GAYELLOW PAGES 1 GAYELLOW PAGES GAYELLOW PAGESTM INFORMING THE LGBTQIA+ COMMUNITY SINCE 1973 ONLINE UPDATE September 2021 Index page 667 The Index includes page number references to: Names, subject headings, subject cross references; Location references (e.g.: Bronx: see New York City Area) Publication names appear in italics Women’s Section page 3 Entries for the Women’s Section comprise any that have selected the or symbol; any that have chosen to pay for additional placement in this section; any others that have what the editor in her infinite wisdom considers appropriate but not exclusive female appeal. All entries in the Women’s Section also appear in the main section and, when appropriate, in the Ethnic/Multicultural section. Ethnic/Multicultural Section page 75 A work in progress. Corrections, additions and constructive criticism very welcome. All entries in the Ethnic/Multicultural Section also appear in the main section and, when appropriate, in the Women’s section. Main listings begin page 101 To locate any particular city or subject please see the index YOU CAN SEARCH THIS PDF FILE WITH CONTROL-F September 1, 2021 5:48 pm September 2021 gayellowpages.com Search this PDF file with control-F gayellowpages.com September 2021 GAYELLOW PAGES 2 GAYELLOW PAGES A not-for-profit enterprise (regardless of tax status) ONLINE EDITION UPDATED September 2021 primarily operated by LGBTQ+ people. Editor & Publisher ✩A not-for-profit enterprise (regardless of tax status) not Typesetting & Data Processing primarily operated by LGBTQ+ people Chief Cook and Bottle Washer z A business, wishing to be listed as wholly or partly FRANCES GREEN LGBTQ+ owned. email [email protected] A gay-friendly business, not wishing to be listed as wholly or partly LGBTQ+ owned. Any entr y w hi ch does not have one of the abov e sy mbol s is beli ev ed to w elcom e gay/ lesbian/ bi sex ual/ transgender patronage, but no d ir ect r esp o nse had b e en r ece iv ed a t tim e o f p ub l ica tio n. LGBTQ+ All people/allies bisexual Gayellow Pages is published by Renaissance House, PO Box 533 Village Station, New York, NY 10014-0533 LBTQ+ women all women bisexual women GBTQ+ men all men bisexual men Email [email protected] Transexual/transgender/transvestite/gender diverse Web page http://gayellowpages.com No business or organization listed in Gayellow Pages is QT Bar and Restaurant T Restaurant R Cafe necessarily owned by homosexuals, or specifically welcomes kEntertainment/Cabaret/Showbar their participation or patronage, unless so indicated by the appropriate symbols. Any entry will be deleted on receipt of D Dancing V Video bar K Karaoke S Sports bar reliable information that it is unwelcome to those concerned. C Country L Leather/Levi W Western P Private Club (ask about visitor memberships) No part of this work may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, in- cluding photocopying, recording, or by any information Wedding-related services or marriage equality storage and retrieval system, without written permission H Assistance available for the deaf and hearing-impaired in writing from the publisher. All rights reserved. HD devices HS sign HDS devices and sign GAYELLOW PAGES is a trademark of Renaissance House H? Check for assistance available for the deaf and. © 2021 hearing-impaired Printed and manufactured in USA smoke-free property smoke-free indoors () indoor smoking areas c Pets welcome (c?) Ask about pets High speed internet available to visitors Wheelchair Accessibility of premises or meeting place: Accessible premises and lavatory Accessible premises with help; accessible lavatory Accessible premises; lavatory not known to be accessible Accessible premises with help Call ahead for details: places of meetings or activities vary, or special arrangements available. ✧ Asian ✦ Latin/Hispanic ✤ African-descent/Black ❖ People of Color ✴Two-Spirit ✪ Diverse Paid advertisers’ entries appear in bold type. Bold type may also be purchased without display advertising, and, at the publisher’s discretion, may be used by way of thanks to information contributors. Comments are made by the entrant: they are not editorial evaluations. For a listing email us at [email protected]. There is no charge for a basic listing. September 1, 2021 5:48 pm September 2021 gayellowpages.com Search this PDF file with control-F gayellowpages.com September 2021 USA: National Resources 3 National Resources : USA Crisis, Anti-violence, & Helplines Archives/Libraries/Museums Archives/Libraries/Museums/History Projects USA USA: National National R esources June Mazer Lesbian Archives, POB 691866, Resources West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-659-2478 www.mazerlesbianarchives.org Archives/Libraries/Museums Crisis, Anti-violence, & Helplines Legacy Project Outdoor Museum Walk National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, (Chicago), 312-608-1198 116 Nassau St Flr 3, New York, NY 10001 www.legacyprojectchicago.org ✪ Archives/Libraries/Museums 212-714-1184 avp.org/ncavp/ Crisis, Anti-violence, & Helplines Lesbian Avengers Documentary Project, ✩ National Sexual Assault Hotline, Rape, Abuse, & www.lesbianavengers.com Archives/Libraries/Museums Incest National Network (RAINN), 1220 L St NW Lesbian Herstory Archives/Lesbian Herstory #505, Washington, DC 20005 800-656-4673 Educational Foundation, Inc, 484 14th St, www.rainn.org Crisis, Anti-violence, & HelplinesBrooklyn, NY 11215 718-768-3953 Lesbian history ✩ Womenslaw.org, For victims of domestic and cultural resource center. Please check on line violence www.womenslaw.org Crisis, Anti-violence, & Helplinesfor info on how to contact or visit. www.lesbianherstoryarchives.org Archives/Libraries/Museums Womenslaw.org, 1325 Massachusetts Ave, ✩ Washington, DC 20005 www.womenslaw.org Crisis, Anti-violence, & Helplines National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005 Information, Media & Publications 202-783-5000 nmwa.org Archives/Libraries/Museums Ohio Lesbian Archives, PO Box 20075, Autostraddle, www.autostraddle.com Information, Media & PublicationsCincinnati, OH 45220 513-256-7695 ✩ Bitch Media, POB 11929, Portland, OR 97211 tinyurl.com/97r3dbf OLArchives@ gmail.com Archives/Libraries/Museums 503-282-5699 www.bitchmedia.org general@ b-word.org Information, Media & Publications ONE Archives at the USC Libraries, 909 W z Cleis Press, 221 River St #9137, Hoboken, NJ Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90007 213-821-2771 one.usc.edu askONE@ usc.edu Archives/Libraries/Museums 07030 212-431-5455 cleispress.com Information, Media & Publications ONE Archives Foundation, 7655 W Sunset z FEMSPEC, Batya Weinbaum, 1610 Rydalmount Rd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 540-695-3043 Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-419-2159 www.onearchives.org Archives/Libraries/Museums www.femspec.org Information, Media & Publications z Gayellow Pages, POB 533 Village Stn, New York, NY 10014 Classified directory of services, businesses, resources, etc in USA & Canada. Mailing lists available. www.gayellowpages.com Information, Media & Publications LGBTQ+ All people/Allies bisexual z GO Magazine, Modern Spin Media, LLC, 119 W LBTQ+ women all women bisexual women 72nd St #250, New York, NY 10023 212-228-3493 GBTQ+ men all men bisexual men www.gomag.com Information, Media & Publications Transexual/transgender/transvestite/gender diverse Lesbian Connection Magazine, Ambitious Amazons, POB 811, East Lansing, MI 48826 QT Bar and Restaurant T Restaurant R Cafe 517-371-5257 fax 517-371-5200 A free, worldwide kEntertainment/Cabaret/Showbar magazine for, by & about Lesbians. D Dancing V Video bar K Karaoke S Sports bar C Country L Leather/Levi W Western www.lconline.org Information, Media & Publications P Private Club (ask about visitor memberships) z Lesbian News, POB 55, Torrance, CA 90507 Wedding-related services or marriage equality 310-548-9888 lesbiannews.com Information, Media & Publications H Assistance available for the deaf and hearing-impaired z LesbianNightLife.com, HD devices HS sign HDS devices and sign www.LesbianNightLife.com Information, Media & Publications H? Check for assistance available for the deaf and. hearing-impaired smoke-free property smoke-free indoors Sinister Wisdom, 2333 McIntosh Rd, () indoor smoking areas Dover, FL 33527 www.sinisterwisdom.org Information, Media & Publications c Pets welcome (c?) Ask about pets High speed internet available to visitors Wheelchair Accessibility of premises or meeting place: Adoption, Surrogacy, Assisted Fertility Accessible premises and lavatory Support, see also Reproductive Accessible premises with help; accessible lavatory Accessible premises; lavatory not known to be accessible Surrogate Mothers, Inc, mail to SMI, 6010 Accessible premises with help Deerwood Dr, Greenwood, IN 46143 317-996-2000 Call ahead for details: places of meetings or activities vary, or 888-SURROGATE World’s most reputable special arrangements available. surrogacy program for the past 36 years. ✧ Asian ✦ Latin/Hispanic ✤ African-descent/Black www.surrogatemothers.com Adoption ❖ People of Color ✴Two-Spirit / First Nations ✪ Diverse September 2021 gayellowpages.com Search this PDF file with control-F gayellowpages.com September 2021 USA: National Resources 4 National Resources : USA Art Galleries Organizations: Cultural Art & Craft Galleries/Services, Supplies ✩ National Network of Abortion Funds, POB 170280, Boston, MA 02117 www.fundabortionnow.org Funding: Endowment; Fundraising z Ash Cove Pottery, 75 Ash Cove Rd, Harpswell, ME 04079 207-833-6004 Gifts, Cards, Pride, etc.
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