H2666 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 24, 2008 who ensure the safety of the maritime diligence and work, and also for ex- ranking member, Mr. MICA, relative to industry prepare for these highly tech- pressing his remaining concerns. waterside security for liquefied natural nical jobs by meeting requisite train- I also want to express my apprecia- gas facilities. ing standards. The bill also requires tion to the chairman of our sub- Again, I want to thank the Chair of that as new liquefied natural gas (LNG) committee, Mr. CUMMINGS, who I’ve the subcommittee and the full com- terminals are approved, all of the re- had the pleasure now of working with mittee for working with us. I want to sources necessary to adequately secure about a year and a half, and I will tell thank Mr. BOUSTANY for his dogged these terminals are in place. I empha- you there is no Member that is more work to make sure that we come up size that these provisions will not im- dedicated to not only the mission of with a resolution that not only fits pede the development of any new the Coast Guard, but the safety of with the reality of assets that are project. They will simply ensure that those that they entrust with super- available, builds on a long tradition security requirements are met before vising. It is a pleasure to serve in the that we established in 2005, but also new terminals become operational. post of ranking member with Mr. permits us to move forward with the Further, H.R. 2830 will set new and CUMMINGS as the chairman. goal of attaining cheaper energy for increasingly stringent standards for And, also, a special affection for the Americans through the form of natural the treatment of ballast water through chairman of the full committee. I made gas. which invasive species have been intro- the observation at the beginning of With that, Mr. Chairman, I thank the duced to some of our Nation’s most this Congress, and I’ll repeat it again Chair very much and would reserve the fragile marine environments, such as today, that obviously, as a Republican, balance of my time. the Chesapeake Bay. It will also give none of us were excited about being The CHAIRMAN. The Committee will mariners the right to have cases in- thrust after 12 years from the majority rise informally. volving the potential suspension or party to the minority party, but if The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. revocation of their professional creden- there was to be a Democratic Chair of TAUSCHER) assumed the chair. tials heard by the National Transpor- the House Transportation and Infra- f tation Safety Board’s administrative structure Committee, there is no one FURTHER MESSAGE FROM THE law judge system. more deserving, in my opinion, perhaps SENATE These provisions respond to compel- in the history of the institution, than ling testimony from former Coast the gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. A further message from the Senate by Ms. Curtis, one of its clerks, an- Guard ALJs indicating that they did OBERSTAR). He really takes our com- not work in an environment that sup- mittee, no matter what the issue, nounced that the Senate has passed a ported their exercise of judicial inde- above partisanship to the goals of the bill of the following title in which the pendence. Mariners who are unsafe Transportation Committee, and that concurrence of the House is requested: should not be on our Nation’s water- is, safeguarding our waterways and S. 2903. An act to amend Public Law 110–196 ways, but fair treatment must be as- building America. to provide for a temporary extension of pro- grams authorized by the Farm Security and sured to all individuals in any legal And, lastly, while I’m saying nice Rural Investment Act of 2002 beyond April proceeding. And the transfer of the things about people, I am pleased, Mr. 25, 2008. Coast Guard’s ALJ function to the Na- Chairman, that the Speaker of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tional Transportation Safety Board House, Mrs. PELOSI, has installed you Committee will resume its sitting. will avoid even the potential appear- as the Chairman of the Committee of ance of unfairness. the Whole for the consideration of this f Finally, the amendment takes sig- piece of legislation. COAST GUARD AUTHORIZATION nificant new steps to ensure that our I rise in strong support of this bill. ACT OF 2008 Nation’s ‘‘shield of freedom’’ resembles And I am especially proud of the bal- The Committee resumed its sitting. the nation it is defending. The bill last water provisions and the marine Mr. OBERSTAR. I would like to in- would require applicants to the Coast safety provisions located within the quire how much time remains on each Guard Academy to be nominated by bill. side. Members of Congress or other authori- This bill will establish national The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman ties. This, in conjunction with ex- standards requiring the treatment of from Minnesota has 21⁄2 minutes re- panded minority recruiting efforts, ballast water to minimize the introduc- maining. The gentleman from Ohio has would draw students from all of our tion of invasive species into the Great 91⁄2 minutes remaining. Nation’s communities to the academy, Lakes and other U.S. waters. The bill Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Chairman, I re- beginning the process that the Com- will build on a lot of work that has al- serve the balance of my time. mandant himself has said is needed to ready been done. Those of us that are Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Chairman, at expand minorities at all ranks of the from the Great Lakes know very well this time, it is my pleasure to yield 3 more than 6,000-member officer corps the importance of this issue. minutes to a gentleman I mentioned in from the current number of 827. I am disappointed that we’ll have a my opening remarks, the gentleman As chairman of the Subcommittee on colloquy later with the chairman of the from Louisiana (Mr. BOUSTANY), who Coast Guard and Maritime Transpor- full committee relative to an amend- has been a true leader in the House of tation, it is my honor to be an original ment that was offered at the Rules Representatives on this issue of shore- cosponsor of H.R. 2830, which will set Committee that would protect millions side and waterside security for LNG fa- standards that will ensure the Coast of recreational boaters from falling cilities. Guard performs at the level it expects under a discharge permitting program Mr. BOUSTANY. I want to thank my of itself while also providing the re- designed for large oceangoing vessels. colleague for yielding time and for his sources necessary to enable the service In the absence of this language, come work with me on an amendment to this to fulfill all of its missions. September recreational voters will be bill that I think will improve the bill. Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Chairman, I facing fines of up to $32,500 a day for I also want to thank the chairman yield myself such time as I may con- violations of program rules. For more and ranking member of the committee sume. than 30 years, Mr. Chairman, both rec- and the ranking member of the full Mr. Chairman, I rise in strong sup- reational and commercial vehicles committee for their work in bringing port of H.R. 2830, and I’ll tell you why were exempted from these programs, together a good bill. in just a second, but just a couple of and I hope that the majority will join I rise in support of the bill, but I editorial notes. One is that it is my be- us to develop language addressing want to emphasize that our Nation has lief that this Coast Guard reauthoriza- these understandings. a growing demand for natural gas, and tion is brought to the floor in the best As well, when we get to the amend- this amendment that I’m going to offer traditions of the Transportation and ment portion of the bill, I have an with my colleague and friend, Mr. Infrastructure Committee. And I want amendment that I’m offering with Mr. LATOURETTE, will help to ensure that to commend the ranking member of BOUSTANY of Louisiana that addresses we don’t halt future domestic liquefied our full committee, Mr. MICA, for his some of the concerns raised by the natural gas expansion. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:48 Apr 25, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24AP7.012 H24APPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE April 24, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2667 Some localities have turned their The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman’s But we won’t move on any bill that backs on this promising energy solu- time has expired. brings on fossil fuels and expansion of tion. And if we’re going to solve our en- Mr. LATOURETTE. I would be happy fossil fuels on this floor. Shame on us. ergy problems in this country, we have to yield 15 seconds to the distinguished What’s another solution? The Coast to make sure that we diversify our gentleman from Minnesota. Guard protects our coast. Look at the sources to the fullest extent. In Lou- Mr. OBERSTAR. Both gentlemen red area over there: the Outer Conti- isiana, we have prided ourselves upon made a splendid statement on the issue nental Shelf, ripe for exploration devel- producing and delivering energy that and during the amendment process.
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