New Products Latest Releases for Open Systems Application Management Microsoft ODBC. Tivoli Systems has announced the AMS Forte Express for clients or servers Developer’s Kit and general availability supports Digital Unix, DG-UX, IBM AIX, of version 1.0 of the Applications Man- Sequent Dynix, Sun Solaris HP-UX, Digi- agement Specification (AMS). AMS defines tal OpenVMS and Windows NT. The price a standard interface for creating manage- is $20,000 for a site license. ment objects. These objects enable the Forte Software, Inc., 1800 Harrison connection of applications with client/- St., Oakland, CA 94612; (510) 869-3400. server enterprise management systems WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 205. such as Tivoli Management Environment. SOFTWARE The AMS Developer’s Kit allows users to Process Configuration develop AMS-enabled applications. Management System Management The developer’s kit supports AMS SQL Software has introduced PCMS 4.3, Innovative Software has announced applications for IBM AIX, AT&T SVR4, a process configuration management tool Power Center, an operations automa- Digital Unix, DG-UX, HP-UX, Motorola for concurrent and distributed application tion and system management applica- Unix, SunOS and Sun Solaris. Prices for systems development. Version 4.3 tion. The product detects and works to the developer’s kit start at $250. includes a worksets feature that allows correct problems with computer sys- Tivoli Systems, Inc., 9442 Capital of management to separate individual-team tems, networks, peripherals and appli- Texas Hwy. N, Austin, TX, 78759; (512) work for parallel development and par- cations. Power Center interoperates with 794-9070. allel builds on multiple platforms. management applications such as Open- WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 203. PCMS 4.3 supports IBM AIX, SunOS, View, NetView and SunNet Manager. Sun Solaris, Digital Unix, HP-UX and Power Center supports Sun Solaris, Analysis and Design Linux. Prices start at $4,775 for a single- Digital Unix, HP-UX and IBM AIX. The Interactive Development Environments user license. price is approximately $495 per has announced version 6.0 of StP/SE, a SQL Software, Inc., 8500 Leesburg machine. structured analysis and design tool. Ver- Pike, #405, Vienna, VA 22182; (703) 760- Innovative Software Development sion 6.0 includes reverse engineering of 0448. Co., 5261 So. Quebec St., #250, Engle- C into design models with the addition of WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 206. wood, CO 80111; (303) 220-1500. both incremental code generation and WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 201. model synchronization. Virtual Reality Development StP/SE 6.0 supports SunOS, Sun Sense8 has announced version 6.0 of Internet Encryption Solaris, HP-UX, IBM AIX and Digital Unix. WorldToolKit, a visual simulation and vir- FSA has introduced the PowerTelnet StP/SE is priced at $12,000. The addition- tual reality development tool. Version 6.0 encrypting remote login system. Pow- al reverse engineering component is is based on a scene-hierarchy description erTelnet is intended to provide secure priced at $10,000. of the visual database, allowing users to data communication between users Interactive Development Environ- manage and manipulate scene details and a remote computer. The product ments, Inc., 595 Market St., San Francis- more easily, according to the vendor. This uses Data Encryption Standard (DES) co, CA 94105; (415) 543-0900. version also includes features to enhance or triple-DES technology to encrypt WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 204. scene realism, such as orthographic pro- data. jections, cross-platform 2-D drawing, PowerTelnet supports Sun Solaris, HP- Application Development atmospherics, textures from memory and UX, IBM AIX, Digital Unix, SGI Irix, Forte Software has announced Forte 3-D sound. Motorola Unix and Sequent Dynix. Prices Express, a visual application development WorldToolKit 6.0 supports SGI Irix start at $495 for the server and $99 for the tool for client/server environments. The and Windows NT. Prices begin at client. product is used to develop user interfaces $3,500. FSA Corp., 1011 First St. SW, #508, that are portable across multiple platforms. Sense8 Corp., 100 Shoreline Hwy., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2R 1J2; (403) It can also develop database interfaces for #282, Mill Valley, CA 94941; (415) 331- 264-4822. Oracle, Sybase, Informix Online, Microsoft 6318. WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 202. SQL Server, Rdb, IBM DB2/6000 and WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 207. 60 UniForum’s ITSolutions APRIL 1996 Connectivity Sun Solaris and IBM AIX. The price is is based on HP’s PA-RISC processor and Micro Focus has announced Correlate 1.0, $1,995 for a server license and $495 for runs Netscape Commerce Server software. a connectivity tool that, according to the a client license. The HP 9000 Web server supports HP- vendor, implements relational database Programmed Logic Corp., 200 Cot- UX. Prices begin at $10,380. capabilities for Cobol data without requir- tontail Ln., Somerset, NJ 08873; (908) 302- Hewlett-Packard Co., 3000 Hanover ing data migration or program modifica- 0090. St. Palo Alto, CA 94304; (415) 857-1501. tion. Correlate includes a graphical user WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 210. WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 213. interface management tool; an adminis- trator component that specifies the loca- File Servers tion of the data dictionary and Cobol data HARDWARE Falcon Systems has introduced FastfilePro, files; and an ODBC driver that provides a line of file servers for networked Unix SQL access to Cobol data. Workstations and Servers environments. FastfilePro servers are Correlate 1.0 supports SCO Open Axil Computer has introduced the first based on 100MHz Pentium processors Server and IBM AIX. The price is $500 members of the Ultima 1 family of 64-bit and include up to four dedicated PCI (single-tier). uniprocessor workstations and servers. RAID processors that handle RAID data- Micro Focus, 2465 E. Bayshore Rd., Model U140 (143MHz) and Model U170 access and memory-protection functions Palo Alto, CA 94303; (415) 856-4161 or (167MHz) are available in both desktop such as parity generation, hot swap and (800) 872-6265. and server configurations. The systems reconstruction. WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 208. also support 16-bit audio for multimedia FastfilePro servers support AerReal, a applications. Unix-based operating system dedicated Remote PC Control Ultima 1 systems support Solaris 2.5. to file server functions. AerReal is com- UniPress Software has announced a Linux Prices start at $15,230, depending on the patible with Sun Solaris, SGI Irix, HP-UX, version of Triton Technology’s CoSession configuration. IBM AIX and Digital Unix. Pricing starts PC2X. CoSession PC2X is an application Axil Computer, Inc., 3151 Corona- at $18,995. that allows the remote display and control do Dr., Santa Clara, CA 95054; (408) 486- Falcon Systems, Inc., 1417 N. Market of PCs from X Window System-capable 5700. Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95834; (916) 928- workstations. With this version, users can WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 211. 9255 or (800) 326-1002. remotely control PCs from X workstations WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 214. running Linux. Midrange Servers CoSession PC2X for Linux supports Hewlett-Packard has introduced two addi- the Linux operating system. A single-user tions to the HP 9000 K class family of pack, which consists of one PC host and servers: the HP 9000 K220 and K420. The Remember to use the one Unix client, costs $395. Additional servers are based on 120MHz PA-RISC Unix clients cost $295 and additional PC processors and provide four-way sym- hosts cost $125. metric multiprocessing configurations. The Reader Response UniPress Software, Inc., 2025 Lin- HP 9000 K220 provides up to 1GB of coln Hwy., Edison, NJ 08817; (908) 287- memory and 3.8TB of disk storage. The Card in this issue 2100. HP 9000 K420 provides up to 2GB of WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 209. memory and 8.3TB of disk storage. HP 9000 K-class servers support HP- for FREE product Backup UX. Prices begin at $51,120 for the K220 Programmed Logic has announced Snap- and $73,020 for the K420. Shot, an online file backup application Hewlett-Packard Co., 3000 Hanover information. that provides backup per file, per direc- St. Palo Alto, CA 94304; (415) 857-1501. tory and per file system. It also creates a WANT MORE INFO? CIRCLE READER SERVICE NO. 212. dual view of file systems consisting of a frozen read-only view and a writable up- Web Server to-date view. Hewlett-Packard has announced the HP SnapShot supports SCO Open Server, 9000 Model D200 Web server. The server APRIL 1996 UniForum’s ITSolutions 61.
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