Maybe Yon Can Do Some. Business There Are Many Reasons Why You Without Advertising, But Should Support Your Home Success Doesn’t Come That Way. Paper; None Why You Should Not V o l . XLVII— N o . 33 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY,: FRIDAY, AUGUST '16, 1929 F o u r C e n t s ANOTHER BRIDGE IS RED CR0SS monthly -report FACING OBSTACLES j CARNIVAL TROPHIES CONCERT TOMORROW NIGHT. ST. PAUL’S MGHT Fifty Cases Handled During July By Symphony, Orchestra, To He Aided By ANSWER TO TRAFFIC County Chapter. ■ - CHURCH CONQUERS ARE NOW ON VIEW Instrumental and -Vocal Stars. MONDAY, AUG. 19 N . i The July report o£ Miss Gladys At the last concert of the series ITS DIVINE MISSION IS THE H FINE CUPS IN WINDOW OF under the management of the Puc- milLlCAL DRAMA “ESTHER” BY SO SAYS HIGHWAY HEADS IN cup Grand Opera Company Director -, SEEKING SOLUTION Red Cross, shows that fifty cases EVANGELISM OF WORLD i MORSE'S MEN’S SHOP lenni will present tomorrow evening EFFICIENT CAST were handled during the month, con­ in the Auditorium a symphony or­ sisting of forty-five ex-service men chestra, with Pietro Yon as organist Commissioner Jelin Believes Span and their families and five army Auditorium PreacherB Of One Mind Dispjay Adds Interest In Forthcoming and conductor. This orchestra will be I'oriy-five-Persons Will Be Seen In Over Raritan River Between Perth caaaE- In addition seven ex-service That Jesus Christ Alone Is Hope ot Aquatic Carnival At North End assisted by Robert Elmore, organist; , the Interpretation of Pageant, Un- ;• - , men were given miscellaneous service, Bruno Labate, oboist of the New York ’ Amboy and New Bruhswick Would; in life saving Benjamin H, Winaris, Mankind — Christian Worship An Swimming Pool—1’rizen Donated Philharmonic Orchestra, and William dcr Mrs, Stanyon’s Direction—No ' Believe Jersey Shore Congestion. of Asbury Park, was made a special Essential To Spiritual Success, By Friends of Ocean Grove. Sheehan, tenor. • j. I’reliminaries,-No Intermissions. examiner, and Herbert N. McClees, of Although but sixteen years of age,! . To solve the problem of. relipf from. Red Bank, an examiner Tlie following With the advance of tho season Au­ Now on display in the show window Robert Elmore is organist of the Cen- King Ahasuerus is ready to step traffic.to the shore from the northern passed the senior - test: Thomas^ ;C. ditorium audiences increase, as noted of Morse’s Men’s Shop, 55 Main ave- tra! Baptist Church at Wayne, Pa. upon the throne and proclaim a festi- part of the State another bridge over Mulligap, o£ Highlands; Peter-Olson, last Sunday morning^ and evening, hue,'the Oceari, Grove swimming car-- Labate began the study of the oboe val for the male members of his the Raritan river between Perth Am- Jr., of Sea.Bright;;Carl F. Mihm and The sermons that'day were delivered nival trophies ire; attracting wide- at twelve. He has played with the court. boy and New Brunswick is needed, in Henry Whites of- Monmouth Beach; by the Rev. Dr. George W. Henson, a spread attention. That hundreds of Metropolitan Opera House and other This is revealed in the very first the opinion of 3tate Highway .Com-;Edward Woolley, of. Keyport, and member of the Ocean Grove Associa- Bummer visitors will extend their va- orchestras, including, the. New York act of the great Biblical play, “Esth- • -: missioner .................. Abraham Jelin and_ Jacob «.h . -nr'John A. Zimmer,-i-T-n- Jr.,- ____ot Bemlar.----- Those■ -T— .tion and secretary of the devotional eation over Labor Day to attend the Symphony and" Philharmonic. Mr. er,” which will be given in the Audi- Bauer, chief engineer for the highway passing the junior test were: Robert■ j committee, in the morning, and Sheehan, the tenor, is a member of torium Monday evening, August 19, commission. Hoyt a n d A lic e H o ^, of S e a Bright; ;®eV^®r. J. A. G^broith, pastor of the the interest aroused by this third an- the Gregorian Quartette, and prior to as the feature of an unusually fine Since additional statutes -jpuld be j Winifred Kelly, of' Red Bank; JaniB E. church ^ Ridgeway, Pa., m the. ,n^iM event. taking a position as a soloist at St. camp meeting resort season. required to permit the building of Nnnama'cher, Viola Carpenter qnd, 1 -“e3t e' e-.pr?" Patrick’s Cathedral, New York, he It is “St, Paul’s Night,” and the meh a bridge, it was believed that the .'Alice Helm, of Belmar; Ruth' I........................... was soloist at the Central Congrega- event, long a notable one, will carry juestian might be placed before the !of Avon; Harry Verhagen tional Church, Brooklyn, under the a program this year that is said to be lext legislature; ;Charles Cadley, of Port Monmqura, • — , —™ *”-*■» *<*■-r . •= direction of Harry Rowe Shelley. the best ever. ' • Commissioner Jelin, in an effort to 'and-Armani Geronimo. of Brooklyn. Acts i, 8, And ye shall be witnesses standing on a solid manogany ease, .Altogether this promises to.be the Throughout thc ten scenes a chord find methods of;. reducing congestion j At Camp Burton, the, following we, both in. Jerusalem and mall, and is an^exacta uphcatevof the fam- best concert of- the series under Mr. of intense dramatic moments is at Ksyport, So\ith Amboy and othei Scouts passed the Junior test uandSr ln JSamaria, and unto the ous,Xnteyn^onaV P^lo . Cup. It » Ienni’s direction. prevalent and the cast of characters localities along the shore'" route, has , Examiner Morgan C. Knapp: Bill uttermost ^ parts of the earth. Dr. named for W ilton R.TOonwog and is numbering forty-five have been 'drill­ spent much-time during week-ends Pape, 'of' Navesink; Louis Kutite, of George W. Fowles; another member ed to perfection by Mrs. Carrie Stau- and holidays at these points. j Belmar; Tom Currie, ot Woodbridge; °f the Association,,participated in the legion* It will be awarded the win- NEPTUNE BOARD TO yon, author of the play. He finds these roadways, are taking James Ramsey, of Perth Amboy; Les- service by offpririg the morning ners of the Grove relay race for tem- ^ For weeks this cast has rehearsed, practically all the traffic-they-can-ab- ter. Berkowitz, of Red Bank; Sidney: PWer- , „ .. - il' m iC D rfT IJirU W A V C anci as a try-out the story wa3 pro sorb over ths? vveekends. The opening Mittehnan, of Carteret; Abe Gross . In,these_ difficult days, said Dr. ;ra<:ed for jaeh -a“ * ? .“* U lO rU ; -1 n lu ilW A lO sented in the spring ot St, Paul’s of the . Keyport cut-off hag permitted .mail,, of: Asbury Park; Walter Bauy Henson in . introducing hur subject, event. Individual members of the - • church before a throng that taxed the automobiles to move more quickly in ere, of Red Bank, and Carl Rabold, oi .or}e of the things uppermost in_mmd winning team will each receive gold huge auditorium of the church. It was • that part of Monmouth coSnty, but Perth Amboy. is how hest^an wofulfiU our misaion medal. ■ ; WILL-GO OVER ROADS TUESDAY pronounced a big success and immedi­ thn rp^triced area at the' VJ>’torv I ' " ' - - — *#- the church of Jesus Christ.” He t The Charles Lewis cup is a close ately booked for this feature event.of , .(.jii ■ . i.rAvntoH ■ finds the divine-.mission and ministry second in size and sUmptuousness to. EVENING NEXT WEEK the season. Slavs occasioning aggravated , ASBURY PARK NATIONAL BANK 0f the Christian church to be, as “Our. Bill’s,” It is the. gift of Charles ... s Queen Vashti refuses to stand in Raupr ilointPd nut- that the■ a ' ' “Tl—— , „ . taught in the Book of Acts, the ev'ang- Lewis, of the Lewis Lumber Company, Legal Advice Is Sought In Oealing the presence pf men drunken with S > r S t Ite te Wghway^routes a t these (?on>Pa.rt>r Is Chartered By the elissStion of the wottd, and that in this m»l will be awarded the winner of the _ ' . wine and so arouses the ire of the points- have been practically ’’taking United States G overnm ent.essential tA success tho church con- firemen’s relay race, in which’ "'th Hedge Iences Encroaching king that she is banished from the a maximum traffic on weekends for a s quers in spite of all opposition. , three Ocean Grove companies On Building Line—Corlies ■ Avenue palace, and the king follows a sugges­ As may be seen by an announcement Success, Dr. Henson said, is to be participate-—Washington. Stokes and .number of years,” and, that although — ^ I* " —* h « '4>U«m — *1 '■-. nn t 1 . n u. L- T!_t. - TP O fvl/, n lim/ltlln - - f Kn tion from his prince to seek a new' V thpTo^trucS^f^*he* vlctorv5Bridle in the advertising columns of this pa- measured' by spiritual accomplish- Eagles. Gold medals, the gift of Railroad Crossing. ■ Under Fire. queen. .today.-the- Asbury Park Trust ments and not by the perishable FJaiik B. Smith, of Yonkers, will be At the Neptune township board Interesting drama is revealed dur- fnerea?Ml traffic has caused manv de-’ Company is now a national bank, thihgs of life. His hearers were ad- given ihe four members of thc wm- increased traffic has cauSed many <!e- .chart(n,e<1 by the United States gov- vised to get back to Witnessing, real ing learn. meeting Tuesday evening. Chairman '■n^ the scenes that follow,.' .Gracey handed Committeeman Love- Mordecai inspires the wrath of Ha­ Wmild Poster Business' jernment and operating under its di-•witnessing, as.
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