MARTINSBURG, PA EXHIBIT A PENETRATION DATA Atlantic Broadband Penn, LLC Petition for Determination of Effective Competition Franchise Area: Borough of Martinsburg, PA CUID: PA0229 PSID: 003560 Census 2010 Households 842 Census 2013 American Community Survey Household Estimate 887 SBCA DBS Subscriber Households Data (received March 4, 2015) (based on SNL Kagan Zip+4 data) 236 Total DBS Penetration (using Census 2013 American Community Survey Household Estimate) 26.6% Total DBS Penetration (using Census 2010 Households) 28.0% EXHIBIT A-1 CENSUS HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION QT-H1 General Housing Characteristics: 2010 2010 Census Summary File 1 NOTE: For information on confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, and definitions, see http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/doc/sf1.pdf. Geography: Martinsburg borough, Pennsylvania Subject Number Percent OCCUPANCY STATUS Total housing units 899 100.0 Occupied housing units 842842 93.7 Vacant housing units 57 6.3 TENURE Occupied housing units 842 100.0 Owner occupied 576 68.4 Owned with a mortgage or loan 295 35.0 Owned free and clear 281 33.4 Renter occupied 266 31.6 VACANCY STATUS Vacant housing units 57 100.0 For rent 12 21.1 Rented, not occupied 1 1.8 For sale only 10 17.5 Sold, not occupied 1 1.8 For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use 8 14.0 For migratory workers 0 0.0 Other vacant 25 43.9 TENURE BY HISPANIC OR LATINO ORIGIN OF HOUSEHOLDER BY RACE OF HOUSEHOLDER Occupied housing units 842 100.0 Owner-occupied housing units 576 68.4 Not Hispanic or Latino householder 573 68.1 White alone householder 570 67.7 Black or African American alone householder 0 0.0 American Indian and Alaska Native alone 0 0.0 householder Asian alone householder 1 0.1 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone 0 0.0 householder Some Other Race alone householder 0 0.0 Two or More Races householder 2 0.2 Hispanic or Latino householder 3 0.4 White alone householder 3 0.4 Black or African American alone householder 0 0.0 American Indian and Alaska Native alone 0 0.0 householder Asian alone householder 0 0.0 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone 0 0.0 householder Some Other Race alone householder 0 0.0 Two or More Races householder 0 0.0 Renter-occupied housing units 266 31.6 Not Hispanic or Latino householder 264 31.4 1 of2 03/22/2015 Subject Number Percent White alone householder 261 31.0 Black or African American alone householder 0 0.0 American Indian and Alaska Native alone 0 0.0 householder Asian alone householder 0 0.0 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone 0 0.0 householder Some Other Race alone householder 0 0.0 Two or More Races householder 3 0.4 Hispanic or Latino householder 2 0.2 White alone householder 1 0.1 Black or African American alone householder 0 0.0 American Indian and Alaska Native alone 0 0.0 householder Asian alone householder 0 0.0 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone 1 0.1 householder Some Other Race alone householder 0 0.0 Two or More Races householder 0 0.0 X Not applicable. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census. Summary File 1, Tables H3, H4, H5, and HCT1. 2 of2 03/22/2015 DP04 SELECTED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS 2009-2013-2013 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates Supporting documentation on code lists, subject definitions, data accuracy, and statistical testing can be found on the American Community Survey website in the Data and Documentation section. Sample size and data quality measures (including coverage rates, allocation rates, and response rates) can be found on the American Community Survey website in the Methodology section. Although the American Community Survey (ACS) produces population, demographic and housing unit estimates, it is the Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program that produces and disseminates the official estimates of the population for the nation, states, counties, cities and towns and estimates of housing units for states and counties. Subject Martinsburg borough, Pennsylvania Estimate Margin of Error Percent Percent Margin of Error HOUSING OCCUPANCY Total housing units 931 +/-71 931 (X) Occupied housing units 887 +/-73 95.3% +/-3.7 Vacant housing units 44 +/-35 4.7% +/-3.7 Homeowner vacancy rate 4.8 +/-4.3 (X) (X) Rental vacancy rate 0.0 +/-9.0 (X) (X) UNITS IN STRUCTURE Total housing units 931 +/-71 931 (X) 1-unit, detached 619 +/-66 66.5% +/-5.1 1-unit, attached 88 +/-34 9.5% +/-3.6 2 units 22 +/-18 2.4% +/-2.0 3 or 4 units 42 +/-27 4.5% +/-2.9 5 to 9 units 36 +/-31 3.9% +/-3.3 10 to 19 units 5 +/-7 0.5% +/-0.8 20 or more units 24 +/-13 2.6% +/-1.4 Mobile home 95 +/-27 10.2% +/-2.8 Boat, RV, van, etc. 0 +/-10 0.0% +/-2.6 YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT Total housing units 931 +/-71 931 (X) Built 2010 or later 0 +/-10 0.0% +/-2.6 Built 2000 to 2009 64 +/-28 6.9% +/-3.1 Built 1990 to 1999 36 +/-19 3.9% +/-2.0 Built 1980 to 1989 73 +/-27 7.8% +/-2.9 Built 1970 to 1979 167 +/-47 17.9% +/-4.8 Built 1960 to 1969 81 +/-35 8.7% +/-3.6 Built 1950 to 1959 139 +/-42 14.9% +/-4.5 Built 1940 to 1949 40 +/-21 4.3% +/-2.2 Built 1939 or earlier 331 +/-71 35.6% +/-6.3 ROOMS Total housing units 931 +/-71 931 (X) 1 room 0 +/-10 0.0% +/-2.6 2 rooms 0 +/-10 0.0% +/-2.6 1 of5 03/27/2015 Subject Martinsburg borough, Pennsylvania Estimate Margin of Error Percent Percent Margin of Error 3 rooms 71 +/-46 7.6% +/-4.9 4 rooms 88 +/-29 9.5% +/-3.1 5 rooms 193 +/-59 20.7% +/-5.7 6 rooms 231 +/-46 24.8% +/-5.0 7 rooms 155 +/-49 16.6% +/-5.0 8 rooms 51 +/-25 5.5% +/-2.7 9 rooms or more 142 +/-49 15.3% +/-5.2 Median rooms 6.0 +/-0.2 (X) (X) BEDROOMS Total housing units 931 +/-71 931 (X) No bedroom 0 +/-10 0.0% +/-2.6 1 bedroom 80 +/-44 8.6% +/-4.7 2 bedrooms 249 +/-57 26.7% +/-5.6 3 bedrooms 460 +/-69 49.4% +/-6.6 4 bedrooms 130 +/-48 14.0% +/-5.1 5 or more bedrooms 12 +/-12 1.3% +/-1.3 HOUSING TENURE Occupied housing units 887 +/-73 887 (X) Owner-occupied 621 +/-68 70.0% +/-6.0 Renter-occupied 266 +/-60 30.0% +/-6.0 Average household size of owner-occupied unit 2.13 +/-0.19 (X) (X) Average household size of renter-occupied unit 1.93 +/-0.27 (X) (X) YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT Occupied housing units 887 +/-73 887 (X) Moved in 2010 or later 118 +/-39 13.3% +/-4.3 Moved in 2000 to 2009 353 +/-65 39.8% +/-6.6 Moved in 1990 to 1999 176 +/-53 19.8% +/-5.8 Moved in 1980 to 1989 93 +/-41 10.5% +/-4.4 Moved in 1970 to 1979 50 +/-27 5.6% +/-2.9 Moved in 1969 or earlier 97 +/-33 10.9% +/-3.7 VEHICLES AVAILABLE Occupied housing units 887 +/-73 887 (X) No vehicles available 71 +/-27 8.0% +/-3.1 1 vehicle available 313 +/-70 35.3% +/-6.9 2 vehicles available 354 +/-79 39.9% +/-8.1 3 or more vehicles available 149 +/-39 16.8% +/-4.4 HOUSE HEATING FUEL Occupied housing units 887 +/-73 887 (X) Utility gas 94 +/-41 10.6% +/-4.4 Bottled, tank, or LP gas 9 +/-10 1.0% +/-1.1 Electricity 213 +/-44 24.0% +/-4.7 Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. 503 +/-68 56.7% +/-5.8 Coal or coke 11 +/-12 1.2% +/-1.4 Wood 43 +/-21 4.8% +/-2.4 Solar energy 0 +/-10 0.0% +/-2.8 Other fuel 10 +/-13 1.1% +/-1.4 No fuel used 4 +/-6 0.5% +/-0.6 SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS Occupied housing units 887 +/-73 887 (X) Lacking complete plumbing facilities 0 +/-10 0.0% +/-2.8 Lacking complete kitchen facilities 0 +/-10 0.0% +/-2.8 No telephone service available 17 +/-15 1.9% +/-1.7 2 of5 03/27/2015 Subject Martinsburg borough, Pennsylvania Estimate Margin of Error Percent Percent Margin of Error OCCUPANTS PER ROOM Occupied housing units 887 +/-73 887 (X) 1.00 or less 883 +/-74 99.5% +/-0.7 1.01 to 1.50 4 +/-6 0.5% +/-0.7 1.51 or more 0 +/-10 0.0% +/-2.8 VALUE Owner-occupied units 621 +/-68 621 (X) Less than $50,000 95 +/-34 15.3% +/-5.2 $50,000 to $99,999 155 +/-41 25.0% +/-6.0 $100,000 to $149,999 138 +/-39 22.2% +/-6.3 $150,000 to $199,999 184 +/-52 29.6% +/-7.4 $200,000 to $299,999 29 +/-20 4.7% +/-3.1 $300,000 to $499,999 13 +/-13 2.1% +/-2.1 $500,000 to $999,999 0 +/-10 0.0% +/-3.9 $1,000,000 or more 7 +/-10 1.1% +/-1.6 Median (dollars) 118,900 +/-12,494 (X) (X) MORTGAGE STATUS Owner-occupied units 621 +/-68 621 (X) Housing units with a mortgage 296 +/-55 47.7% +/-7.2 Housing units without a mortgage 325 +/-58 52.3% +/-7.2 SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS (SMOC) Housing units with a mortgage 296 +/-55 296 (X) Less than $300 0 +/-10 0.0% +/-8.1 $300 to $499 0 +/-10 0.0% +/-8.1 $500 to $699 27 +/-16 9.1% +/-5.9 $700 to $999 84 +/-35 28.4% +/-10.9 $1,000 to $1,499 152 +/-51 51.4% +/-12.1 $1,500 to $1,999 19 +/-17 6.4% +/-5.7 $2,000 or more 14 +/-15 4.7% +/-5.1 Median (dollars) 1,091 +/-71 (X) (X) Housing units without a mortgage 325 +/-58 325 (X) Less than $100 0 +/-10 0.0% +/-7.4 $100 to $199 26 +/-20 8.0% +/-5.9 $200 to $299 50 +/-33 15.4% +/-9.5 $300 to $399 60 +/-28 18.5% +/-8.2 $400 or more 189 +/-48 58.2% +/-11.8 Median (dollars) 437 +/-46 (X) (X) SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME (SMOCAPI) Housing units with a mortgage (excluding units where 296 +/-55 296 (X) SMOCAPI cannot be computed) Less than 20.0 percent 143 +/-39 48.3% +/-10.2 20.0 to 24.9 percent 63 +/-28 21.3% +/-8.7 25.0 to 29.9 percent 14 +/-12 4.7% +/-3.9 30.0 to 34.9 percent 43 +/-27 14.5% +/-8.5 35.0 percent or more 33 +/-20 11.1% +/-6.4 Not computed 0 +/-10 (X) (X) Housing unit without a mortgage (excluding units 325 +/-58 325 (X) where SMOCAPI cannot be computed) Less than 10.0 percent 69 +/-26 21.2% +/-7.8 10.0 to 14.9 percent 48 +/-24 14.8% +/-7.4 15.0 to 19.9 percent 74 +/-38 22.8% +/-9.9 3 of5 03/27/2015 Subject Martinsburg borough, Pennsylvania Estimate Margin of Error Percent Percent Margin of Error 20.0 to 24.9 percent 53 +/-26 16.3% +/-7.1 25.0 to 29.9 percent 26 +/-21 8.0% +/-6.4 30.0 to 34.9
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