour was captured by Chairman of the NCA Board, Conservation Team Leader Mr. Mr. George Charlemagne says Garvey Constantine. the organization is poised to The NCA Field Supervisor of move forward guided by an es- the year award went to Mr. tablished vision. James St. Omer, while the Most “The NCA has, as of last year, Improved Employee award was produced a strategic plan to captured by Yvette Marshall. guide the organization over the Mr. David Hippolyte, General last few years, so we now have a Manager of the NCA acknowl- vision, the only issue now is for edged that the orgnization had us to implement that vision.” evolved over the years, but Other recent developments its goals remain largely un- within the NCA include the es- changed. tablishment of a gratuity fund, “Our organization was born and the exploration of the for- 15 years ago. It was given life, so mation of a formal cooperative Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Social Transformation (MOST) Ms Julianna Alfred that it could in turn become the society for its employees. congratulates the NCA’s Employee of the Year, Team Leader Garvey Constantine. Ministry congratulates Investment Forum a catalyst for opportunities youth award winners aint Lucia is a "well bal- and local business representa- alize that Saint Lucia is well bal- anced country that is ac- tives to engage in sharing and anced country that is actively he Ministry of Youth De- in Literary Arts: Curmiah St. Stively mapping its future" networking. mapping its future. velopment and Sports has Catherine; Outstanding Youth said Prime Minister Hon. Dr. She explained, “This forum is “We may not be a large state, congratulated all the win- in Visual Arts: Ted Sandiford; Kenny D. Anthony at opening designed to expand on Saint Lu- but we are uniquely well pro- T of Saint Lucia Investment Fo- cia’s simply beautiful attributes portioned. We may not have ners at the 2013 National Youth Outstanding Youth in Innova- Awards. tion and Technology: Christus rum by presenting a unique plat- any retractable resources of the A statement from the Minis- Gill; Outstanding Professional The inaugural investment fo- form for forming new business earth, but our land and people try earlier this week said, “The in Youth Work: Marcellus Ca- rum was officially launched at partnerships, solidifying exist- exhume warmth and beauty year in review has been one full zaubon; Outstanding Youth in the Sandals Grande Saint Lucia ing relationships and exploring and inspiration… of talent, dedication and hard Media: Sant Justin; Outstand- beach resort and Spa by Invest new visitors of collaboration be- “No matter where you come work by our Saint Lucian Youth. ing Youth in Entrepreneurship: Saint Lucia. tween and among foreign inves- from -- Asia, Europe, Africa, To the nominees, your work and Leslie Lazarus Jn. Baptiste; Over the last few days the ini- tors, the domestic private sector the Americas, or the Caribbean service to your country is inval- Outstanding Youth in Social tiative gave prospective inves- and government agencies,” said -- we believe we have unique uable and we do hope that you Development: Kelvin Anto- tors an opportunity to explore Ms Hippolyte in her remarks to experiences and bankable op- continue to persevere. ine; Outstanding Community the island’s business potential. the gathering. portunities for visitors and in- “To all the parents, relatives, Achievement Award: Marius Minister for Commerce, Prime Minister, Dr Kenny D.
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