State Historical SOOi~ty .....-- "~--.~;~ State HOUSG :.9' ~..-._---..~ , Nearly 100 Per Cent • AUD,lTED LIST Coverage of County Into 2,500 Ilomes Field 1 12,500 READERS ....•.•...•..•..••••• ~ ESTABLISIIED APRIL 1882. THE ORO QUIZ, ORO, NEBRASKA,: THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1934. VOL. 52 NO. 14 New Heat Records Roy Cochran Accepts ; =! LAST MINUTE In Last Ten Days CONTRACTS NOW Filing Fqr Governor VACATION'RS ARE'FourthCelebratedof JulyQUIetlyIs. CATTLE,'BUYING The, month of June, 1934, wlll Fourth of July wall' celebrated FILING FLURRY probably go down in history as the REJ\DYTO SIGN, GET TIN GTASTE this year by Valley county ~ople BY GOVERNMENT. hottest and dryest on record in in a quiet manner, either in famIly TO B Ord .and the unusual weather is . • picnics or in attending celebrations EGIN SOON PACKS BALtOT continuing into July, according to SAYS COMMI'ITEE OF HOT WEATHER grven at Elyria, Olement's grove temperature reports compiled by and Leudtke'e grove. The weather W. A. Anderson. T~e high tern- CW . was cool and cloudy and most New Candidates For County perature on each day since June orn-Hog ork Will Be Fin- But Cullen Lake Country Also people enjoyed the day greatly. Valley County Called Emer­ Office Keep County Clerk On 24 is reported by Mr. Anderson as ished Within Next Week; Has Plenty of Rain; Ra'y No accidents .from ttreworks or gency Drouth Area, Inspectors rottowa: June 24-102; June 25- automobiles have been reported. Jump Until 5:00 July 3nI. 95; June 26-106; June 27-100; 21,856 Hogs Eliminated. Luther Salvages Logs. To Be Here Next Week. June 28-100; June 29-100; June f Fire at Kruml 1I0me. With no less than fifteen new 30-95; July 1-100; July 2-100; Some precincts In V·alley coun- }'ISII ARE BITISG GOOD The fire department was called With Valley county named as a 'C4ndidates for V/1.11ey county of· July 3-107. ty will be ready to sign corn-hog to the home of Dr. J. G. Kruml pri~ary AT CULLEN LAKE. Saturday, because of a smoulder­ drouth area, federal cattle nces having filed during the last No motsture of any consequence adjustment contracts within the .1 card recelved )·esterday from buying will get underway in four three days of the legal period for has fallen here during the past next week if no further delay ing fire In the basement. Not H. D. Legg'eH, publisher of the much damage was done by fire but potnts next week, it has been an­ filing which ended at 5:00 p, m, week, though there has been prom- should develop, it was announced Quiz, states that flsh are biting nounced by Agricultural Agent C. July 3rd, the ballot in tWs county ise of rain almost every day. this week by the county allotment the house filled with smoke, C. Dale. Several other counties in will be built on gargantuan pro- Monday night about an inch fell committee. Final figures on corn fast and furious at Cullen lake. causing considerable inconven­ Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Leggett ience and smoke damage. the state were designated as prim­ portions when the primary election east of Sumter, one report says. acreage and yields, hogs produced took 12 mlnnows and went flsh· ary areas at the same time as 'was is held August 14. It w1l1 be the The drouth situation grows more for market and on hand when con­ Ing, returnlng In a short time Valley county. ' longest ballot in Valley county serious dally and is complicated by tracts were signed are now being ,,,lUI 7 large bass. They also In preparation for the cattle buy­ htl/tory.' the extremely hot weather. placed in the contraets., caught several smaller ones that PROSPECTS GOOD Ing program, which Is designed as' Candidates who filed after the Notice of dates and places for were restored to the water. a relief measure and one to da­ complete Ust was published in last LEGION PLANNING signIng' contracts, also showing "Could hale flUed the boat," crease the number of cattle on weeks issue include: payments on corn and hogs will be writes Publfsher Leggett. RaJ' FOR IRRIGATION Iarmst Dale together with Bert Miss Erna R. Malottke, county mailed to all contract signers a few and Clarence Luther, the gnldes, Cornell attended a dlatrlct confer­ superintendent, non-political. days in advance of the date of stgn- ence at Loup City Monday. There RAISE MONE·.YFOR R.OY *HRAN wlth foul," ChIcago men1 brought . Miss Malottke is a Valley coun-. lng, Marion Cushing, allotment Roy Cochran,'·.e-fficient head of In 36 bass the same aay. Yes, WITHFERAMONEY W. W. Derrick, extension animal ty product, for she received her . committee chairman said. Nebraska's dep!rtment of roads Ilshlng' must be good at Cullen husbandman at the college of agrt­ elementary education in Dist. 57 In submItting adjusted ecru-hog culture, explained the plan to rep­ BAND UN IFOR MS and irrigation tor a number of lake. Mr. Leggett Is expected Conference At Lincoln Today of this county, and graduated from contracts to the farmers of this years, Tuesday' announced that home In a few dAys, perhaps the, resentatives from five central Ne­ Ord high school.dn 1923. In 1933 county for their final consideration he would accept petitions filed last of this week. Will Decide; $700,000 Js braska counties. she graduated from the Teachers and signature, the county corn-hog with the. secretary of state, in The schedule of buying in Valley college of the University of Ne- Series of Entertainments To Be allotment committee, which is com- Amount Being Discussed. county, as announced hy Agricul­ g which he was drafted as a demo­ Jack Pine Lodge on Middle b~ashka jreCellnvin a B. S. ddegreq Giwn Soon, Provide Natty posed of Marlon Cushing, Arthur cratic candidate' tor governor. Cullen Lake near Nisswa, tural Agent Dale, includes Arcadia WIt ma ors education an com- Mensing and Don Rounds, makes The 'petitions contained over 10,000 Minnesota, June 27, 1934. That there is an excellent pros­ Monday; North Loup, Tuesday; Ord merclal arts. She holds both an Clothes for II. S. Band. the following formal statement: Dear Quiz Readers: pect for development of an irriga­ Wednesday; and ElyrIa, Thursday. j elementary Ilfe certificate, and a "It has been necessary for the signatures from all parts of the ) state. It nominated and elected I am astontshed at how hot it tion project in the North Loup Other dates will be arranged if high school life certificate, valid allotment committee to reduce and can get here in a short time. This vall~y with rundsallocated to the farmers wish to sell more cattle. i n eraska . · The Ord high school band, under adjust a number of hogs and corn Mr. Cochran promises full co-oper­ i N b . th the dIrection of Dean S. Duncan, ation with the "new deal" and morning and for several mornings, Federal Emergency Relier Ad­ The plan, which Dale describes Miss Ma1 0ttk eh as been m e acres entered by the tarmers in ministration, was the cheering as absolutely voluntary In that teaching profession for eight year", has appeared in several music the contracts. The reduction in hog promtsea the state an efficient we have had a little fire. It was and 18 known as a successful contests during the past two years business administration. more comfortable, and it has been news brought back from Lincoln tarmers can sell part of their herds teacher wherever she has served.! and the quality of music dlspensed numbers will mean a lower bene­ real cool as soon as the sun was Monday evening bY, Bert M. Har­ or none' at all after appraisal, con­ She has had six years of rural ex-I has entitled the band to high rank- fit payment on hogs and a lower down at night, so we built a fire. denbrook, president or the district. templates the removal of inferior animals. The government is not perlence in Valley county, having Ing. However: in judging the var- ~~l~t~:~t ~~d~~fi~ntoinbeco~~r~~~~~ The days have been delightfully The project has not yet been de­ CITY COUNCIL cool, too, but today it is hot, like Unitely approved but further con­ undertaking to buy cattle in good taught two years each in Districts Ious bands, crlttcs always take in- wtll affect only the number of acres ferences are being held today and flesh and farmers are advised to 47, 42, and 46. She taught one to consideration the appearance of grown for grain in 1934, and in a Eugene has been writing it was at I home. Someone says it is above 90 it is hoped that the matter may be sell such animals on the open mar­ year in the grammar grades at the hand as well as the excellence few cases the maximum number of DECIDES BUILD this afternoon and almost everyone settled today or Friday. ket or elsewhere. Farmers through­ North Loup, and this past year has of its music and in the former re- contracted acres. out the country ;have requested been employed as normal training spect the band has been .sadly tl I in camp has been out In the water Mr. Hardenbrook met Monday commercial instructor In handicapped by its lack of suitable "Federal sta st clans set a quota trying to keep cool. We have had with Rowland Haynes, FERA ad­ that the government adopt such re­ and if of hogs and corn acres for Nebras- SWIMMING POOL five nice rains here since we came ministrator for Nebraska.
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