Pacific UnionR frIP)4R. October 22, 1973 / Volume 73, Number 16 / Angwin, California / Official Organ of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Isolated Mission Family 'Will Never Be the Same' by Dave Roth Taeng, Northern Thailand, lo- Hilltribe Training Center for The days of out-of-the-way, cated over 35 miles from the anything else in the world. isolated, jungle mission out- nearest town and the closest Since 1970, 31-year-old Jon posts are just about over. overseas worker. Dybdahl has been the director Or are they? Since it is so isolated, the of the only church-related edu- Five people who don't think Dybdahls do not have access to cational institution in Northern so are the members of Pastor city power and electricity. Thailand working with all the Jon Dybdahl's family, who left When they want "juice" for 20 different ethnic minority hill the Pacific Union in 1968 for their lights, or anything else tribes. one of the few real mission out- which requires 220 volts of At the training center, 30 posts left in the territory of the electricity, on goes a small Meo and Karen children are re- Far Eastern Division. gasoline-powered generator lo- ceiving either elementary edu- That mission outpost is the cated behind their two-story, cation or ministerial training Hilltribe Training Center, Mae teakwood Thai 'house which under Dybdahl, his wife, Kathy boasts of outside plumbing, a (nee Trefz), and several other Pastor Jon Dybdahl (right) presents a short devotional before a kerosene-powered refrigerator, national teachers. three-hour work period begins at 7 a.m. a gas stove and other necessi- Having mastered both the ties which make things livable. Thai and Meo languages flu- The nearest telephone is miles ently (in addition to speaking away. adequate Karen), Dybdahl has But for Jon and Kathy Dyb- no trouble communicating with New President Is Sandefur dahl, both graduates of Pacific his students, who come from Returning to the field where pastor at Columbia Union Col- Union College in 1965, and their outlying tribal villages to at- he has previously served for lege, where Jere is a pre-med three children, Jonna, Paul and tend the school. nearly 20 years is Cree Sande- student. Jon Dybdahl assists two Karen Krista, they wouldn't trade the According to Dybdahl, the fur, the Pacific Union's new Though Elder Sandefur has students. last three years living at the rural, mountain school was president. few living relatives, Mrs. San- built entirely on faith, prayers, A 1938 graduate of Union defur will be nearer to some of and the goodwill of friends and College, Elder Sandefur en- hers. Two sisters—Mrs. Dave SO JOU WILL IKNOW interested people in the United tered church work in Texas— (Marguerite) Olsen and Mrs. States. where he was born. After pas- Leonard (Esther) Webb are "We're on the edge of some both in Glendale. ALTHOUGH ACADEMY OPENING REPORTS are not due until torates at Tyler and San An- real breakthroughs in the tribal tonio, he began departmental And so, we welcome an ad- this week, the Department of Education is studying the elementary work," Dybdahl says. "Three work as youth director in the ministrator of wide experience enrollment picture. Down just over 500, elementary students total years ago we had no work Texico Conference. He also pro- back to the Pacific Union where 14,009. The superintendents hove not yet had time to assess the among these mountain people, moted youth programs in the the church has been organized reasons for the downward trend—despite the fact that Arizona, for but now we have over 500 Sab- Iowa and North Pacific Union 72 years. It may well be during example, has three new schools. bath school members and 125 Conferences. his administration that the LAST WEEK, LOCAL AND UNION CONFERENCE lay activities baptized church members. In the early '50's Elder San- Lord Jesus will fulfill His prom- leaders distributed blankets in Utah and Arizona Indian country. "Even though it's been hard- defur came to Southern Cali- ise of the second coming. going sometimes, our experi- fornia and pastored at Pasa- Both Monument Valley and Holbrook residents were benefited by ence here in Thailand has really • * the warm bedding assembled by the more than 300 community dena and Long Beach. Hawaii changed us. We'll just never be called him as president in 1955. service centers in the Union. the same." After five years in the Is- SOME WEEKS AGO THE ARIZONA PAGE noted that Robert H. lands mission, he returned to Pierson was the first General Conference president to attend an Glendale as president of the Arizona camp meeting. In reality, R. R. Figuhr was the apparent European Tour Southern California Conference. first, during the administration of D. C. Butherus. Since 1966 Elder Sandefur STATISTICS FROM THE CENTRAL CALIFORNIA ADVENTIST has presided over the work of BOOK CENTER reveal that in the past five years camp meeting Is Scheduled the Columbia Union from Ta- sales have nearly doubled. This record is not so much to the glory koma Park, Maryland. of Manager Ed Bober as to the dedication of the laymen who are 'Elder and Mrs. Sandefur— by Andrews she was Mildred Priest whom adding to their own Christian libraries and sharing with their neigh- Do something different, ex- he married in 1940—have two bors. This year's total was $146,000. citing, and educational during sons. Charles is the campus EMILIO KNECHTLE WAS THE FEATURED SPEAKER at last week's the summer of 1974. Visit and Union-wide youth Bible Conference at Wawona. More than 200 study where literature was students representing each academy and college attended, when written and history made. HELP! WE'RE DROWNING! the theme was "Get Together in Christ." Join the sixth European in your Christmas and other greeting cards you are intending FRIENDS FROM MANY OTHER UNIONS are at Holbrook, Ari- Study Tour sponsored by the for overseas missions. Please do not send them to the Pacific English department of Andrews zona, this week for the erection of a new vocational education Union Conference office; we do not forward. building at Adventist Indian Mission School. Further help is needed University. From June 9 to August 2 whether you are a Send them to: during the rest of October. college or university student, Sabbath School Department MANAGING GOD'S GOODS this quarter, as outlined in the an elementary or secondary South Philippine Union Mission.. Sabbath School lessons, can make this proverb more meaningful: teacher, or a lover of travel, P.O. Box 132 "Since the Lord is directing our steps, why try to understand every- you may have one of the most Davao City, Philippines 0-404 thing that happens along the way?" Proverbs 20:24 LB. profitable experiences of your Packages should be marked ,'Not for resale; no commercial Communications Director life. At the same time you may value." Cut off inside message and excess paper. Shirley Burton (Continued on page 8) NEVADA= UTAH ARIIZ NA Jeffries' Retirement Ends; Dill, Turner Start Series in Yuma Nov. 3 Harry Dill and Ray Turner, Prophecy. Ray sang with this music field. She can follow the Moves to Moab-Castle Valley Worldwide Crusade for Christ group for 11 years. soloist in any mood that he may evangelists, will hold a four- After leaving the King's Her- wish to express. Elder and Mrs. Henry D. Jef- once more with their years of week series of meetings in the alds quartet, Ray became a fries have come out of retire- experience. We are very grate- Yuma Seventh-day Adventist singing evangelist. He traveled ment and moved to Nevada- ful that they have chosen to church, 6th Avenue and 17th in the Orient working in cam- Utah to pastor the Moab and come and help us in the Ne- Street, Yurna. beginning Satur- paigns in many of the large Castle Valley churches, vada-Utah Conference. day night. November 3. cities and islands of the Far Elder and Sister Jeffries The last twelve years of Meetings will be held each East and Middle East. Return- spent many years in the minis- Elder Jeffries' pre-retirement evening except Monday and ing to the United States, he try before retiring in January, ministry were spent in the Thursday, starting at 7:30 p.m. continued his singing in cam- 1970, and moving to Colorado. Southeastern California Con- with a sacred musical program paigns covering the major cities However, after a time, Elder ference—the last four as a pas- by Ray Turner. of this country. and Sister Jeffries decided that tor of the La Sierra College Turner has sung his way into He will be accompanied each they wished to serve the church Church. the hearts of people around the evening by his wife, Ouida, Last year, Elder Jeffries world. He was the bass in the playing her Hammond organ helped in three Voice of Proph- Lone Star Quartet from Texas, and piano. Ouida's accompani- ecy Crusades, one in Arizona, a group which later became the ment has been a major contri- one in Price, Utah, and one in King's Heralds of the Voice of bution to Ray's success In the Ogden, Utah. Harry Dill As previously Indicated in the Recorder columns that dis- Oulda has used her musical trist has been divided, so now New Clinic Will Open talents for God's glory and has Moab and Castle Valley will won the love and devotion of comprise one district and Price, for Indians in Chinle thousands through her ministry Vernal and East Carbon will service.
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