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CATALOGUE OF SUBUN-SO BOOK STORE No.510 2010 no.1811 ◆◆◇◇ BIBLIOGRAPHY ◇◇◆◆ ●○ Bibliography ○● 1 BLAKE (W.): BUTLIN (M.) WILLIAM BLAKE. A Complete Catalogue of the Works in the Tate Gallery. London: The Tate Gallery, 1971. numerous photo plates. 164pp. 4to. dw. 3,000 2 CLANCHY (M.T.) FROM MEMORY TO WRITTEN RECORD. England 1066-1307. Bath: Edward Arnold. 1979. 330pp. 3,000 3 DISEGNI NEI MANOSCRITTI LAURENZIANI SEC.X-ZVII. Catalogo a Cura di Francesco Gurrieri. Firenze, ottobre 1979 - febbario 1980Firenze: L.S.Olschk,1979. many b/w illustrations. 307pp. pb. 4,000 4 FERGUSON (E.S.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY. The Society for the History of Technology, 1968. xx,347pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,000 5 GALLE (E.) ECRITS POUR L'ART. Floriculture - art Decoratif Notices D'exposition 1884- 1889. Marseille: Laffitte reprins,1980. ponly 500 copies. vi,382pp. 4,000 6 LANDWEHR (J.) GERMAN EMBLEM BOOKS 1531-1888. A Bibliography. Utrecht: Haentjens Dekker, 1972. 184pp. roy.8vo. 7,000 - 1 - 7 PARMEGIANI (A.) LES PETITS FRANCAIS ILLUSTRES 1860-1940. Editions du cercle de la Librairie.1989. 303pp. pb. 5,000 8 ROTHSCHILD (J.de) CATALOGUE DES LIVRES COMPOSANT LA BIBLIOTHEQUE DE FEU M.LE BARON JAMES DE ROTHSCHILD. (1884) N.Y.: B.Franklin, n.d. Reprinted Ed. 5 vols. roy.8vo. fine condition. 25,200 9 WUNDERLICH (R.) THE PINOCCHIO CATALOGUE. Being a Descriptive Bibliography and printing History of English Language Translations and other renditions appearing in the United States 1892-1987. Greenwood, 1988. xiii,228pp. 6,300 ●○ Binding ○● 10 DIEHL (E.) BOOKBINDING. Its Background and Technique. N.Y.: Rinehart, 1946. 2 vols. Numerous illustrations. lar.8vo. in slip-case. 8,000 11 FOOT (M.M.) STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF BOOKBINDING. Scolar press,1993.xiv,467pp. 5,000 12 HOBSON (A.) HUMANISTS AND BOOKBINDERS. The origins and diffusion of the Humanistic bookbinding 1459-1559. with a census of Historiaated plaquette and Medallion bindings of the Renaissance. Cambridge U.P., 1989.198 b/w & 6 colour illustrations. xix,296pp. 4to. dw. 25,000 13 HORNE (H.P.) THE BINDING OF BOOKS. An Essay in the History of Gold-Tooled Bindings. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1894. First Ed, Large Paper Ed. Limited to 150 copies. with illustrations. 224ppp. half parchment.(sl. worn) uncut. mostly unopened. 25,000 14 JAMIESON (E.) ENGLISH EMBOSSED BINDINGS 1825-1850. Cambridge U.P., 1972. 24 tone plates. 95pp. roy.8vo. wrappers. 3,000 15 LEWIS (H.) FINE BOOKBINDING. IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. David & Charles, 1984. With 33 colour and 82 monochrome illustrations. 151pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 3,000 16 NEEDHAM (P.) TWELVE CENTURIES OF BOOKBINDINGS 400-1600. Ox.U.P.: The Pierpont Morgan Library, 1979. many b/w illustrations. 338pp. 4to. papeback. 6,000 17 QUARITCH (B.) A CATALOGUE OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN BOOKBINDINGS OFFERED FOR SALE. London: B.Quaritch, 1921. 76pp & 79 plates. lar.4to. boards. in slip-case. spine chipped. back cover detached. text is clean. 5,000 18 THE BRITISH BOOKMAKER: A Journal for The Book Printer-The Book Illustrator- The Book Cover Designer-The Book Binder Librarians, and Lovers of Books generally.(vol.IV-VII) THE BOOKBINDER:An Illustrated Journal for Binders, Librarians, and all Lovers of Books.(vol.I-III) London:Raithby,Lawrence,1891-1894.(BookMaker) London:W.Clowes,1888- 1889.(BookBinder) Bound in 7 vols. complete set. with many plates. sm.4to. 3/4 calf. rebound. scarce. 320,000 - 2 - 19 ZAEHNSDORF (J.W.) THE ART OF BOOKBINDING. London: George Bell & Son, 1880. First Ed. With 10 Photo-lithographs & numerous woodcuts. 187pp. original cloth. fine copy. 25,000 ●○ Book about Books ○● 20 AHEARN (A.) & (P.) COLLECTED BOOKS. The Guide to Values. N.Y.: G.P.Putnam's Sons, 1991. 636pp. dust-cover. 3,000 21 ALFORD (W.P.) TO STEAL A BOOK IS AN ELEGANT OFFENSE. Intellectual property law in chinese civilization. Stanford University press,1995. ix,222pp. dust cover. 3,000 22 ALLEN (J.S.) IN THE PUBLIC EYE. A History of reading in modern france 1800-1940. Princeton U.P., 1991. viii,356pp. lar.8vo. dust cover. 3,000 23 ALTBACH (P.G.) & HOSHINO (E.S.)(Ed.) INTERNATIONAL BOOK PUBLISHING AN ENCYCLOPEDIA. N.Y.: Garland, 1995. xxvi,736pp. Roy.8vo. 4,000 24 AMRAM (D.W.) THE MAKERS OF HEBREW BOOKS IN ITALY. Being chapters in the History of the Hebrew printing press. London: Holland press,1963.xvii,417pp. dust cover. 3,000 25 ARNOLD (W.), DITTRICH (W.) UND ZELLER (B.)(Herausg) DIE ERFORSCHUNG DER BUCH-UND BIBLIOTHEKSGESCHICHTE IN DEUTSCHLAND. Wiesbaden: ッ.Harrassowitz,1987.xii,5355pp. lar.8vo. 12,000 26 AUDISIO (G.) & BONNOT-RAMBAUD (I.) LIRE LE FRANCAIS D'HIER. manuel de Paleographie Moderne XVe-XVIIIe sielcle. Armand Colin, 1991. 252pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 3,000 27 BANKS (D.H.) MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPT BOOKMAKING. A BIBLIOGRAPHIC GUIDE. Metuchen: Scarecrow press,1989.282pp. 5,000 28 BARNES (J.J.)FREE TRADE IN BOOKS. A Study of the London book trade since 1800. Ox.C.P., 1964. 198pp. dw. 3,000 29 BASBANES (N.A.) A GENTLE MADNESS. Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books. Henry Holt, 1995. with 55 illustrations. 638pp. paperback. 3,000 30 BASING (P.) TRADES AND CRAFTS IN MDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS. British Library,1990. many b/w & colour illustrations.124pp. roy.8vo. dw. 3,000 31 BAUR-HEINHOLD (M.) SCHONE ALTE BIBLIOTHEKEN. Ein Buch vom Zauber ihrer Raume. Einfuhrung Karl Bosl. Aufnahmen Helga Schmidt-Glassner. Munchen: G.D.W.Callwey,1972. colour & b/w illustration throughout. 295pp. 4to. dw. 3,000 32 BEADLE (R.)(ed) NEW SCIENCE OUT OF OLD BOOKS. Studies in Manuscripts and Earlu Printed Books in Honour of A.I.Doyle. Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1995. with 69 illustrations. Roy.8vo (244x165mm), xii,455p. with dust-cover. good. 8,000 - 3 - 33 BLAND (D.) A HISTORY OF BOOK ILLUSTRATION. The Illuminated Manuscript and the Printed Book. London: Faber & Faber, 1969. With illustrations. 448pp. 4to. dw. 5,000 34 BOUGE-GRANDON (D.)(Ed.) LE LIVRE VOYAGEUR. Constitution et dissemination des collections livresques dans l'Europe moderne (1450-1830). Paris: Klincksieck, 2000. 312pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 4,000 35 BURLINGAME (R.) OF MAKING MANY BOOKS. A Hundred years of Reading, Witing and Publishing. New York; Charles scribner's sons,1946. First Ed.,xii,347pp. 3,000 36 BUTCHER (J.) COPY-EDITING. The Camnbridge Handbook. Cambride U.P., 1975.xi,326pp. dust cover. 3,000 37 CAILLET (A.L.) MANUEL BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE DES SCIENCES PSYCHIQUES OU OCCULTES. (Paris:L.Dorbon,1912) (M.Martino) n.d. 3 vols. This reprint is strictly limited to 100 copies. 31,500 38 CARTER (J.) & MUIR (P.H.)(ED.) PRINTING AND THE MIND OF MAN. The Impact of Print of Five Centuries of Western Civilization. London: Cassell, 1967. First Ed. xxxiii,280pp. roy.4to. dw. upper inner joint sl. dull. 9,500 39 CAXTON: LENAGHAN (R.T.)(Ed.) CAXTON'S AESOP. Harvard U.P., 1967. 264pp. dw. 3,000 40 CHARTIER (R.) THE ORDER OF BOOKS. Readers, authors and Libraries in Europe between the Fourteenth and eighrteenth centuries. Polity press,1992. xi,126pp. dust cover. 3,000 41 COLE (R.C.) IRISH BOOKSELLERS AND ENGLISH WRITERS 1740-1800.Mansell Publishing Ltd,1986. xv,266pp. 3,000 42 CRUSE (A.) THE ENGLISHMAN AND HIS BOOKS. In the Early 19th Century. N.Y: numerous illust. 301pp. dw, 4,000 43 DARLING (W.Y.) THE PRIVATE PAPERS OF A BANKRUPT BOOKSELLER. [Sad fictional tale of the life of an antiquarian bookseller.] N.Y.: D.Appleton & Co.,1932. First U.S.Edition. 306pp. 8vo. cloth. dw. 4,000 44 DAVIDSON (C.N.)(Ed.) READING IN AMERICA. Literature & social History. Johns hopkins.Univ, 1989. 307pp. paperback. 3,000 45 DIRINGER (D.) THE BOOK BEFORE PRINTING. Ancient, Medieval and Oriental. N.Y.: Dover, 1982. 503pp. paperback. 3,670 46 DIXON (D.) FROM PROHIBITION TO REGULATION. Bookmaking, Anti-Gambling, and the Law. Oxford C.P., 1991. 408pp. dw. stamped on endpaper. 8,920 47 DODERER (K.) UND MULLER (H.) DAS BILDERBUCH. Gessschichte und Entwicklung des Bilderbuchs in Deutschland von den Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart. Weinheim: Beltz,1975.mit 248 zum teil mehrfarbigen abbildungen. 542pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5,000 - 4 - 48 DRIVER (D.) THE ART OF RADIO TIMES. The First Sixty years. Introduction by A.Briggs. BBC, 1981. illustated thought. 252pp. 4to. 15,000 49 DUFF (E.G.) A CENTURY OF THE ENGLISH BOOK TRADE. Short Notices of all Printers, Stationers, Bookbinders..from 1457 to the Incorporation of the Company of Stationers in 1557. London: Bibliographical Society, 1948. xxxv,200pp. roy.8vo. cloth spine with boards. 3,000 50 EARLSON (D.R.) ENGLISH HUMANIST BOOKS. Writers and Patrons, Manuscript and print 1475-1525.Univ of Toronto press,1993.x,,275pp. dw. 3,000 51 EDWARD (Second duke of York) THE MASTER OF GAME. The Oldest English book of Hunting. Edited by Baillie-Grohman (WM.A & F.) with a foreword by theodore roosevelt. (N.Y.: Duffield & Co, 1909) N.Y.: AMS, 1974. 11 b/w illustrations. xxix,302pp. sl.spotted. 4,000 52 FABES (G.H.) MODERN FIRST EDITIONS: POINTS AND VALUES. (Third Series.) London: G.W.Foyle, 1932. Limited to 750 copies. 97pp. with dust-cover. uncut. 5,000 53 FEBVRE (L.) & MARTIN (H-J.) THE COMING OF THE BOOK: The Impact of Printing 1450- 1800. Translated by D,Gerard. London: NLB. 1979. 378pp. with dsut-cover. 3,000 54 FOLDA (J.) CRUSADER MANUSCRIPT ILLUMINATION AT SAINT-JEAN D'ACRE, 1275-1291. Princeton U.P., 1976.231,299 plates. 4to. dw. 4,000 55 FUNKE (F.)BUCHKUNDE. Ein uberlick uber die geschichte des Buch und Schriftwesens. Munchen: Dokumentation,,1969.324pp,68 photo plates. lar.8vo. dust cover(sl. worn) 3,000 56 FURSSTNER (H.) GESCHICHTE DES NIEDERLANDISCHEN BUCHHANDELS.
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