We defend your right to defend yourself. Second Amendment news GunNewsPublished monthly by GUNS SAVE LIFE Volume 23, Number 1 January 2017 Affiliated with JPFO, Civilian Marksmanship Program, National Rifle Association, Illinois Federation for Outdoor Resources, ISRA, and others 2016: YEAR OF • THE GUN Gun sales set all-time record and the year’s not over! • Millions of Americans buying their first gun • Record support for gun ownership • Good reason: Violent Crime at a 16-year high (Guns Save Life) - America truly is enter- support ownership of America’s favorite ing into a renaissance of gun rights like rifle, the AR-15 and modern sporting rifles the nation has never seen. Gun sales like it. Opposition to their ownership is at have smashed monthly records and made record lows. Look for the trend to grow as 2016 the biggest year for gun sales with a President-elect Donald Trump continues month left to go. More and more Ameri- to use the presidency’s “bully pulpit” to cans are buying guns for the first time. In advocate for National Reciprocity so con- Illinois, gun owners have grown over 70% cealed carry licenses can be recognized since Barack Obama took office. with full faith and credit just like driver’s licenses. Donald Trump knows that the Increasing gun ownership has also led to only thing that stops a bad person with evil reshaping of our nation’s attitudes about in their hearts is a good guy with a gun. guns. A record number of Americans now For more, turn to page 23. New Location for January! Champaign County GSL Meeting moving to Any questions? Photo by Oleg Volk. Knights of Columbus in Rantoul In this issue January 2017 Board minutes 4 Guns Save Life Meetings President Report 4 First Thursday: January 5th PRE-SORT STD. U.S. POSTAGE P A I D PERMIT NO. 51 PEORIA, IL State of GSL 5 • Peoria: BEDBUGS! 6Childers Banquet & Catering, 3113 Dries Lane, Peoria, IL 61604 Winning Confrontations 8 • Sangamon County: First Monday: January 2nd Scheels, 3801 S. MacArthur, Springfield, IL Train Under Pressure 9 News from North of I-80 10 • Pontiac: First Tuesday: January 3rd Pontiac VFW Post 886, 531 W Lincoln Ave, Pontiac, IL 61764 Eagle Sports 11 The Truth About Gun Safes 13 • Champaign County: Second Tuesday: Jan. 10th NEW LOCATION! Knights of Columbus Hall, 1001 N Ohio Ave., Rantoul, IL 61866 Levis Hates You 14 • Charleston: Second Wednesday: January 11th Armed American 15 VFW, 1821 20th St, Charleston, IL 61920. Dinner at 6:00pm Freedom’s Forum 16 • Chicago: Last Sunday: January 29, 2017 News Stories 18 DA’s Deli and Dining, 7260 West 159th Street, Orland Park, IL Chicago Steve Davis, Esq., President Guns Save Life.com Box 51 P.O. 61874 IL Savoy, Taurus 85 Review 19 Exhibits and conversation here at 4:00pm. Meeting at 5:30pm Concealed Carry Insurance 20 Book Review: Chris Bird 21 Dinner, conversation, exhibits at 5:30pm Meetings at 7:00pm Directory / Clubs / Shows 22 Meetings are free and open to public. Holiday Gun Sales Soar 23 Come on out and join us. Good food, good fun and good friends. Membership form 24 Dinner is optional. GSL & ISRA: Stronger Together Guns Save Life President Steve Davis, left, and Executive Director John Boch, right, welcomed the Illinois State Rifle Association’s Executive Director Richard Pearson to the The World Famous Bill Oglesby! Champaign County GSL meeting at Fluid Events in Champaign. World-renowned exhibition shooter Bill Oglesby addressed the audience in Champaign with some valuable information about training and mindset. He also donated one of his custom single-action pistols to Guns Save Life! Thank you, Mr. Oglesby! Scary guns - in Chicago! Upper left, one of our members brought in a STG-58 and a CETME, both Cold War era battlefield rifles to the GSL meeting. Our Chicago Re- gional Director Alfred Keith-Keller is pictured in the background. Unlike in Chicago proper, nobody was injured or killed by gunfire anywhere near our meeting. Upper right, oddT Vandermyde. Below, John Boch answering questions at the Chicagoland meeting. Tara Johnson won the Ruger 10/22 in Charleston. She’s pictured here with Jeff Hudson. Congrats to Tara and thanks Jeff! Bill Martin discusses planning for emer- gencies with your family. Make sure your spouse knows not to grab onto you like this (Kris Martin), restricting your movement. Photos Historical expert Kerwin Law, left, discribes various features of the .30-40 Krag rifle as From left, in Champaign: Buck Hildreth won From our meetings Tim Hortberg holds one for him. the 50/50, Champaign’s regional direc- GSL President Steve Davis, left, with Lynn tor Alan Cermak and John Grubb won the across Illinois Wahls, winner of a Remington Model 700 S&W snubnosed revolver. Congrats gents! 22-250 rifle at the Peoria meeting. Thanks to Terry Grawey our FFL for the gun! Marsha Brim won! Marsha won the monthly “gun” - this month George Fryk brought a $400 gift card at Scheels to buy whatever Chicagoland Regional Director Alfreda a Browning High gun she wants. She’s pictured here with Keith-Keller with Dan Collins, the winner of Power and some gun From left, Patty and Doug Swartz. Doug won the Ruger LCP II SCGSL’s retiring regional director Anthony the Chicagoland gun! Congrats to him. metal preservative. pistol. GSL E.D. John Boch and Bill Martin our main speaker. Bellin. GunNews Magazine - 2 - January 2017 Meeting Summaries GSL’s Champaign County meeting moving to Rantoul! Starting in January, we’ll be at the Knights of Columbus in Rantoul Chicago hind enemy lines” and have been banned by municipal ordinances. Chicago Regional Director Alfreda Keith- Notes and answered questions. He then in- Trapdoor .45-70 rifle. The Krag-Jorgenson Keller called the meeting of about 45 or George Fryk brought a Browning High so of the faithful to order. We began with troduced our main speaker for the evening, was a magazine fed, bolt-action rifle that Power 9mm pistol he bought decades ago. Bill Martin. fired the much hotter smokeless powder the Pledge of Allegiance and then Alfreda It had been imported from West Germany, recognized our veterans present. .30-40 Krag cartridge. At the time it was he explained, and had been issued to a Bill Martin delivered a great presentation introduced in the late 1800s, it served as police officer there. Each day the officer on the importance of good training and a big step up from the Trapdoor rifles in She noted that as our December meeting would sign out his assigned pistol from date falls on Christmas Day, that we would pressure-testing your tactics and tech- trajectory and the volume of fire they could the station armory, and when qualification niques to make sure what works under low- produce. not meet again until Sunday, January 29th. days rolled around, they had other guns for Have a Merry Christmas! stress ideal conditions works when you’re the men to qualify with, meaning George’s scared to death and just got hit upside the gun saw very, very little use before he got head. See page 9! John Boch gave the Executive Director’s his paws on it. He stored it for a couple of notes and answered questions about his decades for personal reasons, coated with new role on the Trump administration’s Sec- We had no formal tech time, but Lonnie Rig’s Universal Gun Grease to prevent rust. Wilcox did talk up some of the features of ond Amendment Coalition. John then intro- He swears by Rigs and offered to share duced our main speaker Todd Vandermyde, the brand new Ruger LCP II pistol we would some of it with members for a nominal be awarding as our monthly gun. the NRA-ILA’s point man in Springfield. donation. Todd Vandermyde discussed the recent elections and their implications for gun owners when it comes to legislation and shopping. He thanked GSL for our close It didn’t stay in service for long before the support. Todd noted that GSL’s John Boch Springfield Model 1903 in .30-06 Govern- called it for Trump some time back, citing ment replaced it. (Well, initially, it was the an enthusiasm gap. Everything Todd had .30-03 cartridge... until a German Spitzer- heard prior to Election Day suggested Hil- style bullet came along and the much hotter lary would win handily and that Republicans .30-06 cartridge came along.) The 1903 worried about a bloodbath. In the end Hil- served America for decades, and the sniper lary lost and so did Democrats nationally. Rhonda Ezell, the plaintiff in Ezell v. City variant served up through the Viet Nam war. of Chicago was present at the Chicagoland The Ruger LCP II In Illinois, the Democrats lost their super- GSL meeting. Her lawsuit challenging Kerwin had one of those to display as well. We did drawings for door prizes including majority status in both the House and the Chicago’s ban on firing ranges, is still in the Given its low serial number, it’s one of the the Beck’s microwave popcorn that every- Senate. The net effect in terms of pro-gun courts. Springfield 1903s that can be hazardous to one raves about, and the 50/50. The gun votes is nil. Practically speaking, with fewer shoot because of a heat treating process for the night was the new Ruger LCP II and moderates to counter-balance some pretty We held the drawing for the 50/50 and then that may have left the receiver metal brittle.
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