All-Time Individual Leaders

All-Time Individual Leaders

ALL-TIME INDIVIDUAL LEADERS GAMES PLAYED 1950-2019 SCORING PLAYER YRS GMS PLAYER YRS PTS TD C1 C2 FG S BEST PTS Paul Osbaldiston 86-03 296 Paul Osbaldiston 86-03 2,859 0 652 0 655 242 1989 233 Garney Henley 60-75 216 Bernie Ruoff 80-87 1,069 0 245 0 230 134 1985 154 Rocky DiPietro 78-91 204 Tommy Joe Coffey 67-72 603 36 128 0 75 34 1969 148 Rob Hitchcock 95-06 200 Justin Medlock 11, 14-15 557 0 133 0 135 17 2011 197 John Barrow 57-70 192 Earl Winfield 87-97 522 87 0 0 0 0 3x 78 Pete Neumann 51-64 184 Nick Setta 07-09 476 0 103 0 111 40 2007 167 Chet Miksza 52-68 181 Don Sutherin 58-66 450 1 167 0 76 49 1964 94 Bob Krouse 63-75 174 Ian Sunter 72-75 445 0 115 0 98 36 1974 141 Dale Sanderson 85-97 174 Garney Henley 60-75 336 56 0 0 0 0 1962 72 Vince Scott 49-62 170 Tommy Grant 56-68 324 54 0 0 0 0 1960, 1966 48 Tommy Grant 56-68 168 Gerry McDougall 57-61, 65-66 320 45 31 0 5 4 1960 79 Angelo Mosca 58-72 168 Jamie Boreham 04-06 316 0 84 0 71 19 2005 117 Grover Covington 81-91 168 Brandon Banks 13-19 316 52 0 2 0 0 2018 66 Lee Knight 87-97 166 Dave Fleming 65-74 300 50 0 0 0 0 1968 72 Ed Gataveckas 81-90 157 Luca Congi 12-13 293 0 87 0 67 5 2012 171 Henry Waszczuk 75-84 156 Ronald Williams 98-01 276 46 0 0 0 0 1999, 2000 90 Paul Osbaldiston (3) is the Tiger-Cats all- Jason Riley 84-93 152 Rocky DiPietro 78-91 274 45 0 2 0 0 1981 36 time scoring leader, responsible for 2,859 Peter Dyakowski 07-16 148 Archie Amerson 97-05 274 45 0 2 0 0 1998 48 points during his time with Hamilton from 1986 to 2003. Ellison Kelly 60-70 147 TOUCHDOWNS Bill Danychuk 65-75 145 PLAYER YRS TOT RSH PSS OFF PNT KO FG INT FUM Mike Morreale 97-06 144 Earl Winfield 87-97 87 0 75 75 11 1 0 0 0 Ben Zambiasi 78-87 142 Garney Henley 60-75 56 6 42 48 0 0 0 5 3 Danny McManus 98-05 141 Tommy Grant 56-68 54 2 51 53 0 1 0 0 0 SEASONS Dave Fleming 65-74 50 28 21 49 0 0 0 0 1 PLAYER YRS NO. Brandon Banks 13-19 52 5 34 39 7 1 5 0 0 Paul Osbaldiston 86-03 18 Ronald Williams 98-01 46 43 3 46 0 0 0 0 0 Garney Henley 60-75 16 Gerry McDougall 57-61,65-66 45 29 15 44 0 0 0 0 1 Chet Miksza 52-68 15 Rocky DiPietro 78-91 45 0 45 45 0 0 0 0 0 Vince Scott 49-62 14 Archie Amerson 97-05 45 8 37 45 0 0 0 0 0 Pete Neumann 51-64 14 PASSING John Barrow 57-70 14 PLAYER YRS ATT COM PCT INT TD LG YDS EFF Rocky DiPietro 78-91 14 Danny McManus 98-05 4,256 2,367 55.6 166 164 92 33,825 78.1 Tommy Grant 56-68 13 Mike Kerrigan 86-91, 95-96 2,393 1,274 52.2 139 97 77 17,761 66.7 Angelo Mosca 58-72 13 Bernie Faloney 57-64 2,060 1,065 51.7 135 121 96 17,425 72.7 Bob Krouse 63-75 13 Tom Clements 79-83 1,603 977 60.9 68 82 86 13,467 87.3 Dale Sanderson 85-97 13 Joe Zuger 62-71 1,618 814 50.3 95 76 108 12,676 67.8 Jeremiah Masoli 13-19 1,538 1,015 66.0 45 70 84 13,110 95.6 Kevin Glenn 09-11 1,479 936 63.3 41 70 71 12,146 93.3 Grover Covington is the Tiger-Cats all-time Zach Collaros 14-17 1,396 930 66.6 32 66 63 11,342 97.7 leader in quarterback sacks with 157. Henry Burris 12-13 1,172 765 65.3 37 67 95 10,294 99.1 Anthony Calvillo 95-97 928 528 56.9 45 44 82 7,579 79.1 Jimmy Jones 76-78 861 477 55.4 34 30 76 5,989 72.4 Chuck Ealey 72-74 692 400 57.8 30 38 76 5,897 86.0 Todd Dillon 89-94 886 468 52.8 33 26 75 5,867 68.0 ALL-TIME INDIVIDUAL LEADERS COMBINED YARDS RECEIVINGRECEIVING (CONT’D) PLAYER YRS RSH PSS SCR PR KOR FGM TOT PLAYER YRS REC YDS AVG LG TD BEST YDS Earl Winfield 87-97 67 10,119 10,186 2,834 1,650 128 14,798 Brandon Banks 13-19 319 4,370 13.7 78 34 2018 1,423 Brandon Banks 13-19 311 4,370 4,681 2,864 3,689 721 11,955 Tommy Joe Coffey 67-72 261 4,126 15.8 83 35 1969 1,110 Tommy Grant 56-68 559 6,461 7,020 1,195 1,998 0 10,213 Andy Fantuz 12-17 348 4,052 11.6 64 21 2016 1,059 Rocky DiPietro 78-91 25 9,761 9,786 3 29 0 9,818 Keith Baker 81-84 238 3,763 15.8 81 31 1982 1,282 Archie Amerson 97-05 356 6,266 6,622 921 2,043 0 9,586 Paul Dekker 56-62 234 3,718 15.9 61 27 1960 790 Garney Henley 60-75 552 4,657 5,209 2,944 947 0 9,100 Dave Fleming 65-74 233 3,624 15.6 108 21 1968 768 Rufus Crawford 79-85 1,544 2,847 4,391 2,461 2,184 0 9,036 Hal Patterson 61-67 163 3,407 20.9 95 22 1962 881 Troy Davis 01-05 5,296 1,511 6,807 0 1,184 0 7,991 RECEPTIONS Dave Fleming 65-74 3,398 3,624 7,022 137 787 0 7,946 PLAYER YRS REC YDS AVG LG TD BEST REC Gerry McDougall 57-61, 65-66 4,270 2,272 6,542 0 465 0 7,007 Rocky DiPietro 78-91 706 9,761 13.8 80 45 1986 86 Steve Stapler 81-88 -10 5,789 5,779 443 776 0 6,998 Earl Winfield 87-97 573 10,119 17.7 81 75 1995 92 Jimmy Edwards 76-78 3,467 976 4,443 1,488 1,017 0 6,948 Luke Tasker 13-19 445 5,620 12.6 64 35 2017 104 Wally Zatylny 88-95 -18 1,764 1,746 1,777 3,012 102 6,637 Archie Amerson 97-04 431 6,266 14.5 75 37 2003 75 RUSHING Darren Flutie 98-02 405 5,796 14.3 73 26 1998 98 PLAYER YRS ATT YDS AVG LG TD BEST YDS Mike Morreale 97-01,04-06 402 5,179 12.9 92 19 2004 75 Troy Davis 01-05 1,053 5,296 5.0 75 30 2004 1,628 Steve Stapler 81-88 348 5,789 16.6 83 40 1987 85 Gerry McDougall 57-61, 65-66 845 4,270 5.1 88 29 1958 1,109 Andy Fantuz 12-17 348 4,052 11.6 64 21 2016 101 Willie Bethea 63-70 781 3,919 5.0 55 20 1967 737 Tony Champion 85-92 340 5,498 16.2 83 37 1989 95 Ronald Williams 98-01 748 3,703 5.0 70 43 2000 1,264 Tommy Grant 56-68 324 6,461 19.9 91 51 2 times 44 Jimmy Edwards 76-78 641 3,467 5.4 87 15 1977 1,581 Brandon Banks 13-19 319 4,370 13.7 78 34 2018 94 Dave Fleming 65-74 744 3,398 4.6 47 28 1969 641 Andrew Grigg 95-02 318 5,293 16.6 81 27 2001 77 Andy Hopkins 73-75 552 2,629 4.8 97 13 1973 1,223 Tommy Joe Coffey 67-72 261 4,126 15.8 83 35 1969 71 DeAundra’ Cobb 09-10 443 2,390 5.4 52 13 2009 1,217 PUNT RETURNS C.J. Gable 13-17 407 2,372 5.8 53 17 2013 782 PLAYER YRS NO. YDS AVG LG TD BEST YDS Bernie Faloney 57-64 477 2,151 4.5 51 25 1960 465 Garney Henley 60-75 361 2,944 8.2 80 0 1965 657 Derrick McAdoo 89-91, 95 515 2,116 4.1 45 18 1989 1,039 Brandon Banks 13-19 274 2,864 10.5 97 7 2015 930 Jesse Lumsden 05-08 285 1,797 6.3 75 9 2007 743 Earl Winfield 87-97 281 2,834 10.1 101 11 1988 865 Cookie Gilchrist 56-57 334 1,790 5.4 76 10 1957 938 Rufus Crawford 79-85 277 2,461 8.9 94 2 1984 1,107 Ken Hobart 85-87 228 1,761 7.7 44 13 1985 928 Ron Howell 54-62 388 2,442 6.3 90 5 1955 580 Avon Cobourne 11-12 326 1,698 5.2 46 10 2011 961 Wally Zatylny 88-95 219 1,777 8.0 66 3 1989 523 Archie Amerson 97-04 356 1,654 4.6 70 8 1998 703 Dave Shaw 75-82 163 1,767 10.8 102 1 1982 421 RECEIVING Paul Bennett 84-87 185 1,554 8.4 99 1 1986 728 PLAYER YRS REC YDS AVG LG TD BEST YDS Jimmy Edwards 76-78 138 1,488 10.8 103 1 1976 690 Earl Winfield 87-97 573 10,119 17.7 81 75 1995 1,496 Chris Williams 11-12, 18 97 1,259 13.0 89 5 2012 1,117 Rocky DiPietro 78-91 706 9,761 13.8 80 45 1982 1,160 Tommy Grant 56-68 209 1,195 5.7 83 0 1963 271 Tommy Grant 56-68 324 6,461 19.9 91 51 1984 1,029 Archie Amerson 97-04 431 6,266 14.5 75 37 2000 1,198 Darren Flutie 98-02 405 5,796 14.3 73 26 1998 1,386 Steve Stapler 81-88 348 5,789 16.6 83 40 1987 1,516 Luke Tasker 13-19 445 5,620 12.6 64 35 2017 1,167 Tony Champion 85-92 340 5,498 16.2 83 37 1989 1,656 Andrew Grigg 95-02 318 5,293 16.6 81 27 2001 1,150 Mike Morreale 97-01,04-06 402 5,179 12.9 92 19 1998 1,076 Garney Henley 60-75 243 4,657 19.2 96 42 1972 881 ALL-TIME INDIVIDUAL LEADERS KICKOFF RETURNS DEFENSIVE TACKLES (87-19) SPECIAL TEAMS TACKLES (91-19) PLAYER YRS NO.

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