July 2014 / issue 03 overview E D I T O R I A L O A R D EDITORIAL Dear readers, Pi Aairs e ie PA F AF P tavrs A whole year almost passed since the change of our A edia nitrin Anasis A eris Ptraer Adin A F eris magazine and we have delightedly reached the third issue of the NRDC-GR Herald. Our initial, as well as constant, niatin nratin e ambition is to be the Herald views, opinions and enquires eai inarrnatint eai ndraai unfolded among the NRDC-GR staff and not only. nrdr e anne tesernrdreee Our Magazine constitutes a multinational forum where not only official stances are conveyed but also anyone can editorial address to a wide audience his views and researches over N R D C - R Q s ommander’ s Address p 01 several military, historical, sociological, cultural and other issues of common interest. You are invited to contact us for special guests any further collaboration you want. We are open to all! C ommander A D C O M isit to R D C - R - tatement p 02 C ommander F O R isit to R D C - R - nterview p 05 What is more, the PAO has made a remarkable attempt Never Again: Illusions and Realities - Alexandros P. Mallias p.10 at ameliorating the public image of the Headquarters; this newsletter magazine has in fact began being distributed in articles a greater number of recipients within Greece as well as to New Chief of Staff in NRDC-GR p.14 foreign receivers, which currently include NATO Headquar- Exercise Gordian Bonus I/2014 (GOBS I/14) p.15 ters and other organizations in more than15 nations. If we The Role of Legal Advisor in Operational Planning Process p.17 Terrorism Considerations in the 21st Century Security Environment p 1 have achieved in doing so, it is up to you to comment on it. C ombat tress p 22 N R D C - R hange of ommand p 2 Of course, this change has not only affected the print- Web-Based Training p.29 G8 Branch “Let us introduce ourselves” p.31 ed media related to the NRDC-GR. The website upgrade (www.nrdc.gr), the recent NRDC-GR YouTube channel and seminars - conferences NRDC-GR/Flickr are possibly the reasons which have result- Operations Assessment Seminar 2014 p.32 ed in the increase in its internet traffic, an increase of more Logistics Report Training p.33 than 50% in a daily basis. Operational Planning Seminar p.34 Public Affairs Seminar p.35 Legal Conference p.36 As always, the Public Affairs Office would like to ex- Affiliation Conference 2014 p.37 press its gratitude to our readers for their input and sup- Main Planning Group (MPG) Training Seminar p.38 port. We value your contributions, criticisms, and praises Gordian Pike 2014 (GOPE 14) p.39 ADAMS Training Course p.40 in our goal of informing you on the latest developments at Pre- Deployment Training p.41 NDRC – GR Headquarters. comunity relations I hope you all have a great summer, with time and re- NRDC-GR Visits Affiliated Units p.44 laxation to think and regain strength, so you will have the Hellenic National Defence College (HNDC) Visit to NRDC-GR p.45 ability to move towards all the expected and unexpected NATO NIFC SPRC Visit to NRDC-GR p.46 Visit of the Alternate Minister of National Defense of Greece p.47 future challenges. C ommander of 1st Turkish Army visit to NRDC-GR p.48 Bulgarian Flag Raising Ceremony p.49 Best wishes, Hellenic Flag Raising Ceremony p.50 Stavros SIDIROPOULOS Italian Republic Day Ceremony p.51 OF-5 (HAF) Romanian Flag Raising ceremony p.52 Chief PAO/StratCom Advisor EDITORIAL COM NRDC-GR HQs Lieutenant General LEONTARIS Ilias L at the history of N R D C - and following the Alliance’s steps, HQ Secondary Training Audience. G R , from its humble beginnings to here NRDC -G R has started its upgrade to a On the verge of Gordian Knot 2014 we are today, it is clear to me that this High Readiness (Land) HQ, demonstrat- and ith our minds set on the upgrade organization will continue to play a piv- ing the consistence of both the Frame- w e are more determined than ever. W e otal role ithin the raduated eadiness work and Contributing Nations, to the all must continue our efforts to move for- Forces (Land) community. Since the first NATO Level of Ambition to confront the ward by streamlining our procedures in steps of building up this Q , N R D C - R future challenges. all domains appl ing in parallel the rel- has evolved immensel and has estab- Framework Nation’s decision to up- evant lessons identified and core docu- lished a good reputation among the rel- grade the Q as the trigger for R D C - ments refinement in order to consolidate evant ATO Q s GR to make the “HRF HQ project” hap- the HRF status by the end of 2014, thus As the current Commander I will con- pen. Being involved in the NRF domain creating the desirable conditions for a tinue to build upon the visions of my pre- for 3 years, the HQ has started its reori- successful evaluation in 2015. decessors and the groundbreaking work, entation back to the “war fighting mind- W hile e set the ground for the R E - which this organization has carried out set”, challenged by the new ambitious VAL in 2015, our mind is on our next task over the past 13 years. task. as Joint Task Force HQ as it is foreseen in E ntering the post S A era ATO is The initiated transformation in all the Long Term Rotation Plan. We need to seeking its new role on the global chess- domains has been supported by vari- enhance our coordination and coopera- board and decided a more functional ous training activities combined with a tion with NCS and NFS HQs, to conduct new structure aiming towards “NATO lot of staff work with regard to the core our transition in a smooth and timely Forces 2020”. A number of relevant ac- documents revision and refinement to manner. tions have been launched like the “Con- reflect the changes deriving from the The quality and dedication of our staff nected Forces Initiative”, the “Mutual new status along with the support of the framework Training Support” and the “Joint Task Our main focus for 2014 is the exer- and the participating nations and above Force Headquarters” concept, which add cise Gordian Knot 14, nested in LAND- all, our ambition and aspiration to move more burdens on our shoulders COM exercise Trident Lance 14. NRDC- forward pledge the continuation of our Facing the multi-complex and rapid- GR will deploy and exercise as a Corp successful past. ly changing global security environment level HQ in its own location, acting as 01 s ecial uests COM LANDCOM Lt Gen Frederick Ben Hodges Visit to NRDC-GR O n J une 3 0th 2014 the ommander bilities and way ahead of NRDC-GR fol- GORDIAN KNOT-14 with LANDCOM. ( C O M ) of and ommand ( L A D C O M ) lowed by a discussion on the upcoming Later on, General Hodges, accompa- L ieutenant G eneral rederic B en O D G - common exercise with LANDCOM and nied by COM NRDC-GR, was transferred ES paid an official visit to NRDC-GR HQ. NATO issues. to Roupel Fortress, at the northern bor- The Hellenic Chief of Defense General The COM LANDCOM during the dis- der of Greece, one of the most historical Mikhail KOSTARAKOS welcomed the COM cussion highlighted the following: and significant military installations, built LANDCOM in an official dinner hosted by The quality of NRDC-GR HQ’s person- in 1914. COM NRDC-GR Lieutenant General Ilias nel During his tour to Roupel, the Gen- LEONTARIS in his residence on 29th of His commitment to the effort to in- eral received wide briefings in each part June. clude USA personnel in the manning of the fortress installations regarding An official welcome ceremony took of NRDC-GR the significant role that “Metaxas Line” place in NRDC-GR HQ premises on 30th The significant improvement achieved played during WWII defensive operations of June followed by an office call by COM by NRDC-GR for the HRF upgrade. by the Hellenic Army. His appreciation for the contribution NRDC-GR HQ. A briefing delivered to the A short statement of COM LANDCOM and positive stance of NRDC-GR during distinguished visitor in the HQ’s main given to NRDC-GR public affairs team the collaborative Crisis Response Plan- planning conference room “Alexander concluded the visit. the Great” for the history, mission, capa- ning for the exercise TRIDENT LANCE/ 2 s ecial uests and NCOs to get the experience serving here, to learn the culture, to build rela- tionships with the officers and under- stand the Greek army as well as the other parts of NRDC Greece. The next thing I want to say is how im- pressed I am with the story of the soldiers here at the fortification of Roupel. Amaz- ing vision by the leader of Greece to de- velop the “Metaxas Line”, the work that was done by soldiers without modern en- gineering equipment, by hand to build this fortification is an incredible accom- plishment and then the determination of the soldiers to fight here to accomplish their mission against ,really, significant odds to be as successful as they were.
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