7 302 HOLBEACil, LINCOLNSHIRE. [KELLY S EAST ELLOE RURAL DISTRICT COUKCII.... Registrars of ~Iarriages, Holbeach district, Chr:stopher Meets at the Board room, Union workhouse, monthly on Motrshall, Church street, Holbeach: Long Sutton dis­ thursdays, at 1 p.m. trict, William H. W uolcock, Long Sutton Chairman, B. Banks, Gedney Dyke. The W urkhouse, at Fleet, is a structure of brick, built in The district comprises the following parishes :-Fleet, 1837 at a cost of £5,8I2, since rgoo alterations have Gedney, Gedney Hill, Lutton, Sutton St. Edmunds, been made at a cost of about £3,560: it will now hold Sutton St. James, Sutton (Little), Tydd St. Mary, 419 inmates; Edward Evans L.R.C.P.Lond. medical Whaplode and Wingland. The area is 50,539 acres; officer; Henry Kent, master; Mrs. A. L. Kent,matron rateable value in 1904, £8 I ,814; population in Igor, PUBLIC OFFICERS. 8,228. Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, Arthur Blithe Vise L.R.C.P. Clerk, Richard Peele Mossap, West end Land. High street Treasurer, Alexander Peckover, "Wisbech Assistant Overseer & Collector of Poor Rates, .Albert Hun­ Medical Officer of Health, Edward Evans M.R.C.S.Eng., ter, Market hill, Holbeach L.R.C.P.Lond. Tollthorpe house, Holbeach Inspector of Police, John Wackett, Police station, Edin­ Surveyor of High»ays, Fred Musk, Sutton st. J ames bmgh walk Sanitary Inspe:ctor, T. N. Wain, Rolbeach Vestry Clerk, John Phipps Sturton, High streE)t Town Crier, Ern est Hamment Cop eland, High 11tree' PUBLIC ESTABLISH~IE:!\TS. Ce!Iletery, Thomas Charles "\Yilllers, High street, clerk; PLACES OF WORSHIP, with time11 of Services. William Harding, keeper All Saints' Church, Holbeach, Rev. Canon Fielder Hem­ County Court, His Honor Sir George Sherston Baker mans M.A. vicar; 10.30 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m..; wed. bart. judge; John Warin Willders, registrar & high & fri. II a.m. & 7 p.m.; other day&, 8 a.m. & 5 p.ln bailiff; Thomas Charles Willders, deputy. "fhe court St. Luke"s Cl:.u~ch, Hurn, Rev. Willia!n Charles Symmon& is held at the Public hall on the first saturday of every Meikleham B.A. vicar; II a. m. & 6.30 p.tn month at 10 a. m. The district comprises the following St. Mark·s Church, Marsh, Rev. Reginald Bond D. .A. places: -Fleet, including Bank Fen, Geduey, Gedney vicar; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m Dyke, Gedney Marsh & Fen, Gedney Drove End, Gei· St. Matthew's Church, Marsh; 2.30 p.m. winter, 3 p.tn. ney Hill, Holbeach, Holbeach Marsh, Holbeach Drove, summer Holbeach Fen, Lutton, Sutton St. Mary, Sutton St. St. John's Church, Fen, Rev. Charles King Watkins Matthew, otherwise Sutton, Sutton Bridge, including M.A. Yicar; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m Sutton Marsh; Sutton St. James, Sutton Fen, Sutton Baptist, Albert street, Rev. Thomas Burton Curry; St. Edmunds, Tydd St. Mary, Whaplode, Whaplode 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. 7 p.m Marsh & Fen, & Whaplode Drove & Wingland Congregational, Cemetery road, Rev. Frederick Thomas For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that of Weekes; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m King's Lynn, Harry Pearce Gould, 8 King street, Nor­ l\Iethodist Free Church, Albert st. ; 10,30 wich, official receiver a..m. & 6.30 p.m.; mun. 7·45 p.m Rev. John Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of Distress Amend­ Methodist Free Church, Holbeach Hurn; Parkins ment Act, 1888,'' C. B. Hobday, Holbeach; Charles 6.30 p.m E. May, Holbeach & George Hix, Holbe~ch Primiti\·e , Methodist, Edinb~ngh walk County Court Bailiff, William Tindall, Hclbeach (Spaldir'g & Holbeach c.rcuit) ; IO.JO County Police Station, Edinburgh walk, John '\Yackelt, a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m 1.. Rev. George inspector, & 2 constables Primitive Methodist, Roman bank (Spald- r Feaver Fire Brigade, West end, Jn. Chas. Ha.rdy,captain &:; 9 men ing & Holbeach Circuit) ; 2.30 & 6.30 Library & Rea.ding Room,Church st. Percy J.Palmtr.sec p. m. ; thurs. 7. 30 p.m Public Hall, Cemetery road, T. C. \Yillders, sec.; John Wcsleyan, Chapel s~rect; 10.30 a.m. & William Holland, keeper 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m Stamp Office, Post office, The Postmistress ().riss J. L. 'Yesleyan, Hurn; 2.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. Rev. William W. Young), distributor 7 p.m Henry Wesleyan, Marsh; to.3oa.m. & 6.30 p.m.; HOI...BEACH UNION. Weatherill thur::;. 7 p.m Board day, alternate thursdays, at thl' Workhouse, at Wesleyan, :::!t. John's; 2.30 & 6.30 p.m; II a.m. The union comprises the following parishes :-Central thurs. 7 p.m Wingland, Fleet, Gedney, Gedney Hill, Holbeach, Lut­ GRiMMAR SCHOOL. ton, Sutton Bridge, Little Sutton, 1Sutton St. Edrnunds, Sutton St. James, Long Sutton, Tydd St. Mary & Founded & endowed in r66g, by George Farmer, of Wbaplode. '.Dhe population of the union in 1901 was Holbeach, & now a Secondary Bchool, is open to all 17,612; area, 82,426 acres; -asse·ssable value in 1904, children residing in the parilih, from the ages of 7 £141,517 years to 16 years : a. scheme for the management of Chairman to the Buard of Gual'dia:J.s, :r-.1:. R. Thorold, this charity was ismed by the Endowed Schools Com­ Sutton Bridge mission in 1874, by which the management is vested Clerk to the Guardians & .Asse~sment Committee, in 13 governors: new school premise11 were built in Richard Peele Mossop, '\Vest end, Holbeach I377: the endowment is variable, but now amounts to Treasurer, Alexander Peckover, Barclay's Bank, Holbeach about £220 yearly; master Relieving Officers, Holbeach district, Rob J. Marshal!, West end, Holbeach ; Long Sutton district, Reuben PUBLIC ELEME~T.ARY SCHOOLS. Temperton, Long Sutton The following five schools are controlled by six managers, Vaccination Officers, Long Sutton district, Reuben Tem­ appointed June, 1903; J. W. Wilders & Son, corres­ perton, Long Sutton; Holbeach district, Rob J. appointed June, 1903; J. W. Willders & Son, corres­ Marshall, West end, Holbeach Church street (boys), built in 1877, for 230 children; Collectors of Poor Rates, Albert Hunter, .Albert 11treet, average attendance, 144; Ernest Cunnington, master Holbeach; Charles Warren, Long Sutton, Sutton St. Holbeach bank (mixed), built in 1887, for 145 children; James, via Wisbech average attendance, 108; George Campling, master Medical Officers, Gedney Hill district, Michael W elldon St. John's (mixed), built in 1887, for HIO children; Rice M.D., C.M. GPdney Hill; Lutton district, James average attendance, 71; Alec Cheyne, master Morris Menzies M.D., C.M. Long Sntton; Long Sut­ St. Luke's (mixed), Hurn, erected in 1870 for 120 ton district, Alfred Tom Rimell M.D. Long Sutton; children; average attendance, 65; Frederick .Alldred, Holheach North district, William Henry O'Meara master L.R.C.P.Edin. High street, Holbeach; Holbeach South Boston road (infants), built in 1896, for 180 children; district, Arthur Blithe Vise L.R.C.P.Lond. High st. average attenrlance, 95; Mrs. E. Field, mistress Holbeach ; Sutton Bridge district, J ames Geo. Blyth The following ,schools are each governed by separate Coleman L.R.C.P.Lond. Sutton Bridge; Tydd district, managers Alfred Tom Rimell M.R.C.S.Eng. Long Sutton All Saints' (girls), built in 1844, for r6o children; aver­ Public Vaccinators, the same as the District Medical Officrs age attendance, 139; Miss Annie Ogden, mistress Superintendent Registrar, R:chard P. Moswp, West end; St. Mark's, Marsh, erected, with master's house, in deputy, Samuel S. Mossop, Long Sutton 1870, by the Rev. John H. Jowitt M.A. late vicar, at Registrars of Births & Deaths, Gedney Hill sub-distrid, a cost of £627, & opened October 3rd, 187o, for 72 Miss Whihed, Gednry Hill; deputy, Mrs. Whitsed, children; avenge attendance, 48; George Bailey,master Gedney Hill; Holbeach sub-district, Rob Jspb. Marsball, St. Matthew's (mixed), built in 1885, at a cost of [3r3: "IV' est end, IIolbeach; deputy, Robert E. Pattenoon. West it will hold 8o ('hiltlren; average attendance, 45; Mrs. stree\, Holbeach; Loni!" Sutton sub-district,Miss Edith Esther Hinchcli!'!', mistress Creak, Long Suttcin; dPputy, G. Humphrie11, Long Sutton Railway Station, II. W. Beckett .. station ma!lter .
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